* It is important to review TERMS AND CONDITIONS attached on this order form before submitting your order. * All prices, costs and charges are inclusive of 5% Value Added Tax
* It is important to review TERMS AND CONDITIONS attached on this order form before submitting your order. * All prices, costs and charges are inclusive of 5% Value Added Tax
To be filled and returned to customer.services@adnec.ae
Tel: +971 2406 3666 | P.O. Box 5546 Abu Dhabi ADNEC Services
12 Video Package 1 (1x 3.53mx1.97m fast fold, 1x EBL630U Laser Projector,1x laptop)
13 Video Package 2 (1x 3.53x1.97 fast fold screen, 1x EBL630U Laser Projector 1x laptop, 1x splitter)
14 Cyclops CPX-418-OP LED Par 4pcs (Small room Ambience light)
15 Cyclops CPX-4120-RGBW Architectural LED Fixture, Dual Head (Big room Ambience Light)
All Equipments are rental based on maximum 6 working days
Please indicate invoice currency preference: USD AED 4,278.00 7,590.00 414.00 1,088.00
NOTE: All packages do not include microphones, specify what kind and the quantity. GRAND TOTAL
Upon signature, it is understood that the customer:
• Accepts full responsibility for the AV equipment and associated cabling as provided and is therefore liable for any damage or loss caused due to customer negligence. This does not apply to equipment deemed to have failed due to normal wear and tear or the failure of consumable components such aslamps, batteries etc.
• Accepts that under no circumstances will they, interfere with, attempt to repair or open any of the AV equipment in the event of a technical failure. All technical issues shouldbe communicated to our AV Technician immediately.
• Accepts that ADNEC Services shall have no liability to the customer for any consequential losses due to the failure of any AV equipment as supplied.
• Understand that should they for whatever reason cancel their booking within 7 days of the date of the event the full AV Renta l amount will remain due.
Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company is (100%) Holding Company of ADNEC SERVICES LLC ADNEC SERVICES BANKING DETAILS
Please complete and return the order form to the above email address. An invoice will be dispatched in return. Orders will be Valid only with full remittance. Cheque & Bank Draft - ADNEC SERVICES L.L.C. -P.O. Box 5546 Abu Dhabi, UAE Bank Transfers should be made, net of bank charges through the following account
L.L.C.Bank : FIRST ABU DHABI BANK Account No. : 4021003733279010 Swift Code:NBADAEAAXXX
IBAN No. : AE440354021003733279010
L.L.C.Bank : FIRST ABU DHABI BANK Account No. : 4021003733279021 Swift Code:NBADAEAAXXX
IBAN No. : AE380354021003733279021
Note: For Internationalclients itis importantthat youusethe IBANNo.for alltheremittances. Copyofthe confirmed transfer must be sent to finance.as@adnec.ae
ADNEC Group TRN (Tax Registration Number): 100305367300003
To be filled and returned to customer.services@adnec.ae Tel: +971 2406 3666 | P.O. Box 5546 Abu Dhabi ADNEC Services
To be returned by via e-mail to ADNEC Services LLC
P.O.Box 5546, Abu Dhabi - UAE
Contact Finance Department
Tel +971 02 4063653
+97102 4499770