Netapp NS0-527 NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer Data Protection
Are you wondering if there is an easier way to pass the NCIE-Data Protection certification exam? Then you have found what you’ve been looking for. Dumpspedia offers wide-ranged Netapp Practice Questions to pass NetApp Certified Implementation Engineer - Data Protection with ease. Our NS0-527 Practice Exam Questions are specially prepared with extra care and easy wordings so you can understand each concept better and once you accomplish that success will be right at your door.
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QUESTION 1, Acompany has a 4-node FAS9000 fabric MetroCluster cluster separated by 101 km. Site A has an unmirrored HDD aggregate. An FC-VI card fails in one of the nodes in site A and a switchover occurs. Which statement is correct in this scenario? A. B. C. D.
The aggregateis accessible using Site A's surviving node. Only SSD aggregates are accessible. The distance is not supported. The aggregate is accessible using Site B's cluster.
Answer: D
QUESTION 2, You are monitoring data protection relationships of type XDR using OnCommand System Manager running ONTAP 9.5. In the GUI, you click Protection -> Volume Relationships. In this scenario, which status in the Relationship State field must be displayed to ensure that the relationships are working as expected? A. B. C. D.
SnapMirrored Uninitialized InSync Quiesced
Answer: C
QUESTION 3, You are copying your data and replicating it off site. What is the called? A. B. C. D.
a backup a demonstration a version a Snapshot
Answer: A
QUESTION 4, During NDMP incremental backups, you want to reduce the time spent finding the changed data between two Snapshot copies. In this scenario, which ONTAP feature will accomplish this task? A. B. C. D.
compaction deduplication SnapDiff SnapLock
Answer: C
QUESTION 5, Which two NetApp products reduce the backup time and create a consistent backup for a primary Oracle target? (Choose two.) A. B. C. D.
SnapMirror for Open Systems Open Systems SnapVault SnapManager for Orade SnapProtect
Answer: C D
QUESTION 6, You are configuring cluster peering from cluster2 to cluster1 on your ONTAP 9.7 clusters using ONTAP System Manager. You are given the details shown below to set up the cluster peer relationship. You want to determine why the peering has failed. Cluster2 intercluster LIFIP: Subnet: Port: e0e passphrase: netapp1234 Cluster1 intercluster LIF IP: Subnet: Port: e0e passphrase: netapp1234 Referring to the exhibit, which statement is correct? A. B. C. D.
The Source Cluster IP is incorrect. The Target Cluster Passphrase is incorrect. The Target Cluster IP is incorrect. The Source Cluster Passphrase is incorrect.
Answer: C D
QUESTION 7, Which two NetApp features would help you to recover from a file share that was encrypted by a ransomware event? (Choose two.)
A. B. C. D.
SnapLock SnapMirror SnapRestore Snapshot
Answer: A B
QUESTION 8, What are two ways to determine if yourSnapMirror relationships are up-to-date? (Choose two.) A. B. C. cluster. D. cluster.
Use Active IQ and navigate to Cluster -> Volumes -> Protection. Use Active IQ Unified Manager and navigate to Protection -> Volume Relationships. Use ONTAP System Manager and navigate to Protection -> Volume Relationships on the destination Use ONTAP System Manager and navigate to Protection -> Volume Relationships on the source
Answer: A C
QUESTION 9, You want to create an application-consistent Snapshot copy by using SnapCenter software. What is required to accomplishthis task?
A. B. C. D.
NetApp NFS Plug-in for VMware VAAI SnapDrive for Windows Server VMware VM Tools Plug-in for Microsoft Exchange
Answer: B
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