Quand l’Afrique met le cap
Angola l
A giant step
for a booming country folder:
Angola’s emergence as a maritime power.
editorial Un pas de géant
Director of Publication Adonaï COLLE
Translation Anderson KOUA
Editor in chief Anderson KOUA
Graphic designer Sebastien ROLAND Superviseurs Michael Diecket
a n y c o m p
p o r t
o f
d a l u a n
T Empresa Portuária de Luanda Tel: +224 336 584 Tel: +224 335 787 Fax: +244 335 975 digeral@portoluanda.ao
Contact-us BP : 01 BP 4813 Abidjan-RCI Abidjan II Plateaux Vallons, Tel : +225 22 41 60 92 Tel: +225 77 71 18 71 afriquemaritime.net afriquemaritime@omaoc.org
a giant step
he Angola head out of water, after crossing a high tide which greatly agitated the country. The history of Angola is first 27 years of civil war that have cracked this part of the African continent. But peace was found in agreement with «cease-fire» in Luanda on 4 April 2002 that the Angolan people around the world just celebrated last week for twelve years of real peace. On the economic front, fuel and financial crisis has seriously shaken the Angolan ship. But in recent years, times are warmer, with a rebound in the economy. The good performance in 2013 demonstrated, achieving a growth rate of 8.2% in 2013. This should still maintain this year at 7.8%. This improvement has for pillars the boom in the oil and gas sector, as well as the quality of governance initiated by the government. Drawing lessons from the past, Luanda that holds the rank of 3rd economic power on the continent and the second largest producer in Africa after Nigeria country, initiated a policy of diversification of economic activities in order to reduce its dependence vis-à-vis oil. But all these reforms are supported by the transport sector is undergoing restructuring to facilitate trade with the rest of the world. That is why the national authorities have established a strategic development program of its logistic systems based on modernization
and increase in physical capacity of its ports, due to the pivotal position it occupies, as set between Central and Southern Africa. If the country is therefore in a dynamic economic recovery and social progress, its success is to the credit of a man: President Jose Eduardo dos Santos, the Artisan of Peace. The captain at the helm of the ship from Angola in September 1979 and re-elected to lead the country in various elections. Despite some damage that arises during the running of the country, members of his crew provide good control to drive the Angolan ship to port. And the results are there, implacable. In deciding to dedicate this special issue to the country of José Eduardo dos Santos, Africa Maritime wants to highlight the vitality of this former Portuguese colony, now becoming a popular destination for both young Portuguese in search of wellness, and for foreign investors seeking to strengthen their cooperation with Luanda. By browsing this Special Edition, you’ll find out the axes of the success of Angola, with a particular focus on the transport sector. It is also for us to highlight the key men in the system, because it cannot have development without competent human resources. Good luck! Adonaï COLLE, Managing Editor
SUMMARY CRUISE: News at One 07 Ratification of the integrated network coastguard
flood tide 29 TAAG Angola airline wants to make Luanda a hub in Africa.
The Republic of Angola signed the Memorandum of
32 National Society of Air Navigation (ENANA), presentation
and major role in the aviation development.
08 International Cooperation: Angola and the World Maritime
34 SONANGOL, a giant oil company.
University sign agreement.
10 Inauguration of the maritime terminal KAPOSSOKA.
38 Illegal, undeclared and unregulated fishing in Africa.
11 Maritime and Port Institute of Angola connected to the
40 Improve safety with ISO 28000: 2007, the choice of method
Center for Information and Communication MOWCA.
12 The port of Luanda and the Council of Angolan Chargers, winners of the Label of Excellence Crans Montana forum.
folder: angola, the emergence of a maritime power 14 Total reforms. 15 Modenization of port infrastructure.
to benefit from its activities.
42 The concept of freight forwarder.
discovery 46 Real estate in Angola, myth or reality. 48 Ground Transportation, renovation of infrastructure to facilitate the movement of people and goods traffic increase.
49 Economic Growth: Benchmarks for investment in Africa.
16 Reforms on maritime sector. 17 Modernisation in shipping: a winning bet.
INDUSMAR 18 IMPA, an engineer at the controls of the Angolan Navy. 24 Angola, focus on the modernization of Ports. 26 National Shippers’ Council: Zoom on the instrument of maritime certification Angola.
bitter & benchmarks 51 Interview: Alain Michel Luvambano, Secretary-General of MOWCA
Empresa Portuaria do Namibe Rua Pedro Benje n°10 Caixa Postal n°49, Angola
Tel: 00 244 222 390034 Fax: 00 244 217 653435
Porto do Namibe
Port of Namibe
Rumo ao futuro Towards the Future
: News at One SUB-REGIONAL NETWORK IN THE POST OF COAST GUARD The Republic of Angola signed the Memorandum of Understanding
Características da zona portuária
Mamadou MARIKO Technical Manager of MOWCA
O fundadouro do Porto do Lobito tem aproximadamente 5,2 quilómetros de comprimento, 300 metros de largura,17 metros de profundidade na entrada e 2000 metros na parte mais larga. O canal de entrada do Porto do Lobito varia entre 27 e 36 metros de profundidade. Estas magníficas condições naturais da baía, a Organização e o apetrechamento técnico do material, garantem absoluta comodidade aos navios de pequeno e grande porte. Infraestruturas O Porto possui um cais de Cabotagem de 150 metros. De profundidade 3,5 a 5 metros e um cais de 1122 metros para navios de grande porte com profundidades que variam entre des 10,5 e 12 metros, o que permite a atracação simultânea de (6) as oito (8) embarcações de longo curso. As máximas praia-mar e baixa-mar atingem valores entre os 2 e os 0,20 metros, respectivamente. • Área de terraplenos: Mais de 100.000 metros quadrados • Terminal de Contentores frigoríficos: mais de 100 unidades de 20’ e 40 pés.
he. José Eduardo Dos Santos President of the Republic, Angola
The Republic of Angola has signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the establishment of sub-regional network function Coastguard in West and Central Africa. Indeed, His Excellency President José Eduardo Dos Santos took a deed dated February 17, 2014, making the Republic of Angola, the 16th member of MOWCA coastal State to be a party to the multilateral agreement.
Features waterfront The anchorage of the port of Lobito is about 5.2 km long, with a width of 300 meters and 17 meters at the entrance and 2,000 meters at the widest part.
The input port of Lobito channel varies between 27 and 36 feet deep. The magnificent natural conditions of the bay, excellent organization and technical equipment guarantee comfort equipment for ships and large projects.
infrastructure • The port has a dock with a length of 150 meters, a depth of 3.5 to 5 meters and a 1122 meters berth for large vessels with depths ranging between 10.5 and 12 meters, allowing simultaneous docking of (6) to eight (8) long distance vessels. The maximum high tide and low tide reach values between 2 and 0.20 meters respectively. • Embankments of the region: More than 100,000 square meters • Terminal refrigerated containers over 100 units 20 ‘and 40’.
Tel: 224 27 222 2710 Tel: 224 27 222 2718 Fax:244 27 222 2719 eplobito@ebonet.net www.eplobito.net
he Memorandum was formally adopted by the 12th session of the General Assembly held in Dakar from 29 to 30 July 2008 it was immediately signed by the following 11 Member States: Cameroon, Cape Verde, Congo, DR Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, Gabon, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Nigeria, Senegal and Togo. Subsequently, four other Member States have completed the signing: Benin, Ghana, Gambia and Sierra Leone.
pollution, fraudulent use of exclusive economic zones, as well as search and rescue. It benefits from the assistance of development partners and international institutions, including: France, Canada, United Kingdom, United States, U.S. NAVY, Royal NAVY of Great Britain, Interpol.
To date, expected to sign the Member States are: Equatorial Guinea, Liberia, Mauritania, Sao Tome and Principe.
To this end, the Bureau of Ministers MOWCA approved the division of the sub-region of West and Central Africa in four maritime zones as follows:
The Under Network based Coast Guard is a joint project MOWCA / IMO aims at strengthening cooperation between Member tackle the problems of piracy countries, of armed robbery, terrorism, trafficking by sea route, maritime
It was designed to enable economies of scale in the provision of Coast Guard Services all along the coast of West and Central Africa, from Mauritania to Angola.
Zone I Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Cape Verde; Coordination Centre Area: Dakar (Senegal)
Zone II Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana; Coordination Centre Area: Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire) Zone III Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Equatorial Guinea; Coordination Centre Area: Lagos (Nigeria)
Zone IV Gabon, Congo, DR Congo, Sao Tome & Principe, Angola; Coordination Centre Area: Pointe Noire (Congo). The Office of Ministers also approved the establishment of two (2) main centers Coordination Network, one in Accra (Ghana) and the other in Luanda (Angola). The Office of Ministers also approved the establishment of two (2) main centers Coordination Network, one in Accra (Ghana) and the other in Luanda (Angola). The Office of Ministers also recommended that Member States implement the Memorandum, on the basis of the following principles:
cruise •
: News at One
The Coastguard is a civilian institution under the respective Ministries responsible for National Maritime Administration operating with the support of the National Military Navy; Human and material resources for the Coastguard in all Member States of a given area are assessed, aligned and kept available to respond to any emergency situation reported by any Member State; To do this, the project includes contingency plans and simulation exercises; Each Maritime Administration takes necessary measures for the development of the national coast guard.
Memorandum focuses on the following chapters: 1. 2.
Inovamos para o servir ainda melhor!
The preamble concerning the statement of reasons, definitions and relevant instruments; The organization of the network
3. 4. 5.
We innovate to serve you even better!
of coastguard, nationally and subregionally; Issues relating to finance; The commitments of the parties; Amendments, annexes and various provisions.
It is worth noting that in order to make the economics of potential conflicts of jurisdiction; the Memorandum refers to the exercise of the function of the Coastguard, regardless of the status of personnel or equipment used by the Member States. That is why, at the extraordinary session of the Bureau passed, the Office of Ministers took a resolution to allow involvement in the operation of the network, all the institutions to enforce laws and regulations at sea Office also authorized the start of activities in an area where all the states of the area signed the Memorandum. To do this, the seats States of coordination centers were invited to adopt the required texts and their area budgets, and begin the exercises. To day, the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, the seat of Coordination Centre Area 2, convened the 1st meeting area to adopt the rules of procedure of the center, the Headquarters
Agreement and the operating budget. Facing under-equipped institutions to serve as coastguard in the Member States, the General Secretariat has scheduled the meeting in September 2014 a Round Table of donors, for the purpose of mobilizing resources for the acquisition of naval equipment, radio and video to facilitate a balanced start operation securing maritime waters in the Gulf of Guinea. Moreover, after the Summit of Heads of State and Government held in Yaoundé June 25, 2013, MOWCA and IMO have agreed to adapt the text of the Memorandum to the new environment created by the decisions. This work will be done outside the 93rd session of the Maritime Safety IMO, May 14 to 23, 2014 in London. With the signing of the Memorandum of the Republic of Angola, a country known to harbor one of the two main centers of coordination is an important step has been taken towards the full and complete implementation of sub-regional network function coastguard in West and Central Africa.
Investimos na modernização de infrasestruturas, meios técnicos e humanos. We invest in modern infrastructure, technology and human resources.
Melhor eficiência na gestão e manuseamento de cargas, maior fluxo de navios e mercadorias. Greater efficiency in the management of goods, A greater flow of ships and goods.
Angola and the World Maritime University sign agreement.
In order to promote the development and continued competitiveness of the maritime sector Angolan, a cooperation agreement was signed in the Angolan Embassy in London, Wednesday, December 4, 2013 between the Ministry of Transport of Angola, and ‘World Maritime University. This agreement marks an important jump in Angolan maritime sector and not giving on the rise in the latter was signed by the Minister of Transport in the person of his Excellency Augusto da Silva Tomas and the Rector of the World Maritime University in the person of Mr. Bjorn Kjerfve. The World Maritime University (WMU), which operates under the auspices of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), a specialized agency of the United Nations mission to serve the global maritime community in the context of the objectives of the IMO. As a center of excellence for maritime education and research, the University promotes the highest level of expertise in the field of maritime transport, policy administration, management, security, and of the environmental protection.
And the signing of the Memorandum between the Angolan Ministry of Transport and the prestigious World Maritime University which can rightly claim of 30 years of high international reputation since its founding to have had a major impact on the economies developing, is a definite advantage for the Angolan maritime industry in terms of cooperation in maritime affairs and maritime broadly to include maritime security, navigation technologies, and environmental management. To this end, the signing of this
Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation between universities allow the Angolan Government to send to Malmo in Sweden every year for a period of 05 consecutive years, three (03) to ten (10) Angolan students with scholarships for specialty training, to meet the objectives of the organization which include World maritime safe shipping and, secure and efficient on clean oceans, and therefore contribute to the emergence and positioning of Angola a place of choice on the international scene.
Rua do comércio Cxp 68 Cabinda-Angola, Tel : 00 244 231 223 007 Fax: 00 244 231 222 464 www.portodecabinda.co.ao
: news at one Opening of the Maritime terminal «KAPOSSOKA»
afrique maritime special angola
As in most major cities, and large cities in Africa, the movement of people is a necessity affected by the deficit in terms of transportation, and obstruction of the flow in the main arteries to declare some hours «rush hour.»
In order to remedy this situation, far from promoting social development, rather participates in the degradation of living conditions of Angolans, the President of the Republic of Angola, in the person of his Excellency José Eduardo dos Santos, has conducted the inauguration of the first Maritime terminal «KAPOSSOKA» for the passengers. The inaugural ceremony was held on Thursday, April 3, 2014 in Luanda neighborhood Morro Bento municipality Samba saw the official opening of the terminal. The Said ceremony was graced by the presence of the President of the National Assembly of Angola,his Excellency Fernando da Piedade Dias dos Santos, the executive members including the Minister of Transport, his Excellency Augusto da Silva Tomas, leaders and representatives of the province of Luanda, religious and traditional authorities. For the occasion, the President of the Republic has made in less than forty minutes, the maiden voyage aboard one of the ships chartered with the President of the National Assembly, the Minister of Transportation and several other personalities present. Therefore, for the realization of one of the projects of the Angolan government, the Maritime Terminal KAPOSSOKA will aim to participate in the decongestion of traffic in Luanda, to improve the quality of life of
by facilitating the population of Luanda the movement of people from the municipality of Samba. Since this inauguration, two passengers ships called «Snav-Altair» with a capacity of 400 passengers each, with business and economic classes which commute three times a day depending on weather conditions to connect the municipality of Samba at the Port of Luanda in about 45 minutes. Route that could do more than an hour by car. Therefore nearly 2,000 persons, on average, which can move every day, and much faster, for the two vessels serving this new transport, circuit of the population of Luanda. Moreover, in view of enabling the accessibility of these new means of transport to the greatest number, the Angolan Transport Minister said at the inauguration ceremony, the travel costs will be subsidized up to 50 % by the Angolan government. It is therefore passengers pay a whopping kwanzas 250 (local currency), for economy class and Kwanzas 2000 for business class in exchange for a safe trip, fast and pleasant. Different opening hours and closing maritime terminals have been set at 5:00 in the morning and 6 o’clock P.M at evening; the users are already present in droves to experience the journey by sea in the
Victor Alexandre DE CARVALHO - DG IMPA (left) Alain Michel Luvambano - SG MOWCA (right)
Angolan capital. Therefore, in the early hours of the operation of the new Maritime Terminal by population of Luanda, impressions, views and opinions of its users prove favorable and satisfactory for sustainable and continuous operation. For some, this new means of maritime transport is revealed as an opportunity to make a pleasant trip by sea to any one affordable and family. While for others, the journey by boat is a more convenient way to travel, more comfortable and faster announcing the end of an infernal traffic in Luanda, since the path traveled by the sea becomes the providential solution to multiple problems of congestion in the municipality of Samba. Therefore, road users who have their own vehicles do not hesitate to abandon occasionally to make their home in downtown Luanda through the transportation by sea to avoid wasting time and delays due to the congestion of roadways. It appears that the official inauguration and operation of the new Maritime Terminal «KAPOSSOKA» corresponds to the realization of one of the projects of the Angolan government that truly meets the satisfaction of the demand for transportation of persons in Luanda.
In the context of the fight against piracy launched by the Maritime Organization of West and Central Africa (MOWCA) at the beginning of this year 2014, the Maritime and Port Institute of Angola (IMPA), under the auspices of the Director General in the person of Mr. Victor Alexandre DE CARVALHO, is connected to the Information and Communication Center (CINFOCOM), Launch Ceremony of Cinfocom in Abidjan
aced with the many contemporary maritime transport and multimodal transport challenges, the connection to CINFOCOM, conducted for the benefit of IMPA during the official ceremony was held in Luanda Monday, February 3, 2014, marks an important step in the implementation of an effective strategy in the fight against piracy and armed robbery in the Gulf of Guinea. Indeed, this Center which is a project developed by MOWCA responds to the need to network the maritime administrations of Member States to provide a database that can exploit the public authorities and economic operators to facilitate schedules in the maritime and port sector. But also to exchange information in appropriate time regarding their strategies for safe navigation, safety in the territorial waters
and the protection of the maritime environment. On the occasion of this great promise ceremony, the Secretary General of MOWCA, His Excellency Alain Michel Luvambano reminded his audience of the importance of maritime activities for the economic development of Member States in general and in particular Angola who aspires to be emerging. However, in a context of economic development closely dependent on the growth of strategic sectors such as maritime transport the achievement of, objectives of African governments involves the availability of reliable information which have the characteristics of supply and demand maritime transport, but also allow to harmonize the various regulations, activities and procedures in commercial, administrative and security matters of
the States concerned. Angola gives a very special interest in the fight against piracy in the Gulf of Guinea, which it must be said, also threatens its coasts. Indeed, piracy observed in the Gulf of Guinea result essentially, from disorders related to the oil industry in the region. Due to the explosion of the black market for oil in Africa, recently committed attacks in the region targeted mainly ships carrying petroleum products. Angola, oil power, is no slouch against this threat that emerged on last January 18th by the act of robbery suffered by the tanker «kerala». This is why; Angola did not skimp on the means by sending Deputy Director General IMPA, Mr. Manuel NKOSI to the official launching ceremony of CINFOCOM held February 21, 2014 at the headquarters MOWCA in Abidjan.
: news at one Allocation of the first «Labels of Excellence» Ports Club:
National Shippers’ Council and the Angolan port of Luanda honored.
Port company of Soyo
Rumo à Excelência Towards Excellence
ngola was distinguished in Brussels, Belgium, by the «Seal of Excellence» Best Shippers Council and Best Container Terminal of Africa. The labels were presented in the presence of several personalities from the maritime world, during an official ceremony on March 21 in Brussels (Belgium) in the Crans Montana Forum on Africa and South-South held from 19 to 22 March 2014. As a prelude to the Forum already March 17, 2014, decision by the Strategic Committee of Ports Club, Crans Montana Forum announced on its website the winners of the first labels of Excellence. This is a strong Angolan delegation visited Brussels during the said forum. Therefore, administrators of the institutions concerned, Mr. Francisco Manuel Agostinho Itembo and Mr. Alberto Antonio Bengui, respectively Managing Director and Director of CNC Port of Luanda, have themselves made the trip to be given in person their valuable respective Labels from the hands of the Secretary General of MOWCA, his Excellency Alain Michel LUVAMBANO, also Chairman of the club Harbors Crans Montana forum. These labels are synonymous with official recognition and encouragement especially that rewards the efforts of the Port of Luanda for its commitment to improving the quality of its services and the National Shippers’ Council of Angola for the coordination and development of international trade and
shipping operations, and its commitment to fostering an attractive business environment in one of the most dynamic economies in Africa. Labels of Excellence are an official and prestigious recognition rewarding achievements, demonstrable efforts and initiatives in the development and management of the marine industry, commitment to excellence, leadership, reliability, service quality, innovation and the importance of the relationship with customers. These are all quality which have earned the Angolan institutions this prestigious international recognition. This recognition of Angola, through the National Shippers’ Council and the Port of Luanda, is due to quality work and discipline as well as proper management of institutions under guardianship of the Ministry of Transport. This is the first time that the Angolan institutions are recognized by the Crans Montana Forum, founded in 1970. The Director of the National Shippers Council, Mr. Francisco Manuel Agostinho Itembo, said that this award is the culmination of efforts that have been made by the institution and, in particular, by the Minister of Transport has given its full support in carrying out their missions, referring to the promotion and development of port infrastructures and the entire industry. The Secretary of State in the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs, Angela Bragança, who attended the ceremony, said the development of Angolan companies engaged in the maritime industry and stated that these awards reflect the efforts made by the Ministry of transport, especially by the executive bodies rewarded. She also commended the leadership of the National Shippers’ Council and the Board of Directors of the Port of Luanda and said it rightly that the services provided by the Angolan institutions deserve international recognition while encouraging them to maintain the course. Indeed, we can see major improvements in the port of Luanda, from the past where ships were waiting for long periods alongside, creating constraints importers and ship owners; there is also the creation of the national freight exchange initiated by the National Shippers’ Council. These awards represent the work that is being developed by the executive and reaffirm the importance of the maritime sector in developing countries where the need to invest more in these domains. Besides Angola, the Kingdom of Morocco was awarded at the same ceremony, the labels of Excellence of the Best port of the Year and the Best Regional seaport. Therefore, it is Tanger Med and the Port of Casablanca and who won the award for best respective awards of the best port of the Year and of the Best Regional seaport.
port soyo
Modernização Modernization Expansão Expansion Qualidade Quality Internacionalização Internationalization
O Porto do Soyo, na Província do Zaire (Angola), conta com mais de 30 anos de existência. Numa posição geográfica previligiada, o Porto do Soyo recebe a atracagem em simultâneo de cinco navios de longo curso por dia, da Europa, da América, da ásia e de outros países de áfrica, posicionando-se como um porto em expansão e de crescente importância no mercado regional
Rua do porto do Soyo, Soyo - Angola /
The port of Soyo, Zaire Province (Angola), has over 30 years of existence. In a privileged geographical position, the port of Soyo welcomes you at the dock and offers five oceangoing vessels per day to Europe, America, Asia and other African countries, it positioning itself as a port expansion and increasingly important in the regional market
Tel: 00 244 912 505 911
afrique maritime special angola
Focus on the modernization of port infrastructures
M Angola’s emergence as a maritime power he. José Eduardo Dos Santos President of the Republic, Angola
aritime transport is the mode most used transportation: it ensures for 80% of international trade. In Africa, 35 major mainland ports drain just over 3% of world maritime trade. The Angolan government, which aims at transforming the country into a regional transportation center to become giant shipping, so to capture a significant share of continental traffic is aware that the ports are quite strategic infrastructures for exports and imports property. It does not skimp on the means. Indeed, the second largest oil producer on the continent spends about $ 4.3 billion per year for the rehabilitation and expansion of transport infrastructures and campaigning for Community Development of Southern Africa (SADC) is an area free trade. It has embarked on a comprehensive modernization program of its much more than the country’s trade balance is in surplus and is expected to continue
over the next years. Many container terminals, trains’ minerals terminal and dry port were built. This program is to increase the share of physical capacity in the creation of new areas of logistics activities, to acquire advanced technological equipment to enhance the level of security and protection of its maritime space. The investments of this strategic program are enormous. The ongoing modernization process of the Port of Luanda will cost about $ 90 million. The objective is to improve efficiency and meet the demands of the future, when the country is engaged in significant economic reforms. Mainly the Angolan authorities would quickly carry traffic from the port of Luanda, which is among the 12 largest ports in Africa to 15 million tons. The Angolan government has invested about $ 2 billion in the rehabilitation of the port of Lobito. The expansion project of the port platform, divided into five
phases, which began in March 2008, continues. At the end of the five stages of the project developed in the harbor bay, the total length of the parking area will be 7.8 kilometers in which can berth 20 vessels at the same time for long distances as well as handling 11,000 000 tons of general cargo and 700,000 EVP. The rehabilitation of the existing length of 1,122 meters quay is planed; the construction of the container terminal; construction minerals Terminal; the construction of a mineral container terminal and creates a ferry dock 1,200 feet long and the construction of boats and luxury home Club of Yates cruise, which makes Lobito a tourist destination reference. Over the next 5 years, more than a billion of investments is planned in port infrastructures in the province of Cabinda, including a new deep water port in Caio.
Angola hopes to position itself as a major center for maritime transport on the continent. Is the challenge sustainable in a competitive environment dominated by African giants like the ports of Durban or Abidjan? What means has the country got to reach its strategic objectives? An overview of comprehensive reforms initiated by Dos Santos administration in recent years to make his country a maritime power.
All-out reforms
ngola wants to position itself as a maritime power in the region or even on the African continent, in a global context maritimisation international trade isn’t it. An outsized ambition? Not so sure. Advantages to achieve that objective are not lacking.
First, the country is benefiting from its geographical location. The country occupies a strategic place due to its location between Central Africa and Southern Africa and it has 16 50 km of coastline with an important opening towards the Atlantic Ocean. Among
the 35 African coastal states, it benefits from this natural asset that allows it to develop its maritime industry; which has fostered an extensive network of port infrastructures which has stepped up its trade relations with the rest of the world. Luanda, Soyo, Lobito and Cabinda are the main ports of the country. Their development has been possible thanks to the enormous natural resources of the country: oil, natural gas, copper, phosphorus, diamond, zinc, gold, aluminum, iron, uranium, coffee, sisal, fish resources, wood, and cotton, mainly for export. Angola also imported capital
goods (machinery and electrical equipment), food, vehicles and spare parts, textiles and clothing, medicines, large shipments of military equipment... Even the construction sector is booming, with boom driven by unprecedented real estate transactions, generated an explosion of imported building materials in favor of maritime transport. It is worth to noting that the main recipients of oil exports are China and the United States, when the main suppliers of Angola remain Brazil, countries of Europe and Sout
15 HE. Augusto da Silva Tomás Minister of Transport, Angola
afrique maritime special angola
Modernization in the maritime transport
Reforms in the maritime sector
n addition to these major rehabilitation and modernization work undertaken as part of the diversification of the economy, the authorities have undertaken reforms of the institutional framework to make it more competitive and more attractive for maritime shipping and also ensuring maritime security. Adoption of a maritime code, Ratification of international conventions, etc. With the introduction of a new Customs Code in January 2007, the country has made a great leap towards reform of its foreign trade. Currently, the government develop infrastructures, to improve the economic situation and the business climate. The creation of a sovereign investment funds, fully endowed, is expected to develop a good primary industry to reduce imports and to make Angola an international investor. Over the last few years, Angola has substantially liberalized its trade regime. Tariffs are relatively low (between 5 and 10 %). Angola has also adopted the SADC guidelines
on biotechnology, which prohibit the importation of biotechnology particles. Economic policies adopted by the government, which included the elimination of restrictions on the provision of goods and services, tax incentives for productive investment and the new law on private investment, have given good results: Angola sits atop the countries that have a good economic growth in Africa and with better conditions to invest. These reforms aim at installing modern equipment with international standards and make it more dynamic Angolan economy. Therefore, like the European Union, since January 1st, 2013, Angola uses as the basis for the description and coding of goods, (Harmonized System or «HS»). Harmonized nomenclature code is 6 digits which are used by (almost) all countries in the world to classify all marketable goods. This nomenclature was developed by the World Customs Organization (WCO).
Also, the government has setup the National Freight Exchange (BNF) which importers, exporters and other agents can negotiate the shipping costs and therefore reduce traffic costs. This will make it more competitive maritime transport and attract investment in the sector in the country. Maritime coasts Navigation transport and inland waterway freight and passenger transport and cruise are other sites which, in the future will bring an equally important contribution to national tourism revenue, other perspectives of the Angolan strategic plan. In the logic of competitiveness of the maritime and port sector, Angola has implemented methods of eliminating bureaucracy and reducing transport costs. Similarly in the maritime coasts Navigation and inland waterway to ensure that products arrive to consumers at a reasonable price, therefore allowing the improvement of the quality of life of people but also boost domestic firms.
a winning challenge
n this major offensive undertaken by Angola, several initiatives are taken to improve the institutional framework and improve the business environment of maritime traffic. In this respect, the Minister of Transport Augusto da Silva Tomás recently visited Geneva (Switzerland), where he signed with the MSCMediterraneam Shipping Company (operator of international shipping) an agreement in the maritime and port sector, for the recovery freight transport in the country. Objective: to promote the revival of shipping operations of Angolan goods, to ensure the efficiency and capacity of the transport network load to Angola. Moreover, another port will become one of the most important point of access to the country is in construction (Barra do Dande in Bengo). In its stimulus maritime policy and port activities, the government
also focuses on training. In December 2013 an agreement was signed in London with the World Maritime University (WMU). This agreement, lays the foundation for cooperation, the granting of scholarships in specialized Master, to its staff in the maritime and port industry. It is also contemplated the construction of an Institute of Management, Logistics and Transport in Luanda for the training of senior executives for the road sector, maritime and port, airport and railway management. The reforms undertaken by the Angolan authorities have already shown its effectiveness. At the Crans Montana Forum (a Swiss international organization founded in 1986 that works to strengthen international cooperation), March 21, 2014, Club African ports of the Crans Montana Forum has awarded two prizes to Angola. This is the best price Shippers National Council chargers of Angola
and that of Best Regional container terminal at the port of Luanda. These choices were motivated by their «commitment to excellence, their leadership, and reliability, quality of service, innovation and customer relationships.» This is not all. Experts indicated that the four criteria that dictate, in the coming decade, the continental hierarchy are: the draft; the area available for loading, unloading and storing huge volumes; the magnitude of the regional market that the country is likely to relay water; political stability. Against these four criteria, the projections show that the top of the table will be dominated by the ports of Abidjan, Dakar, PointeNoire, Luanda, Port-Harcourt, or even Lomé or Kribi in west and central Africa. Angola can therefore meet its challenge to be a maritime giant on the continent. The furrows are drawn...
Instituto Nacional dos Caminhos de Ferro de Angola Ministério dos Transportes Avª 4 de Fevereiro nº 42 - 10º Andar Edificio Sede Mintrans - Luanda
Instituto Nacional dos Caminhos de Ferro de Angola
Tel 00244-222-336340 Fax 00244-222-336340 E-Mail incfa@mintrans.gov.ao Web Site www.incfa.gv.ao
National Institute of Angola railway
Lua e d o r er
o de F h n i m a C y Railwa
Directeur général
Júlio Bango Joaquim
Caminho de
Benguela R
Ferro de B
rede planeada / planned network rede existente / existing network ponto de partida, passagem e chegadas / point of departure, transit and arrival junçäo com outras redes / junction with other networks
Caminho de Ferro de Luanda
Caminhos de Ferro de Benguela
Construido as linhas para o futuro
Unindo povos Encurtado distancias
Tel: 00 244 222 31 12 03 Fax: 00 244 222 31 00 38
Tel: 00 244 222 225 645 Tel : 00 244 222 225 133 Email:cfbeng@ebonet.net
Lines built for the future
Unite people by reducing distances
Railw Ferro ay
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PAENAL fabrication yard
load cases. The engineering department of AM CRPS worked closely with the contractor in order to optimize the final solution. To speed up installation, a dyke in quarry run was erected with a crest level at +3.0 m (LAT). The edge of this working platform was at a distance of about 11.0 m from the alignment of the main sheet pile wall. This working sequence allowed using terrestrial means for the pile driving, which is faster than working from water, and additionally, it reduces construction time as the quay core was executed in parallel to the driving. This installation method contributes to better results, especially in quality. Driving of the anchor wall, an AZ 20-700 in 9.0 m length , started simultaneously to the backfilling operation. A simple template was used to guide the sheet piles during driving. Driving of the piles started with a vibratory hammer ICE 815C and to reach final depth, a hydraulic impact hammer IHC S70 was used. The installation of the main quay wall made of 21.0 m long AZ 50 began after the pile driving of the anchor was completed. A new and stiffer template was utilized to install the AZ 50, the strongest hot rolled steel sheet pile in the world. The main wall is connected by tierods to the anchor wall, which is located at 29.5 m behind. The final embedment of the main sheet piles is 8.0 m. The driving took place in 10.0 m longpanels, which corresponds to the length of the guiding template. Five CAZ 50 box piles were incorporated in the main quay wall to support additional high vertical loads from a heavy lift crane.
After the installation of the tierods, backfilling to final elevation took place concurrently to the execution of the concrete capping beam. The large capping beam stiffens the sheet pile wall ArcelorMittal Commercial RPS Sarl. Sheet Piling 66, rue de Luxembourg L-4221 Esch-sur-Alzette (Luxembourg) t (+352) 5313 3105 f (+352) 5313 3290 e sheetpiling@arcelormittal.com www.arcelormittal.com/sheetpiling at the top, and transmits the loads from fenders and bollards to the sheet pile wall. The dredging went down to -11.0 m and a quarry stone protection layer of 1.0 m thickness was installed at the bottom of the seabed level, up to elevation -10.0 m. Despite high corrosion rates assumed by the design engineer, the anchor wall does not have any complementary protection against corrosion. The design considered a loss of steel during the 50 years’ design life (sacrificial thickness). Due to higher corrosion rates on the water side, the main sheet pile wall is treated differently: a concrete capping beam down to +0.0 m (LAT), in combination with cathodic protection. Furthermore, sacrificial thickness was considered for the period above 25 years, which is the service life that was assumed for the sacrificial anodes. The main contractor, Conduril, started the works in 2007 and plans to conclude them in 2010. 07.2009 - CS 005 Paenal- F
PAENAL, Porto Amboim Estaleiros Navais Limitada, is a joint venture between SONANGOL and SBM. The new construction yard will provide the working area required to build offshore structures and will allow for the transformation of former Very Large Crude Carriers (VLCC) to Floating Production Storage Offloading vessels (FPSOs), to support the country’s rapidly developing offshore oil industry. The PAENAL fabrication yard is located on the Enseada de Benguela Velha beach site located in the Kwanza Sul province, on the Atlantic shoreline of Angola. The site is approximately 3 km south of Porto Amboim, around 220 km south of Luanda. This new yard is being developed in three distinct phases. Each phase will increase the capacity of the yard, which will comprise at the end a 460 m long quay wall and a 630 m breakwater for berthing of Sonangol product tankers in replacement of the offloading CBM terminal presently located at the selected site. It will also add a dry dockfor repair and overhaul of construction vessels, supply boats and small coastal tankers up to 150 m in length. The total area will be approximately 120.000 m2. It will be self-sufficient in terms of power, water and sewerage. The project provides a significant stimulus for the local economy by tapping into the resources of small and medium-size companies in the region. Quay 1 & 2 is 460 m long, and is formed by a steel sheet pile wall with the top level at elevation+4.0 m (L AT ) . At one end, the perpendicular return wall is 30 m long. A reinforced concrete capping beam constitutes the superstructure, where the equipments, such as mooring bollards, stairs and fenders are installed. The main sheet pile wall is fixed with tie-rods to a sheet pile anchor wall. The design of the sheet pile structure was relatively complex and took into account several surcharge load combinations, and different wave
Once the pile driving was finished, the working platform was excavated to elevation +1.30 m (LAT), which is the elevation required for the installation of the tierods. Every pair of AZ 50 was supported by a tierod with 62 mm diameter and upset ends of M72 , respectively M80, at a distance between centerline of tierods of 1.16 m.
ArcelorMittal Commercial RPS S.à r.l. Palplanches 66, rue de Luxembourg L-4221 Esch-sur-Alzette (Luxembourg)
T (+352) 5313 3105 F (+352) 5313 3290 E palplanches@arcelormittal.com www.arcelormittal.com/palplanches
afrique maritime special angola
Angola, CAP ON THE MODERNIZATION OF PORTS Francisco Venancio D.G Luanda Port
In 2010, shipping accounted for about 41% of Angolan GDP and exports in the sector totaled more than $ 40 billion. The authorities must do better. The country has since engaged in reforms and upgrades of its various ports including the five largest in the country are: Luanda, Cabinda, Namibe, Lobito and Soyo.
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ith a «movement» of 13 million tons recorded for fiscal 2013, the port of Luanda is the largest of Angola, announced late January 2014, its President –executive manager, Francisco Venancio. More than 70% of imports and exports of Angola (oil / crude excluded) pass through this port. 1.2 million tons of exported goods pass through the port of Luanda platform which half is containerized. These goods are varied: wheat flour, rice, sugar, cereals, building materials, steel, etc. The traffic is constantly increasing. The Port of Luanda is located at 8 ° 47 ‘latitude and 13 ° 14’ east longitude in the bay sheltered by Luanda. Access is very easy: the entrance to the bay is about 1.5 mile wide. It is a port with 2738
meters of quay, on 5 terminals, each with a specific characteristic: breakbulk terminal (MULTITERMINALS) Unicargas (multipurpose terminal) SOGESTER (container terminal) Sonils (oil terminal and gas) and SOPORTOS (multipurpose terminal). The port of Luanda is also a fishing port. The maximum draft in the channel is a 9.5 meters depth along the waterfront is high: between 10.5 and 12.5 meters off the main terminals. Traffic is run by the Port Authority of Luanda and the harbor master. Located at 12 ° 20 ‘south latitude and 13 ° 34 E longitude in the Bay of Lobito, the Lobito Port was the main port of Angola in the past, partly because of Benguela railway, which is currently under reconstruction. The port handles about 600,000 tons per year,
about half of the container. It is a port of 1122 meters of quay, divided into 2 areas. It is protected by a natural sandbar called Restinga. The draft maximum permissible water is 10 meters. The port has some 15 cranes renovated with an SWL of 5 tons and a mobile crane LIEBHERR modern with an SWL of 100 tons. At present, two gantry cranes were installed; which will enhance the production of container handling in Lobito. It is the third largest port of Angola in terms of movement of cargo: the port of Namibe, originally called Moçamedes. Freight traffic is about 200,000 tons per year. Most shipments to the south are discharged Namibe, Lubango transit Ondjiva, Menongue, etc. Located at 15 ° 12 ‘S latitude and 12 ° 5’ longitude, the port has 870 meters of berths divided into three areas, the largest of which is 480 meters. The city has a large fishing industry, and a considerable quantity of granite blocks are exported from nearby quarries via Namibe. Namibe is also a port connected to the railway line Namibe iron, ranging from 400
to 500 km inland to the mines of iron mineral and iron mineral historically exported via Sacomar terminal at the north end Bay of Namibe. When the port of Cabinda, it’s main function is to import all the goods required for the population of the enclave, and also plays an important role in the chain of offshore supply industry. This port has two stores, which occupy an area equivalent to 1246 m2. It is equipped to handle and store both general cargo and containers and project cargo. There are several dedicated for storage of containers zones. The commercial port of Soyo has 300 meters of quay. It is divided into three zones, which is a terminal devoted to cargo management of oil and gas. Recently, ANGOLA LNG terminal became operational. This device collects all the natural gas from offshore oilfields, liquefies and stores it for export. Finally, there is the port of Porto Amboim. Porto Amboim is located
anapaz de jesus neto P.C.A Lobito Port
about halfway between Luanda and Lobito. It was a fishing port, but has developed and has become in recent years, a service center for the offshore industry. Indeed, HEEREMA 250 m of quay length of 1.5 million m2 of warehouses and technical installations, only to respond to the oil and gas offshore industry. PAENAL built a second terminal which will also help to restore the offshore oil and gas industry. Modernization of ports: a winning bet As part of the diversification of its economy, Angola has also initiated a policy of modernization of its port infrastructures. Including major ports: Luanda, Lobito, Namibe, Cabinda and Soyo. The extension of the port of Luanda is underway. The government has also invested a whopping $ 1.25 billion in the modernization program of the port of Lobito. The extension and upgrading of port infrastructures work aims to install modern tools and international standards and make it more dynamic Angolan economy. Therefore, like the European Union
Abel Paulo D.G Soyo Port
since January 1st, 2013, Angola used as the basis for the description and coding of goods, (Harmonised System or «HS»). Harmonized nomenclature code is 6 digits which is used by (almost) every country in the world to classify all marketable goods. This nomenclature was developed by the World Customs Organization (WCO). The reforms undertaken by the Angolan authorities have already shown its effectiveness. At the Crans Montana Forum (a Swiss international organization founded in 1986 that works to strengthen international cooperation), March 21, 2014, Club African ports of the Crans Montana Forum has awarded two prizes to Angola. This is the best price Shippers Council chargers at Council National chargers of Angola and Best Regional container terminal at the port of Luanda. These choices were motivated by their «commitment to excellence, their leadership, reliability, quality of service, innovation and customer relationships»
afrique maritime special angola Who is the boss of CNC? Since 2009, Francisco Manuel Agostinho Itembo, is the Director General of CNC. He holds a degree in finance and accounting from the University of Rhode Island, United States of America where he worked in the fields of accounting, finance, Treasury, audit and credit. Before being appointed as the head of the CNC, he had served as the head of the department of audit and financial control and general secretary of State public sector enterprises, Director of Treasury and Markets Secretariat
National Shippers’ Council
Tel: (+225) 55 77 77 85
Director of Finance and Accounting, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Banco Commercial Angola (BCA). And the positions of Deputy Director of KPMG Audit, tax consulting, Director of finance and Accounting Chana organization and technician of the Department of Accounting and Finance. It is understood quite easily the quality of work done by the Council of Angolan chargers; this earned him, in March 2014, the distinction between the label of excellence awarded by the club of ports Crans Montana Forum as the best African Shippers Council.
Fax:(+225) 77 71 18 77
Agostinho Manuel Itembo CEO CNC
Standardizing and simplifying the methods and standards to create an attractive business environment in one of the most dynamic in Africa through the promotion of information technology and communication and the publication of reports and analyzes on regular savings maritime trade. The National Shippers’ Council (CNC) is an essential entity in Angolan shipping.
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he National Shippers’ Council (CNC) is a public legal entity under the guardianship of the Ministry of Transport of Angola. He is responsible for the coordination and control of international trade and shipping, as well as updating, standardization and simplification of procedures and standards of performance. It is therefore designed to support the certification of maritime companies. National Shippers Council therefore provides technical support to the Ministry of Transport in the design, elaboration, adoption, implementation and control policy and implementation methodologies of international trade and maritime transport operations, coaching, surveys, analysis and suitable proposals. It has a role in promoting the development of the merchant Navy, ports, maritime hydrography and transport in general through its contribution to investment in the sector. Which takes it to conduct
surveys, process and analyze the results of the information obtained and disseminated so as to make available to economic operators in the sector of reliable statistical data on the situation of domestic and international trade market (imports and exports) and transportation and permanent support of its evolution. Since 2010, the CNC made available in the port community and citizens, an electronic gate (www.cnc-angola.com) and National Stock Exchange of Freights (www.bnf-angola. com) to inform them of the arrivals dates of the goods in the country, the name and position of the ship docked off the coastline to about 60 nautical miles, or 110 kilometers from the area of the different ports of Angola. According to the Director General of the CNC, the purpose of the promotion of information technology and communication in their work is to significantly reduce the cost of sea Freight in Angola. Which will make it more competitive maritime transport and attract
investors in the sector to the country.
An important entity in the Angolan economy CNC contributes to the stability of freight and resources generated by the maritime traffic. It is also an important contributor to the economy of the second largest oil producer in sub-Saharan Africa. Since the CNC is responsible for receiving commissions legally owed (taxes) by ship owners and shippers involved in the transport of goods (imports and exports) in Angola. In 2010 already, shipping accounted for about 41% of Angolan GDP with exports reached more than 40 billion dollars. In the framework of its activities at the national level, the CNC works in conjunction with the various ports of the country. He participated for example in collaboration with ENANA also to the achievement of technical and feasibility studies for maritime work of the port of Cabinda. It is also involved in the rehabilitation of ports and signaling of the entire coastline. To enhance its effectiveness and get closer to the operators in the sector, the CNC, initially based in Luanda, opened delegations in other ports of the country, Lobito, Namibe, Cabinda, Soyo.
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Na rota da sua carga, inclua esta opçao. Include this option in the freight
he national airline TAAG Angola Airlines ranked seventh in the standings Skytrax published June 18, 2013. She appeared in the 10 Top hit Africa region for the year 2012. A great achievement. Indeed, the number of passengers transported by the Angolan airline company (TAAG) in 2011 rose 1.05 million 1 200 000 per following year; an increase of 150,000 passengers. Founded in 1938 under the name of DTA, the company will be renamed in 1975 TAAG. It is headed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Joaquim Teixeira da Cunha. It currently has 31 airports with paved runway, 216 airports with unpaved runways (airfield) and 83 unpaved tracks above 914m (local flight paths). TAAG Angola Airlines serves destinations in Africa, but also in Europe, in U.S., South America and Asia: 31 destinations and 43 routes. Among the international flights offered by the company including flights to Paris in France, Houston in the United States, but also Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo in Brazil, and Dubai in the United Arab Emirates and Beijing in China. For regional flights, TAAG Angola Airlines serves major African cities. Large infrastructures But domestic flights (that is to say within the country) are highly developed. To this end, the leaders of the TAAG in October 2013 revealed that more than 150 000 passengers that airlines from Angola were transported to the country during the first half of 2013.
This conveyance is also in use for passenger transport nationally and internationally. An infrastructures network consisting of airports distributed across the country allows immediate access to the entire national territory and outside through February 4 international airport in the capital. So that Luanda today has one of the most intense air traffic throughout Africa, as well as large aviation infrastructures. TAAG make a reference in Africa The country intends to go beyond. To this end, the leaders reaffirmed in February 2013 during the 33th anniversary of the company, their ambition to make TAAG leader of modernization of air transport in Angola and a reference in Africa. But how Luanda becoming a destination and transit area must in Central Africa and more generally on the continent? Innovate. Angolan authorities have initiated the construction of a new modern airport near the capital. Indeed, TAAG therefore wants to Luanda a passenger and cargo hub for the whole of Central Africa, with its partnership with Emirates. The new international airport which will be built 40 km southeast of the capital. Begun in 2008, the work of this airport will cover an area of 1324 hectares should be completed in late 2015/2016. It is designed to accommodate 25 million passengers per year. It has the capacity to receive the largest commercial aircraft type Airbus A380.
Luanda a hub serving the whole of central Africa, it means important zone of transit. This is the goal that the Angolan authorities have set in short term especially the construction of a new airport of the latest fashion near the capital.
Several Boeing to expand the Angolan fleet The airport construction is only the culmination of projects undertaken many years ago. Angola has since 2007 initiated a major project rehabilitation, upgrading and construction of more than 30 airports in large, medium and small that develop in the country. Valued at $ 400 million, this project falls under the Public Investment Program. Also, TAAG she throws traffic growth and seeks to increase the number of its fleet (which now count 13 Boeing) and passengers. Therefore for example it has signed a contract with the American manufacturer Boeing March 27, 2011. This memorandum provides for the purchase of three new Boeing 777 -300 ER, the first will be delivered in May 2014, the second in December 2015 and the third in March 2016. The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the TAAG said in February 2013 that the company is still considering the acquisition of three new devices that should in principle is delivered by 2020. In already in July 2011, Angola was the first African country purchaser of the Boeing 777-300 ER, the largest commercial aircraft long-haul American manufacturer commissioning since 2004 the path is drawn...
TAAG a sua companhia de Sempre AS NOSSAS CRENÇAS E VALORES • Segurança e fiabilidade das operações • Excelência no serviço ao passageiro • Qualidade dos recursos humanos • Cultura de integridade e responsabilização
• Responsabilidade financeira • Responsabilização social • Consciencialização ambiental
angola airline TAAG your company for life
Safety and reliability of operations
financial responsibility
Excellence in customer service
social Responsibility
Quality of human resources
Environmental awareness
Culture of integrity and responsibility
flood tide
National Company for Air Navigation program of rehabilitation and modernization
$ 400 million
for the safety of air traffic
ince 2007, Angola is fully committed to a broad program of modernization of its infrastructures in securing a safety of air traffic. The monitoring entrusted to the National Company of airports operations and air navigation (ENANA). Protocols and regulations laid down by the United Nations International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO - the United Nations body whose role is to participate in the development of standards that allow the standardization of international aviation transport) and the International Association of (IATA - International trade organization of some 230 airline companies which represent 93% of global passenger traffic) are extremely onerous. But Angola has decided to comply with the demanding rules. Therefore, the country has initiated in recent years an extensive program to ensure the safety of air traffic. This restructuring plan was entrusted to ENANA. The National Company for airport operations and air navigation (ENANA) is a structure of the Angolan Ministry of Transport before
becoming in 2009 a program of rehabilitation of airports throughout the national territory; which has already benefited from the work in various provincial terminals and in aircraft movement areas. Its role is to create conditions of effective competition in the sector and increase the capacity of mobility in air transport which are objectives defined in the National Development Plan running. Manuel Ceitas is the president of the Board of ENANA. Besides TAAG Angola Airlines is the national carrier that transports passengers, the ENANA is responsible for ensuring effective security of air traffic. This is not easy in a highly competitive international environment with drastic and radical regulations. But not only. In a country where the greater part of the movement of passengers and freight was carried by air (which involves a significant amount of operators that offer mostly charter flights), the responsibilities of the ENANA are enormous.
$ 400 million
to help modernize thirty airports
he Angolan government led since 2007, an extensive program of rehabilitation and modernization of airports. This $ 400 million public investment program involves the construction, rehabilitation, modernization and equipping more than 30 airports. In carrying out this mission, ENANA seeking the expertise of renowned international companies in the field. It is also supported by the National Civil Aviation Institute (INAVIC). The program is implemented satisfactorily. As President of the Board of ENANA, Manuel Ferreira de Ceita, called a ÂŤpositiveÂť changes in the different sites. It should also be noted that as part of its missions, for example in ENANA banked more than $ 48 million in the first half of 2008, 29.5% of which corresponded to the services and costs of services to air navigation, 19.7% in passenger boarding rate and 17.83% at the warehouse from Luanda International Airport.
Tel: +244 39 3744 +244 39 3792 +244 33 8484
110 Rua Amilcar Cabral, Luanda, Angola
flood tide
afrique maritime special angola
OIL GIANT company First company in the country, second in Africa, more than $ 40 billion in sales, more than a third of GDP, Sonangol is a true oil giant of the continent. But not only ... Incursion in the heart of the all-powerful engine company of the Angolan economy.
ngola began a rapid economic growth since the end of the 2002 war and is now a paradise for investors jostling at the gate of the vast opportunities of the country. But a big machine, genuine public holding remains the spearhead of this development: Sonangol. Created after the independence of Angola in 1976, the National Company of fuel Angola (Sonangol) is a public company primarily responsible for operating and production of oil and natural gas in the country. A vital activity for Angola, the second black gold producer in Africa after Nigeria. First company in the country, Sonangol also has expertise and an international reputation. Therefore, abroad, it appears as a national treasure, recognized for its competence. Sonangol is, it must be said, the sole owner of Angolan oil blocks, operated mainly by international groups Total, BP, Chevron, ENI, Statoil... Its headquarters, a large ultra-modern 33-storey building that sparkles at night, overlooking the city center of the capital, Luanda. On its territory, the oil company Sonangol is omnipresent. Its logo, an «S» red and black on a yellow background, the three colors of the Angolan flag, stamp all major events in the country. Powerful public company alone represents 45% of national exports and employs over 8,000 employees in Angola and worldwide through its offices in London, Houston, Singapore, Rio de Janeiro, Lisbon, Havana and Beijing. As a public company, it is
under the guardianship of the Ministry of Petroleum. Sonangol is responsible for implementing national policies in the oil sector determined by the Government. The day management is carried out by a group led by Chairman of the Board, comprising representatives of the management and staff council.
Sonangol: An overwhelming economic weight But represents Sonangol in the economic development of Angola? What role does it play in the reconstruction of post-war country? Third largest economy in subSaharan Africa after South Africa and Nigeria, Angola sees itself as an emerging country. With significant hydrocarbon reserves plus promising surveys, Angola is Africa’s second largest oil producer: 1.8 million barrels per day on average since 2008 Thanks to political stability since the end of the. War, investors flock heavily in the country is firmly committed to the path of development. But behind this vast movement that drives this important economic growth is ... Sonangol. With 45% and over a third of GDP (over 30%) domestic exports, Sonangol is the lifeblood of the economy and the Angolan growth. In 2012 for example, its turnover was 46.9 billion with a net profit of $ 3.22 billion, an increase of 2.35% compared to 2011. Angolan group has made against 2013 results decreased with a decrease in
production of 1.1% compared to 2012, to 1.715 million barrels per day (bpd) against 1.729 million bpd in 2012. This decline, caused mainly by a drop in production in November 2013 comes after a production growth of 4.5% in 2012, which ended be it three consecutive years of decline. Very well. But in Angola? optimism is great. The national oil company plans to achieve indeed a production of 2 million barrels per day in 2015; which would make Angola the largest producer in Africa before Nigeria. This feat would allow Sonangol to achieve the target set by the Angolan President Eduardo Dos Santos, who put on an average annual growth of oil production by 7% over the 2013-2017 period. A goal that should ensure strong growth in the country, around 7% of GDP, and reinforce the importance of its company in the oil world.
Omnipresence in the national and international economy In silence, Sonangol has built an empire and today remains essential for the country’s economy. Indeed, around the main company, Sonangol revolves not less than thirty subsidiaries or companies in which it has holdings: Sonair the airline, telecommunications group Telecom MS or an entity that specializes in natural gas, which Angola wants to develop from the region of Soyo in the north on the border with DR Congo. But the group is also present
in areas as diverse as insurance, banks including Portugal with BCP - training and health, with a final clinical high standing in the center of Luanda, transportation, hydropower, the construction industry Buildings and public works. In this regard, the company was one of the main actors in the implementation of the largest real estate transaction in the country: Kilamba a new city whose real estate marketing was entrusted to the subsidiary Sonangol imobiliaria. In the logic to sit considerable homogeny Sonangol also obtained in February, 15% of Total shares for an amount of $ 750 million in block 15/06 in the north-east coast of Luanda which should go into production in 2015. Thanks to the huge financial resources from oil, Angola launched in October 2012, a sovereign of a whopping $ 5 billion fund. This public investment fund is mainly fueled by oil revenues and aims to diversify the economy and create wealth through investments in Angola as well as around the world in almost all sectors: stocks, bonds, currencies, real estate, infrastructures, hotel industry, etc.. Sonangol is definitely pervasive in the economy of Angola which is committed to diversifying its economy in order to save the country from dependence on oil. To do so, the big machine Sonangol has invested almost all sectors of the national economy. But also internationally. Oil wealth are operated by Sonangol Angola’s second largest oil producer in Africa after Nigeria. Globally, the country is at the 15th
position namely, behind Russia, the United States, China and the giants of the Middle East, Saudi Arabia and Iran. Member of the Organization of oil-producing countries since 2007, strong economic growth and its regional position increased its influence among oil. Sonangol is present in many African countries in the Americas (Cuba, Ecuador, and Venezuela) and the Middle East (Iraq, Iran). In any case, its association with a private Chinese company, the China International Fund in Hong Kong whhich gave birth in 2004 to China Sonangol, has undoubtedly increased the diversification of African Oil Company. Angola maintaining close relations with several countries, including China and the United States, which is the second and seventh respectively supplier business relationship.
Prospects for Angola fire imagination: 12 billion barrels of oil reserves Prospects for growth and development are promising for Angola resolutely committed to the diversification of its economy. Its huge untapped oil reverting guarantee it a serenity in the long term; which could enable the country to consider the place of African leader of the black gold. Taking into account recent discoveries in deep and ultra deep waters, Angolan Oil Minister Botelho Vasconcelo, revealed in April 2013 that the estimates are at least 12 to 667 billion barrels of proven oil reserves and probable of the Angola.
But recent discoveries are 5 times higher than the current production amounts to 5 billion barrels of offshore and onshore oil reserves in Angola, with a sizable potential, which Sonangol group is the agent. What is ruffling! Almost all of Angolan oil is produced offshore and 60% off Cabinda province, in the north, on the border with DR Congo in the Congo basin. Operators planning to start exploring another basin, that of the Kwanza River, which feeds Luanda. This part of the region south of the capital and extends along the coast to the Namibe province, bordering Namibia. Angola also aims to develop the onshore production, especially in the desert of Namibe in the south. The goal is of course to ensure the country’s growth and increase government revenue. In all cases, Angola is set for the period 2013-2017, priorities aimed at maintaining the balance between reserves and production through bidding on oil and the application of new operating and production technologies. The country will also promote investment in exploration and production of liquefied natural gas and the strengthening of the «Local Content» (local content) in the oil sector through partnerships with national and foreign companies. Francisco de Lemos, President of Sonangol.
Already 38 years since our energy moves your world.
produzir para transformar products to transform
visão 2015 Sermos uma empresa de hidrocrabonetos integrada, competitiva de projecção internacional, com alto nivel de desempenho com base nas melhores prãticas de Governação das sociedades. Estarmos sempre à altura dos nossos compromissos com o Estado, a Sociedade, Parceiros e os nossos empregados, assegurando a criação de valor para os accioniustas. Vision 2015 We are a member of an international competitive level, with a high level of performance on the basis of good corporate governance oil company. We fulfill our commitments to the state, our partners and our employees, ensuring the creation of value for our shareholders.
Promover a substentabilidade e o crescimento da insdustria petrolifera nacional, de forma a garantir major retorno para o estado angolano, assegurando a participação das empresas e dos quadros nacionais nas actividades nda industria e o beneficio da sociedade nos resultados gerados. Mission Resources and promote the growth of national oil industry to ensure a return on investment for major Angolan state, ensuring the participation of our businesses and national professionals in the industrial sector.
valores • Orientação ao cliente • Desempenho • Trabalho em equipa • Qualidade, Saude, Sergurança e ambiente • Conduta ética • Cominiucação éfectiva
value • • • • • •
customer orientation performance Teamwork Quality, health and environmental safety Ethical Effective communication and secure
afrique maritime special angola
ishery resources of our States are overexploited mainly due to illegal, unreported and unregulated called «IUU fishing». This is what the results of several surveys show. Fishing is a major activity in the maritime waters of West and Central Africa, alongside the maritime transport and offshore oil exploitation. According to statistics from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and other sources, fishing activities represent a significant share of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of many countries in the sub-region between 10 and 12% for Sierra Leone, 7% for Guinea Bissau, Mauritania, 5%, 4.2% for Mali, Angola 3%, 2.5% and 2% of Guinea to Senegal . Indeed, the resources generated by fishing activities are significant and constitute a major part in the trade balance of countries such as Mauritania, where the fish is more than 50% of exports. In the sub-region, fishing is especially handcrafted by local populations. Whole tribes are almost fish dependent like the Lebu in Senegal, Bozo in Mali, Awona in Ghana and the Baka in Cameroon and Gabon. Unfortunately, no reliable assessment of fish stocks and the nature of the catch is not available. However, the findings of all surveys and reports formally demonstrate that the fisheries resources of our States are overexploited due to illegal, unreported and unregulated called «IUU fishing». When cross-border crime, illegal trafficking (drug trafficking) and piracy are becoming more and more frequent and disturbing in the maritime waters of West and Central Africa IUU fishing is also undermining the industrial fisheries. In fact, this modern scourge whose effects transcend national borders has been a special attention not
only from the States but also international, regional, sub-regional. It is in this context that the International Maritime Organization of West and Central Africa (MOWCA) as first competent regional organization educates those involved in the design and implementation of security policies in general and maritime security in particular.
IUU fishing, transnational organized crime Under the International Plan of Action (IPA) on IUU fishing FAO in 2001, which inspired several national laws, it is understood by: •
Illegal, all fishing activity conducted by a fishing vessel without authorization or in breach of conventions, laws or regulations in force in the State of its flag, a coastal State or a Regional Fisheries Management Organization (RFMO); Unreported fishing, any fishing activity that has not been reported or have been a false statement to the competent national authority or RFMO; Unregulated fishing, any fishing activity practiced by a fishing vessel without nationality or illegally flying a flag or that practiced by a fishing vessel in a maritime area under the jurisdiction of a RFMO of which the State of its flag is not a member.
According to the United Nations Convention of 2000 against transnational organized crime, an offense is transnational in nature if it involves more than one State as regards
its preparation, commission or its effects. Therefore, IUU fishing can be classified as transnational crimes in the sense that they undertake, in general, both the flag State, the State of the ship-owner (IUU vessels are the prerogative of foc), the coastal State where the fish is caught, the port State where he landed and sometimes even the state of the market (the fish is not necessarily sold at the place of landing). Most disturbing is the involvement of conventional criminal networks in IUU fishing. This involvement can lead to a direct involvement of criminal networks in the operations of this illegal fishing in order to make big profits and fund international terrorism. In this case, the traffickers may also use certain techniques of transnational organized crime for the benefit of fishing. Including human trafficking, forced labor, including children, tax evasion, customs fraud, money laundering, corruption and flow of stolen goods.
Impacts of the phenomenon in coastal West and Central African countries While no region of the world is spared by IUU fishing activities, the developing countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, where nearly 40% of the fish caught were fraudulently, are the most affected. Factors contributing to the development of this phenomenon in this area are mainly related to the reporting of catches, their disembarkation and export. But the impacts are as diverse as multifaceted. Economically, the most obvious impact is the loss of considerable value taken which could be performed. Huge resources are
therefore harvested if the coastal State came to master and curb IUU fishing. In addition, the coastal State victim of illegal fishing loses real at the income level of taxes taken from fishermen who are loyal and victims of unfair competition. To that you have to add the losses of direct jobs including, and up-and downstream activities. In other words, the reduction in catches of course causes an imbalance in the trade balance. Also at the social level, the reduction of fish stocks caused by IUU fishing threatens the food security of people, communities mostly highly dependent on fish. IUU fishing is also a source of direct social conflicts in West and Central Africa between foreign and domestic industrial fishing artisanal fishermen that can cause death of fishermen or retraining artisanal into fishermen pirates. The safety level, IUU fishing is not only linked to transnational organized crime as classic, but also, sometimes illegal fishermen, aware of the fact that they face heavy penalties if they are arrested, attacked fatally agents monitoring illegal: coastguard. In Côte d’Ivoire, four Police officers Maritime Ivorian were killed in 2009 by the crew of a foreign trawler they had caught fraudulent operation off San Pedro, the second Ivorian fishing seaport. Finally, the environmental level, this phenomenon clearly contributes to the reduction of future opportunities capture accelerating degradation of the maritime environment including spawning grounds. Especially the use of illegal fishing equipment and techniques prohibited such as small mesh nets, explosives, poison or trawling oxen. Ships ‘pirates’ also dump their waste at sea with garbage.
laws and regulations relating to the conservation and management of resources. Complacency is also an equally important challenge. States in search of revenue shall register and give their nationality to ships with which they do not have substantial links to the detriment of the Convention on the Law of the Sea these plunder national fisheries at the expenses of fishermen craft. Also, the non-effective monitoring of 9663 km of coastline, ranging from Angola to Mauritania remains another problem that our country is struggling to adjust.
To stop or at least curb IUU fishing in West and Central Africa, several obstacles must be overcome. Poor governance seems most important to us. Poor governance is indeed present in various aspects:
• •
The weakness of democracy with the corollary that political and economic instability due to wars and coups Corruption and nepotism in the allocation of fishing authorizations. Conflicts of jurisdiction between administrations active in the field of fisheries and particularly between Maritime Affairs (Maritime Police) and the National Navy. The approximate implementation by States of the sub-region of conventions and agreements to which they are signatories and their own
At sub-regional level
The major step towards the sub-regional level is the summit of Heads of State and Government of West and Central Africa held in Yaoundé June 25, 2013. The Code of Conduct, which has the result will be a truly effective initiative against «transnational organized crime in the maritime domain,» which IUU fishing, whether its provisions become binding. ECOWAS and ECCAS are also being adopted, each in its case, draft integrated strategies against crime with particular emphasis on terrorism and maritime threats. In addition, the Maritime Organization of African Western and Central States (MOWCA) to which belong all the States of the sub-region work for more than a decade to establish a network integrated coast Guard units to fight against maritime crime.
At the national level
Challenges and actions anti-IUU
progress at the sub regional and national levels are welcome.
Anti-IUU fishing Actions in coastal West and Central African countries It is clear that the international communities, especially the developed countries are very active in taking measures to prevent, deter and eliminate IUU fishing. But also from initiatives of our States, the shares may not give the desired results. That is why the actions undertaken or in
At the State level, political will is beginning to emerge. Angola, one of the longest coasts of Africa with over 1600 km of coastline and with a continental shelf of 51,000 km2, is more incisive in making decisions against fraudulent fishing. The Angolan authorities have denied such a license in May 2012 fishing «Ray» ship flying the Belize flag for his past IUU vessel. Senegal also has been illustrated to great effect by arresting the beginning of January 2014 a large Russian trawler (Oleg Naidenov), released after paying a model fine copy of 600 million CFA francs (1.26 million U.S. dollars). The President of the Republic of Senegal had also canceled all fishing licenses granted in 2012 to foreign arms. Sierra Leone for its part, decided in 2013 to prohibit foreign fishing vessels in its territorial sea. Nigeria including the National Navy, including the Coast Guard, has made huge efforts in terms of recruitment and equipment and conducts patrols in its territorial sea and exclusive economic zone. The country is also engaged in joint patrols operations with neighboring Benin. In any case, confront it, Ghana with 6 patrol boats, Côte d’Ivoire, which starts top 40 for its navy and 5 for its Maritime Affairs (Maritime Police), Equatorial Guinea and several of other countries in the sub-region are truly engaged in vigorous action against maritime insecurity. This is therefore reassuring.
afrique maritime special angola
REINFORCING ITS SAFETY WITH ISO 28000: 2007 STANDARD, THE CHOICE OF A METHOD FOR THE BENEFIT OF ITS ACTIVITIES. Alain LECLERE Port Security Officer-Grand Port Maritime du Havre (France) Expert at the Institute of Education Port Research and Havre
errorism, piracy, theft, cyber attacks... Today the threats to maritime transport have not only increased but is also more complex. In a highly visible external threat, the risks have become more intertwined phenomena. Many mandatory or voluntary standards have the same objective of protecting goods and world trade. Among the latter ISO 28000: 2007 standard is gradually gaining ground. Giving a method based on the desire for continuous improvement of safety features, the ISO standard committed organizations that choose in a dynamic and proactive approach. A token of control but also confidence, it serves the competitiveness and reliability of economic actors by allowing them not only to develop a quality safety but also sustainable security for the benefit of their clients, their activities and their development.
The maritime and port security, a constantly evolving subject matter.
The Maritime Transportation Security is no longer a new concern. Since 2002 the ISPS code has emerged as the framework for all maritime and port where the actors implement, each in what concerns them,
to guard the main threats that may affect them. Some 10 years after its adoption by the International Maritime Organization in 2002 and its practical application in 2004, it may be interesting to recall what the main objectives of security are even though shipping is integrated more and more in a supply chain in the process of increasing security. The Maritime History confirms that always ill will and attacks of all kinds are related to the same operating merchant ships and ports. Alongside the desire to protect global maritime trade is always verified. The ISPS Code and the requirements it imposes on actors is only one visible and modern part with the major objectives of protection of maritime transport and, ultimately, international trade and port activities. Moreover, it is this last point that is actually probably one of the main lessons: security by itself, for itself does not exist because it has no meaning in the sense that it allows economic activities to maintain or develop. Threats themselves have changed. Direct and visible, they are more diverse; more blurred, sometimes more diffuse, intertwined and can lead to cascading effects. Disruption precedes destruction. The boundaries between threats fade, traffic serving the interests of terrorism
even as threats to information systems, including port activity is often highly dependent, are growing and are stronger each day. It is in this context and in the pursuit of saving major economic interests that have arisen multiple standards. If the ISPS code irrigates much port operations, customs standards such as the U.S. C-TPAT (CustomsTrade Partnership Against Terrorism), the Authorized Economic Operator status in Europe and elsewhere around the world have pursued the same goal: securing the supply chain as a whole. Maritime link, concerned by the ISPS is then perfectly integrated. At the operational chain therefore superimposes a protection system intended to ensure the goods a «security from start to finish.»
The ISO 28000 standard, the willingness to act. In this context an ISO standard has gradually established itself as a benchmark for safety management. It is ISO 28000: 2007 «Specifications for management systems for the safety of the supply chain». This ISO standard, which allows implementing an effective system of safety management, provides the means for organizations in the
supply chain to prepare, for the assessment of risks hanging over their operations and the establishment of an organization and procedures adapted, to all situations that may destabilize or destroy including in times of crisis. So to all actors in the supply chain it is addressed: Chargers, freight forwarders, port authorities, terminal operators and shipping companies, allowing them to return to more proactive management logic and driving safety in a spirit of continuous improvement. Well known quality managers, these operating principles «PDCA» Plan-Do-Check-Act will help to overcome common standards and ensure operational integrity of security measures decided. Particularly interesting in the maritime sector, cross-roads of many supply chain professionals, this ISO 28000 then integrates with existing by which it is also often recognized customs standards. It comes to them a kind of positive feedback, providing ultimately all players of the same language of security around a core concept proper to management systems established by the desire to control its security processes. Control to no longer suffer, control to anticipate, anticipate to predict, predict to act, act to overcome; this could be one of the objectives of its establishment. Therefore, if the ISO 28000 standard is easily articulated with voluntary standards referenced often chosen by economic operators in view of the benefits they confer, ISO 28000 adapts easily to systems quality management (ISO 9001) relying on these in its deployment and operation to form an integrated management system. Safety Responsible and quality managers are then engaged together in the way of improvement and customer service.
Interest, convenience and flexibility are therefore combined.
The ISO 28000 standard factor of differentiation and trust The safety standard ISO 28000, sometimes remains too often underestimated, shares its benefits. Standard method than standard means, it provides a framework to meet its regulatory objectives such as the ISPS code. Pledge of trust and reliability, the ISO 28000 standard is a mark of recognition and international visibility. In world and regional competition in which the ports are now and beyond the actors in the supply chain, be able to prove the safety of its process is a mark of attractiveness and competitiveness. In this security, which has established itself as one of the major concerns of economic actors or States, becomes a discriminating element in the choices made in terms of logistics flows. Choose reliable partners through their ability to prove it. Independent and recognized ISO certification can
differentiate positively, reinforcing its brand and offering new business opportunities. Therefore, at a time when trade is intensifying, where ports are emerging as major economic players for States since they fully contribute to national wealth, a recognized method, visible and beneficial as ISO 28000 contributes to the objectives of development of economic activities and safeguard national interests. The ability to manage daily or anticipate the next day, the ISO 28000 standard contributes to the development of resilience, providing an additional guarantee of confidence to customers and partners. By allowing to pass from the mere application of the standards to a real control of the safety action, generating gains, ISO 28000 standard can transform stress into assets. This is the choice made by the port of Havre in 2009 allowing it to become the 1st major European port ISO 28000 certified. The aim to ensure a safe space to develop its activities and those of its customers is now required in all actions of the various port services for the benefit of all those with whom is shared ambition of an overall safety benefit of goods in transit. This choice coincides with the realities of Africa, where the distances between different points of processing of goods (production, popularization...) and handling in ports such as the desire to control the safety of these logistics corridors or dry ports may encourage many players to turn to the ISO 28000:2007 standard. By daring the difference and excellence, ports shall be secured and the challenge of collective success shall be a reality.
afrique maritime special angola
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In return, the forwarder is required to audit the documents provided by the principal that have a direct connection with the organization of transport. As for other documents submitted, it ensures their apparent conformity with the mission entrusted to him.
Amour ZINSOU PhD in Maritime Law professor at the University of Abomey of Benin.
The contract of freight forwarding
he board is «agreement by which the commission is committed to the principal to perform on behalf of one legal acts necessary for the movement of goods from one place to another, it is characterized by the flexibility afforded to commission to freely organize transport ways and means of their choice, under his name and under his responsibility, as well as the fact that this agreement covers the transport from start to finish.» (Cass Com. February 16th, 1988). Long regarded as a mere auxiliary transport, the freight forwarder became the complexity of the operations he oversees the transport organizer true end to end with the key, an obligation of result (CA Paris March 25, 1982). It is common to see forwarding companies unload the commission of all or part of transport operations: moving, packing, insurance, storage, preparation of documents, etc. The function of freight forwarder requires men with proven professional skills with knowledge mastered beyond the boundaries in professional structures from an organizational point of view. By the commitment it undertakes with its principal also called the chief, the freight forwarder is obliged to forward parcels (tank, cage, crate, canteen, cardboard, container, envelope, burden was, package, pallet strapped or filmed, bag, suitcase, etc...) to final destination by ways of his choice. He can use the methods of unimodal or multimodal as it deems necessary and appropriate to achieve the result. The forwarder is an individual or legal person
The ancillary benefits sought; and Any other specific instructions.
who accompanies the goods from start to finish. It was he who negotiates freight,
agreement covers the transport from start to finish.» (Cass Com. February 16th, 1988). Under its discretion, the court may reclassify the contract regardless of the quality that the auxiliary focused on documents (CA Paris, 25 April 1984). Three key criteria used to qualify the committee: • •
is an inclusive price (ALL IN) the payer and chooses the ship instead of the charger, if it is a maritime transport. Before exercising its function, the freight forwarder must fulfill the conditions necessary for its approval. The Commercial Code Article 132-1 defines his commission as «one who acts in his own name or firm name on behalf of a principal.» This definition is not very complete, he returned to the Supreme Court to give, taken by the Courts of Appeals. The Court of Cassation, the commission is «agreement by which the commission is committed to the principal to perform on behalf of one legal acts necessary for the movement of goods from one place to another, it is characterized by the latitude left to the commission to organize free transport ways and means of their choice, under his name and under his responsibility, as well as the fact that this
The agent is an intermediary, what distinguishes the carrier (CA Paris, November 17, 1983); The commission organizes transport, implying sufficient freedom in the choice of modes and transport companies and this differentiates it from mere agent what the forwarder (Cass Com October 6, 1992.). On a contract for primary commission can be grafted contracts subcommittee (Cass Com. June 23, 1992). More fundamentally, the transit implies a benefit that the movement of the goods is the main object; The forwarder is a professional who treats his own name. Access to the profession is subject to conditions of good repute, professional and financial capacity. The forwarder must be trafficking in his own name to the difference of a mere agent and appears as the sender on the shipping documents.
To these three criteria, we could add the criterion of remuneration package (CA Rouen January 14, 1992). Between the commission and its principal, signed a contract called a commission contract.
The freight forwarder is the (natural or legal person) who organizes, on its behalf and on behalf of a principal named chief, the movement of goods from one point to another. Ancillary benefits may also be involved in the mission of the transport. These include the declaration of value, the declaration of a special interest in delivery, delivery against payment, cargo insurance and customs operations. Except in cases of ongoing commercial relationship with the subject of a written agreement, formal directives of ordering of the principal concerning ancillary benefits are made for each consignment in writing or by any other electronic means. The insured value and the special declaration on delivery follow the legal system of the transit. Delivery against payment, cargo insurance and customs operations obey the rules of the mandate. By freight forwarder, means any service which organizes free and executed, under his responsibility and his own name, the movement of goods from one place to another in the manner and the means of choice for the principal. The mode of transportation could be by road, air, rail or sea. The commission agreement between the forwarder of Transportation and the principal is to the conditions under which goods are carried as well as other modalities. The contract shall be subject to a freely agreed ensures fair remuneration different services prices. The contract also governs the relationship between the principal and the freight forwarder or the differences between the senior and intermediate forwarders involved successively, where appropriate, in the organization of transport as well as the other benefits. It also regulates the relations of successive forwarders among
them. A written agreement is necessary but not essential for the formation of a commission contract. The French transport code example requires that all contracts public transport goods must contain certain provisions (relating to the nature and purpose of transport, the implementing rules of the service, the obligations of the parties and the price of transportation and ancillary services). In the absence of written agreement, the relationship between the parties, as of full right, those set by the standard contracts established by regulation. This means that each party to the commission contract has obligations to respect.
The obligations of the parties to the contract The execution of the commission contract between the principal and the freight forwarder requires the compliance of certain obligations by each party. The principal, for the good organization of transport and in a time frame compatible with it, provides the commission for each shipment, in writing or by electronic means of transmission and storage of data, the following information , including: • • • • • •
The nature and purpose of organizing transport; Specific implementation arrangements; The address, the date and, if necessary, the time of the provision of goods and delivery; The name of the sender and the recipient; The number of packages and / or gross weight, dimensions if necessary, and the very precise nature of the goods; The possible danger thereof;
In return, the forwarder is required to audit the documents provided by the principal that have a direct connection with the organization of transport. As for other documents submitted, it ensures their apparent conformity with the mission entrusted to him. The principal shall in no circumstances en trust the freight forwarder, organizing transport of illicit or prohibited goods. If it wishes the commission uses a particular type of equipment for the transport of goods (example container), he will have him specify and confirm the request in writing or any other means of electronic transmission and storage of data. When the nature of the goods requires, it is packaged, packed, marked and labeled or countermarked by the principal in order to withstand the conditions of carriage and any operations subsequent storage and handling. Sensitive or dangerous goods shall be labeled in accordance with appropriate regulations for tracking parcels. The substituted of the forwarder must be informed of the apparent defect on the packaging, covering or labeling of the goods (Cass Com. Nov. 23rd, 1970). The freight forwarder, being held by an obligation of result, organizes the operation based on information requests and instructions of the principal. As part of the preparation and control of documents required to transport (Consignment, Air Waybill or Bill of Lading), the freight forwarder verifies that the information and items needed to establish a transport document and the delivery of the goods have been delivered to them or, failing that, were handed over (x) carrier (s) no later than when supported. It should be understood by management, acceptance forwarder or substituted merchandise. It establishes documents and drafting responsibility to ensure, insofar as possible, the preparation of documents by those who are responsible. The duty to advise the freight forwarder is exercised in its field of competence and assessed according to the degree of professionalism of the principal (CA Paris October 25th, 1989). This duty is exercised to the extent that the freight forwarder has timely information necessary to the
organization of transport. Freight forwarder with the control it has international texts and conventions in all modes of transport, therefore a duty to advise vis-à-vis his principal. So upstream, and when it is applied even before the signing of the contract, it shall inform the principal advantages and disadvantages of the modes can be used. Based on elements that are provided by the principal, the nature, value and destination of the goods, timelines and market practices considered, the forwarder suggests the purchase of “goods“ insurance, a declaration of value and / or a special interest in delivery. The freight forwarder as an agent of the principal maintains insurance on behalf and for the account of the principal with a reputable company at the time of insurance of the policy. When it is the subcontracting, the freight forwarder has obligations vis-à-vis its substituted. It must, for example whether the carrier to which it is used properly insured for personal liability (CA Bordeaux July 13, 1982). In this case, it shall ensure, prior to the conclusion of the contract of carriage, the substituted whom he addresses is authorized to perform the operations entrusted to it and have the skills required. It therefore assumes only the choice of his or substituted and is not required to receive prior approval from the principal. If it impressed him one, he is not responsible for the actions thereof, except in cases of misconduct. In cases where the forwarder itself chooses its substituted, it has the obligation to transmit in time all the information, applications instructions of the principal and follow steps (transport document and related documents) until to final delivery of goods. Therefore, it must pass on delivery instructions against payment (CA Paris November 4, 1981) and do their best to safeguard the interests of his principal. As soon as he is aware, the freight forwarder shall inform the principal who made the request of the right end of the journey as well as any difficulties encountered in the execution of the contract. Delivery is the physical delivery of the goods to the consignee or his representative who accepts, is made between the hands of the person as designated by the principal. A delivery note is signed by the recipient after delivery. If preventing delivery (absence of the recipient, inaccessibility of the place of delivery, refusal by the consignee to take delivery, etc.), any additional costs incurred on behalf of the goods remain the responsibility of the principal, except in cases of misconduct of freight forwarder or its substituted. The payment of benefits transit commission is payable at the place of issue of the invoice, which must be paid
within a period not exceeding thirty days from the date of issue unless contractual provision (within agreed payment). The due date for payment, interest penalties for late payment and the amount of the lump-sum compensation for recovery costs must appear on the invoice rate. In case of serious breach by a party of its obligations, the other party may terminate the contract of freight forwarding, whether fixed or indefinite period, without notice or compensation, by sending a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt. However, to what extent the responsibility of each contractor can it be held?
The responsibility of contractors Subject to certain obligations, the principal bears the consequences of false statements or documents, incorrect, incomplete, inadequate or late delivered to the contractor. When information or
instructions of the principal seem equivocal, ambiguous or incomplete and are liable to jeopardize the proper performance of the mission, the freight forwarder is obliged to ask the principal any additional information writing or by any other electronic means (CA Paris July 11, 1975). If it turns out that the instructions of the principal are inconsistent with the regulations and / or induce any risk, the forwarder shall refuse to execute without liability being incurred. It shall inform the principal in writing or any other electronic means. Reservations may be issued on the condition and quantity of the goods in its management or its delivery. Reservations made by the forwarder are sent to the carrier by letter stating accordance with Article L 133-3 of the Commercial Code in order to maintain the use of his principal, if it is deemed to have received the goods in good condition (Cass com. July 8, 1974). The freight forwarder is presumed responsible for the completion of the transport and guarantees the arrival of the goods within the period specified in the transport document, except in cases of force majeure. It is also assumed responsibility for damage resulting from transportation, organization and execution of ancillary benefits and specific instructions. The freight forwarder is liable for all the consequences of breach of its obligations, which may, however, be limited to a ceiling under certain conditions. Unless intentional or inexcusable negligence, compensation for proven misconduct of the freight forwarder is strictly limited to a maximum according to the regulations. But to be valid, the limitation clause should be apparent, explicit and have been accepted by the principal at the conclusion of the contract. It is strictly applied (CA Paris January 17, 1979). This limitation can thrive for any loss or damage of goods, delay, return value and special interest in delivery. Compensation for damage proved, direct and predictable, takes place under the following conditions: repair the damage caused by the proven freight forwarder is limited to those incurred by the substituted in the process of sending entrusted. When the limits of compensation of substituted are not known or not resulting from mandatory provisions, laws or regulations, they are deemed identical to those relating to the personal liability of the freight forwarder. On the prescription, it must be said that all the actions that the commission contract of carriage may result in the prescribed period of one year. This short period, in case of total loss, from the date when the goods should have been delivered or tendered, and in all other cases, the date on which the goods are delivered or provided to the recipient.
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afrique maritime special angola International investment companies and funds, banks, real estate companies, construction companies, hotel chains and engineering firms and architecture who participated in this forum have discovered the benefits of a potential investment in the Bay of Luanda. It is also a particularly innovative project-oriented sustainable development. This is what has allowed the project to win prizes in Angola, South Africa and Portugal. In October 2013 he was awarded the United States by the International Waterfront Association, an institution that honors the best redevelopment projects for the benefit of residents. Luanda Bay was also named the best public space project and environmental redevelopment over 40 projects worldwide. But that’s not all.
A futuristic project development
REAL ESTATE IN ANGOLA Luanda is the last few years a major project to open. It is known as the Dubai of Africa. Some say it would be as many cranes Luanda to Dubai. This is the real estate boom in Angola. Overview of large projects of the administration Dos Santos, the architect of the peace.
Luanda was to reach 13 million by 2030, nearly 3 times its current population of 5,172,900 inhabitants. Furthermore Luanda Bay, a master plan is being considered for the makeover of the city. The master plan entitled’’ Luanda 2030 City of innovations’’ is indeed a project of futuristic city planning. The implementation of this master plan was given in late 2013 to a consortium composed of international and local firms architectures under the
supervision of the Institute of Urban Planning of Luanda. The consortium has 18 months to propose a master plan that shall metropolize the capital and outlying municipalities in 2030: transportation, housing, social facilities, etc.. Beside of these major projects, arrangements are made around the country. The Minister of Planning and Housing, José António da Conceição Silva, stated in December 2013 that about 65,000 homes were built in 2013 under the national program planning. Also, a project to build about 100,000 new housing units in 10 provinces led by entrepreneurial Group is currently in process. This project launched five years ago enables the Angolan government to effectively pursue its commitment to curb the housing deficit in the country. The control of population growth is one of the priorities of the Angolan authorities. For this purpose, the construction of 7 ‘’ new towns’’ is already programmed in the country; the smallest can accommodate 45,000 dwellings. In his review of the first quarter of 2013, the Government indicated that the National Land Registry recorded 40 procedures assignment educated land on 18,178 hectares to initiate real-estate transactions.
Angola: a rising power
The country is at peace for over 10 years. The stakes today are essentially economic. If black gold (which represents 46% of GDP, 90% of exports and 80% of government revenue) is the main engine of growth, Angola has begun the process of diversifying its economy like petrodollars the Persian Gulf. The production of liquefied natural gas has started in 2013. Diamond sectors and services are booming. While those in the construction and real estate, which represents 35% of non-oil foreign investment, giving a real boost to the country with major real estate transactions in progress. In 2011, construction accounted for 7% of GDP. But infrastructures development is not limited to real -estate, tourism is also booming. The country therefore relies on its tourist appeal through these futuristic developments. And the French Accor group is currently open in Angola average range hotels like Novotel and Mercure and upscale with Pullman. Between 2008 and 2012, 84 new hotels were built in Angola. This has tripled the hotel capacity in the country. The country is therefore emerging as a true regional power...
olitical stability prevailing in the country since 2002 has fostered an unprecedented recovery of economic activity. Angola became an Eldorado for foreign investors in all sectors. Economic prosperity has also turned into housing boom: homes, offices, urban avant-garde, etc. The country is changing at an exponential rate and its capital is awash with cranes Luanda Nicknamed the Dubai of Africa today is a vast project that demonstrates the willingness of the authorities to make Angola a power Africa. President Jose Eduardo Dos Santos was committed to build between 2008 and 2012 million units to meet the deficit - now estimated 1.7 million - and the real estate crisis after crisis. Kilamba became the workhorse and one of the key priorities of the Dos Santos administration.
approximately 20 kilometers south of Luanda. Launched in 2008 by the authorities, social housing project which was inaugurated June 11, 2011 was $ 2.5 billion. It was built on an area of 5,200 hectares by the Chinese giant CITIC Construction (Entrepreneurial Group). Kilamba includes 409 buildings representing 20,000 belonging accommodating between 120 000 and 500 000. This new city should become the new administrative capital. Kilamba is truly adequate response to the housing crisis. It is also the largest real estate project in Angola after independence in 1975, but the problem of high housing prices led authorities to lower the price of the order of 5% to 45%.; which resulted in an increase in demand for housing in the new city. The price of some apartments from 120 000 to 70 000 dollars.
Kilamba: the largest building project since independence
Luanda Bay: an exceptional real estate project on the waterfront
Cidade do Kilamba is a new city of KilambaKiaxi (one of the 9 municipalities that make up the capital) located
Another major program initiated by the government is the Sociedade Baia of Luanda. This is an exceptional real estate
project on the waterfront of the capital. Indeed, «Sociedade Baia of Luanda» will redevelop the entire waterfront of the bay of Luanda and is currently on a building project which will occupy three different plots for the construction of 3 new urban centers of 39 hectares. It aims to provide a new face to Luanda, combining modernity, urban planning and quality of life. The project involves a total investment in construction of approximately $ 6.3 billion over 20 years. This investment relates to the overall improvement of the area and the development of a housing project comprising 78 buildings, a construction area of 1.7 million square meters, with homes, offices, parks, tourism infrastructures, services and leisure facilities. Objective: Move the city center to the waterfront and radically modernize the image of the capital. This is a project that is carried out in the framework of a public-private partnership including national companies like Sonangol, Atlantico, GENI, etc.. The international presentation of the project took place at the first business forum in Luanda in late November 2013.
Luanda is the last few years a major project to open. It is known as the Dubai of Africa. Some say it would be as many cranes Luanda to Dubai. This is the real estate boom in Angola. Overview of large projects of the administration Dos Santos, the architect of the peace.
afrique maritime special angola
Ground Transportation in Angola
Angola is experiencing economic growth which is the result of huge public and private investment but also multiple assets available in the country and attractive institutional framework. Panorama favorable conditions that attract more foreign direct investment (FDI) in Angola.
Renovation of infrastructures to facilitate the movement of people and goods traffic increase
P Since the end of the crisis, the Angolan authorities have initiated an extensive program of reconstruction, modernization and expansion of infrastructures. This program has helped to upgrade infrastructures including road and rail transport in the country.
he authorities want to turn the country into a major logistics essential platform for Southern Africa. The Dos Santos administration therefore does not skimps on the means. A program of modernization of transport infrastructures was initiated to facilitate the mobility of people throughout the territory and the transport of goods throughout the country and beyond. The Angolan ground transportation, dominated by road and rail, is in an era of modernization. More than 11 000 km of roads have been rehabilitated even if there are some 26,000 kilometers restore the entire national territory. The authorities are planning to build 10,000 kilometers of roads of different categories of 2017, under the National Development Plan (NDP). In the road sub-sector, the flow of goods capacity was strengthened in 2013 by delivering 116 transports to the governorship of the province of Luanda. Luanda has also benefited from the bus to the interprovincial transportation, intermunicipal and intercity. Other works have been redeveloped. Therefore, about 600 bridges were built or restored.
Massive investment in railways
To enable people to move more easily,
the government has made massive investments in the rehabilitation of the railway network which was completely devastated by the war. Therefore, in 2013, more than 100 new train stations were opened throughout the territory to provide a better service to passengers and staff. At least $ 600 million has been invested in railway infrastructures and staff training carried. The main lines are the Luanda Railway (CFL), the Benguela Railway (CFB) and the Railway Moçamedes (CFM). The railway from Luanda, along 470 km connecting Luanda Luanda in the central province of Malanje was opened after 18 years of interruption. The work of the railroad, which was restored for three years, also includes lounges embarkation and disembarkation of passengers, administrative offices, reservation offices and other facilities. Operations railway Luanda / Malanje officially resumed with the maiden voyage of a ministerial delegation headed by the Minister of Transport, Augusto Tomas Minister Augusto da Silva Tomas, on behalf of President José Eduardo dos Santos, has re-opened the Railway station Luanda (CFL) in Malanje, officially reviving rail activities. Actual train activities have begun January
13, 2011 with the transport of passengers and goods. The resumption of the train is a new impetus given to the Angolan national economy and increase competition in the public transport sector. The Benguela railway has been restored thanks to an investment of about $ 2 billion (70 billion Kanzas). CFB along 1 344 km connecting the rail networks of the DRC and Zambia. It is a transcontinental railway that promotes economic development in the region through increased traffic and trade relations between them. This is the only railway linking central Africa to the Atlantic Ocean. With 67 stations, including breakpoints from the port of Lobito, the SFBC has a capacity to transport 20 million tons of cargo annually and over 4 million passengers annually. The government has also invested approximately $ 2 billion in the rehabilitation of 107 stations and stops, as well as 35 bridges built along the route of the railway. The railway Moçamedes (CFM) along 756 km has been renovated. The resumption of traffic from April 3 and increased traffic from the month of April 2013 was to reach one million tons of cargo and 500 passengers per day.
olitical stability in Angola has really set the country on orbit. It paved the way for an era of unprecedented prosperity conducive to investment. In 2003, the country has a law on private investment in order to strengthen the competitiveness of its economy and stimulate economic and social development by creating jobs and improving the standard of living of the population. But in order to improve and adapt the business environment, therefore leveraging private investment, the incentive regime and tax and customs benefits was reformed. This has resulted in the adoption of the Law N ° 20/11 of May 20, 2011 amending the 2003. This law grants exemptions or reduction to 50% of customs duties, tax on companies, and the use of capital, registration fees, and the rate of income tax. Incentive policies of the government are very generous. They provide for tax on capital ranging from 8 to 15 years for investors depending on the area of the country or province exemptions - three provinces were determined by the authorities. Like the oil industry, a law governing mining. Since 2012, Angola has adopted a mining code that regulates this sector in the country. This provides many benefits to economic operators of the sector. The period of prospecting license has evolved from 5 to 7 years with the possibility of extension until the presentation of the feasibility study. The size of the surface prospecting was 3,000 km² for diamonds has risen to 10 000 km² for all mineral resources, with the possibility of obtaining three times the surface. Industrial tax was lowered from 35% to 25%. Angola has a very wide variety of mineral resources still partially exploited. However, industrial diamond production has increased dramatically in recent years, from 5 million carats in 2002 to 8,000,000 in 2011.
4.7 billion proposed investment in 177 projects in 2013
The government’s efforts to create an attractive and competitive business environment produce their effects. In 2013, the National Agency for Private Investment
(Anip) recorded $ 4.7 billion of investment in 177 projects proposals, about twice the value of private investment in 2012. In 2013 Angola has even been «listed» by the world Economic Report as the first country in the world where returns on investment are the most important. This is rightly so. Angola has enormous favorable investment potential for businesses, including massive oil and mineral deposits. This is one of the African countries with the highest growth with 8.8% in 2014. Since the end of the crisis, Angola sees its economy explode. It is the only country in the world to have its Gdp decoupled the past 10 years. Many economists cite Angola as the future ‘Dubai’ of Africa. The country of Dos Santos is the second largest oil producer in Africa, 5th largest diamond producer in the world, the fifth country in the world at the high agricultural potential (The country cultivable land is about 7,000,000 hectares) according to the World food Programme (FAO) ... Potentialities plus modernization programs of infrastructures incurred by the government in the country. A total of 35 billion dollars to 390 structural projects in the 2013-2017 national investment
program to improve infrastructures in all sectors. With over 20 million inhabitants, the country is also a huge consumer market. Market size will double by 2045; the middle class and elite high purchasing power emerges. The ICT market has experienced rapid development in recent years. Angola was the first African country to develop the 4G network. Telecom networks based on advanced infrastructures: 29 satellites to almost total coverage. The Internet arrives via the submarine cable SAT3 WASX-Safe linking South Africa to Europe. Angola is expected to launch its first telecommunications satellite in 2017: AngoSat. 18% of the population has access to fixed telephone against 82% for the mobile phone. These figures should grow very rapidly above 2017. To improve the financial system, Angola provides for the creation of the Luanda Stock Exchange in 2016. All these efforts to create favorable business conditions have taken particular companies economic partners of Angola (like the United States, China, France, etc.) to increase their investments in the country.
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maritime organization of west and central africa ORGANISATION MARITIME DE L’AFRIQUE DE L’OUEST ET DU CENTRE Organização Marítima da África do Oeste e do Centro
Para serviços eficazes de transporte marítimo com mais segurança, e menos poluição
pour des services de transports maritime rentables avec plus de sécurité, de sureté et moins de pollution
interview with
Alain michel luvambano Secretary-General of MOWCA
SG MOWCA «MOWCA played a pioneering role in African maritime cooperation» he Gulf of Guinea is today a favorite area for pirates. To address this threat, Commander Adama Lazare Aké Abé, responsible for study at the Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Port of the Ministry of Transport of the Ivory Coast calls for MOWCA be more involved in the fight against this scourge. He admits, hence the motto of the Secretary General MOWCA of his Excellency Alain Michel LUVAMBANO to make 2014, the year of the effective fight against piracy. Indeed, since the adoption, May 7, 1975, the Maritime Transport Charter called «Charter of Abidjan» MOWCA has become the most important forum for exchange and cooperation in west and center Africa. Therefore, having posed major acts for the profitability of African maritime transport services, MOWCA are now investing more in protecting African maritime economies against transnational organized crime in the Gulf of Guinea including piracy and armed robbery.
For cost effective maritime transport services, high on security and safety low on pollution
What are the economic potential of the Gulf of Guinea? The Gulf of Guinea is a strategic maritime space in the center of a network of sea routes linking Africa to other continents, mainly America, Europe and Asia. From an economic point of view, it hosts 90% of the volume of trade of the States of the region and represents a reserve of 100 billion barrels of oil and more than one million tons of fish, whose annual production is around 600,000 tons. Is it for that great wealth it attracts the hackers? This maritime area, that attracts the envy of economic powers and emerging States, unfortunately tends to become the haunt of pirates and other transnational criminals. 5 states in the area most affected by this phenomenon are Nigeria, Togo, Benin, Côte d’Ivoire and Guinea. It is not therefore an illusion to say that
BP V 257 Abidjan Cocody Vallon, rue J62 République de Côte d’Ivoire . tel:+225 22 40 61 00 . fax:+225 22 41 21 54 . mail:infos@omaoc.org . web:www.omaoc.org
the Gulf of Guinea is poised to outperform the Gulf of Aden on piracy. It worries the governments. Indeed, on the occasion of the opening of the first summit of Heads of State and Government of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), the Economic Community of West African States of the (ECOWAS) and the Gulf of Guinea Commission (CGG) on maritime safety and security in the Gulf of Guinea, which took place from 24 to 25 June 2013 in Yaoundé, Cameroon, H.E. Paul Biya, President of the Republic Cameroon, asked crudely whole issue of piracy in the Gulf of Guinea in these terms: «the seas and oceans are wonders for humanity. Since the dawn of time, they allowed men to travel exchange and learn from each other. (...) For all these reasons, we cannot abandon our maritime space to lawless individuals or organizations, whose purpose is to transform it into a place of predation.» But what is being done to fight against the higher level of piracy in the sector? African countries have taken the full extent of the phenomenon. Therefore, since the early 2000, the Maritime Organization of African Western and Central States (MOWCA), which includes 20 coastal states and five land-locked States of West and Central Africa already, sounded the alarm bell about the dangers of piracy in the Gulf of Guinea. It has even been followed by the establishment of a framework for security cooperation to curb this phenomenon. The largest initiative is the project of integrated sub-regional network of the coastguard function of the African West and Central States, adopted at the 12th session of the General Assembly MOWCA held in 2003 in Luanda, Angola. This initiative has been strengthened by the creation of a Centre of Information and Communication that has just been inaugurated. Were these measures sufficient? No. We need to extend the network to fight against piracy in all structures that can make a significant contribution. That is
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AMÉLIA RITA DG Secil Maritima
A flagship company
MOWCA’s Seat (Abidjan - RCI)
why MOWCA signed on 7 November 2013 a Memorandum of Understanding with the Office of the fluidity of Transportation of Côte d’Ivoire (OFT). The objective is to benefit from the contribution of this office to combat downstream piracy by close monitoring of terrestrial distribution of goods. Therefore, these actions - initiated by MOWCA - combined with those of regional organizations sisters in West and Central Africa led to the Yaoundé Summit which took significant decisions to initiate an effective fight against the piracy in the Gulf of Guinea. What are the focal points at Yaoundé Summit? The Yaoundé summit was an opportunity to take several large steps. These include the Memorandum of Understanding between ECCAS, ECOWAS and the GSA on maritime safety and security in the maritime area of Central and West Africa, the Code of Conduct on the prevention and repression of acts of piracy, armed robbery against ships and illicit maritime activities in West and Central Africa will become binding after a period of three years from the statement on the safety and security in the common maritime space, called «Yaoundé Declaration,» the creation of a Interregional Coordination Centre between ECOWAS, ECCAS and the GSA, hosted by Cameroon and finally creating in each of a maritime area and Regional coordination Center.
What role does MOWCA play against maritime piracy? MOWCA must lead, especially for 2014, urgent action, contribution to effective implementation of the strategy adopted by the Yaoundé Summit (so-called «Yaoundé Initiative»). Its actions must be organized around four (04) strategic axes. First, in accordance with Decision No. 3/14AG/11 the 13th session of the General Meeting MOWCA, as requested President MOWCA to take measures in order to recognize the MOWCA as a Specialized Body within the African Union in the field of maritime transport by ECOWAS and ECCAS. Pending the implementation of this decision and to avoid duplication of efforts in the implementation of regional strategies against piracy, the most important thing for MOWCA to establish a formal platform for exchange and cooperation with ECOWAS, ECCAS and CGG. Then MOWCA could establish, in collaboration with sister organizations and some regional technical institutions (UNODC, INTERPOL), a program of training and capacity building in the field of the fight against piracy, drawing example from the Regional Centre for Training and Documentation created in Djibouti under Resolutions Djibouti Code of Conduct on the fight
against piracy (2009). The initiative of Yaoundé has repeatedly recommended the harmonization of legislative and regulatory framework of the fight against piracy at regional and interregional levels. Therefore, in parallel to the project of drafting a maritime code under common regional MOWCA could start the process of adopting regional and interregional law on the fight against piracy and the exercise of powers of Police at sea. What will be the content in this law? Taking into account international law, the law should take into account the following: the criminalization of piracy, universal jurisdiction over piracy, detention conditions at sea in accordance with operational constraints, administrative means evidence, transfer agreements suspects and convicts, joint operational procedures, boarding private security personnel. Moreover, the point 2.3.f of the Yaoundé Declaration, States have agreed on the need to establish a funding mechanism based on contributions to support measures against piracy. The provisions of the new system of financing projects and programs MOWCA come within this framework. Are you optimistic about the effectiveness of cooperation between the states? There are reasons to be confident. MOWCA which has played a pioneering role in African maritime cooperation should not be left out of the entire current dynamic that aims to maritime areas subregional a haven of peace and development. It has the necessary resources for this purpose in terms of experience, expertise and energy. More than in the past, must MOWCA in 2014 give a strong signal «for services to maritime transport cost with more security, more safety and less pollution.» It is in the success of security policies and security of maritime waters of the sub-region. For your information, at the Group of African States Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) in the context of sustainable economic development and trade, the creation of a program entitled «Support to maritime transport in Africa» where in its implementation, a steering committee has been created. An appeal was made MOWCA for expertise in this area to achieve the EU-Africa cooperation. There is a budget of around 5 million euro for the program and the various meetings will be held at the house of the ACP in Brussels from 3 to 4 June 2014.
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Avenida 4 de Fevereiro, 42 / 1º A 5910 Luanda / Angola . Tel: 244 2 31 09 50 / +244 2 31 13 34 . Fax: 244 2 31 17 84 . E-mail: secilmaritima@secil.snet.co.ao
A.R.S.T.M : Academie Regionale des Sciences et Techniques de la Mer Academia Regional do Ciências e Técnicas do mar
Serviços uma instituição régional o mar e os comércios indústria
Abidjam, República da Costa do Marfim
» As formações da Academia A Academia tem grandes écoles de dois (02): A Ecole Supérieure de Navegação (ESN) especializada em treinamento de pessoal de vôo (oficiais) da marinha mercante e técnicos superiores em manutenção industrial e telecomunicações. O Ecole Supérieure de Transportes Marítimos (ESTM) responsável pela formação de gerentes de nível médio e superiores sedentários das empresas auxiliares de transporte. Além disso, inclui uma faculdade de ensino e aprendizagem marítima (CESD), que forma o pessoal de apoio e serviços ponte equipes e máquina e pesca. Além da formação inicial, a ARSTM desenvolveu um extenso programa de educação continuada para o reforço das capacidades dos trabalhadores nos campos marítimos, portuários e industriais. O ARSTM tem treinado desde a sua criação mais de seis mil 6.000 alunos cujo terço é da subregião.
» As especificidades da Academia Materiais pedagógicos: escola era dotada de uma completa missões Simulator (navegação e pesca) de última geração pela OMI para uma ainda mais sofisticado, estudantes de treinamento e trabalhadores na área portuária e marítima da costa do Marfim e a sub-região. Uma biblioteca redefinir totalmente nova e fornecida documentação ao dia. Certificação ISO 9001 Versão 2008: nós tomamos a decisão de mudar a nossa forma de trabalhar para melhorar a qualidade dos nossos cursos em uma base diária através da qualidade em conformidade com a norma ISO 9001:2008. Além disso, do IMO STCW que já temos. É o que nos conquistou a certificação ISO 9001:2008 pelo BUREAU VERITAS CERTIFICATION. Parcerias: assinatura de várias convenções de parcerias, inclusive com AMCI, senhor, AAP, logística de Bolloré África, mar-Invest, grupo ZERVOS (Greceliban), segurança SAMSIC (França)... Centro de saúde do ARSTM para professores, estudantes, comunidade marítima, portuária e industrial e, também, a população.
Yopougon Niangon Lokoa - B.P. V 158 Abidjan, República da costa do Marfim
Tel.: (225) / - Fax :(225) - E-mail : info@arstm.org
Angola - National Shippers Council
DE ANGOLA Sea freight for development of Angola
BNF Bolsa Nacional do Frete National Freight Exchange
Sistema de Informação, Gestão e Análise Information, Management and Analysis System
Largo 4 de Fevereiro, Palácio de Vidro 5º Andar Luanda 2223 – Luanda Angola +244 222 311 339 / 897.tel +244 222 310 097.fax cnc@cnc-angola.gv.ao http://www.cnc-angola.com