Tourism Portfolio

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2012 Tourism Portfolio


Contents Preface ..................................................................................................................................... 1. What is The world of Tourism about? ................................................................................... 2. What is tourism? ....................................................................................................................................... 2. The 5 main sectors of tourism.................................................................................................................... 2. Tourism according to motivation ............................................................................................................... 2. Tourism according to organisation............................................................................................................. 2. Tourism according to number and effect of tourism on destination ............................................................ 3. Tourism according to destination ............................................................................................................... 3. The economic importance of tourism ......................................................................................................... 3. Sustainable tourism ................................................................................................................................... 3.

Who is who & What is what? ................................................................................................. 4. Visitor ....................................................................................................................................................... 4. Destination ................................................................................................................................................ 4. Tourist attraction ....................................................................................................................................... 4. Genius loci ................................................................................................................................................ 4. Active tourism ........................................................................................................................................... 4.

Works ...................................................................................................................................... 6. Disney advertisement ................................................................................................................................ 7. Market segmentation and offer .................................................................................................................. 8. James Chicago translation ....................................................................................................................... 10. Translation about the Hungarian touristic businesses ............................................................................... 11. Customer satisfaction questionnaire about the Hungarian Railways ......................................................... 12. Dubbing a Japanese video ....................................................................................................................... 15. Speech about Cultural heritage tourism ................................................................................................... 16. Report on the situation of tourism in Hungary ......................................................................................... 17.


This Portfolio is meant to be the collection of the works I have created in this term for my ESP: English for Tourism class.

First and foremost, this Portfolio includes some theoretical aspects about tourism: some definitions; the categorisation of tourism according to various aspects; and then, its connection to other economic fields. I also included plenty of pictures in order to make it more attractive and enjoyable.

The next part is the collection of the different tasks I had to do during the semester. This compilation consists of advertisements, a market segmentation exercise, and translations, among others.

My intention with this Portfolio was to entertain you and show you how many amazing things we have done. I hope you will enjoy it!

Oh, and one more thing. You may find questions addressed to you – just to encourage you to reflect on some specific issues and think about your experiences as a tourist.

Have fun! ď Š

What is the World of Tourism about? What is tourism? According to the definition of the UNWTO (United Nations World Tourism Organization), tourism comprises the activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business, and other purposes. Tourism has 5 main sectors.

Hospitality (accomodation) • Hotels, motels, marinas • Bed & Breakfast, time share resorts etc.

Attractions and events • Theme parks, national parks, wildlife parks • Heritage sites, festivals, events

Transport • Airlines, railways, shipping lines • Car rental operators, bus/coach operators

Travl organizers and intermediaries • Travel e-mediaries, tour operators • Conference organizers

Destination organization • National tourist offices (NTOs) • Local tourist offices, tourist associations

Figure 1. The 5 main sectors of Tourism Since Tourism is a wide notion, we can establish different types if we group it according to particular features. Let us now have a look at tourism in more detail! Tourism according to motivation 

Free-time tourism includes vacation-, urban-, religious-, cultural-, health tourism etc.

MICE tourism: it is the abbreviation of Meeting, Incentive, Congress, Events/Exhibition

VFR: it is also an abbreviation that stands for Visiting Friends and Relatives So, for what reason do you usually travel?

Tourism according to organisation 

Organised tours (by travel organisers; everything is done for you: accommodation, transport, meals, tour guide etc.)

Package tours (for groups)

Personalised tours

Individual tours Have you ever been on a package tour? If yes, how did you like it?

Tourism according to number and effect of tourism on destination 

Mass tourism, which means that a large number of people visit a place. Think about seaside holidays, mass pilgrimages, or festivals, for instance.

Alternative (niche) tourism: it means that certain types of people are interested in the activity. Such activities can be birding or visiting ancient ruins (=cultural heritage tourism). Do you prefer mass or niche tourism?

Tourism according to destination 

Domestic tourism: visits by residents of a country to their own country (e.g.: you travel to Eger)

Inbound tourism: visits to a country by non-residents (e.g.: German tourists come to Balaton)

Outbound tourism: visits by residents of a country to another country (e.g.: Hungarians travel to Croatia)

Internal tourism: visits by residents and non-residents (e.g.: you and Austrian citizens go to Zala County)

National tourism: internal tourism + outbound tourism

The economic importance of tourism 

It is part of the service industry

It is connected to other economic sectors, such as catering, education etc.

It creates income

It creates employment – think about receptionists, tour guides, or bellboys! For me, sustainable tourism was a new term. Do you know what it means?

Sustainable tourism Sustainable Tourism (also called Responsible Tourism) is simply about making a positive difference to the people and environment of destinations we travel to by: 

respecting local cultures and the natural environment,

buying local, giving fair economic returns to local families,

recognising that water and energy are precious resources that we need to use carefully,

helping to protect endangered wildlife,

protecting and enhancing favourite destinations for the future enjoyment of visitors and the people who live there,

taking responsibility for our actions while enjoying ourselves

Who is who & What is what? Visitor According to the time of stay, there are 2 types of visitors 

Tourist: a visitor staying for more than 24 hours at a destination (needs accommodation for the night)

Excursionist: a visitor spending less than 24 hours at a certain destination So, as for you, are you more of a tourist or rather an excursionist type?

Destination Your destination is a physical place you journey or travel to. (based on Wikipedia) Tourist attraction A tourist attraction is a place of interest where tourists visit, typically for its inherent or exhibited cultural value, historical significance, natural or built beauty, or amusement opportunities. Some examples include historical places, monuments, zoos, aquaria, museums and art galleries, botanical gardens, buildings and structures (e.g., castles, libraries, former prisons, skyscrapers, bridges), national parks and forests, theme parks and carnivals, living history museums, ethnic enclave communities, historic trains and cultural events. Many tourist attractions are also landmarks. (based on Wikipedia) Genius loci (Pl.) For a destination, it is very important to recognize and empower its traditions, its identity, its unique way of life. In other words, it is important to discover and to enhance its genius loci. Genius loci is a Latin term meaning “the genius of the place”; in modern terms it is the distinctive atmosphere or pervading spirit of a place. Genius loci is not static in time, but it changes. Genius loci might come from: 





history etc. So, what is the genius loci of your region like?

Active tourism We also talked about active tourism. It is a very interesting field of tourism that consists of a number of sports that were new to me, such as:  Zorbing: it is the recreation of rolling downhill in an orb, generally made of transparent plastic. It is generally performed on a gentle slope, but can also be done on a level surface, permitting more rider control. In the absence of hills, some operators have constructed inflatable, wooden or metal ramps.

There are two types of orbs: harnessed and non-harnessed. Non-harnessed orbs carry up to three riders, while the harnessed orbs are constructed for one to two riders.  Orienteering: it is a family of sports that requires navigational skills using a map and a compass to navigate from point to point in diverse and usually unfamiliar terrain, and normally moving at speed. Participants are given a topographical map, usually a specially prepared map, which they use to find control points.  Geo-caching is an outdoor sporting activity in which the participants use a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver or other navigational techniques to hide and seek containers anywhere in the world. A typical cache is a small waterproof container containing a logbook where they enter the date they found it and sign it with their established code name.  Tubing is a recreational activity where an individual rides on top of an inner tube, either on water, snow, or through the air. The tubes themselves are also known as “donuts” or “biscuits” due to their shape. Riders can often become airborne while passing over waves or wake from the motor boat or personal watercraft.  Paragliding is a recreational and competitive flying sport carried out with a free-flying foot-launched aircraft. The pilot sits in a harness suspended below a fabric wing, whose shape is formed by its suspension lines and pressure of air entering vents in the front of the wing. Have you ever tried one of these sports? If not, which one would you choose?


The following pages will be about my works I have created in this term. These include advertisements, translation exercises, dubbing, presentations, and sound files, too. Have a look and enjoy! ď Š

Disney advertisement At the beginning of the semester, I wrote an advertisement about the Disney International. This was a very challenging task, because I had to acquire the advertising language: how to attract people’s attention, what adjectives to use, how to use slogans etc.

Castaway Cay: something for everyone Fed up with your boring weekdays and looking for a world-class vacation experience somewhere special? Have children but cannot find a destination where all of you can have a fantastic couple of days? If so, we know what You need. You need a Disney Cruise to Castaway Cay, Disney’s exclusive port-of-call paradise!

Why choose a Disney Cruise? On a Disney Cruise, there is something for everyone. Our luxurious ships provide You with state-of-the-art comfort, 24-hour allinclusive service, incredible entertainment facilities for little children, private clubs for teens, and of course, areas for adults.

What Castaway Cay offers? If You choose Castaway Cay, You will find an needs. Our leisure time activities include sunbathing under palm trees on white sand of water sports, your kids have the possibility have a fantastic time in Donald’s Pool. Teens where amazing parties are organized and of that, Castaway Cay invites adults to Swedish Massage. Wish to spend an incredible for Couple’s Choice. The Couple’s Choice offers You can choose from half-body or full-body body wraps.

island tailored specifically to You and Your family’s snorkelling, swimming in the turquoise water, beaches. What is more, You can enjoy a variety to enjoy water coaster in our Aqua Parks or are welcome in our age-appropriate teen-clubs hosted by starts & celebrities. And, on the top combine the divine comfort and luxury of our afternoon with your partner calmly? Then opt You a wonderful spa treatment of your choice. massages, chocolate massages, aroma therapies, or

Places to discover Your stay at Castaway Cay is full of magnificent explorations. Some of the unique places at Castaway Cay are Pelican Plunge, which celebrates the island’s native pelicans. At Snorkelling Lagoon, You are welcome to discover the marine life of the sea. In case You are a novice, experienced snorkelers help You learn how to explore the beauties of Castaway Cay. Moreover, in our gift shops, You are invited to buy souvenirs and presents to share your experience with your acquaintances.

Choose us! If You want to turn your holiday into a memorable and delightful adventure, choose our Disney Cruise to Castaway Cay, where there is something for everyone. Our services are fitted to Your and Your family’s special needs. Remember:

Frank Sinatra did it his way. We do it the way You wish. Sources:

Market segmentation and offer After the Disney advertisement, we had to select a market segment and tried to offer a place to stay in our area.

Market segment I would like to offer this weekend to Empty nesters, i.e. to families with no children. Their needs include luxury items, exotic and adventure travel, sporty cars, designer clothing, sauna, manicure, pedicure, facials etc.

Offer My offer is the following: “Spirit Love” Place: Sárvár, Transdanubia Stay: Spirit Hotel***** Sárvár Nights: 2 (3 days)

The “Spirit Love” package includes 2 nights stay in a King Double Room Breakfast, lunch, candlelight dinner Use of the „Oasis” spa area Use of the Spirit Sauna World Unlimited use of wellness services Romantic surprise and extra champagne in the room

Programmes in Sárvár There is a wide range of programmes all year round for adults in the city centre, which is only a short walk from the hotel.

Places and sights in the neighbourhood to visit Szombathely is an Episcopal centre and the county seat of Vas County. It is about 20 km from Sárvár. Kőszeg is not far either, and together with the city of Sopron and Győr, these main cities of Transdanubia immediately capture the attention. For those wishing to visit castles and fortresses, the castles of Sárvár, Kőszeg and Sümeg are a nice choice. Pannonhalma, Sopron, Badacsony, Balatonfüred, or Csopak invite visitors to taste first-class wines. Arboretums and enchanting gardens are also worth visiting. The floodplain forests opposite the Spirit Hotel***** are also a great place to take a walk. Besides, the Jeli Arboretum with its famous rhododendrons and the lush park in Kámon provide visitors with the most special plants of the continents.


Figure 1. Spirit Hotel*****

Figure 2. King Double Room

Figure 3. Jeli Arboretum


James Chicago translation We also did translation exercises. One of them was the offer of the James Chicago Hotel.

Páros hétvége a

James Chicago Hotelben (az ajánlat 2011. december 31-ig érvényes)


HOL? James Chicago Hotel

MITŐL MEDDIG? Egészen 2011. december 31-ig

AZ ÁR TARTALMAZZA… A James Chicago Hotel páros hétvége ajánlata tartalmazza a vendégszobai szállást 229USD/éjszakáért, vagy 389USD/éjszakáért a szálloda egyik loftjában. Töltsön el egy kellemes hétvégét a James Chicago Hotelben és élvezze: 

a pohárköszöntőt az Ön és Párja tiszteletére

a szoba virágdekorációját a megfelelő hangulat eléréséért

a különleges édességeket a David Burke’s Primehouse vezető séfjétől, Jove Hubbard-tól, mely többek között fűszeres forró csokoládét, málnás pehelycukrot, csokoládéba mártott epret, valamint omlós fehércsokoládés teasüteményt tartalmaz

a 250USD értékű ajándékutalványt, melyet 1000USD vagy afeletti vásárlás esetén felhasználhat David Yurman’s Oak Street-en található chicagói butikjában

SZÁLLODÁNKRÓL A James Chicago Hotel 2006 áprilisában nyitotta meg kapuit, ízléses szálláshelyet kínálva üzletemberek és kellemes időtöltésre vágyó vendégei számára. A vendégszeretet világában a James Chicago a konvencióktól mentes luxus képviselője; ez a filozófia érvényesül a szálloda kínálta szobák, a személyzet, és az egyéb szolgáltatások területén is. A Travel + Leisure’s 2009-es Legjobb Hotel gálán elismerést begyűjtő szálloda kifinomult, társadalmilag tudatos életmódot kínál, ami egyszerre pazar és kényelmes, igényes és elérhető, lenyűgöző és természetes. A James Chicago Hotel a Rush és az Ontario út sarkán található, pár lépésre Chicago híres Michigan sugárútjától, a Millenium Parktól, és számos múzeumtól. A szálloda arculatát meghatározzák a David Burke Primehouse termékei, a JBar lounge, továbbá az Asha gyógyfürdő, valamint rendelkezésre áll a fitness terem Jim Karas személyi edző programjaival, különleges helyszínek, kényelmes vendégszobák, amellett üzleti társalgó webkamerával, illetve időszakos kiállításokkal.

Translation about the Hungarian touristic businesses and Budapest The other translation exercise was a more difficult one that involved using (and learning at the same time) some technical terms. This text is about the Hungarian touristic businesses and Budapest.

The majority of businesses working in the tourist sector are micro-, small and medium-sized private businesses – 99% of the Hungarian enterprises belong to this SME sector –, their profitability is highly influenced by the economic environment and the presence of the attainable incentives.

In Hungary, compared to other European countries, the personal income tax (including the added social contribution) is high. The corporation tax is smaller, but the VAT rates are also higher as far as the general figures of the Union are concerned, thus damaging the competitiveness of the touristic services. Considering local taxes, there is a special tax category in tourism, namely the tourism tax (TT), the imposition of which is decided by the local authorities.

Hungary has several touristic attractions, but it is Budapest, the Lake Balaton, and certain spas that are of high importance. The other attractions, however important they are for us, have only national or regional significance. Hungary is a country with an 1100-year-old past, history; and a diverse, unique culture. Actually, this uniqueness in diversity makes the country intangibly special. This vivid exceptionality, being a so-called special Hungaricum, is temporarily an unexploited possibility. Being a melting pot of Europe, there is little of everything that is found scattered on our continent and in the big wide world. Hungary: mini Europe. Our language, which cannot be compared to any other languages and is like an island in the sea of Slavic and German languages, intensifies the peculiarity that can be witnessed in the typical Hungarian way of thinking and in terms of scientific and sports achievements. The tourist industry considers the isolation of the Hungarian language to be a drawback, although it could be used beneficially among Japanese visitors or tourists of special interests, for instance.

In Budapest, destination marketing is not sufficient or is not realised. Budapest is a moderately touristfriendly destination: tourists are not provided with adequate information, sign posting is not proper, there is a lack of public toilets, and there is no centrally located visitor centre offering wide range of services. Exclusive souvenir shops are also needed.

Customer satisfaction questionnaire about the Hungarian Railways Our next task was to create a questionnaire about the services offered by the Hungarian Railways. The questionnaire was filled out by some people so that we could see the results. Dear Passenger, as the representative of the Hungarian Railways (MÁV), I would like to thank you for using our services. By filling out this questionnaire, please share your experiences with the Hungarian Railways (MÁV) and help us improve the quality of our services. We really appreciate your kindness and contribution. ___________________________________________________________________________ Sex:  male /  female


Age:  0-15 /  16-30 /  31-60 /  61-

How often do you use the services of the Hungarians Railway (MÁV)?

 almost every day  2-3 days a week  once or twice a month  once or twice in three months  once or twice a year 2.

When do you usually use the services of the Hungarian Railways (MÁV)?

 at the beginning of the week  on Thursdays and/or Fridays  only at weekends  almost every day  it varies 3.

What distance do you travel?

 up to 50 kilometres  between 50-150 kilometres  more than 150 kilometres 4.

In which part of the country do you usually travel?

 in the western part of the country  in the northern part of the country  in the eastern part of the country  in the southern part of the country  in / around the middle of the country


If you use one of our trains, you

 always have a seat and can travel comfortably  need to search for empty seats  need to stand for a long time, which is quite inconvenient  usually have to stand because there are not enough

carriages and it always results in

having to jam with others 6.

The ticket inspectors of the Hungarian Railways (MÁV) as very polite and helpful employees.

 strongly agree  somewhat agree  neutral  somewhat disagree  strongly disagree 7.

Which of the following qualities of the ticket inspectors stand out?

 patient  kind and smiling  friendly and helpful  always listen to and handle my problems carefully  I cannot choose one. 8.

Which of the following qualities of the ticket inspectors annoy you?

 not patient  ill-mannered  unfriendly  do not bother about my queries  I cannot choose one. 9.

The carriages and seats are comfortable and clean.

 strongly agree  somewhat agree  neutral  somewhat disagree  strongly agree 10. The state of the lavatories and the hand-wash cabins as clean and neat.

 strongly agree  somewhat agree  neutral  somewhat disagree  strongly disagree

11. If you think about your most recent experience of buying your ticket at the Hungarian Railways (MÁV), the way our colleagues treated you was

 superior (they were absolutely kind and helpful)  very satisfactory  average  somewhat unsatisfactory  very poor (they did not treat me appropriately and were absolutely boorish)  I do not buy tickets because I have a relative who works for

the Hungarian Railways

(MÁV) and I use a free pass. 12. When you last travelled by one of our trains, were the trains punctual?

 yes, absolutely  no, there was a delay of 0-30 minutes  no, there was a delay of 30-60 minutes  no, there was a delay of more than an hour  no, there was a delay of more than 2 hours 13. If you have ever had any problems or inconveniences with the time of arrival and/or departure, the passenger information you received was

 superior  very satisfactory  average  somewhat unsatisfactory  very poor 14. In the future, I am going to use the services of the Hungarian Railways (MÁV).

 certainly  high chance  I am hesitating.  low chance  certainly not 15. Please describe if there is anything else you would like to share with us concerning our services. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you very much for your feedback. We really appreciate your honest opinion and will take your answers into consideration while providing our service in the future. Sincerely, Fekete Gergő Representative of the Hungarian Railways (MÁV)

Dubbing a Japanese video Probably the most entertaining exercise was the dubbing of a Japanese video about Budapest. Yes, the girl in the video was talking in Japanese, so we could not understand a word of hers. We just had to make the whole thing up. The video can be found under this URL: (I suggest that you should watch the video and read the text simultaneously, otherwise the latter will be unintelligible. ) The translation: Who can find out, in which country are we at the moment? Just look ahead; it might give you a clue… If your guess was the capital of Hungary, then you are perfectly right. This is Budapest, the city of the River Danube which splits the town into two. Because of the banks of the Danube, the Buda Castle Quarter, and the well-architected bridges, it is often cited as one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. So, what did you see just a second ago? Yes, this is the Parliament building, built in Neogothic style. It’s just beautiful, look at the narrow high windows and the dome in the middle. Well, it is also part of the World Heritage. There you can see the other important attraction, the Buda Castle. It’s so huge!!! You should definitely visit it, because the view from there is enchanting. And, we are approaching the Chain Bridge. The captain said we were going to sail under it, OMG, can you believe it? Oops, that was close!  Budapest is the capital and the largest city of Hungary, the largest in East-Central Europe and the seventh largest in the European Union. It is the country's principal political, cultural, commercial, industrial, and transportation centre, sometimes referred to as the country of the famous Chain Bridge. So, my next question is: who do you see behind me? Yes, she’s Elisabeth, Austrian empress, Hungarian queen, wife of Franz Joseph I. They got married in Vienna, on April 24, 1854. Famous for her beauty, influential fashions and passion for sports, she is now often called the „Diana of her day”. Elisabeth liked staying at their castle in Gödöllő, which was given to the couple in 1867. Have you ever seen such a stunning building? I haven’t. This castle is also renowned for its beautiful paintings on the ceiling. Gosh, look at those cakes. „I’d like one from the Elisabeth cake.” All the Elizabethan cakes are of high quality and of reasonable prices. One of the most important rooms of the castle is the private room of Elisabeth, which is still in a good state. If you want to know more about the everyday life of the Hungarian queen, you should definitely have a look at it. Slightly more than half of Hungary’s landscape consists of flat land with different kinds of animals living on it. Horses, the puli, oxen, and pigs are typical Hungarian animals. Notice the pointed horns of these animals! The sounds they produce are very lovely to listen to. Besides, different kinds of birds and other animals can also be witnessed here. The dragonfly on the River Tisza, for instance. Ooo, there are so many of them. That one is going to fly by us, see?  What’s more, fishermen can also be active here. Wanna find out more? Go to Hévíz, the Great Plains, or watch storks. Simply, discover!

Speech about Cultural heritage tourism We also dealt with the issue of cultural heritage tourism. What is that? According to Wikipedia, Cultural heritage tourism (or just heritage tourism or diaspora tourism) is a branch of tourism oriented towards the cultural heritage of the location where tourism is occurring. The National Trust for Historic Preservation in the United States defines cultural heritage tourism as “travelling to experience the places and activities that authentically represent the stories and people of the past and present�.

Ladies and Gentleman, we all use the word culture regularly. We seem to take it for granted; we seem to think about it as a natural phenomenon that somehow preserves itself. We seem to forget about the importance of conserving our culture for the future generations, for our own children and grandchildren. But is it really that significant to preserve our beliefs, way of life, our beautiful old monuments and customs that characterise our society? The answer is most probably yes. Because our cultural (or national) heritage plays a very important part in getting to know our history, in studying it and thus maintaining it. Different kinds of objects, artefacts, or buildings provide clear, tangible evidence for what our ancestors and the outstanding figures of our country did. Without this physical heritage, neither archaeology, nor museology could exist. What is more, our future generations would have no idea what natural gifts this country owns. Consider the Aggtelek National Park, for instance. By opening it to large audiences, we can now admire the enchanting cave and the diverse flora and fauna; what is more, due to regular research we can be aware of the cultural importance of the area. Places like this, together with the wide range of museums and picture galleries, offer the opportunity to get to know and relive our past. However, cultural heritage consists of non-physical, intangible aspects of culture, as well. The way of thinking, the means of behaviour, or the different traditions and customs are also interpreted as fundamental parts of our culture. Of course, this kind of heritage is more difficult to conserve. It involves constantly making an effort, if we want our children and grandchildren to know their history and culture, since these things cannot be displayed in a gallery. It means maintaining old traditions, like painting eggs or sprinkling the girls at Easter, for example. It is also vital to highlight that preserving cultural heritage has several benefits. In addition to increasing community pride and preserving the unique character of the country, it can also generate profit for the cultural heritage tourism, thus stimulating economic growth. Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe that the importance cannot be overemphasised. Conservation of archives and museum materials, or customs and traditions is meant to explain and prolong our rich cultural, political, social values to future generations. It is our must to provide them with these treasures so that they could also know and celebrate the national heritage. Thank you for your kind attention.

Report on the situation of tourism in Hungary Approaching the end of the term, we held a press conference. Two of us were the experts and we, the audience, had to write a report about the situation of tourism in Hungary afterwards.

Report on the situation of tourism in Hungary

Last Monday, the Hungarian Tourism cPLC organised its annual press conference in the heart of the Hungarian tourism, Budapest. The two representatives, prof. Anita Simon and Alexandra Nagy told us about the situation of tourism in Hungary. The experts said that the economic importance of Hungarian tourism is constantly growing and the country is playing a more and more important role in shaping the Central European tourist industry. Professor Simon told us, that it has become a well-known fact that the number of tourists visiting Hungary is increasing. The most visited areas of the country are still Budapest and the middle parts of the country. It is most probably due to the wonderful banks of the river Danube that provides visitors with a fascinating landscape all through the country. However, there is still room for improvement. According to the latest statistics, it is the Northern and the Western part of the country that is in need of enhancement. The government has already taken some measures and is planning to advertise these parts of Hungary in the neighbouring countries and all over Europe, because according to Alexandra Nagy, these areas also have their values and charm, they are just not discovered yet. Lake Balaton and its surroundings are still the biggest attractions for tourists. Every year, millions of people come here to spend a nice couple of days with their family or friends. The area is particularly admired by Austrian visitors. Data show that in general, 50% of the tourists come from foreign countries and the other 50% is from Hungary. Budapest, however, is more popular among foreign tourists who account for approximately 80% of the annual visitors. The two representatives also reported the motivation of both domestic and foreign tourists. Locals usually travel to visit family members, see friends, or meet long seen acquaintances, whereas foreign visitors come to visit cities, find jobs, or enjoy the wide range of opportunities offered by the high-standard Hungarian health tourism. And what are the most popular types of accommodation? Hungarians regularly try to stay at family members or friends, the vast majority of foreigners opt for hotels with reasonable prices, while the most wellto-do visitors go to luxurious, state-of-the-art hotels. FG

Well, this is still not the end! Besides having created different kinds of texts, we also made voice recordings and PowerPoint presentations. If you are interested, check them out at our blogsite.

Finally, I would like to thank you that you read my Portfolio. I really appreciate it. I hope it was a pleasant experience. ď Š GergĹ‘

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