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‡U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR ‡bvqvLvjx|

GK bR‡i QvÎ-QvÎx welqK cwimsL¨vb µg


Avmb msL¨v



mgvcbx cixÿvi mb 2010 2011

AbywôZe¨ cixÿvi mb 2011 2012

1 2

2006-07 2007-08

60 60










5 6 7 8 9 10 11

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

60 60 80 100 100 122 122

‡gvU cixÿv_x©


cv‡ki nvi (%)

55 61 (AwbqwgZ mn) 58 (AwbqwgZ mn)

52 59

94.54 96.72



53 54 -

100 100 -

fwZ© Kiv nq wb ----60 84 93 114 121

2014 2015 -

2015 2016 -

53 54 -





52 55

59 61



58 58

fwZ© Kiv nq wb


60 40 20 2006-2007


kZKiv cv‡ki nvi



wm B

b ‡ U· U v Bj B w Äw b



c Öv

cvZv 04








53 53

54 54



†gvU cixÿv_©x



MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKvi

†U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR, †bvqvLvjxi QvÎQvÎxiv wbqwgZ ‡jLvcovi cvkvcvwk GKwU evwl©K g¨vMvwRb cÖKvk Ki‡Z hv‡”Q †R‡b Avwg Avbw›`Z| wkÿvB RvwZi †giæ`Û| wek¦vq‡bi P¨v‡jÄ †gvKv‡ejvq mvavib wkÿvi cvkvcvwk KvwiMwi wkÿvi ¸iæZ¡ Acwimxg| KvwiMwi wkÿv `ªæZ we¯Ív‡ii gva¨‡g ¯^wbf©i I mg„× †`k Mov m¤¢e e‡j Avwg g‡b Kwi| evsjv‡`‡ki ißvwb Av‡qi Ab¨Zg cÖavb LvZ ˆZix †cvlvK wkí Z_v †U·UvBj| Avgvi wek¦vm †U·UvBj cÖ‡KŠkjxiv eZ©gv‡bi gZ fwel¨‡ZI †`‡ki †U·UvBj wk‡íi Dbœq‡b ¸iZ¡c~Y© Ae`vb ivL‡e| Avgvi wbe©vPbx Aw½Kvi-wfkb 2021 G evsjv‡`k‡K GKwU ga¨g Av‡qi †`‡k cwiYZ Kiv, wWwRUvj evsjv‡`k Mov Ges ¯^vaxbZvi 50 eQi c~wZ© Dcj‡ÿ e¯¿ Lv‡Zi ißvwb‡K 50 wewjqb gvwK©b Wjv‡i wb‡q hvIqv| G jÿ¨ c~i‡Yi Rb¨ e¯¿LvZ‡K Avgiv h_vh_ ¸iæZ¡ w`‡q AvmwQ| Gw·wKDwUf †j‡f‡ji `ÿ Rbej m„wói Rb¨ e¯¿ I cvU gš¿Yvj‡qi e¯¿ cwi`ßivaxb 06wU weGmwm †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR B‡Zvg‡a¨ Pvjy Kiv n‡q‡Q Ges Av‡iv 4wU K‡jR Pvjy nIqvi cÖwμqvaxb| D³ K‡jR¸‡jvi g‡a¨ †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR, †bvqvLvjx Ab¨Zg| mvwnZ¨ I ms¯‹…wZ PP©v gvby‡li gbbkxjZv mg„× K‡i| cÖhyw³ wkÿvi cvkvcvwk evwl©K ¯§iwbKv cÖKv‡ki gva¨‡g wb‡R‡`i‡K myKzgvie„wË PP©vq wb‡qvwRZ ivLvi Rb¨ Avwg G K‡j‡Ri QvÎQvÎxmn mswkøó mKj‡K Awf›`b Rvbvw”Q| Rq evsjv, Rq e½eÜz evsjv‡`k wPiRxwe †nvK| †kL nvwmbv



cvZv 05



wm B

b ‡ U· U v Bj B w Äw b



c Öv

evYx gš¿x

moK cwienb I †mZz gš¿bvjq MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKvi

†bvqvLvjxi †eMgM‡Ä Aew¯’Z †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR KZ©…K evwl©K g¨vMvwRb cÖKv‡ki D‡`¨vM‡K Avwg ¯^vMZ RvbvB| †`‡ki e¯¿ cÖ‡KŠkj wkÿv I gvbem¤c` Dbœq‡b †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis- Gi f‚wgKv Ab¨Zg| evsjv‡`‡ki A_©‰bwZK Dbœq‡b e¯¿wkí GKwU ¸iæZ¡c~Y© PvweKvwV| gvbe Rxe‡bi †gŠwjK Pvwn`vi g‡a¨ Lv‡`¨i c‡iB e‡¯¿i ¯’vb| ¸bMZ gvb eRvq †i‡L e¯¿ Drcv`‡bi gva¨‡g †`‡ki gvby‡li Pvwn`v c~ib K‡i AwZwi³ e¯¿ ißvwbi gva¨‡g wecyj cwigvY ˆe‡`wkK gy`ªv AR©b Kiv m¤¢e| G j‡ÿ¨ cªwZôvbwUi cÖqvm Ae¨vnZ _vK‡e e‡j Avwg g‡b Kwi| eZ©gvb we‡k¦ RbmsL¨v e„w×i mv‡_ mv‡_ e‡¯¿i Pvwn`vI evo‡Q| d‡j weKwkZ n‡”Q e¯¿wkí| e½eÜyi my‡hvM¨ Kb¨v †`kiZœ †kL nvwmbvi †bZ…‡Z¡ †`‡k AvR e¯¿Lv‡Z KvR Kivi AevwiZ my‡hvM m„wó n‡q‡Q| ïay †`‡kB bq, we‡`‡kI KvR Ki‡Q Avgv‡`i †`‡ki †gavex cÖ‡KŠkjxMY| w`b w`b e¯¿ cÖ‡KŠkjxi Pvwn`v †e‡oB P‡j‡Q| ewa©Z G Pvwn`v c~i‡Y †eMgMį’ †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR ¸iZ¡c~Y© f‚wgKv cvjb Ki‡e-G cÖZ¨vkv| Avwg †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR, †bvqvLvjxi D‡ËviËi mvdj¨ Kvgbv Kwi Ges evwl©K g¨vMvwRb cÖKvkbvi mv‡_ mswkó mKj‡K AvšÍwiK ab¨ev` RvbvB| Rq evsjv, Rq e½eÜy| evsjv‡`k wPiRxex †nvK| Ievq`yj Kv‡`i Ggwc



cvZv 07



wm B

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c Öv

evYx gš¿x

`y‡h©vM e¨e¯’vcbv I ÎvY gš¿bvjq MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKvi

wek¦vq‡bi GB mf¨ mgv‡R my›`i Ges iæwPkxjfv‡e emevm Ki‡Z n‡j A‡bœi cvkvcvwk e‡¯¿i Ae`vb Ab¯^xKvh©| myB myZvi mywZKvMvi Avgv‡`i e¯¿ wkí †`k we‡`‡ki Pvwn`v c~i‡Y ¸iæZ¡cyY© f‚wgKv cvjb K‡i Avm‡Q| ˆ`bw›`b Rxe‡Y gvby‡li iæwPi cwieZ©b NU‡Q Zvi mv‡_ NU‡Q †cvkvK I d¨vk‡bi| Avi GB cwieZ©‡bi mv‡_ Zvj wgwj‡bvi Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRb hy‡MvchyMx e¯¿ cÖhyw³ wkÿv| Avgvi wek¦vm be‡hv‡Mi Pvwn`v c~i‡Y †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR, †eMgMÄ, †bvqvLvjx KvwiMwi wkÿvi Ab¨Zg we`¨vcxV| Avwg †R‡b Avbw›`Z †h Zviv KvwiMwi wkÿvi cvkvcvwk mnwkÿvi Kvh©µ‡g AZ¨šÍ m‡PZb Ges hZœkxj| ZviB djkÖæwZ K‡jR g¨vMvwRb cÖKv‡ki D‡`¨vM, Avwg G‡K ¯^vMZ RvbvB| Avwg †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR, †eMgMÄ, †bvqvLvjxi, mvwe©K mvdj¨ Kvgbv Kwi| Rq evsjv Rq e½eÜy evsjv‡`k wPiRxwe †nvK| †gvdv¾j †nv‡mb †PŠayix gvqv, Ggwc


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wm B

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evYx gš¿x

e¯¿ I cvU gš¿bvjq MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKvi

‡bvqvLvjx †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR KZ©„K evwl©K g¨vMvwRb cÖKvk Ki‡Z hv‡”Q †R‡b Avwg Avbw›`Z| e¯¿ wk‡íi cÖmvi Z_v wek¦`iev‡i evsjv‡`‡ki e¯¿LvZ‡K Av‡iv RbwcÖq I AvKl©Yxq Kivi j‡ÿ¨ RvwZi RbK e½eÜy †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi my‡hvM¨ Kb¨v gvbbxq cÖavbgš¿x Rb‡bÎx †kL nvwmbvi wb‡`©‡k I civgk©µ‡g B‡Zvg‡a¨ wewfbœ Kg©m~wP MÖnY K‡i‡Q| we‡klZt e¯¿ wkí Lv‡Zi Rb¨ `ÿ gvbe m¤ú` mieivn Kivi wbwgË †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR cwiPvjbv Ki‡Q e¯¿ cwi`ßi| D³ wkÿv cÖwZôvb¸‡jv‡Z wkÿv_©xiv `ÿ gvbe m¤ú` wn‡m‡e M‡o DV‡Q| †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR, †bvqvLvjx evsjv‡`‡ki GKwU HwZn¨evnx wkÿv cÖwZôvb| 2006 mvj †_‡K G cÖwZôv‡b we.Gm.wm †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis wkÿv Kvh©µg Pvjy nq| BwZg‡a¨ 5 wU e¨v‡Pi QvÎ-QvÎxiv mvd‡j¨i mv‡_ DËxY© nevi ci e¯¿ I †cvkvK wkí KviLvbvq Kg©iZ i‡q‡Q| Zv‡`i mdjZvi gva¨‡g †U·UvBj †m±i DˇivËi DbœZ n‡”Q| ‡bvqvLvjx †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR †_‡K cvkK…Z QvÎQvÎx‡`i gZ Aa¨vqbiZ QvÎQvÎxiv ¯^KxqZv, we‡eK eyw× Avi D™¢veYx kw³ w`‡q bZzb cY¨ I cÖhyw³ D™¢veY K‡i wek¦ `iev‡i evsjv‡`k‡K Av‡iv gh©v`vi ¯’v‡b DbœxZ Ki‡e e‡j Avwg `„pfv‡e wek¦vm Kwi| cwi‡k‡l, Avwg G evwl©K g¨vMvwRb cÖKv‡ki mvdj¨ Kvgbv KiwQ cvkvcvwk mswkøó mKj‡K AvšÍwiK ab¨ev` Rvbvw”Q| Rq evsjv, Rq e½eÜy| evsjv‡`k wPiRxex †nvK| gynvt BgvR DwÏb cÖvgvwYK, Ggwc



cvZv 09



wm B

b ‡ U· U v Bj B w Äw b



c Öv

evYx cÖwZgš¿x

e¯¿ I cvU gš¿bvjq MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKvi

‡bvqvLvjx †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR KZ©„K evwl©K g¨vMvwRb cÖKvk n‡”Q †R‡b Avwg Avbw›`Z| ‡`‡ki wkívqb, Kg©ms¯’vb I ißvwb e„wׇZ e¯¿ LvZ ¸iæZ¡c~Y© fzwgKv cvjb Ki‡Q| †`‡ki avivevwnK ißvwb e„wׇZ e¯¿ Lv‡Zi mvdj¨ wek¦ `iev‡i evsjv‡`k‡K bZzbfv‡e cwiPq Kwi‡q w`‡”Q| eZ©gvb miKv‡ii wbe©vPbx Bk‡Znv‡i ˆZwi †cvkvK I e¯¿ LvZ‡K Av‡iv kw³kvjx wbivc` I cÖwZ‡hvwMZv mÿg K‡i M‡o †Zvjvi cÖZ¨q e¨³ Kiv n‡q‡Q| GiB avivevwnKZvq AvMvgx 2021 mvj bvMv` G Lv‡Zi ißvbx jÿ¨gvÎv 50 wewjqb Wjvi wba©viY Kiv n‡q‡Q Ges G jÿ¨ AR©‡bi Rb¨ e¯¿ I cvU gš¿Yvjq wbijm fv‡e KvR K‡i‡Q| RvwZi RbK e½eÜy †kL gwReyi ingv‡bi my‡hvM¨ KY¨v gvbbxq cÖavbgš¿x Rb‡bÎx †kL nvwmbv e¯¿ I cvU gš¿Yvjq cwi`k©b Kv‡j G Lv‡Zi Dbœq‡b ¸iæZ¡c~Y© civgk© w`‡q‡Q| eZ©gvb miKvi miKvi KZ©„K ‡emiKvwi e¯¿ Lv‡Zi µgea©gvb Dbœqb †K Av‡iv mn‡hvwMZv cÖ`vb Kivi cÖqv‡m Òe¯¿ AvBb 2017Ó gš¿xmfvq Aby‡gvw`Z n‡q‡Q| GQvovI ‡`‡ki e¯¿ wk‡íi Dbœq‡b `ÿ e¯¿ cÖ‡KŠkjx ˆZwi‡Z eZ©gvb miKvi e× cwiKi| †`‡ki µgea©gvb Pvwn`v c~i‡Y †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR, †bvqvLvjx, `ÿ cÖ‡KŠkjx ˆZwi‡Z Ae¨vnZfv‡e KvR K‡i hv‡”Q| cÖwZôvbwUi wkÿvg~jK bvbvwea Kvh©µg fwel¨‡Z Av‡iv e„w× cv‡e e‡j Avgvi wek¦vm| Avwg g¨vMvwRb cÖKvkbvi D‡`¨vM‡K ¯^vMZ RvbvB Ges cÖKvkbvi mv‡_ m¤c„³‡`i Rb¨ iBj AvšÍwiK Awfb›`b| Rq evsjv, Rq e½eÜy evsjv‡`k wPiRxex †nvK | wgR©v AvRg, Ggwc


cvZv 10


wm B

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c Öv



evYx msm` m`m¨

270, †bvqvLvjx-3 evsjv‡`k RvZxq msm`

†U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR, †bvqvLvwji 10 eQi c~wZ© Dcj‡ÿ 2017 mv‡j evwl©K g¨vMvwRb cÖKvk Ki‡Z hv‡”Q †R‡b Avwg AZ¨šÍ Avbw›`Z| e¯¿ wk‡íi cÖmvi Z_v wek¦`iev‡i evsjv‡`‡ki e¯¿LvZ‡K Av‡iv RbwcÖq I AvKl©Yxq Kivi j‡ÿ¨ RvwZi RbK e½eÜy †kL gywReyi ingv‡bi my‡hvM¨ Kb¨v gvbbxq cÖavbgš¿x †kL nvwmbvi wb‡`©kµ‡g e¯¿ I cvU gš¿Yvjq B‡Zvg‡a¨ wewfbœ Kg©m~wP MÖnY K‡i‡Q| evwl©Kx cÖKv‡ki gva¨‡g KvwiMwi wkÿvi cvkvcvwk mvwnZ¨-ms¯‹…wZ PP©vq †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR, †bvqvLvjxi wkÿv_©x‡`i †gav I gb‡bi cwiPq dz‡U D‡V‡Q| B‡Zvg‡a¨ cvkK…Z †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR, †bvqvLvjxi QvÎ-QvÎxiv weGmwm Bb †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis †Kvm© m¤cbœ K‡i `ÿ †U·UvBj cÖ‡KŠkjx wn‡m‡e †`‡ki A_©‰bwZK Dbœq‡b ¸iZ¡c~Y© Ae`vb ivL‡Q| eZ©gvb miKvi KvwiMwi wkÿv wn‡m‡e †U·UvBj wkÿv‡K me©vwaK AMÖvwaKvi w`‡”Q| Gi d‡j †`‡k †U·UvBj cÖ‡KŠkjxi †h NvUwZ i‡q‡Q Zv c~iY Kiv m¤¢e n‡e Ges †KvUvgy³ we‡k¦ evsjv‡`‡ki e¯¿ wk‡íi cÖmvi DˇivËi Av‡iv e„w× cv‡e e‡j Avwg Avkv Kwi| Avwg g¨vMvwR‡bi mv‡_ RwoZ mevB‡K ab¨ev` Rvbvw”Q| †gv: gvgybyi ikx` wKiY



cvZv 11



wm B

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c Öv

evYx mwPe

e¯¿ I cvU gš¿bvjq MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKvi

AvaywbK mf¨Zvi GKwU Acwinvh© Dcv`vb e¯¿| e¯¿ Lv‡Zi mvgwMÖK Kvh©µg cwiPvjbvi Rb¨ e¯¿ cÖ‡KŠkj wkÿv AZ¨šÍ ¸iæZ¡c~Y©| †mB jÿ¨‡K mvg‡b †i‡L AvšÍR©vwZK gv‡bi e¯¿ cÖ‡KŠkjx ˆZixi Rb¨ eZ©gvb miKvi B‡Zvg‡a¨ K‡qKwU †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR Pvjy K‡i‡Q| †`‡k we`¨gvb e¯¿ wkí KviLvbvq gvb m¤cbœ e¯¿ Drcv`‡b `ÿ e¯¿ cÖ‡KŠkjx Movq †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR †bvqvLvjxi Ae`vb Ab¯^xKvh©| †mB jÿ¨‡K mvg‡b †i‡L AÎ K‡jR †_‡K wkÿv, M‡elYv I we‡bv`bg~jK welq wb‡q GKwU evwl©K g¨vMvwRb cÖKvwkZ n‡”Q †R‡b Avwg Avbw›`Z| Avwg wek¦vm Kwi fv‡jvfv‡e †jLvcov I mvwnZ¨ ms¯‹…wZ PP©vi gva¨‡g wkÿv_©xiv wb‡R‡`i‡K D”P gv‡bi e¯¿ cÖ‡KŠkj wnmv‡e cÖwZwôZ Ki‡e| Zv‡`i g¨vMvwRb cÖKvkbvi D‡`¨vM‡K mvayev` RvbvB Ges cÖKvkbvi mv‡_ RwoZ mK‡ji cÖwZ iBj Avgvi AvšÍwiK Awfb›`b I ï‡f”Qv| †gvt dqRyi ingvb †PŠayix


cvZv 12


wm B

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c Öv



evYx fvBm P¨v‡Ýji

evsjv‡`k †U·UvBj wek¦we`¨vjq XvKv

gbbkxjZvi cÖùzUb I ¯^KxqZv cÖKv‡ki gva¨g nj cÖKvkbv| †h †Kvb cÖKvkbv wb‡Ri gy³ wPšÍv I eyw×i weKvkmn mvwnZ¨ PP©v I M‡elYv‡K D¾xweZ K‡i| G welqwU Dcjw× K‡i †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR, †bvqvLvwj 10 eQi c~wZ© Dcj‡ÿ GKwU g¨vMvwRb cÖKvk Ki‡Z hv‡”Q| GUv †R‡b Avwg Avbw›`Z| e¯¿ wk‡íi gva¨‡g evsjv‡`‡ki A_©‰bwZK mg„w× I †eKviZ¡ †gvP‡bi welqwU Avi Kv‡iv ARvbv bq| e¯¿ wk‡íi mvgwMÖK DbœqbK‡í e¯¿ cÖhyw³we`‡`i Ae`vb I fzwgKv AZ¨šÍ ¸iæZ¡c~Y©| G LvZ‡K AviI mg„× Kivi cÖZ¨‡q †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR, †bvqvLvjx, DbœZgv‡bi e¯¿ cÖhyw³we` ˆZwi Ki‡Q hv wbtm‡›`‡n cÖksmbxq| g¨vMvwR‡b kÖg I †gavi †h wewbgq N‡U‡Q hv mwZ¨B cÖksmvi `vex`vi| G cÖKvkbvi mv‡_ RwoZ mKj †jLK, m¤cv`K I Av‡qvRK‡K Avwg ab¨ev` Rvbvw”Q| Aa¨vcK cÖ‡KŠkjx gvm&D` Avn&g`



cvZv 13



wm B

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c Öv

evYx cwiPvjK

e¯¿ cwi`ßi MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKvi

†hvM¨ †bZ…Z¡ Ges Av‡jvwKZ gvbyl MV‡b cÖvwZôwbK wkÿvi cvkvcvwk m„Rbkxj Kv‡Ri f‚wgKv Acwimxg| my›`i I m„Rbkxj Kg© Øviv gvbyl Zvi cyw_RvZ we`¨vi MwÛ‡K GKwU ev¯ÍegyLx I Kg©gyLx Rxe‡bi w`‡K avweZ K‡i| GB iKg GKwU m„wókxj KvR †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR, †eMgMÄ, †bvqvLvjx Ki‡Z hv‡PQ †R‡b Avwg LyeB Avbw›`Z I Awff‚Z| Zv‡`i cÖKvwkZ g¨vMvwRb AvaywbK we‡k¦i gvby‡li iæwPi mv‡_ mvgÄm¨c~Y© e‡¯¿i K_v ej‡e, d¨vk‡bi K_v ej‡e Ges GB e¯¿ I d¨vkb‡K wKfv‡e mvaviY gvby‡li ‡`vi †Mvovq †cŠ‡Q †`qv hvq †mB K_vI ej‡e e‡j Avgvi wek¦vm| †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR, †eMgMÄ, †bvqvLvjx ewn©we‡k¦ †`‡ki e¯¿ wk‡íi cÖPvi Ges cÖmv‡i hyMvšÍKvix fzwgKv cvjb Ki‡e GUvB cÖZ¨vkv Kwi| hv‡`i AK¬všÍ cwikªg Ges mn‡hvwMZvq g¨vMvwRbwU cÖKvwkZ n‡”Q Zv‡`i‡K AvšÍwiK Awfb›`b I ab¨ev` RvbvB| †gvnv¤§` BmgvBj  (AwZwi³ mwPe)



cvZv 14

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c Öv



evYx †Pqvig¨vb

†Rjv cwil`, †bvqvLvjx

e¯¿ I cvU gš¿Yvj‡qi e¯¿ cwi`ßi KZ©„K wbqwš¿Z †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR, †eMgMÄ, †bvqvLvjx mvd‡j¨i gvBj djK wn‡m‡e wPwýZ| AÎ cÖwZôvb KZ©„K evwl©Kx cÖKvwkZ n‡Z hv‡”Q †R‡b Avwg AZ¨šÍ Avbw›`Z n‡qwQ| miKvi KvwiMwi wkÿvi cÖwZ mev©waK AMÖvwaKvi w`‡”Qb | GiB Ask wn‡m‡e e¯¿ I cvU gš¿Yvj‡qi e¯¿ cwi`ßi KZ©„K wbqwš¿Z wewfbœ wkÿv cÖwZôv‡bi gva¨‡g cÖwZeQi ˆZix n‡”Q e¯¿ wk‡íi `ÿ hy‡Mvc‡hvMx KvwiMi| hv‡`i Øviv †`‡k K‡qK nvRvi †U·UvBj BwÄwbqv‡ii †h NvUwZ i‡q‡Q Zv c~iY Kiv m¤¢e n‡e Ges †KvUvgy³ we‡k¦ evsjv‡`‡ki e¯¿ LvZ cÖwZ‡hvwMZvg~jK evRv‡i wU‡K _vK‡Z cvi‡e e‡j Avwg g‡b Kwi| ‡jLvcovi cvkvcvwk wkímvwnZ¨ msµvšÍ g¨vMvwRb cÖKvkbv QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i †gavweKv‡k ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Ae`vb ivL‡e| wkÿv_©xiv covïbvi e¨¯ÍZvi gv‡SI g¨vMvwRb cÖKvk Ki‡Z hv‡”Q hv wbtm‡›`‡n cÖksmvi `vwe iv‡L| †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR, †eMgMÄ, †bvqvLvjxÕi Aa¨ÿ, wkÿK, Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvix Ges QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i GB D‡`¨vM‡K Avwg AvšÍwiKfv‡e ab¨ev` RvbvB Ges mvwe©K DbœwZ Kvgbv KiwQ| Wvt G we Gg Rvdi Djøvn



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c Öv

evYx †Rjv cÖkvmK †bvqvLvjx

†bvqvLvjx †Rjvaxb †eMgMÄ Dc‡Rjvi HwZn¨evnx †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡j‡Ri wkÿK, Kg©KZ©v / Kg©Pvix Ges QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i mvwe©K mn‡hvwMZvq GKwU g¨vMvwRb cÖKvwkZ n‡Z hv‡”Q †R‡b Avwg AZ¨šÍ Avbw›`Z| gvby‡li †gŠwjK Pvwn`v mg~‡ni g‡a¨ Ab¨Zg nj e¯¿| †`‡ki A_©bxwZ‡Z e¯¿Lv‡Zi Ae`vb me©Rb ¯^xK…Z| G Lv‡Zi Dbœq‡bi †mvcvb mgybœZ ivL‡Z e¯¿ wel‡q KvwiMwi wkÿvi `ªZ cÖmvi cÖ‡qvRb| e¯¿ Lv‡Zi AvR‡Ki G DrK‡l©i g~‡j i‡q‡Q e¯¿ cwi`ßi| eZ©gv‡b e¯¿ cwi`ßi KZ©…K wbqwš¿Z 6wU †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡j‡Ri g‡a¨ †eMgMÄ †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR e¯¿Lv‡Z ¸iZ¡c~Y© f‚wgKv cvjb K‡i hv‡”Q| GB cÖwZôvb †_‡K cÖwZeQi ˆZwi n‡”Q e¯¿ wk‡íi `ÿ cÖ‡KŠkjx, hv Avgv‡`i M‡e©i welq| †jLvcovi cvkvcvwk wkí, mvwnZ¨ msµvšÍ g¨vMvwRb cÖKvkbv QvÎ/QvÎx‡`i †gav weKv‡k ¸iZ¡c~Y© Ae`vb ivL‡e e‡j Avgvi wek¦vm| †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR, †eMgMÄ, †bvqvLvjx Gi Aa¨ÿ, wkÿK, Kg©KZ©v / Kg©Pvix Ges QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i GB D‡`¨vM‡K Avwg AvšÍwiK ab¨ev` RvbvB Ges Zv‡`i mvwe©K DbœwZ Kvgbv KiwQ| †gv: gvneye Avjg ZvjyK`vi

wm B Gm


cvZv 16

b ‡ U· U v Bj B w Äw b



c Öv



evYx ‡gqi ‡PŠgynbx †cŠimfv ‡eMgMÄ, †bvqvLvjx|

Abb¨ HwZ‡n¨i AwaKvix †bvqvLvjx evsjv‡`‡ki ïay GKwU †Rjvi bvg bq- wkÿv, wkí, mvwnZ¨ I ms¯‹…wZ‡Z cÖv‰MwZnvwmK Kvj †_‡KB Gi GK †MŠiegq BwZnvm i‡q‡Q| ¯^vaxbZv DËi evsjv‡`k I fviZ e‡l© cÖKvwkZ AvÂwjK BwZnvm I AmsL¨ M‡elbvg~jK cÖeÜ D³ HwZ‡n¨i cÖvgvb¨ `wjj| †bvqvLvjx †Rjvi †eMgMÄ Dc‡Rjv mKj mvgvwRK, ivR‰bwZK I mvs¯‹…wZK Kg©Kv‡Ûi Ab¨Zg †K›`ªwe›`y wn‡m‡e mycwiwPZ| G Dc‡Rjvq Aew¯’Z †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jRwU GKwU mybvgab¨ miKvix wkÿv cÖwZôvb| eZ©gvb Aa¨‡ÿi †bZ…‡Z¡ K‡jRwUi mybvg DËi DËi Av‡iv e„w× cv‡”Q| 2006 mv‡j G cÖwZôv‡b we Gmwm Bb †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis Kvh©µg ïiæ K‡i B‡Zvg‡a¨ 5wU e¨v‡P DË©xY 276 Rb QvÎQvÎx mK‡j e¯¿ wkí KviLvbv, e¨vsK, wkÿKZv cÖf…wZ †ckvq Kg©iZ i‡q‡Q| Zv‡`i mvdj¨ Rvbvb w`‡”Q G K‡j‡Ri DbœwZi avivevwnKZv| e¯¿ wk‡íi Dbœq‡bi cvkvcvwk RvZxq ch©v‡q gbb PP©vqI Zviv Avcb cÖwZfv `xß Ae`vb †i‡L P‡j‡Q| RvZxq Dbœq‡bi cÖ‡qvR‡b wkÿvi cvkvcvwk mvwnZ¨ ms¯‹…wZ PP©vq G K‡j‡Ri wkÿv_©x‡`i e¨vcK f‚wgKv i‡q‡Q| AvR me©Î †h mykxj bvMwiK I Av‡jvwKZ gvby‡li K_v ejv n‡”Q Zv ˆZix Ki‡Z n‡j mvwnZ¨ PP©vi †Kvb weKí †bB| wkÿv cÖwZôv‡bi evwl©Kx G PP©vi GK Acwinvh© A½b| Avwg K‡jR g¨vMvwRb cÖKv‡ki D‡`¨v‡Mi mv‡_ mswkøó mKj‡K mvayev` RvbvB, †mB mv‡_ K‡j‡Ri mvwe©K mvdj¨ Kvgbv KiwQ| Av³vi †nv‡mb dqmvj



cvZv 17



wm B

b ‡ U· U v Bj B w Äw b



c Öv

evYx ‡Pqvig¨vb †U·UvBj wWwfkb, AvBBwe mfvcwZ AvB wU B wU

Rbeûj evsjv‡`‡ki †eKvi mgm¨vi `ªæZ mgvavb I †`k we‡`‡ki e‡¯¿i Pvwn`v c~ibmn wWwRUvj wfwËK e¯¿LvZ Movi j‡ÿ¨ e¯¿ cÖ‡KŠkj wkÿvi †Kvb weKí †bB| †m j‡ÿ¨ eZ©gvb miKvi G wkÿvi Dci we‡kl ¸iæZ¡v‡ivc Ki‡Qb| hvi djkÖæwZ‡Z B‡Zvg‡a¨ 6wU miKvix †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR Pvjy Kiv n‡q‡Q Ges Av‡iv 4wU miKvix †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR Pvjyi cÖwµqvaxb i‡q‡Q| †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR, †bvqvLvjxÕi e¯¿ cÖ‡KŠkjxMY †`‡ki e¯¿ Lv‡Zi Dbœq‡b cÖwZwbqZ Av‡iv ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Ae`vb †i‡L P‡j‡Q| Avwg AvkvKwi, AÎ cÖwZôv‡bi wkÿv_©xiv AZx‡Zi gZ fwel¨‡ZI G Lv‡Zi mg„wׇZ Av‡iv ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Ae`vb ivL‡e| Avgvi wek¦vm G cÖwZôv‡bi cÖ‡KŠkjxMY AvB wU B wU I AvB B we bvgK †ckvRxwe msMV‡bi ms¯ú‡k© G‡m Zv‡`i †ckvMZ `ÿZv‡K Av‡iv e„w× Ki‡Z cvi‡e| Avwg GK_v †R‡b AZ¨šÍ Avbw›`Z †h, †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR, †bvqvLvjxÕi wkÿv_©xiv wb‡R‡`i cÖhyw³MZ Áv‡bi DrKl© mva‡bi cvkvcvwk gbbkxj PP©vq wb‡qvwRZ i‡q‡Q| hvi `„k¨gvb D`vniY ÒeqbÓ bvgK evwl©K g¨vMvwRb cÖKv‡ki D‡`¨vM| Avwg G D‡`¨v‡Mi mv‡_ RwoZ mKj‡K AvšÍwiK Awfb›`b RvbvB| †mB mv‡_ G K‡j‡Ri mK‡ji m‡e©v”P mdjZv Kvgbv Kwi| BwÄt kwdKzi ingvb e¨e¯’vcbv cwiPvjK n¨vg&m MÖæc


cvZv 18


wm B

b ‡ U· U v Bj B w Äw b



c Öv



evYx cwiPvjK wewUGgG

ms¯‹…wZ I mvwnZ¨ PP©v gb‡K cwikxwjZ K‡i| gvbyl‡K c~b©v½ K‡i| KvwiMwi wkÿvq wb‡qvwRZ †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR, †bvqvLvjxÕi wkÿK Kg©KZ©v Kg©Pvix I QvÎQvÎxiv kZ e¨¯ÍZvi gv‡SI mvwnZ¨ I mvs¯‹…wZK Kg©Kv‡Û wb‡R‡`i‡K m¤ú„³ ‡i‡L‡Q Zv †R‡b Avwg LyeB Avbw›`Z n‡qwQ| †jLv covi cvkvcvwk ms¯‹…wZ I mvwnZ¨ PP©v †gav e„w× I gb‡K Drdzjø K‡i| †`‡ki Dbœqb I †eKviZ¡‡K `~ixKi‡b KvwiMwi wkÿvi weKí †bB| G jÿ¨‡K mvg‡b †i‡L AÎ cÖwZôvbwU Gw•wKDwUf †j‡f‡ji e¯¿ cÖ‡KŠkjx Movi †ÿ‡Î AMÖbx f‚wgKv cvjb Ki‡Q| †`‡k we`¨gvb e¯¿ wkí KviLvbvq gvb m¤úbœ e¯¿ Drcv`‡b `ÿ cÖhyw³we` MV‡b G cÖwZôv‡bi Ae`vb Ab¯^xKvh©| ‰Zix †cvlvK wkí Avgv‡`i ißvbx evwY‡R¨i cÖavbZg LvZ wn‡m‡e A_©bxwZ‡Z ¸iæZ¡c~Y© Ae`vb †i‡L P‡j‡Q| G Lv‡Zi weKv‡k e¨vKIqvW© wjs‡KR wn‡m‡e e¯¿ wk‡íi f‚wgKv AZ¨šÍ ¸iæZ¡c~Y©| cÖwZ‡hvMxZvg~jK we‡k¦ wb‡R‡`i‡K wU‡K _vK‡Z n‡j e¯¿ wk‡íi gvb Dbœqb, ˆewPÎ Avbqb I m‡ev©cwi M‡elbvi †Kvb weKí †bB| G‡ÿ‡Î e¯¿ cÖ‡KŠkjxMY Zv‡`i KvwiMwi Ávb, †gav I AwfÁZvi mgš^‡qi gva¨‡g e¯¿ wkí‡K Av‡iv DbœZ Ki‡Z cvi‡e e‡j Avwg g‡b Kwi| g¨vMvwRb cÖKv‡ki mv‡_ RwoZ mswkøó‡`i I AÎ K‡j‡Ri mK‡ji `ywbqvi Rxe‡bi mdjZv I ciKv‡ji gyw³ Kvgbv KiwQ| AvjnvR¡ BwÄt †gvRvd&di †nv‡mb e¨e¯’vcbv cwiPvjK wmg MÖæc



cvZv 19



wm B

b ‡ U· U v Bj B w Äw b



c Öv

BwÄt G ‡K Gg dRjyj nK

b ‡ U· U v Bj B w Äw b



c Öv

wm B

†U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR ‡eMgMÄ, †bvqvLvjx





gbbkxjZvi cÖùzUb I ¯^KxqZv cÖKv‡ki gva¨g n‡jv cÖKvkbv| G‡Z m„Rbkxj I ˆewPÎgq †jLv cÖKv‡ki gva¨‡g †jLK Zvi g‡bi K_v¸‡jv AKc‡U ej‡Z cv‡i| wbim KvwiMwi wkÿvi cvkvcvwk G ai‡bi Kvh©µg †jLK I cvVK‡`i gb‡K Drdzjø K‡i| G welq‡K Dcjwã K‡iB g¨vMvwRb cÖKv‡ki D‡`¨vM †bqv nq| ZvQvov e¯¿ cwi`߇ii mv‡_ m¤úvw`Z evwl©K Kg©m¤úv`b Pzw³i Avewk¨K †KŠkjMZ D‡Ïk¨ c~i‡bi jÿ¨I G‡Z i‡q‡Q| ¯œvZK ch©v‡qi e¯¿ cÖ‡KŠkjx Movi †h ¸iæ `vwqZ¡ Avgv‡`i Dci c‡o‡Q, †Póv KiwQ h_vh_fv‡e Zv cvj‡bi| e¯¿ wk‡íi Rb¨ wKQz Ki‡Z cvivUv AZ¨šÍ †mŠfv‡M¨i welq| Avgvi mnKg©x‡`i AK¬všÍ cwikÖg I wbôvq cÖwZôv‡bi mvgwMÖK Kvh©µg wbqgZvwš¿Kfv‡e GwM‡q hv‡”Q| Zv‡`i Kv‡Q Avwg K…ZÁ| ¯œvZK ch©v‡qi ‡mwgóvi cØwZi cÖ‡KŠkjx wkÿvi Kvib GKv‡WwgK Kvh©µ‡gi gv‡SI wkÿK gÛjx I QvÎQvÎxiv Zv‡`i †gav I gbb weKv‡ki j‡ÿ¨ mn wkÿvKvh©µg Ae¨vnZ †i‡L‡Q- Zv wbtm‡›`‡n cÖksmvi `vex`vi| Zv‡`i G D‡`¨vM‡K mdj Kivi Rb¨ wewkó e¨w³eM© evYx Ges wewfbœ Rb Zv‡`i †jLv w`‡q mnvqZv Kivi Rb¨ Avwg Zv‡`i Kv‡QI Fbx| †mB mv‡_ cÖKvkbvi fzjÎæwU¸‡jv ÿgv my›`i `„wó‡Z †`‡L mv`‡i MÖn‡Yi Aby‡iva KiwQ| cig Kiæbvgq ¯ªóv Avgv‡`i mK‡ji g½j Kiæb|








wm B

b ‡ U· U v Bj B w Äw b



c Öv

hv‡`i cÖ‡Póvq cÖKvk .............2017 cÖKvkKvj, †m‡Þ¤^i 2017

cÖKvkbvq †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR,†bvqvLvjx cÖavb Dc‡`óv, c„ó‡cvlK I mgš^qK BwÄt G,‡K,Gg dRjyj nK, Aa¨ÿ

Dc‡`óvgÛjx BwÄt Avey wmbv †gvt †ivKb~j Kv‡`i, mn‡hvMx Aa¨vcK BwÄt Lvb †gvt dqmj, mnKvix Aa¨vcK BwÄt †gvt †QvjvBgvb, mnKvix Aa¨vcK Gm Gg nhiZ Avjx, Pxd BÝUªv±i

m¤cv`K BwÄt ZvbwRg gvngy`, mnKvix Aa¨vcK

mn‡hvMx m¤cv`K BwÄt Avey BDmyd †gvt Av‡bvqvi“j AvwRg, cÖfvlK

mnKvix m¤cv`K Avãym mvËvi, BÝUªv±i BwÄt wek¦vRZ `vm, BÝUªv±i BwÄt cÙ wK‡kvi †`, cÖfvlK BwÄt nvmvb gvngy`, cÖfvlK

mn‡hvwMZvq †gvt Kvgiæj nvmvb, †j‡fj-4 Uvg©-2 †gvt Rvwn`yj Bmjvg m‡bU, †j‡fj-4 Uvg©-2 nvweev gvwnqvb bxjv, †j‡fj-4 Uvg©-2 †gvt g‡bvqvi Lvb, †j‡fj-3 Uvg©-2 Zv‡iK AvwRR, †j‡fj-3 Uvg©-2 †gvt mvwR` Avj ivwd, †j‡fj-3 Uvg©-2 Avey mvC` cv‡Uvqvix, †j‡fj-3 Uvg©-1 mvwKe gvngy` myü`, †j‡fj-3 Uvg©-1 †g‡n`x nvmvb mygb, †j‡fj-2 Uvg©-2 †gvt mvwKe, †j‡fj-2 Uvg©-2 myjZvb gvngy` Zzwnb, †j‡fj-1 Uvg©-2 Av‡bvqvi †nv‡mb, †j‡fj-1 Uvg©-2

‡`k MV‡b Av‡jvwKZ I KvwiMwi gvby‡li f‚wgKv Ab¯^xKvh©| mvwnZ¨ PP©v I †U·UvBj wfwËK AvwU©K¨vj iPbvi gva¨‡g Av‡jvwKZ I KvwiMwi gvbyl `ywUB nIqv hvq| ZviB avivevwnKZvq ÒeqbÓ GKwU ÿz`ª cÖ‡Pôv| FZz †hgb cwieZ©bkxj †Zgwb gvbylI cwieZ©bkxj| G gvbyl‡K ˆ`bw›`b cÖ‡qvR‡b cÖwZwbqZ cwiewZ©Z n‡Z nq| Rxe‡b mdjZvi D”PZvq †cŠQ‡Z Zv‡K †h‡Z nq `~i n‡Z eû`~‡i| Z‡e wcQ‡b c‡o _v‡K Zvi ¯§„wZ| G K‡j‡R fwZ© n‡q wkÿv_©xiv wewfbœ Avw½‡K wb‡R‡`i‡K Rvbvi my‡hvM cvq| covïbvi cvkvcvwk Pj‡Z _v‡K mnwkÿv Kvh©µg| mg‡qi Ave‡Z© we`vq †bq wkÿv_©xiv| Z‡e Zv‡`i wPšÍv †PZbvi cÖwZfvm †_‡K hvq K‡jR evwl©Kx‡Z|

ÒeqbÓ Gi gva¨‡g Avgv‡`i wkÿv_©x‡`i A‡b‡Ki †jLvi nv‡Z Lwo| ZvB G bexb †jL‡Ki †jLvi gvb we‡ePbv bv K‡i Zv‡`i cÖ‡Pôv‡K DrmvwnZ Kivi Rb¨ cvVK mgvR‡K Aby‡iva Rvbvw”Q| †m mv‡_ bexb †jLKiv Av‡iv my›`i m„Rbkxj †jLbxi gva¨‡g mvwnZ¨ PP©v I †U·UvBj wfwËK AvwU©K¨vj iPbv Ae¨vnZ †i‡L myL I Kj¨vb e‡q wb‡q Avm‡e GgbwUB Kvgbv Kwi| AwZ Aí mg‡qi g‡a¨ K‡jR evwl©Kx cÖKvwkZ nj| G cÖKvkbvq huviv evYx, †jLv, Dc‡`k I Kv‡R mnvqZv K‡i Avgv‡`i GB ÿz`ª cÖ‡Pôv‡K mdj I AvKl©bxq K‡i Zz‡j‡Qb, Zuv‡`i mK‡ji Kv‡Q Avwg Fbx| K‡jR evwl©Kx cÖKv‡ki †ÿ‡Î AÎ cÖwZôv‡bi ¯^bvgab¨ Aa¨ÿ ïay Aby‡cÖibvB cÖ`vb K‡ibwb, wZwb cZ¨ÿfv‡e mn‡hvMxZv I w`K wb‡`©kbvI w`‡q‡Qb| kZ e¨¯ÍZvi gv‡SI Aa¨ÿ g‡nv`q cÖKvkbvi kÖx -e„wׇZ mgq †`qvq Avwg K…ZÁ| HKvwšÍK cÖ‡Pôv m‡Ë¡I mgq ¯^íZv I wb‡Ri AÁZvi Kvi‡Y nq‡Zv A‡bK fzjåvwšÍ †_‡K †M‡Q hv Avgv‡`i wbZvšÍB Awb”QvK…Z| AvkvKwi, cvVK mgvR Avgv‡`i GB Awb”QvK…Z ÎæwU wePz¨wZ¸‡jv‡K ÿgv my›`i `„wó‡Z wb‡eb| Avjøvn Avgv‡`i BnKvjxb I ciKvjxb Rxebg½jgq Kiæb| Avwgb|

BwÄt ZvbwRg gvngy` g¨vMwR‡b cÖKvwkZ †jLvi mKj `vq-`vwqZ¡ mswk­ó †jL‡Ki

wWRvBb I gy`ª‡b

cvZv 01

Avwgb GÛ Rvnvb K‡c©v‡ikb wjt †dvb t 02 55093682

cÖKvkbv cl©`

†U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR, †eMgMÄ, †bvqvLvjx

BwÄt G,†K, Gg dRjyj nK Dc‡`óvgÛjx

Rbve BwÄt Avey wmbv †gvt †ivKb~j Kv‡`i, mn‡hvMx Aa¨vcK

Rbve BwÄt Lvb †gvt dqmj, mnKvix Aa¨vcK

Rbve BwÄt †gvt †QvjvBgvb, mnKvix Aa¨vcK

Rbve Gm Gg nhiZ Avjx, Pxd BÝUªv±i

m¤úv`bv cl©`

cÖavb m¤cv`K Rbve BwÄt ZvbwRg gvngy`, mnKvix Aa¨vcK

cvZv 22

m`m¨ mwPe Rbve BwÄt cÙ wK‡kvi‡`, cÖfvlK

mn‡hvMx m¤cv`K Rbve BwÄt Avey BDmyd †gvtAv‡bvqviæj AvwRg, cÖfvlK

m`m¨ Rbve Avãym mvËvi, BÝUªv±i

m`m¨ Rbve BwÄt wek¦vRZ`vm, BÝUªv±i

m`m¨ Rbve BwÄt nvmvb gvngy`, cÖfvlK




c Öv



wm B

b ‡ U· U v Bj B w Äw b


Aa¨ÿ I wmwbqi wkÿK e„‡›`i Qwe

Aa¨ÿ BwÄt G,†K, Gg dRjyj nK

Rbve BwÄt Avey wmbv †gvt †ivKb~j Kv‡`i, mn‡hvMx Aa¨vcK

Rbve BwÄt Lvb †gvt Rbve BwÄt ZvbwRg gvngy`, Rbve BwÄt †gvt †QvjvBgvb, Rbve Gm Gg nhiZ Avjx, dqmj, mnKvix Aa¨vcK mnKvix Aa¨vcK (Kw¤úDUvi) mnKvix Aa¨vcK (†U·UvBj) Pxd BÝUªv±i (A-KvwiMwi) (B‡jKwUªK¨vj)

wkÿK e„›`

‡gvt kixd DwÏb BÝUªv±i (A-KvwiMwi)

wek¦wRZ `vm BÝUªv±i (†U·UvBj)

wm×v_© ¸ß cÖfvlK (MwYZ)

cÙ wK‡kvi †` BÝUªv±i (†U·UvBj)

Rbve BwÄt Avey BDmyd †gvt Av‡bvqviæj AvwRg, wmGmwmG cÖfvlK (d¨vkb)

nvmvb gvngy` cÖfvlK (†U·UvBj)

‡gvt ûgvqyb Kwei cÖfvlK (†U·UvBj)

KvwË©K iÄb †fŠwgK †dvig¨vb

‡gvt Rv‡e` †nv‡mb BÝUªv±i (Kw¤úDUvi)

cvZv 23

‡gvt Avt mvËvi BÝUªv±i (A-KvwiMwi)

Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvixe„›`

‡gvt Avnmvb Dj¨vn Rywbqi BÝUªv±i

‡gvt Avãyj gwR` †iwRóªvi

‡gvt mvBdzj Bmjvg Rywbqi BÝUªv±i (AKvwiMwi)

‡gvt mvBdzj Bmjvg Gwm÷¨v›U BÝUªv±i

‡gvt `vD` †nv‡mb d‡Uv †UKwbwkqvb

‡gvt bvRgyj Avnmvb Gwm÷¨v›U BÝUªv±i

‡gvt Avãyi iwng Rywbqi BÝUªv±i

‡gvt dRjyj Kwig Rywbqi BÝUªv±i

‡gvt byiæj AveQvi Rywbqi BÝUªv±i(KvwiMwi)

‡eex Av³vi ‡Rvniv dv‡Zgv Avbmvix Rywbqi BÝUªv±i (AKvwiMwi) cwi`k©K

‡gvt kvnv`vZ †nv‡mb jvB‡eªwiqvb

‡gvt Avey Rvdi Kw¤úDUvi Acv‡iUi

†gvt gvKmy`yj nvmvb mygb Gwm÷¨v›U BÝUªv±i

c¼R P›`ª bv_ ‡UBjvi gvóvi

‡gvt Rv‡niæj †nv‡mb D”Pgvb mnKvix

D‡¤§ Lvw`Rv ‡óvi wKcvi

Beªvnxg Lwjj K¨vwkqvi

‡gvt Rvjvj Avn¤§` ‡UKwbK¨vj Gwm÷¨v›U

‡gvt dviæK †nv‡mb ‡UKwbK¨vj Gwm÷¨v›U

‡gvt Kvgvj DwÏb ‡UKwbK¨vj Gwm÷¨v›U

‡gvt bvwQi DwÏb ‡UKwbK¨vj Gwm÷¨v›U

†gv: dLiæj Bmjvg BqvwQb ‡UKwbK¨vj Gwm÷¨v›U

‡gvt mv‡ivqvi †nv‡mb ‡UKwbK¨vj Gwm÷¨v›U

cvZv 24

cvi‡fR Avn‡g` wnmve iÿK

Avãyj evix Avãyj evix

‡gvt dviæK †nv‡mb ‡UKwbK¨vj Gwm÷¨v›U

Wvwjqv Av³vi gy³v ‡UKwbK¨vj Gwm÷¨v›U

mv‡R`v Av³vi ‡UKwbK¨vj Gwm÷¨v›U

‡gvt †njvj DwÏb WªvBfvi (evm)

‡gvt Aveyj Lv‡qi j¨ve‡iUix Gwm÷¨v›U

Avj †gv‡gb j¨ve‡iUix Gwm÷¨v›U

Avnmvb nvexe cv¤ú Acv‡iUi

‡gvt †Mvjvg gIjv wKib wbivcËv cÖnix

†gvt byiæ wgqv eveywP©

AvKwjgv Av³vi Awdm mnvqK

‡gvt Rwniæj nK cwi”Pbœ Kgx©

‡gvt ingZ Djøvn mnKvix eveywP

‡gvnv¤§` mvBdzj Bmjvg Awdm mnvqK

‡gvt iZb wgqv Awdm mnvqK

‡gvt gwdRyi ingvb wbivcËv cÖnix

‡gvt jvj wgqv wbivcËv cÖnix

‡gvt AvjgMxi †nv‡mb ‡nv‡ój eq

mvwn`yi ingvb †m›Uz Mv‡W©bvi

cvZv 25

Kg©KZ©v I Kg©Pvixe„›`

K‡jR cwiwPwZ †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR, †eMgMÄ, †bvqvLvjx, MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKv‡ii e¯¿ I cvU gš¿Yvjqvaxb e¯¿ cwi`ßi KZ©„K wbqwš¿Z GKwU miKvwi wkÿv cÖwZôvb| GB cÖwZôvbwU 2.97 GKi RvqMvq 1918 wLªóv‡ã eqb we`¨vjq wn‡m‡e AvZ¥ cÖKvk K‡i| D³ mgq cÖwZôv‡b Qq gvm †gqv`x †UªW †Kvm© Pvjy wQj| 1960 wLªóv‡ã GwU‡K DbœxZ K‡i GK eQi †gqv`x ÔÔ†U·UvBj AvwU©‡RbÕÕ ‡Kvm© Kiv nq| 1980 wLªóv‡ã cÖwZôv‡bi gvb Av‡iv DbœxZ K‡i Ò‡Rjv †U·UvBj Bbw÷wUDUÓ bvgKiY Kiv nq Ges `y’ eQi †gqv`x †U·UvBj mvwU©wd‡KU †Kvm© Pvjy Kiv nq| 1994 wLªóv‡ã AvBwUBwU kxl©K Dbœqb cÖK‡íi gva¨‡g cÖwZôv‡bi AeKvVv‡gvMZ Dbœqb, e¨envwiK hš¿cvwZ I eB msMÖn mn cÖ‡qvRbxq msL¨K wkÿK I Kg©Pvix wb‡qvM cÖ`v‡bi gva¨‡g cÖwZôv‡bi gvb Av‡iv GK avc DbœxZ K‡i wZb eQi †gqv`x ÔÔwW‡cøvgv Bb †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwisÕÕ †Kvm© Pvjy Kiv nq| 2002 wLªóv‡ã miKvix wm×všÍ †gvZv‡eK 3 (wZb) eQi †gqv`x wW‡cøvgv †Kvm©wU‡K Pvi eQi †gqvw` †Kv‡m© DbœxZ Kiv nq| AZci 25/01/2007 wLªóv‡ã ZrKvjxb miKvi GK cÖÁvcb Rvixi gva¨‡g †`‡k †U·UvBj wWMÖxavix‡`i NvUwZ cyiY Z_v e¯Î wk‡í D”P ch©v‡qi e¯¿ cÖ‡KŠkjx ˆZixi j‡ÿ¨ Ò†U·UvBj Bbw÷wUDU, †eMgMÄ, †bvqvLvjx, ‡K †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jRÓ G DbœxZKi‡Yi cÖkvmwbK Aby‡gv`b cÖ`vb K‡ib Ges MZ 09/04/2007 wLªt Zvwi‡L PÆMÖvg wek¦we`¨vjq, PÆMÖvg KZ©„K we.Gmwm. Bb †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis †Kv‡m©i Dc‡hvRb †`Iqv nq| cieZ©x 2012 mvj †_‡K evsjv‡`k †U·UvBj wek¦we`¨vjq, XvKv KZ…©K we,Gmwm Bb †U·UvBj †Kv‡m©i Dc‡hvRb †`Iqv nq Ges A‡`¨vewa Zv Pjgvb i‡q‡Q| MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKv‡ii wfkb 2021 ev¯Íevq‡bi j‡ÿ e¯¿ wk‡í †`‡k I we‡`‡k Executive level Gi `ÿ gvbe m¤c` (Skilled manpower) ˆZwi K‡i †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR, †eMgMÄ, †bvqvLvjx ¸iæZ¡c~Y© f‚wgKv cvjb Ki‡Q| weMZ 06(Qq) eQ‡i 5 wU e¨v‡P †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR, †eMgMÄ, †bvqvLvjx †_‡K we,Gmwm Bb †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis G 281 Rb wkÿv_©x cvk K‡i‡Q Ges 2017 m‡b K‡j‡R 121 Rb wkÿv_©x fwZ© Kiv n‡q‡Q| weMZ 15 gvP© 2017 wLª÷v‡ã AÎ K‡j‡Ri 6 (Qq) Zjv wewkó gvwëcvicvm wewìs I ÷z‡W›Um †nv‡÷j D‡Øvab Ges knx` wgbv‡ii wfwË cÖ¯Íi ¯’vcb K‡ib moK cwienb I †mZz gš¿Yvj‡qi gvbbxq gš¿x Rbve Ievq`yj Kv‡`i, Ggwc g‡nv`q| K‡j‡R QvÎ QvÎx‡`i‡K †jLv-covq DrmvwnZ Kivi j‡ÿ fwZ©K…Z Avm‡bi 65% e„wË cÖ`vb Kiv n‡”Q I PzovšÍ c‡e©i QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i‡K `yB gvm e¨vwc wgj cÖwkÿY fvZv cÖ`vb Kiv n‡”Q|weMZ 02 (`yB) eQ‡i mn‡hvMx Aa¨vcK 2 Rb, mnKvix Aa¨vcK 3 Rb, cÖfvlK 5 Rb A_©vr †gvU 10 (`k) Rb bZzb wkÿK †hvM`vb K‡i‡Qb|

Rbe‡ji weeiYt Aby‡gvw`Z msL¨v

Kg©iZ msL¨v


1g †kÖYx

35 Rb

17 Rb

18 Rb

2q †kÖYx

10 Rb

06 Rb

04 Rb

3q †kÖYx

34 Rb

26 Rb

08 Rb

4_© ‡kÖYx

13 Rb

11 Rb

02 Rb

AvDU †mvwm©s

12 Rb

12 Rb


me© †gvU

104 Rb

72 Rb

32 Rb

cvZv 26


evwl©K Kg©m¤cv`b Pzw³ 2016-17

cvZv 27

cwiPvjK, e¯¿ cwi`ßi Ges Aa¨ÿ, †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR, †eMgMÄ, †bvqvLvjx Gi g‡a¨ ¯^vÿwiZ evwl©K Kg©m¤cv`b Pzw³ 2016-17 ev¯Íevqb Kiv n‡q‡Q| 2016-17 A_©eQ‡i 02(`yB) wU Aa© evwl©K I 04(Pvi) wU ˆÎgvwmK cÖwZ‡e`b cvVv‡bvi jÿ¨ gvÎvi wecix‡Z 06 (Qq) wU cÖwZ‡e`b cvVv‡bv n‡q‡Q| †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR, †eMgMÄ, †bvqvLvjxi evwl©K Kg©m¤cv`b Pzw³i †KŠkjMZ D‡Ïk¨ 85 b¤^‡ii g‡a¨ 81.02 b¤^i Ges Avewk¨K †KŠkjMZ D‡Ï‡k¨i 15 Gi g‡a¨ 11.82 b¤^i AR©b K‡i‡Q| me©‡gvU 100 b¤^‡ii g‡a¨ 92.84 b¤^i AR©b K‡i‡Q|A_©vr †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR, †eMgMÄ, †bvqvLvjxi 2016-17 A_©eQ‡i evwl©K Kg©m¤cv`b Pzw³ ev¯Íevq‡bi nvi 92.84%|

cwiPvjK, e¯¿ cwi`ßi Ges Aa¨ÿ, †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR, †eMgMÄ, †bvqvLvjx Gi g‡a¨ ¯^vÿwiZ evwl©K Kg©m¤cv`b Pzw³ 2016-17 Gi g~j¨vqb cÖwZ‡e`b †KŠkj MZ D‡Ïk¨


†KŠkjMZ D‡Ï‡k¨i gvb



Kg©m¤cv`b m~PK


Kg© m¤cv`b m~P‡Ki gvb AmvaviY 100%






†U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR, †eMgMÄ 1. wba©vwiZ cixÿv MÖnY m¤cbœKiY


1.1 Avf¨šÍixY cixÿv MÖnY

1.1.1 M„wnZ avivevwnK ZvwË¡K cixÿv




1.1.2 M„wnZ avivevwnK e¨envwiK cixÿv msL¨v





1.2.2 M„wnZ e¨envwiK cixÿv



8.00 8.00

2.1.1 †j‡fj- 1 †mwg÷vi-1




2.1.2 †j‡fj- 1 †mwg÷vi-2




2.1.3 †j‡fj-2 †mwg÷vi-1




2.1.4 †j‡fj-2 †mwg÷vi-2




2.1.5 †j‡fj-3 †mwg÷vi-1




2.1.6 †j‡fj-3 †mwg÷vi-2




2.1.7 †j‡fj-4 †mwg÷vi-1




2.1.8 †j‡fj-4 †mwg÷vi-2




3.1 K¬vm iywUb cÖYqb

3.1.1 cÖYxZ K¬vm iywUb




3.2 K¬vm iywUb Abyhvqx K¬vm MÖnY

3.2.1 M„wnZ ZvwË¡K K¬vm




3.2.2 M„wnZ e¨envwiK K¬vm




4.1 evwl©K µxov 4.1.1 AbywôZ Bb‡Wvi †Mgm cÖwZ‡hvwMZv Av‡qvRb 4.1.2 AbywôZ AvDU‡Wvi †Mgm







4.2 g¨vMvwRb cÖKvk

4.2.1 cÖKvwkZ g¨vMvwRb



1 A‡±vei

4.3 RvZxq Abyôvb cvjb Kiv

4.3.1 AbywôZ RvZxq †kvK w`em



15 AvM÷

4.3.2 AbywôZ gnvb weRq w`em



16 wW‡m¤^i

4.3.3 AbywôZ knx` w`em I AvšÍR©vwZK ZvwiL gvZ…fvlv w`em


21 †deªyqvwi

4.3.4 AbywôZ RvwZi RbK e½eÜy †kL gywReyi ingvb-Gi Rb¥ w`em I RvZxq wkï w`em



17 gvP©

4.3.5 AbywôZ ¯^vaxbZv I RvZxq w`em



26 gvP

4.3.6 D`hvwcZ evsjv beel



14 GwcÖj

5.1.1 weGmwm Bb †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis DËxY© wkÿv_©x




1.2 P‚ovšÍ cixÿv MÖnY 1.2.1 M„wnZ ZvwË¡K cixÿv 2. †kªYxK‡ÿ wkÿv_©x Dcw¯’wZ wbwðZKiY

3. ¸YMZ wkÿv`vb †Rvi`vi



4. †Kv-KvwiKzjvg Kvh©µg e„w× Kiv 10.00

2.1 †mwg÷vi wfwËK wkÿv_©xi Dcw¯’wZ

5. weGmwm Bb †U·UvBj 8.00 BwÄwbqvwis wWMÖx AR©‡b mn‡hvwMZv †Rvi`viKiY

5.1weGmwm Bb †U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis cixÿvq AskMÖnY

6.wkí-KviLvbvq QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i BÛvw÷ªqvj GUvP‡g›U wbwðZKiY


6.1 wkí-KviLvbvq 6.1.1 BÛvw÷ªqvj GUvP‡g›U Kvh©µg BÛvw÷ªqvj GUvP‡g‡›U m¤cbœ wkÿv_©x wkÿv_©x †cÖib




7. fwZ© Kvh©µg m¤cv`b


7.1 1g e‡l© wkÿv_x fwZ© KiY




7.1.1 fwZ©K…Z wkÿv_©x

is qvw

b ‡ U· U v Bj B w Äw b wm B

Gm we

cvZv 28

c Öv



jÿ¨ gvÎv / wbY©vqK

2016-17 A_©eQ‡ii AR©b

m¤cvw`Z Kvh Raw Score

Weighted Score






















8.00 8.00
























































GL‡bv ïiæ nqwb







†deªyqvwi, 17




4160 3640






1160 1015









†deªyqvwi, 17







†deªyqvwi, 17







1 A‡±vei, 16







15 AvM÷, 16







16 wW‡m¤^i, 16







21 †deªyqvwi, 17







17 gvP©, 17







26 gvP©, 17







14 GwcÖj, 17


























PjwZ gvb PjwZ gv‡bi wb‡¤œ















gš¿Yvjq KZ©K Aby‡gvw`Z


Ä, †bvqvLvjx Gi †KŠkjMZ D‡Ïk¨mgyn

†gvU 81.02 MÖv


cvZv 29



wm B

b ‡ U· U v Bj B w Äw b



c Öv

†U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR, ‡eMgMÄ, ‡bvqvLvjx Gi Avewk¨K †KŠkjMZ D‡Ïk¨mg~n (‡gvU gvb-15) †KŠkj MZ D‡Ïk¨


†KŠkj MZ D‡Ï‡k¨i gvb 2



Kg©m¤cv`b m~PK



Kg© m¤cv`b AmvaviY m~P‡Ki gvb 100%




†U·UvBj BwÄwbqvwis K‡jR, †eMgMÄ `ÿZvi m‡½ evwl©K Kg©m¤cv`b Pzw³ ev¯Íevqb


`ÿZv I 3 ˆbwZKZvi Dbœqb

2016-17 A_©eQ‡ii Lmov evwl©K Kg©m¤cv`b Pzw³ `vwLj

ba©vwiZ mgqmxgvi g‡a¨ Lmov Pzw³ gš¿Yvjq / wefv‡M `vwLjK…Z

ZvwiL 1

22 †g

2016-17 A_©eQ‡ii evwl©K Kg©m¤cv`b Pzw³ev¯Íevqb cwiexÿY

ˆÎgvwmK cÖwZ‡e`b `vwLjK…Z

msL¨v 1


2016-17 A_©eQ‡ii evwl©K Kg©m¤cv`b wba©vwiZ Zvwi‡L Aa©evwl©K g~j¨vqb Pzw³i Aa©evwl©K g~j¨vqb cÖwZ‡e`b `vwLj cÖwZ‡e`b `vwLjK…Z

ZvwiL 1

15 Rvbyqvwi

miKvwi Kg©m¤cv`b e¨e¯’vcbv msµvšÍ cÖwkÿYmn wewfbœ wel‡q Kg©KZ©v Kg©Pvix‡`i Rb¨ cÖwkÿY Av‡qvRb

cÖwkÿ‡Yi mgq

Rb NÈv


RvZxq ï×vPvi †KŠkj ev¯Íevqb

2016-17 A_© eQ‡ii ï×vPvi ev¯Íevqb Kg© cwiKíbv Ges ev¯Íevqb cwiexÿY KvVv‡gv cÖYxZ I `vwLjK…Z

ZvwiL 1

15 RyjvB

wba©vwiZ mgqmxgvi g‡a¨ ˆÎgvwmK cwiexÿY cÖwZ‡e`b `vwLjK…Z

msL¨v 1


Z_¨ evZvqb nvjbvMv` K…Z



cÖwZ gv‡mi 1g mßvn




Z_¨ AwaKvi I ¯^cÖ‡Yvw`Z Z_¨ cÖKvk ev¯Íevqb


Z_¨ evZvqb nvjbvMv` KiY

Kvh©c×wZ I †mevi gv‡bvbœqb


wcAviGj ïii 2 gvm c~‡e© mswkøó wcAviGj ïii 2 gvm c~‡e© mswkøó Kg©Pvixi wcAviGj, QzwU bM`vqb I Kg©Pvixi wcAviGj, QzwU bM`vqb I †cbkb gÄzwicÎ hyMcr Rvwi wbwðZKiY †cbkb gÄzwicÎ hyMcr RvwiK…Z


†mev cÖwµqvq D™¢veb Kvh©µg ev¯Íevqb

Kgc‡ÿ GKwU AbjvBb †mev PvjyK…Z

ZvwiL 1.00

31 wW‡m¤^i

Kgc‡ÿ 1wU †mevcÖwµqv mnRxK…Z

ZvwiL 1.00

31 wW‡m¤^i

Awf‡hvM cÖwZKvi e¨e¯’v ev¯Íevqb

wb®cwËK…Z Awf‡hvM



Awdm feb I Avw½bv cwi”Qbœ ivLv

wba©vwiZ mgqmxgvi g‡a¨ Awdm feb I Avw½bv cwi”Qbœ

ZvwiL 1

31 wW‡m¤^i

†mev cÖZ¨vkx Ges `k©bv _©x‡`i Rb¨ Uq‡jUmn A‡cÿvMvi Gi e¨e¯’v Kiv

wba©vwiZ mgqmxgvi g‡a¨ †mev cÖZ¨vkx Ges `k©bv_©x‡`i Rb¨ Uq‡jU mn A‡cÿvMvi PvjyK…Z

ZvwiL 1

31 wW‡m¤^i

†mevi gvb m¤c‡K© †mevMÖnxZv ‡`igZvgZ cwiexÿ‡Yi e¨e¯’v Pvjy Kiv

†mevi gvb m¤c‡K© †mevMÖnxZv ‡`i gZvgZ cwiexÿ‡Yi e¨e¯’v PvjyK…Z

ZvwiL 1

31 wW‡m¤^i

AwWU AvcwË wb®cwË Kvh©µ‡gi Dbœqb

eQ‡i AwWU AvcwË wb®cwËK…Z




Avw_©K 1 e¨e¯’vcbvi Dbœqb


is qvw

b ‡ U· U v Bj B w Äw b wm B


cvZv 30

c Öv


Kg© cwi‡ek Dbœqb




jÿ¨gvÎv / wbY©vqK AwZ DËg


PjwZ gvb




2016-17 m¤cvw`Z Kvh A_© e Q‡ii AR© b Raw Score Weighted PjwZ gv‡bi wb‡¤œ Score 60%








24 †g

25 †g

26 †g

29 †g

22 †g










16 Rvbyqvwi

17 Rvbyqvwi

18 Rvbyqvwi

19 Rvbyqvwi

15 Rvbyqvwi










31 RyjvB




15 RyjvB










cÖwZ gv‡mi 2q mßvn

cÖwZ gv‡mi 3q mßvn













31 Rvbyqvwi

28 †deªyqvwi



31 wW‡m¤^i



31 Rvbyqvwi

28 Rvbyqvwi










Awf‡hvM bvB



31 Rvbyqvwi

28 †deªyqvwi



31 wW‡m¤^i



31 Rvbyqvwi

28 †deªyqvwi



31 wW‡m¤^i



31 Rvbyqvwi

28 †deªyqvwi













gš¿Yvjq KZ©K Aby‡gvw`Z 15

Ä, †bvqvLvjx Gi †KŠkjMZ D‡Ïk¨mgyn

†gvU 11.82 †gvU cÖvß b¤^i=(81.02+11.82) 92.84



cvZv 31



wm B

b ‡ U· U v Bj B w Äw b



c Öv

we›`y we›`y

Rj Gmvg Avn‡g` 5g e¨vP

5 Uv evRvi GKUz Av‡MB †÷k‡b †cŠQv‡jv kv‡n`| ‡b‡gB iwg‡Ri Pv †`vKv‡b XzK‡jv| Pv †`vKvbUv my›`i| wfZ‡i emvi my›`i RvqMv Av‡Q|Pv †`vKvb wVK ejv hvq bv GUv‡K wgwb dzW‡KvU© ejv †h‡Z cv‡i| GKmgq wbqwgZ Avmv n‡Zv GLv‡b|Kv‡iv mv‡_ †`Lv Ki‡Z,myL`yt‡Li K_v¸‡jv fvMvfvwM Ki‡Z| fv‡jvevmv †c‡Z,fv‡jvevmv w`‡Z Avi fwel¨‡Zi ¯^‡cœ †g‡Z _vK‡Z| iwgR PvPv‡K Pv w`‡Z e‡j †Uª‡bi wU‡KU KvU‡Z †M‡jv kv‡n`|wU‡KU †K‡U G‡m Pv Gi KvcUv nv‡Z wb‡q †÷k‡bi †ew‡Z em‡jv|mv‡_ wb‡q Avmv cwÎKvq gyL Wzwe‡q co‡Z Avi¤¢ Ki‡jv|‡Uªb mv‡o 6Uvq|‡ek j¤^v A‡cÿv| ÔGB †h ïb‡Qb? wPUvMvs Gi †UªbUv KUvq ej‡Z cv‡ib?Õ †g‡qwj K‡Ú wRÁvmv| cwÎKvi †fZi gyL ¸u‡R †PvL bv DwV‡qB kv‡n` Reve w`‡jv, Ôbv,‡÷kb gv÷vi‡K wR‡Ám K‡ib|Avwg Rvwb bv|Õ Ô‡÷kb gv÷vi iæ‡g †bB|GKUz Lyu‡R †`L‡eb?Õ Gev‡i cwÎKv †_‡K gyL DVv‡jv kv‡n`| ZvwK‡qB Pg‡K †M‡jv| Pg‡K †M‡jv cÖkœKZ©xI gyLUv fxlb †Pbv †Pbv jvM‡Q|

-bxjv! kv‡n`B mvg‡j wb‡q ej‡jv| -kv‡n`... -ûg Avwg| Zzwg? wPUvMvs hv‡ev| †÷kb gv÷vi †bB| wUwKU Ki‡Z cviwQbv| -`uvovI ‡`LwQ| e‡j P‡j †Mj kv‡n`|‡÷kb gv÷vi‡K cvIqv †M‡jv GKUz `~‡iB|`vuwo‡q Mí Ki‡Qb|wUwKU wb‡q wd‡i Gj kv‡n`|PÆMÖv‡gi †Uªb QqUvq| -Zzwg KB hv‡”Qv? bxjvi wRÁvmv| -XvKv hvw”Q|Zzwg wPUvMvs KB hvev?kv‡n‡`i wRÁvmv| -k¦ïi evwo| -‡Zv,Av‡Qv †Kgb? -GB AvwQ... -AvwQ gv‡b? -GB‡Zv,‡eu‡P AvwQ| -‡eu‡P AvwQ †Kb?‡Zvgvi †Zv fv‡jv _vKvi K_v| -‡Kb? -KZ fv‡jv RvqMvq we‡q n‡jv... -Avn!fv‡jv RvqMvq we‡q n‡jB wK mywL nIqv hvq? -‡Kb,wK n‡q‡Q? -Avgv‡`i we‡qi `y eQi ciB GKwU wg_¨v Awf‡hv‡M Ii

b ‡ U· U v Bj B w Äw b wm B

Gm we

cvZv 32



c Öv



PvKwiUv P‡j hvq| -Zvici? -Zvici Avi wK?Gici Avi kZ †Póv‡ZI PvKwi †g‡jwb|GLb †QvULv‡Uv Re K‡i| -ZzwgI †Zv wKQz Ki†Z cv‡iv -Avwg we‡qi ci Avi cov‡jLv Kw›UwbD Ki‡Z cvwi wb... -In! -Gici †ek LvwbÿY bxieZv|Kíbvq Wz‡e hvq kv‡n`|‡mB mvZ eQi Av‡M GB †÷k‡bB †kl †`Lv|`yRbB ZLb cov‡kvbv K‡i|nVvr K‡iB bxjvi †dvb|nVvr K‡iB †`Lv Ki‡Z ejv| -ÔAvgvi we‡q n‡q hv‡”Q’ bxjv ej‡jv| -ûg,kv‡n‡`i DËi| -ûg wK?wK n‡e GLb? -Avwg wK Ki‡Z cvwi? -GKUv †QvULv‡Uv PvKwi RywU‡q Avgv‡K we‡q Ki‡Z cv‡iv,nvu`vivg! -‡`‡Lv bxjv,G mgq †KD PvKwi †`‡e bv|ZvQvov,Avgvi †iRvë Lvivc|PvKwi Ki‡Z †M‡j †iRvë Av‡iv Lvivc n‡e| -Iiv Avgv‡K Lye cQ›` K‡i‡Q|‡Q‡j BwÄwbqvi,fv‡jv PvKwi K‡i|ZvB gv evevI Lye K‡i Pv‡”Qb| -‡Zv,Avwg wK Ki‡ev?weiw³f‡i e‡j kv‡n`| -Zvn‡j wK Ôn¨vuÕ e‡j w`‡ev? -ûu, w`‡q `vI| wKQzUv ivM K‡iB e‡j kv‡n`|‡Kb Rvwb kv‡n‡`i evievi g‡b nw”Q‡jv G me bxjvi evbv‡bv,wg‡_¨ Awfbq| bxjviB GLv‡b we‡q Kivi Lye B”Qv |kv‡n`‡K GLb Avi fv‡jvev‡mbv bxjv| ÔGB,‡Kv_vq nvwi‡q †M‡Qv?Õ bxjvi K_vq ev¯Í‡e wd‡i Av‡m kv‡n`| -bv,nvwi‡q hvB wb| -Rv‡bv,we‡qi mvZ eQi n‡q †M‡Q GL‡bv Avgv‡`i †Kvb ev”Pv nqwb|wegl© K‡Ú ej‡jv bxjv| -In,ZvB? A¯ú‡ó e‡j kv‡n`| Gici Aí mgq Avevi bxieZv|Zvici bxjvi cÖkœ, ÔAvwg †Kej Avgvi K_vB e‡j hvw”Q|‡Zvgvi K_v e‡jv Gevi|Zzwg †Kgb Av‡Qv?Õ -fv‡jv AvwQ| -wK K‡iv GLb? -PvKwi Kwi| †Kv¤cvwbi bvg ej‡jv kv‡n`|bxjv wPb‡Z cvi‡jv|Lye bvgKiv †Kv¤cvwb| -GUv †Zv Lye fv‡jv †Kv¤cvwb|fv‡jv PvKwi †c‡q‡Qv| -‡Zvgv‡K ejv nq wb bxjv,fvwm©wU‡Z _vW© Bqvi Avi MÖv

ZLb mܨv nq nq| ‡Mvayjx ‡ejvi is Qov‡bv AvKv‡k ax‡i ax‡i Avuavi bvg‡Z _v‡K|cvwLiv bx‡o wd‡i|we‡K‡ji †kl evZv‡m Mv‡Qi Wvj¸‡jv †`vj Lvq| ‡mme wKQzB Qzu‡q hvq bv kv‡n`‡K|nVvr ûB‡mj ev‡R|‡Uªb ax‡i ax‡i Qvo‡Z ïi K‡i|kv‡n` †Uª‡bi w`‡K ZvKvq|wb‡Ri Kvgiv †_‡K GK`„wó‡Z ZvwK‡q _v‡K bxjv|Pkgvi Kvu‡Pi †fZi w`‡q RjgMœ †Pv‡L bxjv‡K †`‡L kv‡n`|bxjvi †Pv‡L †Kvb †e`bv ev K‡ói Qvc Av‡Q wKbv Lyu‡R †eovq †m|wKQz †evSv hvq bv|kv‡n‡`i Pkgvi KvuP µgk †Nvjv‡U n‡q Av‡m|nVvZ K‡iB kv‡n‡`i g‡b nq,Av”Qv,Zvi Kvbœv wK †`L‡Z cv‡”Q bxjv?kv‡n‡`i Rvbv †bB,Zvi Kvbœv bxjvi †Pv‡Li Avov‡jB †_‡K hvq|bxjv Zv †`L‡Z cvq bv,Zvi †PvL Gwo‡q hvq|wVK †hgbfv‡e kv‡n‡`iI †PvL Gwo‡qwM‡qwQ‡jv mvZ eQi Av‡M †kl †`Lvq bxjv bv‡g †Kvb ZiYxi †Pv‡L R‡g DVv we›`y we›`y Rj.....


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†dv_© Bqv‡i Avgvi †iRvë Lye fv‡jv n‡qwQ‡j, gv÷v‡m©I|fvwm©wU †_‡K †ei nIqvi mgq Avgvi †iRvë Lvivc wQ‡jvbv| -In! fv‡jv †Zv| nvjKv †n‡m e‡j bxjv| -we‡q K‡i‡Qv? -ûg,`yB eQi nq|‡cÖg K‡i| -wKfv‡e n‡jv? -gvby‡li g‡bi `iRvUv A‡bK eo,bxjv| KLb †K †mB `iRv w`‡q Xz‡K c‡o,‡K Rv‡b!Avi Avwg †Zv Avgvi g‡bi `iRvUv †LvjvB †i‡LwQ| -In,Av”Qv|Lye myLx Zvn‡j Zzwg? -ûg,Zv ejv hvq| ‡n‡m e‡j kv‡n`| Gici `yRbB wKQzÿY PzcPvc|Nwo‡Z QqUv †e‡R `k|bxjvi †Uªb P‡j Av‡m|ÔP‡jv,‡Zvgv‡K DwV‡q w`B AvwmÕ kv‡n` e‡j|ÔP‡jvÕ bxjv e‡j|bxjv‡K †Uª‡b DwV‡q w`‡q we`vq Rvwb‡q `~‡i G‡m `vuwo‡q _v‡K kv‡n`|nVvr K‡iB †Kgb Rvwb jvM‡Z ïi K‡i Zvi|wK `iKvi wQ‡jv bxjv‡K Gme wg_¨v ejvi?kv‡n` †Zv Avm‡j PvKwi K‡ibv,fvwm©wU‡Z Zvi †iRvë †kl ch©š— fv‡jv nq wb,Zvi †cÖg we‡q †KvbUvB nq wb|fv‡jv PvKwi bv cvIqvq Zvi Avi PvKwiI Kiv nq wb|‡m †Zv mywL bq eis bxjvi gZB `yLx| wK `iKvi wQ‡jv Gme evwb‡q ejvi?‡kva †Zvjvi †bkvq G‡Kev‡i cvMj n‡q wM‡qwQ‡jv|bxjvi `ytmgq †R‡bB my‡hvMUv Kv‡R jvMv‡jv|A_P GgbI †Zv n‡Z cvi‡Zv †mw`‡bi †mB NUbvq bxjvi Avm‡jB †Kvb `vq wQ‡jv bv|eva¨ n‡qB Zv‡K we‡qUv Ki‡Z n‡q‡Q|wb‡R‡K cÖPÛ Acivax fve‡Z _v‡K kv‡n`|Zvi †Pv‡L cvwb P‡j Av‡m|

IqvW© bv¤^vi 12/13 †eW bv¤^vi 35 Pviw`‡K wPrKvi †PuPv‡gwP, K¨v-Kz kã, †PvL bv Ly‡jB eyS‡Z cviwQ nvmcvZv‡ji GB IqvW©Uv‡Z †Kv‡bv †ivMxi Ae¯’v †kvPbxq| 15 w`b nvmcvZv‡j †_‡K †gvUvgywU KLb wK nq Zv GKev‡i gyL¯’ n‡q †M‡Q| eÿe¨vax nvmcvZv‡ji GB 12/13 Iqv‡W© RvqMv nq mKj dzmdzm RwbZ K¨vÝvi bB‡j RwUj dzmdzm †ivMx‡`i| hv‡`i evuPvi m¤¢vebv LyeB Kg| Avi nvmcvZv‡j GB IqvW© Wv³vi‡`i Kv‡Q g„Z¨y IqvW© bv‡gB cwiwPZ| Avi Kcvj ¸‡b Avgvi RvqMvI n‡q‡Q GB IqvW©Uv‡ZB| Aek¨ Avgvi Kv‡Q g„Z¨y wRwbmUv Lye GKUv Avjv`vfv‡e fvevq bv| eo n‡qwQ GKUv GwZgLvbvq| evev-gv wQ‡jv bv wK ZvI Rvwb bv| Avgvi Kv‡Q `y‡ejv †L‡Z cvIqv gv‡bB A‡bK wKQz| Avi nvmcvZv‡j G‡m mgq gZ Lvevi cvw”Q Zvi Dci mKvj weKv‡j `ya bB‡j wWg gv‡S gv‡S cvDiwUI cvw”Q| Gi †_‡K fv‡jv wKQz GwZgLvbvq eo nIqv GKUv †Q‡ji Kv‡Q Avi wK n‡Z cv‡i|Av‡iv fvM¨ fv‡jv wmU †c‡qwQ 34 bv¤^vi †e‡W|Kvib Avi GKUz Gw`K n‡jB RvqMv nZ 35 bv¤^vi †e‡W| hv wKbv GB g„Z¨y Iqv‡W©i me‡P‡q †WÄvi †eW|‡hLvb †_‡K bvwK †KD GLb ch©šÍ †e‡P wdi‡Z

bvwKeyj nvmvb

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cv‡i wb|me w`K †_‡KB Kcvj Lvivc bv| iæwUb gvwdK fv‡eB Avevi Av‡iK w`b mKv‡j wPrKvi †PuPv‡gwP Avi KvbœvKvwU| †PvL Ly‡jB eyS‡Z cvijvg 35 bv¤^vi †e‡Wi †ivMx ci‡jvKMZ n‡q‡Q| Avwg Avmvi ci wZb Rb‡K GB †eW †Q‡o Icv‡i †h‡Z †`Ljvg| Aek¨ Avgvi Kv‡Q GB g„Z¨y LyeB ¯^vfvweK| Zvi Dci Av‡Mi †ivMx †e‡WB A‡bKevi †kŠP KvR Ki‡Zb †mB wn‡m‡e GKUv weiw³i nvZ †_‡K †e‡P †MwQ| ‡mB wn‡m‡e wKQzUv LywkB n‡qwQ hw`I Zv †NviZi AgvbweK| nvmcvZv‡ji †eW Lye GKUv dvuKv _v‡K bv| GKRb †M‡jB Av‡iKRb G‡m nvwRi nq| 35 bv¤^vi †eW I Lvwj _vK‡jv bv| GLbKvi †ivMxi eqm lvU Gi N‡i n‡e|G‡mB wPjøvwPwj ïiæ K‡i w`‡q‡Qb GK gwnjvi mv‡_| LyeB Amn¨Ki| Avgvi cv‡ki 35 †e‡Wi †jvKUvi bvg ingvb mv‡ne| Avi †h gwnjvi mv‡_ ivMvivwM K‡iwQ‡jv cÖ_gw`b Dwb wQ‡jb Zvi ¯¿x| cÖ_gw`b hZUv Amn¨Ki †j‡MwQj ZZUvI Amn¨Ki bv Zviv| Zv‡`i m¤¢eZ †Kv‡bv AvZ¥xq is qvw

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ev †Q‡j †g‡q †eva nq †bB|KvD†KB Avm‡Z †`wL wb| Zv‡`i mv‡_ K_v evZ©v ïi nIqvUv wKQzUv Avjv`v wQ‡jv| Avwg fwZ© n‡qwQjvg dzmdz‡m AwZwi³ cvwb Rgvi Kvi‡b| Wv³vi bj GKUv jvwM‡q w`‡qwQ‡jv cvwb †ei nIqvi Rb¨| GKw`b iv‡Z nVvr bj w`‡q cvwb hvw”Q‡jv bv, ‡Pv‡L gy‡L AÜKvi †`LwQjvg Lye| nVvr GK †Kvgj nvZ †`wL Avgvi gv_vi Dci Avi evi evi ejwQ‡jv, “wK”Qz n‡e bv, wVK n‡q hv‡e Avi Aí wKQzÿ‡Yi g‡a¨B Wv³vi Avm‡e”””| nVvr g‡b n‡jv Avm‡jB eywS me wVK n‡q hv‡e| nvZUv wQ‡jv ingvb mv‡n‡ei ¯¿xi| GZUzKz ggZv Av‡M KL‡bv cvB wb| ZvB Av‡eMUv †e‡o †M‡jv| Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í Dbv‡`i mv‡_ NwbóZv evo‡Z jvM‡jv| cwiev‡ii gZ wg‡k †Mjvg| Dbv‡`i `yR‡bi gZ ¯^vgx ¯¿x †Kv_vI Av‡Q wK bv GB hvwš¿K hy‡M Avgvi Rvbv †bB| Avwg †Kv‡bv ¯^vgx ¯¿x‡K KvQ †_‡K †`wL wb| Dbv‡`i we‡q n‡qwQ‡jv wKQzUv fv‡jvevmvi ga¨ w`‡q| we‡qi ci my‡Li msmvi ej‡Z hv eySvq ZvB n‡qwQ‡jv Zv‡`i wN‡i| wKš‘ we‡qi K‡qK eQi ci Dbviv Rvb‡Z cv‡ib Dbv‡`i mšÍvb n‡e bv KL‡bv| mgm¨v wQ‡jv ingvb mv‡ne Gi ¯¿xi| wKš‘ ingvb mv‡ne Zvi ¯¿x‡K †Q‡o hvbwb cwiev‡ii mevi K_v gZ| Dbviv `yRb ˆZwi K‡iwQ‡jb Dbv‡`i ¯^M© Zv‡`i `yRb‡K wN‡iB| fwel¨Z †Kv‡bv wKQz QvovB fv‡jvevmvi wfwËi Dci wU‡K wQ‡jv Zv‡`i msmvi| Avi Zv‡`i †c‡q Avgvi mgq¸‡jvI fv‡jvB KvUwQ‡jv| nvmcvZv‡j fv‡jv wKQz ivbœv n‡j wKQzUv fvM AvwgI †cZvg| Avi wW‡gi wKQzUv Ask Avgvi Rb¨ AeavwiZ wQ‡jv| Avi mgqgZ Jlya LvIqv‡bvi `vwqZ¡ wQ‡jv ingvb mv‡n‡ei ¯¿xi Dci| mgqUv Lye fv‡jv PjwQ‡jv| Av‡¯Í Av‡¯Í cÖvq 15 w`b †K‡U †M‡jv| Avi ingvb mv‡ne Avi AvwgI fv‡jv n‡q DVwQjvg| wKš‘ fz‡jB wM‡qwQjvg 35 bv¤^vi †eW Gi †KD fv‡jv n‡Z cv‡i bv|Avgvi †PvL covi ÿgZv fv‡jv| nVvr GKw`b `ycy‡i ingvb mv‡ne Gi †Pv‡L Avwg g„Z¨yi Qvqv †`wL| Avgvi gw¯Í¯‹ gvb‡jI gb ejwQ‡jv nqZ Avwg fzj †`‡LwQ Kvib Dwb †Zv cÖvq my¯’| A_ev Avgvi gb gvb‡Z PvBwQ‡jv bv g„Z¨yi K_v| Avgvi avibv wVK wQ‡jv| IBw`b `ycy‡ii nVvr K‡iB Dbvi kixi Lvivc n‡q hvq| Dbvi ¯¿x Wv³vi WvK‡Z PvB‡jI Dwb †h‡Z †`bwb| Dbvi ¯¿x‡K ïay Dbvi nvZ a‡i ivL‡Z e‡jwQ‡jb| Avi nvZ aiv Ae¯’vq GKwU mywL `¤cwZi GKRb nvwm fiv gy‡L P‡j †M‡jb| Kv‡iv g„Z¨y Avgv‡K Av‡eM G‡b †`qwb| wKš‘ G‡ÿ‡Î D‡ëvUv NU‡jv|Avgvi g‡b nw”Q‡jv c„w_ex wKQz mg‡qi Rb¨ †_‡g wM‡qwQ‡jv| Avwg Rvwb bv ingvb mv‡n‡ei ¯¿x †K wK ej‡ev ev Dwb fwel¨‡Z †Kv_vq hv‡eb, wKfv‡e _vK‡eb| Avgvi ïay GKUv wRwbmB g‡b nw”Q‡jv Avwg GwZg bv| GB wek w`‡bi cwiPq nIqv gvbyl `ywUB nqZev Avgvi cwievi| Avi GB 35 bv¤^vi †eWUv Avgvi A‡bK Avcb|



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¯^cœevR evjK RxebUvB Zvi fvsMv Avi UzK‡iv UzK‡iv n‡q aŸsm n‡Z qvIqvi Mí mgwó, ev¯ÍevwqZ KZ ¯^cœ ‡h Rgv Av‡Q, GB Aí eq‡m KZ ¯^cœ †h †`‡L †m! wKš‘ †m ¯^cœ ¸‡jvi †KvbUviB mvgvb¨Zg Ask c~iY nq bv, GKwU my›`i I mv_©K M‡íi ev¯Íe bvqK n‡Z ‡P‡qwQj †m wKš‘ Mí¸‡jv wb‡Ri g‡a¨B †i‡L †`q KvD‡K KL‡bv m¦cœgq Mí¸‡jv ej‡Z B”Qv K‡i bv Zvi| Zcy!!! ¯^cœevR †m ZiæYwUi bvg,webv h‡Zœ eo n‡Z _vKv MÖv‡gi GK w`bgRyi Kl‡Ki †Q‡j, e‡¯¿i Afv‡e cÖvqB mgq D‡`vg Mv‡q _v‡K †m| nvRvi B”Qv _vKvi c‡iI Afv‡ei msmv‡i `iæb Zvi †jLvcovi †bkvwU wbwl× †bkv‡Z cwiYZ n‡qwQ‡jv, Zvi †jLvcovi cÖej AvMÖn †`‡L nvRv‡iv nZvkv‡K ey‡K Pvcv w`‡q Zvi evev Zcy‡K agK w`‡q ejj, ÓMix‡ei QvDj! ‡jnvciv Kiwe? wK nB‡ev GB¸jvb w`qv? gv‡V Gnwb Miæ jBqv hvÓ| evevi K_vgZ Zcy wbqwgZ gv‡V Miæ wb‡q hvq, gv‡Vi wVK `wÿY cwðg cv‡k Zvi ¯^‡cœi ¯‹zj, Miæ gv‡V †Q‡o w`‡qB ¯‹z‡ji eviv›`vq e‡m e‡m †m wkÿ‡Ki cvV`vb †`‡L| MÖx‡®§i cªej Zvc`vn, el©vi A‡Svi kÖveYaviv Avi ‡cŠl-gv‡Ni nvo Kvcv‡bv kxZ Zv‡K ¯‹z‡ji eviv›`v wegyL is qvw

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Ki‡Z cv‡i wb| eY©gvjvi cÖwZ fvjevmv Gfv‡e w`b w`b evo‡Z _v‡K| wKš‘ GK ivLvj †Q‡ji ¯‹z‡ji eviv›`vq e‡m _vKv e¨vcviwU ¯‹z‡ji GK wkÿ‡Ki fv‡jv bv jvMvi Kvi‡Y Dwb Zcy‡K muvB muvB Pvey‡Ki AvNv‡Z i³v³ K‡i w`‡jb| e¨vm.......GB ¯^cœevR Ziæ‡Yi ¯‹z‡ji Avw½bv Qvovi Rb¨ GB Pvey‡Ki AvNvZB h‡_ó n‡q †Mj| H w`‡K ¯‹z‡ji GB Kvwnbx ï‡b evevI iv‡M _vK‡Z bv †c‡i Zcy‡K cÖnvi Ki‡Z jvM‡jv| GK w`‡K wkÿ‡Ki cÖnvi Avi Av‡iKw`‡KI evevi cÖnvi GB `yÕ‡qi AZ¨vPvi Zcy‡K Kv‡jv eY©gvjvi cÖwZ Av‡iv AvMÖn evwo‡q †`q| wb‡R wb‡R kc_ †bq Kv‡jv eY©gvjv †hfv‡eB †nvK Zv‡K AvqË Ki‡ZB n‡e| ‡hB †R` †mB KvR........ Kv‡jv eY©gvjvi cÖwZ cÖej fvjevmvi `iæY kn‡i _vKv GK abx †jv‡Ki mn‡hvMxZvi Avkvq KvD‡K bv e‡jB Mªvg Qvov nj Zcy wKš‘ †mLv‡b AvkvgZ mvov bv †c‡q nZvkv Av‡iv †e‡o †Mj Zvi| Gi g‡a¨ m~h© gvgvi we`vq †bIqv‡Z mܨv †b‡g Avmj, hvwš¿K GB kn‡ii ey‡K †m GK`g bZzb wn‡m‡e GLv‡bi mewKQz wbôyi g‡b K‡i †m| mvivw`‡bi Afz³ nZvkvgq Zcy iv‡Zi AÜKv‡i e‡m e‡m wPšÍv K‡i GB iv‡Z KB hv‡e? wK Lv‡e? Avi wKfv‡eB ev Zvi ¯^cœ c~iY Ki‡e? Gme wPšÍv Ki‡Z Ki‡Z wb‡Ri ARv‡šÍ wPšÍv K‡i †m, wVK GB mg‡q Zvi cvk w`‡q †nu‡U hvIqv wek¦we`¨vj‡qi GK`j wkÿv_©x hviv bvwK myweavewÂZ‡`i †jLvcov wb‡q KvR K‡i Zviv Zvi Kvbœv †`‡L Zvi †_‡K me †R‡b wbj|Gme wkÿv_©xiv me ï‡b wm×všÍ wb‡jv †h Zcyi ¯^cœ ev¯Íevq‡b Zviv GwM‡q Avm‡e| Zvici........ Zcy ¯‹z‡j hvq, eY©gvjvi cÖwZ Av‡iv AvMÖn evwo‡q †`q, cwiev‡ii mv‡_I †hvMv‡hvM nq wbqwgZ| †`L‡Z †`L‡Z Zcy A‡bK eo n‡q †Mj| †jLvcov Kiv Kvjxb Mv‡g©›U©‡m Re Kiv GK f`ª †jv‡Ki mv‡_ Zcyi cwiPq nq, Zvi civgk© g‡Z, †jLvcovi cvkvcvwk †m Mv‡g©›U‡m †KvqvwjwU †m±‡i Re †bq|GLv‡b G‡mI †`‡L RxebUv Av‡iK K‡ói bvg| cÖvq Uvbv 12 N›Uv `vwo‡q `vwo‡q KvR Ki‡Z nq| cv dz‡j hvq, e¨v_v nq Zvi g‡a¨ mycvifvBRvi, BbPvR© Avi em‡`i AK_¨ flvq Mvwj.......| Gme Kó wbi‡e mn¨ K‡i hv‡”Q KviY Zvi ¯^cœ ev¯Íevq‡b †m e×cwiKi| R‡ei cvkvcvwk MÖvRy‡qkbI KgwcøU K‡i, Mv‡g©›U‡m mvwU©wd‡KU Avi Kg© AwfÁZvq Zvi cÖ‡gvkb nq, Zvi ¯^cœ¸‡jv eo n‡Z _v‡K,gv-evevi myL wb‡q ¯^cœ †`‡L,wb‡Ri msmvi Rxeb ïiæ Kivi ¯^cœ †`‡L...... wKš‘ Gi gv‡S N‡U †Mj Av‡iK KiæY Kvwnbx| Zcy †h Mv‡g©›U‡m Re KiZ Zvnvi gvwj‡Ki A`~i`k©xZvi R‡b¨ nVvr cy‡iv Mv‡g©›UmwU a‡m c‡o †Mj, nvRvi Lv‡bK kªwgK wbnZ nj, wPiRxe‡bi Rb¨ c½yZ¡ eiY Kij A‡b‡KB Zvi gv‡S Zcy bv‡gi †Q‡jUvI| Zvi 2 cv Acv‡ikb K‡i †d‡j w`‡Z n‡q‡Q| ch©vß UvKv Avi mn‡hvwMZvi Afv‡e Zcy‡`i gZ c½y‡`i Avi wPwKrmv n‡jv bv| hv‡`i cwikª‡gi d‡j cÖPzi ˆe‡`wkK gy`ªv Av‡m †m Zcy‡`i gZ kªwgKiv wPwKrmvi Afv‡e gi‡Z e‡m‡Q|Gfv‡e Zcy‡`i gZ ¯^cœevR evjK‡`i ¯^cœ ev¯Íevq‡bi Av‡MB aŸsm nq|fv‡jvfv‡eB ev¯Íevqb †nvK c„w_exi mKj ¯^cœevR gvby‡li ¯^cœ|



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AvRKvj Avbgbv fw½‡Z Lye nvwU, †h wPowP‡o †iv` †ivR wcQz wb‡Zv, †m Avgvi K¬všÍ gyLUv †`‡L, Ajm fw½‡Z we`vq †bq| †ejKwb‡Z `vwo‡q GLb Avwg cvwL †`L‡Z wk‡LwQ, I‡`i mv‡_ GLb Avgvi eÇ fve| Qv‡`i eû Dc‡ii †h AvKv‡k Avwg K‡Lv‡bv bxj is LywRwb, Zvi ey‡Ki Zvivi mv‡_ Avgvi K_v nq| I‡`i e‡jwQ, g‡b ivLwe wK Avgvq? wcÖq N‡ii †Kv‡Y R‡g _vKv ayjv, MÖx‡j R‡g _vKv gwiPv, Qwo‡q wQwU‡q _vKv wmMv‡i‡Ui c¨v‡KU I‡`i mevB‡K e‡jwQ g‡b ivLwe wK Avgvq? U‡Oi †`vKv‡b Avwg Pv‡qi Kv‡c wPwb †gkv‡bv †`wL, `y-PvgP wPwb‡Z †gkv‡bv J jvj‡P Ag„‡Zi K_v fvwe, Pv‡q PzgyK †`Iqvi Av‡M KvcUv‡K wbtk‡ã ewj,g‡b ivLwe wK Avgvq? K¬vm iæ‡gi GK‡Kvbv fvOv myBP †evW©Uv 4 eQ‡iI †Zgwb Av‡Q, †h †Pqv‡i e‡m AuvKZvg wnwRwewR, †m wnwRwewR Avgvi †Pv‡L Rj Av‡b| †m †Pv‡Li ev‡qv‡¯‹v‡c †`Lv hvq Avgvi ¯^‡cœi g‡Zv w`b¸wj| Avwg cig Av`‡i nvZ eyjvq wnwRwewR¸‡jv‡K, Ii Dci Kvb †c‡Z wbtk‡ã ewj, wK‡i g‡b ivLwe wK Avgvq? w`K- wew`K Rq K‡i Avmvi Djøv‡m, weKU wPrKv‡i,Avi iæ‡g †div nqbv | QUcU K‡i `iRvi wQUwKwbI jvMvBbv| g‡b nq,iæ‡gi cv_y‡i BU GK gg©vnZ AvZ¥v, Iiv e‡j, Avgvi ey‡K gv_v ¸‡R we`vq †ejvq Kv‡`vu| Avwg I‡`i AvnŸv‡b mvov †`B, gvSivZ wKsev Ajm `ycy‡i,hLb Av‡kcv‡k †KD †bB| AvR wbtk‡ã †n‡U hvw”Q K¨v¤cv‡mi w`‡K, nv‡Z fv‡jvevmvq †gvov wKQz wPiKzU| I¸‡jv Dwo‡q †`e K¨v¤cv‡mi evZv‡m, Iiv †cŠ‡Q hv‡e cÖvc‡Ki wVKvbvq|

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gvbyl n‡Z cvwiwb Gmvg Avn‡g` 5g e¨vP

Avgvq GKUz g‡b †iL, eviv›`vq `uvwo‡q hLb AvKvk †`L| g‡b †iL njy` we‡Kj,NvmdwoO Gi `j el©v w`‡b hLb †Kvgj nv‡Z Quz‡q `vI e„wói Rj| g‡b †iL †iv‡`jv mKvj, ‡RvQbvi ivZ fv‡jv‡e‡m hLb GB nv‡Z ivL‡Z IB nvZ| g‡b †iLv †fv‡ii wkwki,meyR Nv‡mi Dci c‡o _vKv RjQvc m`¨ mܨv‡ejvq hLb nv‡Z Zz‡j bvI Pv‡qi Kvc| wgbwZ Kwi, GKUz g‡b K‡iv, wg‡_¨ n‡jI K‡iv GKUz WvKvWvwK †Zvgvq bvBev †cjvg, †Zvgvi AvKvk, njy` we‡Kj Qzu‡q †`qv e„wói R‡jB bv nq †eu‡P _vwK...

†gv: †g‡n`x nvmvb mygb G¨vcv‡ij BwÄwbqvwis wefvM 9g e¨vP

†`‡LwQ Kv‡au e¯Ív wb‡q Ny‡i †eov‡bv wkïwU‡K, ci‡b Zvi †Qov Rvgv, ï‡bwQ bvg bvwK Zvi †UvKvB| †`‡LwQ Zvi ÿz`v_© gvqvwe gyL, †Pv‡Lv gy‡L GKgy‡Vv Lvev‡ii cÖZxÿv| †`‡LwQ Amy¯’ e„×vi KiæY Pvûwb, ci‡Y Zvi †Qov cvÄvwe| ï‡bwQ Zvi LykLy‡k Kvwki kã, †`‡LwQ Zvi Lvevinxb †PÞv †cU| †`‡LwQ iv¯Ívi av‡i M„nnxb gvby‡li NygšÍ †Pnviv, ï‡bwQ Zv‡`i cÖkvwšÍi wbtk¦v‡mi kã, †`‡LwQ Zv‡`i AK…wËg fv‡jvevmv| †`‡LwQ iv‡Zi AÜKv‡i †c‡Ui `v‡q wb‡R‡K wewj‡q †`qv †g‡qwU‡K, †`‡LwQ Zvi wg‡_¨ fv‡jvevmvi Awfbq mewKQzB †`‡LwQ Avwg evievi| Zey GKev‡ii Rb¨ evovqwb nvZwU Avgvi, AvRI mewKQz ï‡bI ïwbwb, †`‡LI †`wLwb, KviY Avwg AvRI gvbyl n‡Z cvwiwb|

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Principal Engr. A.K.M. Fazlul Haque

Jute was once deemed as the golden fibre in Bangladesh due to its multi purpose use and demand in world market as fabrics, yarn, gunny bag and rope. But now a days, most of the traditional jute products are facing serious competition with synthetic products. For the survival of jute, it is necessary to diversify the use of jute and develop alternative products by blending jute with natural and synthetic fibres. It is now a common practice to blend two or more fibres together in order to produce yarns or fabrics with required properties suitable for end uses.

Thermal conductivity

Thermal conductivity of different blankets

0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0




A-3 J-1 J-2 S-1 different Blankets


Materials: Five types of jute blended blankets were collected from the Pilot Plant Division, BJRI and two types of blankets were collected from local market.

Methods: Wettability was measurement by placing the sample of blankets on horizontal frame and dropping one drop of distilled water from a height of 0.95cm on the cloth and measuring the time for disappearance of spectacular reflection from the water.

Results Seven types of blankets were collected which are named as A-1, A-2, A-3, J-1, J-2, S-1and S-2. Specifically A-1 and A-2 are jute - acrylic blankets whose ratios are 70:30 and 80:20 respectively. In case of A-3 the percentage of jute polyester is 80:20 and J-1, J-2 blanket samples contain unbleached and bleached jute. S-1 and S-2 are wool and synthetic blanket samples respectively. The comfort properties of these samples are given below.

Warp/inch Weft/inch


A-3 J-1 Blankets




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Synthetic blankets are the softest of all the blankets that have been tested, but have very high thermal resistance. In respect of crease recovery J-1 blanket appears to have similar comfort as synthetic blanket. In respect to flexural rigidity A-1 and J-1 blankets show quite similar results as synthetic blanket. Comfort also depends on the utility of the fabric, i.e., by whom it is worn. In this respect, A-1 blanket is better than others. As regards comfort, A-1 blanket is the best.


10 5 0

Specification of the Blankets



45 40 35 30 25 20 15

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The specifications, which were shown in Fig:1,2,3. are mainly dependent on the looming process of blankets. The looming process of blankets that were collected from BJRI, are similar. That is why there are some similar properties among them. Other properties such as weight in gm/m2, cloth cover, and thickness are dependent on both of these two parameters. Changing these two parameters can change all properties. So, it is very important for blanket producers to supply good quality blankets. In the BJRI nearly all instruments are mechanical. So in every case of research some percentage of error has been admitted and precession of the results for any properties of blanket cannot be ensured.




K.M. Foysol Assistant Professor (Electrical)

In every career that exists there are certain protocols that an employee must follow if he/she wants to be successful. When those protocols are breached a series of act or expression of criticism and censure could follow. In the field of education sector the same phenomenon applies. There are so many things that teachers must do to ensure that they are on top of their profession. Now, the readers of the article might get some information, who are trying to become passionate and fully professional worker to produce human not by born, but by desire.

• Teacher should be objective and write honest comments on student assessment; don’t bend facts or ignore problems, regardless of pressure from administrators or a wish to sugarcoat the truth. Students detest teachers who twist the truth to protect themselves when they are in error.

Teaching jobs are often lucrative and satisfying for people who love to teach. I am a teacher too, though I do not think myself as a very good teacher, but I have to expect and know for one thing that majority of my students do be in love with me, and I guess this is the point where good things start to happen. I was thinking about what are the characteristics of a good teacher and how can I one. Or which characteristics and qualities should a good teacher possess? What is this myth about being a “good teacher”? Who is it? What are the characteristics? And how can you become one?

• Teacher should consider for different learning styles (i.e., visual, audio, verbal). Keep in mind that student learns differently and so every lesson should have a variety of conditions that would help to promote the concept. For example, the use of manipulative documentary, pictures, postcards, newspapers, books, shapes, etc.

So I came up with some qualities which I found most relevant for a person involved in a teaching profession. I believe if a teacher possesses the following characteristics and qualities, he or she can become a very good teacher with large fan base too. Taking into consideration all the following do’s and don’ts of the profession if they want to remain in the organization and be successful in teaching. The tips are written especially to help novice teachers in the educational organization as well as those experienced teachers are want to make sure their image in teaching carrier. We all want to be successful at what we do, so when we collaborate, tension decreases and maximum effort is channeled in the proper direction. Since, every teacher wants to be an excellent teacher, but keep in their mind following sentences in practical. FEW DO’S OF TEACHING PROFESSION

manner, even when motivated by an administrator, parent or student.

• Teacher should have backup plans when a given activity is not working. Teachers are expected to be flexible with strategies, so if in the middle of a lesson an approach is not working teachers have the autonomy to simply adapt a better technique.

• It is important for teachers to remember each learner has individual differences. No two students are alike. Never compare students personally. • Teacher should keep in mind that, different learning ability levels of student. Research implies that children learn best from their peers so cooperative learning should be incorporated in lessons whenever appropriate. • Teacher should allow learner to select their interested topic for discussion. Give them a selection freedom to choose from their area of interest. In giving choices more effort will be shown. Focus on the process rather than the product. • Let learner be risk-takers and make mistakes. Encourage them to try and try again. As we learn from our mistakes to correct procedures and processes. • Teacher should use teachable moments to reinforce integration of subjects and values. • Plan and make learning materials considering three

• A good teacher should maintain a professional is qvw

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phases: before, during and after teaching. • Always ask yourself, did I use the best approach in teaching the concept of learning matter? What could I have done better to reach every learner development? Did I adequately plan for the students and were the activities meaningful? • Teacher should create and give opportunities for students to use cognitive strategies to synthesize, analyze, evaluate and make applications to authentic situations of their knowledge.

• Assess student’s performance periodically and give prompt feedback. Always save samples of students’ corrected work in the event when there is a grade review. • Treat every student with human dignity and respect. This might be hard for some of us depending on the behaviour of the student. Remember, however that student show anger because needs have not been met. Regardless of the circumstances, students are very receptive and kind to teachers who show that they genuinely care.

• Teacher should generate literacy rich environments that depict words and print everywhere; provide opportunities and tools that engage students in reading and writing activities, and celebrate students’ reading and writing efforts.

• A good teacher should carry out duties with efficiency, and work without being constantly supervised.

• Teacher should prepare students for success in institution and in life using a balanced curriculum.

• Best teacher should consistently meet deadlines. Ensure that you keep a copy of all documents turned into your administrators.

• Teacher should produce active participants rather than passive observers in every lesson. The days of teacher-centered lessons are over and teachers have to think of creative ways to deliver the lessons via learner friendly approaches. • Teacher should routinely monitor and assess the reading levels and progress of individual students. This ongoing evaluation directs and informs instruction. • Teacher should generate a sense of community and belonging in the classroom. The mutual respect in this teacher’s classroom provides a supportive, collaborative environment. • Teacher should be warm, accessible, enthusiastic and caring. This type of teacher is approachable, not only to students, but to everyone on the organization. This is the teacher to whom students know they can go with any problems or concerns or even to share a funny story. •G reat teachers possess good listening skills and take time out of their way-too-busy schedules for anyone who needs them. If this teacher is having a bad day, no one ever knows the teacher leaves personal baggage outside the school doors. • Teacher should maintain professionalism in all areas from personal appearance to organizational skills and preparedness for each day. The teacher’s communication skills are exemplary, whether speaking with an administrator, one of her students or a colleague.


• Dress to impress, many times in life situations a person is judged upon how well he/she appears. The same holds true for teachers, whether in the classroom setting, during a job interview, parent conference or open house. Teachers should dress for success everyday of the week, unless a stated dress code policy allows you to dress casually on a given day. Dressing for success has three main effects for teachers: Maintain respect, establish credibility and establish yourself as an authority figure. FEW DON’TS OF TEACHING PROFESSION • Teacher shouldn’t act as though it’s an individual effort. Never think you can accomplish everything on your own. Working as a team will be more rewarding. • Teacher shouldn’t fail to make correction(s) and apply constructive criticisms that would result in the improvement of plans and interventions created on behalf of students. • Don’t use short text language when writing lesson plans. Text messaging is for sending a brief, electronic message between two or more mobile phones, fixed or portable devices over a phone network. • Teacher shouldn’t consistently teach student inaccuracies due to a lack of study. A teacher who teaches from the top of her head could find herself in serious trouble when information taught is incorrect and can be proven by student and parents. It’s very important that teachers should do intensive study to cover all bases. Always remember how difficult it


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• Teacher should practice punctuality, the most successful teachers are those who arrive to school on time and make preparations for the day.

• Don’t show a lack of empathy and concern for students’ wellbeing, especially when they are faced with sadness, grief or a difficult situation. • Teacher shouldn’t insult children and refer to parents’ failures. • Teacher shouldn’t throw anything like duster and marker to the students. • Teacher shouldn’t allow bribery and gifts from parents to give extra attention to their children. • Don’t use children as pawns to carry to and fro messages, monies, gifts, food, etc. from female or male counterparts. • Don’t be too friendly and send mixed signals that could be interpreted as flirting and flaunting sexual appeal. • Teacher shouldn’t use physical force and aggression to teach student. • Don’t cheat student of contact time due to repeated medical issues and in some cases unexplained absences. • Don’t underestimate student’s learning ability and so inadequately plan. • Teacher shouldn’t n’t send student out of class because of disruptive behaviours. • Teacher shouldn’t walk out of a class when students’ behavior becomes too challenging. • Don’t make fraudulent allegations against other teacher.

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• Teacher shouldn’t leave school as the bell rings in the evenings without bringing proper closure to your work.

• Don’t babble. Try your best to be assertive and even when nervous remain composed. Show confidence and familiarity with the topic being taught. • Teacher shouldn’t attempt to handle all behavioral problems by yourself. Sometimes you will need advice from colleagues and administrators that could offer better insight into the situation. • Don’t exclude student from class parties, exam, trips etc. when they cannot contribute payments. • Teacher shouldn’t display dishonesty when it comes to the collection of monies for water, clubs, class projects and fundraisers. • Don’t create a coup and encourage children to become anti-administration. • Don’t take children on a school trip without getting the proper authorization and in addition, don’t modify the schedule of trip after approval has been granted. • Teacher shouldn’t participate in criminal misconduct outside of the school setting. • Don’t engage in the use and possession of illegal drugs. • Don’t intentionally destroy school property when accused of wrongdoings. • Teacher shouldn’t attend school in a drunken and disorderly state. Don’t display lawlessness in public places due to intoxication. • Teacher shouldn’t carry on your person or at school firearms and ammunition that pose a threat to human life.

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• Don’t falsify students’ grades without checking papers.


• Teacher shouldn’t victimize students by lowering their grades or issuing demerits due to previous negative encounters with parents.


• Teacher shouldn’t deny inclusion of a student because he or she is not properly maintained or cared for.

• Don’t make exam too hard so that almost every student fails. Exams are basically administered to analyze what children have learnt, what they did not grasp or what they need reinforcement in. If most of the student fails then it means the teacher fails as well and that the teacher simply has to re-teach the concepts using another approach.

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• Don’t label a child because of his socioeconomic status.

• Teacher shouldn’t send all behavioral problems to the principals. Teachers who refuse to use their initiative and come up with alternative forms of discipline tend to lose total respect from their students and parents.

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• Teacher shouldn’t consistently inform parents via text or letter of the negative behaviors of students.

• Teacher shouldn’t generate division amongst student because of their disabilities, residence in catchment areas and economic status.


• Teacher shouldn’t choice to excuses on a weekly basis when plans are not submitted on time. Plans are the blueprint of a class and so when teachers fail to submit their plans they encounter behavioural problems, chaos and a waste of instructional and academic time.

• Don’t wear provocative clothing in school area fit for night life.


is and almost impossible to unlearn what has been taught, especially if the fact or concept is wrong.



LINEAR PROGRAMMING TO FIND THE CRITICAL PATH USING SPREADSHEET MODEL Introduction: In a business organization, management has to make decisions on how to allocate their resources to achieve its organization’s goal. Each organization wants to achieve some objective with constrained resources. To be able to find the best uses of an organization’s resources using spreadsheet model, a mathematical technique called Linear Programming can be used. Linear Programming (LP) is a mathematical optimization technique. By optimization technique, it refers to a method which attempts to maximize or minimize some objective, for example, maximize profits or minimize costs. The adjective linear is used to describe a relationship between two or more variables, a relationship which is directly and precisely proportional. The basic structure of an LP problem is either to maximize or minimize an objective function, while satisfying a set of constraining conditions called constraints. Case Study: Solution to Building a Textile Industry Consider the list of activities and predecessors that are involved in building a Textile Industry, as listed in Table 1.

Engr.Tanjim Mahmud Assistant Professor




Duration (days)

Activity A

Build foundation


Activity B

Build walls and ceilings



Activity C

Build roof



Activity D

Do electrical wiring



Activity E

Put in windows



Activity F

Put on siding



Activity G

Paint house

C, F


Objectives: To Draw a project network and use LP to find the critical path and the minimum number of days needed to build the textile industry. Mathematical Formulation: Decision Variables: Define the nodes to be discrete events. In other words, they occur at one exact point in time. Our decision variables will be these points in time. Define ti to be the time at which node i occurs, and at which time all activities preceding node i have been completed. Define t0 to be zero. Objective: Minimize t5. Constraints: There is really one basic type of constraint. For each activity x, let the time of its starting node be



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Solution Methodology:

represented by tjx and the time of its ending node be represented by tkx. Let the duration of activity x be

represented as dx. For every activity x, t kx − t jx ≥ d x For every node i, t i ≥ 0

between relevant pairs of nodes, corresponding to the various activities. The duration times of the activities are in J12:J18. Here is the optimized spreadsheet: We have used Excel’s conditional formatting feature here to identify the activities on the critical path. It is also possible to identify the critical path by looking at the Solver answer report Conclusions: The project will take 26 days to complete. The only activity that is not critical is the electrical wiring. References Andersen, D.R., D.J. Sweeney, & T.A. Williams, An Introduction to Management Science: Quantitative Approaches to Decision Making Andersen, D. R., Dennis J. Sweeny, and Thomas A. Williams. 2001. Quantitative Methods for Business.Eighth edition. Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western College Publishing. Anderson, Michael Q. 1982. Quantitative Management Decision Making, Belmont,California: Brooks/ Cole Publishing Co., Here’s the spreadsheet model: The matrix of zeros, ones, and negative ones (B12:G18) is a means for setting up the constraints. The sumproduct functions in H12:H18 calculate the elapsed time


Krajewski, Lee C. and H. E. Thompson. 1981. Management Science: Quantitative Methods in Context, New York: John Wiley & Sons


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Dunn, Robert A. and K. D. Ramsing. 1981. Management Science: A Practical Approach to Decision Making. New York, New York: MacMillan Publishing Co.

NANO BUBBLE TECHNOLOGY: A NEW WAY TO SUSTAINABLE JEANS FINISHING Denim jeans can be considered as the most widely used garment in the fashion business. Among all the textile products, no other fabric has received such a wide acceptance as denim jeans. It has been used extensively by people of all ages, classes and genders. Industrial washing of denim jeans is one of the most widely used finishing treatments that have vast usage, due to its effect on appearance and comfort. It is now an indispensable process for producing fashion items. There are almost countless variations of dry and wet processing techniques used by designers and textile chemists to achieve fashionable looks that are distinctive and desirable.[1] With the increasing awareness about and concern for environmental issues, such as large amounts of effluents produced and high consumption of water and energy, wet process related to denim washing are considered as not environmentally friendly. To address the environmental concerns, some finishing techniques have been introduced as an alternative to the conventional wet processing.[2] A new technique based on nano bubbles developed and patented by a Spanish company, Jeanologia, is known as E-flow. The E- flow ‘breaks up’ the surface of the garment, achieving soft hand feel and controlling shrinkage. A minimal quantity of water is needed and there is zero discharge from the process. Air from the atmosphere is introduced into an electro flow reactor and subjected to an electromechanical shock creating nano bubbles and a flow of wet air.Figure 1 shows the e-flow process scheme

* Md. Solaiman, Assistant Professor,Textile Engineering College, Noakhali

** Elias Khalil Technical Officer, Bangladesh

Handloom Board,Dhaka

with this technology, some indigo cross contamination may occur that can be eliminated by a dry ozone treatment. Some examples of the use of this technology in the sample garment shown in Figure 2.[4]

Figure 2: Some examples of the use of nano bubble technology © Jeanologia.

The use of the e-flow technology derives a significant reduction of use of resources: water use reduction up to 98%, energy use reduction up to 47% and eliminating chemical wastes associated to water dumping, all of them involved in garment finishing processes. The e-flow process produces a pre-shrinkage of the fabric, avoiding high shrinkage during home laundry. It also gives a softer hand feel and so the garments are comfortable to wear and even the rub fastness properties are slightly improved. [5] Reference 1.

Figure 1: e-flow process scheme © Jeanologia 2014

The nano bubble mix is then transported into a rotating tumbler containing the denim garments, and when it comes into contact with them produces a soft and natural hand feel. The garments are then dried in the same tumbler. When treating indigo dyed garments

Khalil, E. (2015). Sustainable and Ecological Finishing Technology for Denim Jeans. AASCIT Communication, 2(5), 159-163 2. Kan, C. W. (2015). Washing techniques for denim jeans. Denim: Manufacture, Finishing and Applications, Woodhead Publishing, 313. 3. pdf 4. newsdetails.aspx?news_id=167334 5. projects/en/printpdf/projects/mnb-eco finishing 6. Garcia, B. (2015). Reduced water washing of denim garments. Denim: Manufacture, Finishing and Applications, Woodhead Publishing, 357-402.

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PRESENT SCOPE & FUTURE ASPECT OF APPAREL WASHING This is the age of modern fashion. Apparel washing plays the vital role to create the fashion. The consumers demand in clothing has increased due to fashionable washed apparels. Apparel means an article of clothing or dress which is the second need of basic needs of human. Washing means the process of cleaning. So we can say apparel washing means cleaning of dirty apparels with soap or detergents. But in garments sector apparel washing is not defined in this way. It is defined as “The technology which is used to modify the appearance, size, color, comfortability, outlook, design, style, fashion etc of the apparels is called apparel washing.

Bishwajit Das Instructor (Textiles)

present in the apparels during manufacturing. • Due to washing shrinkage occurs in the apparels. There is no possibility of further shrinkage of wash apparels i.e. the consumers don’t worry about the

fit of apparels. Hence washed apparels could be purchased as required size.

Apparel washing is the new technology in our textile sectors. But it is introduced in the developed countries nearly 60 years ago. In our country it is started in 1988 but before 1988 if any apparel includes apparel wash finishing than the goods were sent to Hong Kong for washing. After washing goods were sent to Bangladesh for finishing and packing. As a result extra overhead cost drawn in. At present the demand of apparel washing is in the whole world. Advantages of apparel washing: • It removes size materials from apparels which is the most important function of washing. As a result the apparels feel soft during use.

Stone Enzyme Washed & whiskering affect

• To attract the customers or buyers by using different types of fashionable washing and market developments. • To produce different outlook in the apparels. • To create wash look appearance this seems the new touch of fashion.

Raw denim pant

Raw denim pant indigo col

• It removes dust, dirt, spot and impurities which is

• To create color or tinted affect in the apparels which seem to be the best touch of fashion. • To produce faded or old look affect in the apparels by removing color from apparels. • To create new fashion such as tagging, grinding, destroy, blasting, whiskering, p.p.spray, deep dye, tie dye etc. • To improve the handling properties or softness of apparels.

After washed the denim



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• Washed garments are called “ready to wear” garments. So we can wear the garments directly after purchase from store

Currently Bangladesh has 30 denim mills, 4482 garments industry and almost ten thousand textiles industries. By 2020, the global denim market will reach $64.1 billion while Bangladesh denim exports are forecast to reach $7billion by the end of 2021. This denim market is enriched due to diversified fashionable washed denim products. The last few years total export value & RMG export Fiscal year

Export of RMG in billion US $

Total export value of Bangladesh in billion US$

% of RMG to total export





Ripped denim by wash

Required machine and chemicals for apparels washing: For apparel washing the following machines are required 1. Apparel washing machine-Rotary & pedal type. 2. Hydro extractor machine. 3. Dryer machine. 4. Boiler 5. Grinding machine 6. Sand blasting chamber. 7. Laser draw. Etc. Required chemicals list: • Enzyme • Bleaching agent • Acetic acid • Antistain • Soda ash • Caustic soda • Sodium hyposulphite • Sodium metabisulphite. • Softener • Potassium permanganate. • Detergent • Desizing agent, resin, salt, wetting agent etc. Present scope & future aspect of apparel washing: At present apparel washing is the hot cake in the textile sectors. Maximum types of apparels are treated by various types of washing process. As a result fashionable clothings are created. These are worldwide demanded. Reputed buyer like G Star, PUMA, ZARA, H&M, Wal-mart, GAP, Li & Fung etc give emphasize on the washed garments. A revolutionary changed is done in the denim products by washing. That’s why we can produce the most fashionable denim goods like denim- pant, shirt, jacket, hat etc. Now Bangladesh is the number one country in denim goods exporting in Europe and third in USA. Bangladeshi denim goods are worldwide demanded. Diversification of fashion in most apparels are done by different types of washing i.e. enzyme wash, acid wash, bleach wash, stone enzyme wash, pp spray, pigment wash, silicon wash, sand blasting, tagging, destroy process, whiskering, grinding process.













value of Bangladesh is given below. To celebrate the 50 years of independence, vision 2021 & to be the middle income develop country within 2021 Bangladesh set export target $60 billion where RMG will contribute $50 billion. It will be possible if we export quality products & high price textile goods. Textiles price will be high if we apply various types of wash. Let a ordinary 12 ounce denim long pant price is BD 400tk .If we apply wash like stone enzyme wash, destroy, grinding, bleach etc. wash. Washing cost may be maximum 100tk. After wash the denim pant price will be minimum 1000tk. So we can easily understand the importance of washing. Apparel washing is the finishing process of textiles. All types of apparels can be washed but more suitable for heavy weight fabrics like twill fabrics, double jersey etc. By applying washed on apparels we can determine the apparels cost more than the double from ordinary price of apparels. To set a washing plant initial investment is high but if we have buyers, profit is more than satisfactory. There is good news for Bangladesh that the famous buyers of the world are very interested to purchase our textiles goods. So I am sure that the future of apparels washing is too much bright. Conclusion: Bangladesh is the one of developing countries in the world. It’s economy is dependent on the textiles sectors. Our government set target that in 2021 Bangladesh will be middle income developed country and in 2041 developed country in the world. So must expand our textiles sectors by creating more and more fashionable products with the help of washing. Reference: 1. Apparel washing & dyeing By Mir Toufiqul Islam. 2. Internet. (Google)

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Abstract: The interest in fiber-reinforced polymer composites is growing rapidly due to its high performance in terms of mechanical properties, significant processing advantages, excellent chemical resistance, low cost, and low density. In the present work, hessian jute cloth, were used to prepare jute-polyester composites by hand lay-up and heat press molding techniques. The Jute fabrics were also treated with irradiated under gamma radiation (The source strength 50 kCi Cobalt-60) of various doses (2kGy to 9kGy). It was found that by using gamma radiation, the mechanical properties of these composites were improved and at 5kGy doses all the composite structures shows the best mechanical properties. The increase in tensile properties of jute with increasing gamma radiation dose may be due to the intercross-linking between the neighboring cellulose molecules, which resulted in the strength of natural fibre. It was observed that tensile properties increase with gamma pretreatment up to a certain limit and then decrease due to the two opposing phenomena, namely, photocross-linking and photodegradation that took place simultaneously under gamma radiation.

Engr. Abu Yousuf Mohammad Anwarul Azim, CSCA Lecturer, Department of Textile Fashion & Design, TECN Prof. Dr. Engr. Shah Alimuzzaman, C.Text. FTI, Dean, Faculty of Textile Engineering, BUTEX

combination of high performance, great versatility and processing advantages at favorable costs [1] by permutation and combination of various fibers and polymers, a wide range of composites, having unique properties for versatile applications as alternatives to conventional materials like metals, woods etc. have been prepared [2]. 2. Theoretical Background: The jute fabric reinforced polyester composites in corrugated form “Jutin” is an ideal material for roofing and wall cladding. Although the main application of these sheets in Bangladesh is the covering of industrial building, they are equally suitable for roofing residential houses, commercial building, bungalows and godown’s sheds since for their good mechanical properties.

Keywords: Gamma Radiation, Composites, Jute, Polyester.

Weave structure other than the plain may improve the mechanical properties of these composites as weave structure affect the mechanical properties of woven fabric [5]. So in the present work gamma treated (Plain & 3/( 1)twill) jute fabrics have been used as reinforcing material for jute-polyester composites. Thus the present study may be a novel work on the mechanical properties of jute-polyester composites.

1. Introduction:

3. Materials and Method

Composites are combinations of materials differing in composition, where the individual constituents retain their separate identities. These separate constituents act together to give the necessary mechanical strength or stiffness to the composite part. Composite material is a material composed of two or more distinct phases (matrix phase and dispersed phase). In recent years, a rapid growth occurred in the consumption of fiber reinforced polymer composites, yielding a unique

3.1. Materials Used as Reinforcement: Grey jute yarn of 5/2 lbs/Spyndle was collected from the local market of Tangail, Bangladesh and used to manufacture jute fabric based on 3/( 1)twill and plain weaves.


Manufacturer: Polymer Company Limited, Singapore. Supplier: Nasim Plastic Industries Ltd. 6/1 North South


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3.2. Matrix: Polyester resin

Road, Dhaka.

mechanical properties.

3.3. Initiator: Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (MEKP) is organic peroxide, a high explosive similar to aceton peroxide. The UPAC name of MEKP is 2-Hydroperoxy2-((2-Hydroperoxy-2-yl)peroxy)butane.

Mechanical properties, such as tensile strength increases up to 5 kGy showed, which gives 31 % increase in tensile strength for 3/( 1)twill and 37 % increase in TS for plain fabric structure composites. The increase of tensile properties of jute with increasing gamma radiation dose may be due to the intercrosslinking between the neighboring cellulose molecules, which resulted in the strength of natural fiber. It is observed that tensile properties increase with gamma pretreatment up to a certain limit and then decrease due to the two opposing phenomena, namely, photo cross-linking and photo degradation that take place

4.1. Tensile Strength: Fabric structures have influences the mechanical properties of the composites. Tensile strength (MPa) of the composites was measured as a function of jute fabric structure and the results are shown in Figure 4.1 and Table 4.1. The effect of Gamma radiation on the mechanical properties of jute-based composites is shown in Figures 4.8. The Gamma doses of different intensities were given to jute surface and Gamma radiation of 5 kGy showed the optimum

2 kGy



3 kGy



4 kGy



5 kGy






7 kGy



8 kGy



9 kGy



70 Tensile strenght (MPa) of JPC (3/1)

60 50 40 30

Tensile strenght (MPa) of JPC (P)

20 10 9 kGy

8 kGy

0 7 kGy

It should be noted that 3/( 1)twill and plain weaves are used for fabricating jute polyester reinforced composites to analysis the gamma radiation on jutepolyester composites as this two fabric structures shows the better and lowest mechanical properties respectively in jute-polyester composites. Accordingly the sample IDs have been assigned by considering the jute fabric structures. For example, sample ID, JPC (3/1), denotes the jute polyester composites having 3/ ( 1)twill jute gamma treated fabric as reinforcement, similarly JPC (P) denote the jute gamma treated polyester composites having plain weave jute fabric as reinforcing materials respectively.


6 kGy

4. Results and Discussion:


5 kGy

Methods), Impact Tests (According to the ASTM D-256)


4 kGy

Tensile Tests (ASTM Designation: D638-03), Bending Test (According to ISO 14125

Tensile strength Tensile strength (MPa) of JPC (P) (MPa) of JPC (3/1)

3 kGy

3.6. Testing Method

Treatment Type

2 kGy

3.5. Gamma Radiation Treatment: The Jute fabrics were treated with gamma radiation using Cobalt-60 gamma source (50 kCi) in the Institute of Food and Radiation Biology, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, at different doses (2 kGy to 9 kGy).


Universal Testing Machine with related accessories, Impact Strength testing machine, Electronic balance, Slide Calipers, Measuring scale, Grinding Machine, Scissors, Beaker, Mylot Paper, Pipette.

Tensile Strength (MPa)

3.4. Instrument Used for the Experimental Works

Radiation Doses (KGY)

Table 4.1: Tensile strength of various jute reinforced polyester composites

simultaneously under gamma radiation [3]. At lower doses, free radicals are stabilized by a combination reaction and, as a result, photo cross-linking occurs. The higher the number of active sites generated on the polymeric substrate, the greater the grafting efficiency. But at higher radiation, the main chain may be broken down and polymer may degrade into fragments and, as a result, tensile properties will decrease after certain gamma doses. An intense radiation results in is qvw

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a loss of tensile strength, and a reduced degree of polymerization is observed [4] 4.2. Bending Strength: Bending strength is another mechanical property of the composites. Bending strength of the composites was measured in MPa and function of jute fabric structure and the results are shown in Figure 4.2 and Table 4.2.The effect of gamma radiation on the mechanical properties of jute-based composites is shown in Figures 4.2. The gamma doses of different intensities were given to jute surface and gamma radiation of 5 kGy showed the optimum mechanical properties. Mechanical properties, such as bending strength increases up to 5 kGy, which gives 26 % increase in bending strength for 3/( 1)twill and 22 % increase in bending strength for plain fabric structure composites. The increase of tensile properties of jute with increasing gamma radiation dose may be due to the intercross-linking between the neighboring cellulose molecules, which resulted in the strength of natural fiber.It is Treatment Type

Banding strength (MPa) of JPC (3/1)

Bending strength (MPa) of JPC (P)




2 kGy



3 kGy



4 kGy



5 kGy



6 kGy



7 kGy



8 kGy



9 kGy



observed that tensile properties increase with gamma pretreatment up to a certain limit and then decrease due to the two opposing phenomena, namely, photo cross-linking and photo degradation that take place simultaneously under gamma radiation [3]. At lower Treatment Type

Impact strength (Kj/m²) of JPC (3/1)

Impact strength (Kj/m²) of JPC (P)




2 kGy



3 kGy



4 kGy



5 kGy



6 kGy



7 kGy



8 kGy



9 kGy



doses, free radicals are stabilized by a combination reaction and, as a result, photo cross-linking occurs. The higher the number of active sites generated on the polymeric substrate, the greater the grafting efficiency. But at higher radiation, the main chain may be broken down and polymer may degrade into fragments and, as a result, tensile properties will decrease after certain gamma doses. Table 4.2: Bending strength of various jute reinforced polyester composites 4.3. Impact Strength: Impact strength another mechanical property of the composites. Impact strength (Kj/m²) of the composites was measured as a function of jute fabric structure and the results are 20

Radiation Doses (KGY)

Figure 4.2: Bending strength of various jute reinforced polyester composites .An intense radiation results in a loss of tensile strength, and a reduced degree of polymerization is observed [4]. MÖv

2 9 kGy


Radiation Doses (KGY)

Figure 4.3: Impact strength of various Jute reinforced polyester composites


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8 kGy

9 kGy

8 kGy

7 kGy

6 kGy

5 kGy

4 kGy

3 kGy

2 kGy



Im pact strength (kj/m2) of JPC(P)


7 kGy



6 kGy



5 kGy

Bending strenght (MPa) of JPC (P)

Im pact strength (kj/m2) of JPC (3/1)


4 kGy



3 kGy



2 kGy




Bending strenght (MPa) of JPC (3/1)


Impact Strength (MPa)

Bending Strength (MPa)


shown in Figure 4.3 and Table 4.3. Table 4.3: Impact Strength of various Jute reinforced polyester composites The effect of gamma radiation on the mechanical properties of jute-based composites is shown in Figures 4.3. The gamma doses of different intensities were given to jute surface and gamma radiation of 5 kGy passes showed the optimum mechanical properties. Mechanical properties, such as Impact strength increases up to 5 kGy, which gives 12 % increase in impact strength for 3/( 1)twill and 26 % increase in impact strength for plain fabric structure composites. The increase of tensile properties of jute with increasing gamma radiation dose may be due radiation at an optimum intensity and also increases the impact strength of jute unsaturated polyester composites to the intercross-linking between the neighboring cellulose molecules, which resulted in the strength of natural fiber. It is observed that impact strength increase with gamma pretreatment up to a certain limit and then decrease due to the two opposing phenomena, namely, photo cross-linking and photo degradation that take place simultaneously under gamma radiation [3]. At lower doses, free radicals are stabilized by a combination reaction and, as a result, photo crosslinking occurs. The higher the number of active sites generated on the polymeric substrate, the greater the grafting efficiency. But at higher radiation, the main chain may be broken down and polymer may degrade into fragments and, as a result, tensile properties will decrease after certain gamma doses. An intense radiation results in a loss of tens impact strength, and a reduced degree of polymerization is observed [4].

cost housing and automotive interior component applications. Water uptake behavior of gamma treated jute composites showed a significantly lower trend relative to untreated jute-based composites; higher moisture resistance is developed after gamma radiation treatment. Due to the low cost of gamma treatment, one can easily explore the jute reinforced composite field for diverse application of jute and its products. Reference: 1. Amash, A., & Zugenmaier, P. (2000). Morphology and properties of isotropic and oriented samples of cellulose fibre-polypropylene. Polymer, 41, 15891596. 2. Shah, N., & Banerjee, N. (1996). Dynamic mechanical study on unidirectional polyethylene-glass fibers: PMMA hybrid composite laminates. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 62, 1199-1204. 3. Marcovich, N. F., Ostrovsky, A. N., Aranguren, M. I., & Reboredo, M. M. (2000). Proceedings from the 3rd International Symposium on Natural Polymers and Composites-ISNaPol, Sao Pedro, SP, Brazil, May 14–17. 4. Hassan, M.M., Islam, M.R., Shehrazade, S., & Khan, M.A. (2003).Influence of mercerization along with ultraviolet (UV) and gamma radiation on physical and mechanical properties of jute yarn by grafting with 3-(trimethoxysilyl) Propylmethacrylate (silane) and acrylamide under UV radiation. Polymer Plastic Technology Engineering, 42 (4), 515-531

5. Conclusion: it has been observed that composites fabricated from gamma treated jute fabric showed the best mechanical properties, such as tensile properties and bending properties than untreated jute-based composites. The jute-reinforced composite field incorporated can easily be explored for better commercial structural applications. Due to the use of low-cost gamma treatment as a surface modification technique and good balance of mechanical properties, this type of composite can primarily be used for low-

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A STUDY ON SMELL FREE AND ECONOMIC JUTE PROCESSING OIL (VERDURE) FOR JUTE SPINNING INDUSTRY Jute is woody, coarse, rigid and brittle in nature. Jute fibre is unyielding to external forces and lacks in fibre to fibre cohesion. These properties of jute fibre are undesirable and unfavorable for its processing through series of mechanical systems. So, slippery reagent is necessary to add on jute for processing. With the green house effect and air pollution concern all around jute plays a vital role as a natural product to maintain a clean habitat. Verdure push-up another advance steps to make an environmental friendly and make more pollution free world for the future generation. Jute fibres (100 Kg for each trial) of BWC grade were selected as raw material for this experiment. Jute fibres were piled with the application of 25% normal emulsion (Oil-19.5%, Water-80%, emulsifier-0.5%). On the other hand, other same jute fibres were piled with Verdure and JBO mixing emulsion used (JBO-3%, Verdure oil 1%, Emulsifier-0.5%, Water-95.5%) and kept for 48 hours for maturation. The entire piled jute fibres were passed through on breaker card, finisher card, 1st drawing and 2nd drawing machine. All slivers were processed through 3rd drawing machine and spinning machine to produce 241 tex yarns. Finally the spun yarns were tested as per standard methods. In this study, droppings of breaker card, tensile strength 7 lbs/spindle yarn with JBO: 1.BWC

: 1000kg @50/-

= 50000/- Taka

2.Jute batching oil (JBO)

:5% = 50 Kg @70/-

= 3500/- Taka


: 0.2% = 2 Kg @245/- = 490 Taka


: Rest quantity

= -------

5.Processing cost (Yarn)

: 10 Taka/Kg

= 1000/- Taka

Total cost per ton


7 lbs/spindle yarn with Verdure: 1.BWC : 1000kg @50/-

= 50000/- Taka

2.Jute batching oil (JBO)

= 525/- Taka

:0 .75% = 7.5 Kg@70/-

3.Verdure :0.25% =2.5 kg @ 110/- =275/- Taka 4.Emulsifier

: 0.2% = 2 Kg @ 245/-

= 490/- Taka

5.Water : Rest quantity

= -------

6.Processing cost (Yarn)

= 1000/- Taka

: 10 Taka/Kg

Total cost per ton

= 52290/-Taka

and quality ratio of produced yarn at slip draft spinning frame was determined. It was found that yarn quality produced by using conventional emulsion and verdure mixing emulsion was almost same. It was highly remarkable that large quantity JBO was decreased by using verdure oil. Cost Analysis per ton: Cost savings per ton to using verdure mixing emulsion on jute process: (54990 - 52290)= 2700/Conclusion: Verdure oil is whitish color jute processing oil. This product readily diluted with water at room temperature. Before emulsion preparation it is necessary to shake properly on container. Verdure produces emulsion as normal JBO emulsion process. It is smell and hydrocarbon free oil. Yarn quality is good and also cost effective.

=54990/- Taka


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Dr. Engr. A.K.M. Mahabubuzzaman Principal Scientific Officer Mechanical Processing Division Bangladesh Jute Research Institute Manik Mia avenue, Dhaka 1207.


Kamrul Hasan 6th batch Dept. Apparel Engineering

Recently I have participated in two month long Practical Training on Denim Production Process in Envoy textile Ltd.which is famous for its excellent eco-friendly working environment. Because of no compromising position in compliance issue has made it a role model of the industries in Bangladesh who are interested to be a recognized compliance industry. Envoy is one of the most famous LEED- Platinum certified factories in Bangladesh & the first LEED certified Denim plant in the world where compliance issues are maintained by a strong & efficient compliance department that pays attention to labor rights, global labor standards, fair labor practices, safety workplace as well as decent work in improving working conditions. Envoy has played a pioneering role in the development of textile industrial sector & it can be considered as the representative of the ideal industries whose have certified the capability of Bangladesh to the world in terms of the establishment of “Compliance & Green” textile industry. As a conscious citizen belongs to Bangladesh, I always expect more factories of Bangladesh will be recognized like Envoy Textile Ltd. by the world. From this approach I have become eager to write briefly on compliance issue in respect of Bangladesh. Here is list of compliance in which some points are maintained fully & some are partially as follow:  Compensation for holiday. • • • • • • • • • • • •

 Leave with wages.  Health registers.  Time care.  Accident registers.  Workman registers.  Equal remuneration.  National festival holiday.  Overtime register.  Labor welfare.  Weekly holiday fund.  Sexual harassment policy.  Child labor abolition policy.

 • • • • • • • • •

Anti-discrimination policy.  Zero abasement policy.  Working hour policy.  Hiring or recruitment policy.  Environment policy.  Security policy.  Buyers code of conduct.  Health & safety committee.  Canteen.

Health: • Drinking pure water at least 4.5L/day/employee. • Drinking water signs in native language & English locate minimum 20 feet away from work place. • Clean Drinking water at once in a week.

• Water reserve at least once in a week. • Water center in charge person with cleanliness. • Suggestion box register.

Toilet: • Separate toilet for women & men. • A seat with proper privacy & lock facility. • Effective water sewage system • Urinal Accommodation. • Soap toilet. • Water tap.

• Dust bins. • Toilet white washed one in every four month. • No-smoking signs. • Ladies/gents toilet signs in both native & English language. • Disposal of wastes & effluents.

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Fire: • Sufficient active fire extinguisher. • Access area without hindrance. • Fire signs in both language

• Fire certified personnel photo. • Emergency exist.

Safety Guards: • Metal glows on good condition. • Rubber mats &ironers. • First aid box. • Ironers wearing sleepers. • Motor or needle guard. • Eye guard.

• Nurse. • Doctor. • Medicine. • Medicine issuing register, • Welfare officer.

Other Facility: • Room temperature. • Lighting facilities. • Other safety department (no discrimination). • Compensation cases department. • The development of compliance programmer. • Environmental developer.

• Smoking free zone. • Disciplinary Practices/ Harassment. • Freedom of association and right to collective bargaining. • Welfare facilities

But it is a matter of great sorrow that while Bangladesh has some very promising advantages in certain dimensions in textile sector, a number of challenges remain. Only if these challenges can be overcome will Bangladesh’s garments industry continue to prosper& establishment of compliance is the most priorated challenge. It is found that the compliance management conditions are poor and challenges facing Social compliance, despite Bangladesh labor laws and the country’s membership of the WTO and ILO. These include an inadequate application of labor standards and labor rights, law and enforcement, collective bargaining activities, fair labor practices as well as the government of Bangladesh and entrepreneur’s role in implementing the decent work. Bangladesh faces challenges to ensure workplace safety for the millions of garment workers in compliance with the national and international labor standards and labor rights. The recent deadly Rana Plaza collapse resulted in three important plans of actions to address the challenges in the sector. The Bangladesh government needs to pay more attention to monitoring compliance. In addition a Code of Conduct and effective compliance monitoring cell are also required. The international textile business is tremendously competitive in the context of growing competitive among RMG exporting countries and consumer preference for products that meet internationally recognized standards , it is essential for Bangladesh to improve compliance in her factories, Referrences: 1. Envoy Textile Limited 2. 3. 4.



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Shape memory polymers are polymeric smart materials that have the ability to return from a deformed state to their original shape. SME can retain two or three shapes and the transition between those Shape memory materials have been used in many areas this technology has covered a wide usage in textile recently. Today’s textile concept isn’t the similar to past and expectations of people from textile have been changing more and more. In this point, shape memory materials can answer these needs by in textile due to its smart features. History: Shape-memory applications are applied either alloy or polymer in textile. A Swedish physicist Arne Olander discovered “the Shape Memory Effect” (SME) in gold cadmium (AuCd) alloy in 1932. It was the first shapememory alloy and in the following years Ni-Ti was found by Buehler and Wang in 1963 at the U.S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory (NOL). Shape memory polymers were first developed in France and commercialized by Nippon Zeon Co. in Japan in 1984. Both alloys and polymers have gained momentum to shape memory smart textiles. They have been able to use in many areas of textiles.

Ashiqur Rahaman 6th batch Dept. of Fabric Engineering

This phenomenon is due to a radical change of state beyond a transition temperature that makes the polymer pass from a rigid state to a rubbery state. The modulus of the rigid (glassy) state being 100 to 1000 times greater than the rubbery state, when the deformation is “frozen” in the glassy state, the stored up, elastic stress is insufficient to return to the initial shape. One of the characteristics of SMPs is that they can adapt their initial shape practically without residual deformation. Different approaches have been examined to adapt the transition temperatures and the value of the rubbery modulus. Physical and chemical cross-linking as well as entangling of the chains (for very high molar masses), can be used. The transition temperatures obtained are from -30°C to 100°C (SMPs based on polyurethanes “block copolymers”, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries). Temperature is the direct stimulus for the shape memory effect. Indirect stimuli such as infra-red radiation, immersion in water, an electric field, a magnetic field and an electric current can also activate the shape memory effect if they induce the production of heat.


For example

Shape memory alloys are metals that show two unique properties. The first is the shape memory effect characterized by the capability of a material. With the changing temperature, the materials deformed or revert to first shape. The second is super plasticity. In this state, material to exhibit large recoverable strains.

• By adding carbon nanotubes, SMPs can be made electrically conductive and thus capable of being electrically heated, • By introducing Fe(III) oxide particles, the SMP can become sensitive to a magnetic field.

Shape memory polymers are materials whose characteristics have been modified to display a dynamic “memory” effect. Under a thermal stimulus, these polymers pass from a pre-defined shape A to a pre-defined shape B.

The term shape memory polymer is also used (abusively) to qualify the behavior of assemblies of polymers that allow the “bi-component” effect. This is a “shape memory composite” composed of two polymers (potentially conducting if one wants to use an electrical stimulus) having very different coefficients of thermal expansion.

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Applications: Shape-Memory textiles can be used a technical garments. In figure 1, we can see a schematic drawings. At low temperatures, the smart garment

memory mattresses to provide body comfort. SMP foams can be used to prepare insoles, which can effectively improve shoe fitting.

Fig.4- shape memory composite Fig. 1. An example of shape-memory smart garment

assumes the configuration shown in Figure (a). Here, shape memory fibers are impregnated to this structure by such a way. With the increasing temperature in the layer, the air pocket expands (Figure b and figure c). Hence, this garment makes the firefighter less susceptible to burn injuries.

Sphere React Shirt has been made to be affected by user’s heat. This shirt has vents on it when user start to make performance because of high temperature of body. This vents open and air starts to enter the body so sweat can be evaporate fast (Figure 3). Insulating clothing (shape memory composite) is another example of application of SMAs in textile. As for SMAs but with a bi-component type structure. SMM can be a great help for the disable people. SMM catches attentions of people with magical acts. In addition to its magical acts, SMMs are useful in many technical textile, so it is obvious that interest on SMMs will continue to improve in future. References

Fig.2. Shape-Memory Foam Applications

Figure 2 shows shape memory foams. Bayer developed a pillow, this pillow can adjust its shape to the contour of the neck and shoulder according to body temperature. SMP foams can be used as

Leng J., Lan X., Liu Y. & Du S. (2011). Shape-memory polymers and their composites: Stimulus methods and applications. Progress in Material Science, 56, 1077-1135. mod_resource/content/0/CH1_en_mai_2013/co/ ch2_3_3_en.html Berzowska J. & Coelho M. (2005). Kukkia and Vilkas: Kinetic Electronic Garments, Wearable Computers, 2005. Proceedings. Ninth IEEE International Symposium on, 82-85 Mustafa, Mehmet , Banu H. Shape-Memory Applications in Textile Design.

Fig 3. Back of a Nike ‘Sphere React Shirt’ with a Smart vent structure



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COLOR CHANGING FABRICS Introduction: Color changing fabric is a textile composed of a basic woven material that has either been integrated with fibers that emit light or process light to change the color of the fabric or the fabric has been treated with some form of liquid crystal ink. With the application of either process, the fabric is able to temporarily change of color to suit whatever the wearer needs and therefore, increase the functionality of the g arment.

Core White light optical fiber Source

Mhamudul Hasan Sarkar 6th Batch Dept. of Wet Process Engineering

air voids (See figure 1) that are spaced periodically, or a sequence of layer of different materials. Because the fibers are transparent, when illuminated, the fibers seem to be colored due to an optical displacement of light from the center of the fiber. If the size or position of the structural elements in the center of the fiber are changed, the appearance changes in vast number of ways. Because no dyes are used, this fiber is completely colorfast and that means that the garment will never fade, therefore extending the life. If there is an external stimulant, such as an electrical surge, the refraction index, or the center of the fiber’s structure, will change temporarily. This temporary change will cause the refraction of the light to differ and therefore the color will change Impact of color changing textile on environment:

Leakage of light due to scattering on imperfections

Color changing technology in fabric can vastly vary based on the process used. In the following paragraphs, this paper will discuss three main ways to implement the color changing process into fabrics; Photonic Crystal Fibers, Liquid Crystal Ink, and Fabcell Principal of color changing Textile: If we imagine a Photonic Crystal Fiber’s cross section, we can see that this fiber contains either very small

Color changing fabric can have a huge positive impact on the environment by cutting back on wasteful practices. One of those very wasteful practices is fast fashion. Fast fashion encourages people to cycle through their clothing quickly and focuses on what is trendy and now. The practice of fast fashion began in the 1960s and has continued well into the 2010s (Brannon, p. 264). However, as the public conscience has developed and opened up to environmental issues, fast fashion has slowed way down and a call to retreat back to classic looks has been made. With the use of color changing fabrics, a person could

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purchase one basic tee shirt and they could change the color based on other garments they are wearing, therefore reducing the number of garments a person would need while still feeling like they were able to express themselves through their clothing choices. (Lebby, JachimoWicz p. 1) With the need for fewer garments and slower fashion, there would be less garbage produced by unwanted garments. Because of environmental impacts, there has been a demand for a slowing down of the fashion cycle and a trend toward classic looks that are more sustainable and less wasteful. With the use of color changing fabrics to make garments more multi-functional, it cuts down the need for an extensive wardrobe and with technologies like Photonic Crystal Fibers, garments can be made colorfast and this will increase the life of a garment Liquid crystal ink is a type of ink that is coated over the fabric and will change color with the change of temperature. Because our body heat affects the liquid crystal ink and will change the color even if we do not want it to, the liquid crystal ink is not effective to be used on its own Fabcell: Fabcell is the combination of two processes. The first process is a woven textile that contains a normal thread such as polyester or cotton and a conductive yard. The second process is using Liquid Crystal Ink. First, the fabric is woven with the two different yarns, and then it is coated with the Liquid Crystal Ink (See Figure 2). Because there is a conductive yarn in the textile, the temperature can be controlled to create the change in the color of the Liquid Crystal Ink


Mosaic Textile: Mosaic Textile is use of the Fabcell technology that was discussed earlier in this paper. Mosaic Textiles use the Fabcell technology by creating an entire garment out of the individual Fabcells. When used together to create one garment, the Fabcells work together to maintain the color of the garment that is being worn. At this point in the process, the creators are working toward making a device that will control the temperature of the conductive yarns so that the garment can be set at a certain color and will not be affected by the wearer’s body heat References: 1. 2.


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Figure 2. Fabcell with liquid crystal ink.


Kanok Biswas 8th batch Dept. of Apparel Engineering

1.1 Introducton: Corn fibres have emerged as an eco-friendly substitute for synthetic fabrics and are being used for making not just clothes, but also in geotextiles and home textiles. Here It is tried to explain the processes involved in extracting corn fibres from corn starch for its many benefits and applications in the textile industry. 1.2 Production process of corn fibres: Corn starch contains about 27 per cent amylase.Starch should be first broken down into simple six carbon sugars prior to fermentation the pH of the mash is adjusted to 6.0, followed by the alpha-amylase. The mash is heated above 100c using a jet cooker. The corn mash is kept at the elevated temperature for several minutes by pumping it through a holding tube equipped with a back-pressure valve and then pass into a flash tank and the temperature is allowed to fall to 80-90c. Now alpha amylase is added and the mash is liquefied for at least 30 minutes. Then, the mash is cooled and glucoamylase enzyme is added. It converts starch into glucose. 1.2.1 Fermentation process: After cooking, the mash is cooled to 320c. It is transferred to fermenters by adding yeast, urea, ethanol and dry grind mills are also added to break down the corn protein to free amino acids, which is an additional source of nitrogen for the yeast. Fermentation requires 48 to 72 hours and has a final ethanol concentration of 10 to 12 per cent, pH value decreases to 4, this decrease in pH is important for increasing the activity of glucoamylase and inhibiting the growth of contaminating bacteria. 1.2.2 Distillation process: Distillation is the process of separating ethanol from solids and water in the mash. Alcohol vaporises at 780c and water at 1000c. Therefore, this difference allows water to be separated from ethanol by heating in a distillation column. The anhydrous ethanol is then blended with approximately 5 per cent gasoline to make it undrinkable and thus there will not be beverage alcohol tax. 1.2.3 Processing stillage: First, the thin stillage is separated from the insoluble solid fraction using extruders. Then, the beer column in which ethanol is centrifuged with a stoppered bottle. Between 15 per cent and 30 per cent of the liquid fraction is recycled as backseat, remaining is concentrated by evaporation and mixed with the residual solids from the fermentation, finally a thick syrup is mixed with the solids to make a feed product known as Wet Distillers Grains with Soluble (WDGS).

mattresses, draperies etc.

1.3 Applications:


 Apparel: Sports, casual wear t-shirts, fleece, jeans, shirting’s, trousers, duvet, jackets etc.  Non-Wove n’s: Used in cosmetics and diapers.  Industrial applications: Geo textiles, agro textiles etc.  Home textiles: Blankets, carpets, pillows, duvets,

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WATER IN TEXTILES Abstract-: The quality of water is important for the stability of the production and quality of the products. Water quality requirements or restrictions are collected from different water functions like washing, dying, printing, cooling, heating, cooling etc. Most critical parameters are hardness, pH and metal content. Usually soft water is used for almost all wet process. Most water consuming sectors are sizing ,bleaching ,dyeing ,printing ,finishing and so on. Introduction-: Textile finishing industry is the 2nd largest water consuming sector in Europe. After agriculture, European industries process all kind of fibers; the great parts are man-made fibers, while among natural fibers cotton is the most important. Woven and knitted fabrics cannot be possessed into finished goods without several water intensive finishing operations to enhance the appearance, durability and serviceability of fabrics. Finishing process consists of four main steps: Fabric preparation, dying, printing and special finishing. Not are these steps are necessary, while methods are used can vary greatly in function on the different in products applications and site- specific manufacturing practices. Water conservation methods for textile mills-: • Good housekeeping • Water jet weaving • Bleach bath • Final rinse water from dying for dye bath makeup • Dye liquors • Cooling water • Wash water • Clean water for pigment printing • Automatic shut of values • Follow control values • Single stage of processing • Low material to liquor ratio system Some parameters to be considered while consuming the required quality of water are:• Color (5Hazen No.) • Turbidity (nil) • pH value (6.5-7.5)


• Total hardness (30) • Total dissolved solids (300ppm) • Salinity content • Specific conductivity • Iron content • A textile engineer needs to ensure the quality of water used in processing Disadvantages of hard water or unsuitable water in textile processing:• F ormation of hard soap with Ca, Mg, which results into shade change • Carbonates of Calcium and Magnesium precipitate Iron and Aluminum mordant substantive cotton dyestuffs. • Some dyes get duller and scum formations happens in the boilers • The metal ion impurities such as Copper and Iron is the problem in the peroxide bleaching baths, ion is responsible for reducing the brightness of many dyes and is also objectionable in the washing off operations. • Hard water is responsible for scale formation in the boilers. • If temporary hardness is high, the soft scale are formed which cause4s corrosion. Conclusion:Water is used extensively throughout the textile processing operations. Almost all days especially chemicals and finishing chemicals are applied to the textile substance from water baths. It is mandatory to ensure that the quality of water is met according to the set standards for the dye house. References:1. The worlds water: http// 2. http// watercrisis/fact/ 3. Ground water and drinking water: http//www.epa. gov/ogwdwoo/faq/faq.html 4. New York Times series, Toxic Waters: http//projects. 5. Water footprint network: http//www.waterfootprint. org/?page=files/hom


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Rafia Sharmin 8th batch

MUSLIN: THE REMARKABLE HISTORY OF BANGLADESH COTTON has glorious historical reference in this part of the world called Bangladesh. Muslin is a brand name of pre-colonial Bengal textiles, especially of Dhaka origin. According to archives, there is a reference of 1830 as the then district magistrate of Dhaka in his dispatch to the House of Commons in the Great Britain mentioned the cultivation of very fine quality of cotton in Dhaka, especially in areas along the west bank of the River Meghna, including Sonargaon, Kapasia, Manohardi and Narsingdi. Muslin, plain-woven cotton fabric made in various weights. In the early twenty-first century muslin is an inexpensive, bleached or unbleached cotton plainweave cloth. There is no direct connection of the name “muslin” to the earlier thin silk cloths of Mosul; rather, the name arose in the eighteenth century from the French word for foam (mousse). Early muslin was hand-woven of uncommonly delicate handspun yarn, especially in the region around Dhaka, Bengal (now Bangladesh). It was imported into Europe for much of the 17th and early 18th centuries. Types; Some muslins-their degrees of delicacy graphically identified in terms of spider webs, woven wind, and evening dew-were made from particularly fragile yarns. Less ethereal versions like mull were sometimes embellished with embroidered and drawn-thread floral designs. This cotton was used in making the finest quality of fabric known as ‘muslin’ which has a history in the world. The textile industries of Bengal are very old. Bengal cotton fabrics were exported to Roman and Chinese empires and they are mentioned in Ptolemy’s Geography and the Periplus of the Erytharean Sea, and by the ancient Chinese travelers. It attracted foreign and transmarine buyers after the establishment of the Mughal capital at Dhaka. The muslin industry of Dhaka received patronage from Mughal emperors and Mughal nobility. A huge quantity of the finest sort of Muslin was procured for the use of the Mughal emperors, provincial governors and high officials and nobles.

Nusrat Ara 8th Batch Dept. of Yarn Engg.

In the great 1851 exhibition of London, the Dhaka muslin occupied a prominent place, attracted a large number of visitors and the British press spoke very highly of the marvelous fabric. Dhaka muslin was in great demand on the national and the international market. The traders were active at Dhaka. Local businessmen procured the cotton goods from buyers and were ready with cash in hand. Foreign traders came from far-off countries like Arabia, Iran, Armenia, in the west, and China, Malaya and Java, in the east. Government officials procured various types of muslin which they sent to Delhi for the use of emperors and ministers. During British colonial rule in the 18th century, the Bengali muslin industry was ruthlessly suppressed by various colonial policies, which favored imports of industrially manufactured textiles from Britain. During British colonial rule in the 18th century, the Bengali muslin industry was ruthlessly suppressed by various colonial policies, which favored imports of industrially manufactured textiles from Britain. Once upon a time the muslin of Dhaka was world famous for its delicacy and thinness. They had a monopoly business during that time in Asia, Europe, North American and the African region. Dhaka became the capital of Mughal in 1608 but even before that the people of Bengal were known for the fine art of crafting. The Roman authors recorded that ‘Generic Muslin’ was the most coveted of luxury goods in the ancient civilized world. It is sad that what was once the pride of Bengal is now lost in the pages of history. It is up to us to revive it and bring back the luxury that was muslin. Reference 1. Md Tasdiqur Rahman;MUSLIN COTTON, Glorious history of Bangladesh; New Age, February 10, 2016 2. The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica 3. Muslin; Susan W. Greene 4. Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary 5. The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica 6. Muslin;Susan W. Greene 7. Md Tasdiqur Rahman; MUSLIN COTTON, Glorious history of Bangladesh; New Age, February 10, 2016 8. Md Tasdiqur Rahman; MUSLIN COTTON, Glorious history of Bangladesh; New Age, February 10, 2016 9. Naveed Naushad;The Muslin Story; The Daily Star, December 15, 2015 is


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Introduction The Textile industry is in need of huge reduction of the cost of production, capital investment, time complexity, manpower and to gain and withstand in the market even in the Recession. To overcome this situation the Textile industry must invest in technology and IT solution so that the entrepreneurs can face the competitive market in each and every stage of the industry. Nowadays, software engineering has showed it’s growth and being used in every field. The term Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) refers to the software used for the automated development of computer code. The CASE functions include analysis, design, and programming. CASE tools automate methods for designing, documentation and producing structured computer code in the desired programming language. Textile Industry in Bangladesh The textile and clothing industries provide the single source of growth in Bangladesh’s rapidly developing economy. Exports of textiles and garments are the principal source of foreign exchange earnings. By 2002 exports of textiles, clothing, and ready-made garments (RMG) accounted for 77% of Bangladesh’s total merchandise exports. In 1972, the World Bank approximated the gross domestic product (GDP) of Bangladesh at USD 6.29 billion, in 2014, the GDP stood at USD 173.82 billion, growing by almost 27 times in a matter of four decades. Bangladesh’s exports industry alone comprised USD 31.2 billion in FY 2014-15, 81.69% of which was made up by ready-made garments. On its own, the knitwear sector encompasses 39.83% of total exports—a staggering USD 12.43 billion.


Bangladesh is, second only to China, the world’s second-largest apparel exporter of western brands. Sixty percent of the export contracts of western brands are with European buyers and about forty percent with American buyers. Software Engineering Methodology towards Textile Industry The CASE tools used for designing software engineering methodology towards textile industries are Configuration Management tools, Data Modeling tools, Model Transformation tools, Refactoring tools, Source Code generation tools and Unified Modeling Language (UML). Configuration Management Tools Configuration management focuses on establishing and maintaining the consistency of products performance and its functional and physical attributes corresponding with their requirements, design and operational information throughout its life. Software configuration management identifies four procedures such as configuration identification, configuration control, and configuration status accounting and configuration observation. Configuration identification is the process of identifying the attributes of a a product that has an end-user purpose. Here the end user is the software which is going to be developed for the textile industry. Configuration control is a set of processes and approval stages required to change a product’s attributes and to re-baseline them.


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Mehedi Hassan Showrov 10th Batch Dept. of Apparel Engineering

Configuration status accounting is the ability to record and report on the configuration baselines associated with each product at any moment of time. Configuration observation is broken into functional and physical configuration audits. They occur either at delivery or at the moment of effecting the change. Data Modeling Tools Data modeling is a method used to define and analyze data requirements needed to support the textile processes of an organization. The data requirements are recorded as a conceptual data model with associated data definitions. Data modeling is used to manage data as a resource, for the integration of information systems, for designing databases. There are two types of data modeling such as strategic data modeling and data modeling using system analysis. The data modeling preferable for Textile industry is strategic data modeling. Data models support data and computer systems by providing the definition and format of data. In the context of Textile Process Integration, data modeling will result in database generation. It complements textile process modeling, which results in application programs to support the textile processes. The actual database design is the process of producing a detailed data model of a database. This logical data model contains all the needed logical and physical design choices and physical storage parameters needed to generate a design in a Data Definition Language, which can then be created using the textile model integration. the term database design could also be used to apply to the overall process of designing, not just the base data structures, but also the forms and queries used as part of the overall database application within the Database Management System or DBMS. There are several notations for data modeling. The actual model is frequently called “Entity relationship model”. An entity-relationship model (ERM) is an abstract conceptual representation of structured data. Entity-relationship modeling is a relational schema database modeling method, used in software engineering to produce a type of conceptual data model. Also many other representations are available but E-R diagram is the most follow able model in the field of software process management.

Program Transformation A program transformation is any operation that takes a program and generates another program. Code Refactoring: Code refactoring is the process of changing a computer programs source code without modifying its external functional behavior in order to improve some of the nonfunctional attributes of the software There are two general categories of benefits to the activity of refactoring. Maintainability: It is easier to fix bugs because the source code is easy to read and the intent of its author is easy to understand. Extensibility: It is easier to extend the capabilities of the application if it uses recognizable design patterns, and it provides some flexibility where none before may have existed. Hardware refactoring: The term hardware refactoring is used for refactoring of code in Hardware Description Languages (HDL). It is one of the parts of VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) program. Source Code Generation Source code generation is the act of generating source code based on an ontological model such as a template and is accomplished with a programming tool such as a template processor or an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Unified Modeling Language The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is used to specify, visualize, modify, construct and document the artifacts of an object-oriented software intensive system under development. UML offers a standard way to visualize a system’s architectural blueprints. Conclusion Software engineering tool model has been deployed in all sorts of industries. Due to rise of competition for the market of products, the producers have to think an adaptive, sophisticated software engineering tool model for promoting the textiles for sale not only inside the country but also to the outside world.

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EVOLUTION OF DENIM Denim is sturdy cotton warp-faced [1] textile in which the weft passes under two or more warp threads. This twill weaving produces a diagonal ribbing that distinguishes it from cotton duck. Denim garments came into existence during the 18th century, a time when there was abundant production of cotton. During that period, it gained importance due to its aspects of durability, and not easily torn which benefited physical laborers much. During the 19th century the garment was popularized by Levi Strauss, a well-known name in the jean world. Denim clothing was manufactured by them for miners. 20th century brought jeans as a fad of pop culture. Western cowboy movies portrayed people wearing blue jeans. The 50s witnessed the cloth becoming a craze of the teen age population. Manufacturers utilized the situation by coming up with innovative designs like new colors, embroidery and patch works. During 60s and 70s bell bottoms and hip hugger patterns became popular. It was during the 80s denims started drawing attention of the fashion designers. New and glamorous patterns were created and were brought to lime light by popular models in commercials. Puffy pants, puffy shoulder pads, and puffy hair became a style. In the 90s; it became one of the most sought after garment. To skim the cream of the denim market, manufacturers then, came up with various innovative ideas of using the denim fabric like poodle skirts, caps, handbags etc. It was during that time the denim sales skyrocketed. Currently the new millennium finds denim in each and every home; worldwide. From the place of normal clothing, denim has risen to be a fashion icon and is being adorned by fashion models. It has now become a symbol of modeling and modern culture. The metamorphosis of jeans from a commodity to a fashion item happened during the 90s; when jeans evaluated into a number of


various other items such as jackets, shorts, skirts etc. apart from the normal pants. Earlier different models like hippie bellbottoms, and tapered legs, were popular. Current trend is all about variety and views denim as an item with bold styles to keep pace with the fast track life style. Since the commencement, worldwide market of denim remains evergreen. Denim Business Associates said 70 percent of US people use regular denim products. At least seven denim products are available to them at any time. And the UK is one of the largest markets in Europe. There are at least 17 denim products in each person’s house. Denim market is full in the whole world. Denim has made a strong position in the country’s exportoriented garment industry by utilizing the opportunity of having good demand in the world market. Denim market is full in the whole world. In keeping with the times Bangladesh has become a huge and important part of the market. In the year 1985, production started in the country in denim clothing. Due to the specialty of cotton and fabric, the worldwide cloth is known as ‘Denim’. However, according to popularity, users know more about jeans as well. It’s the favorite clothing of most people around the world. Bangladesh is in second place in export of denim products in European countries. Denim market in the world is about $ 8 billion a year. Of these, Bangladesh was provided with $ 350 million denim products. Denim has a huge demand in the world. But it is not possible to increase exports in this sector because they are not being produced according to market demand . But hopefully, entrepreneurs are now investing in the production of denim jeans. There are currently 26 denim factories in the country. 17 more factories are being built. Even if appropriate initiative, in the next five years is taken, it is possible to get export revenues of $ 700 million from the sector. Entrepreneurs have demanded to provide uninterrupted supply of loans, gas and electricity at


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MD. SAJEDUL ISLAM 10th batch Department of Yarn Engineering

lower interest rates. China is shifting its focus from clothing industry, many orders might come to Bangladesh, Vietnam and other countries and investment will be a big issue for Bangladesh’s industry.Bangladesh is the second largest exporter of denim after China; denim has been playing a significant role in our economic development over the last few years. Usually, Bangladesh exports it to the European countries, including England, Russia, Norway, Italy, Poland, Germany, Romania, and many countries of Latin America, including Brazil, Argentina etc. Apart from USA and EU, the BD denim apparels are also shipped to African countries and Australia. The geographic location of the country is ideal for global trade, with very convenient access to international sea and air routes. Bangladesh is endowed with abundant supply of natural gas, water and its soil is very fertile. Government has been working to improve efficiency of especially in the field of power generation. By 2021, demand for electricity is projected to increase to 20,000 MW. Energy cost in Bangladesh USD 0.07/KwH is lower compared to India USD 0.095/KwH and Pakistan USD 0.08/KwH. Currently, Bangladesh has eight Export Processing Zones (EPZs) which provide the infrastructures, facilities, administrative and support services for a wide variety of enterprises. It is relatively easy to invest 100% as a foreign company in Bangladesh. Government has been working to improve efficiency of the Chittagong Port which has the potential of doubling their capacity also are long term plans of establishing a deep sea port in Sonadia. These ‘Best of Bangladesh’ are recognizing opportunities and creating world-class corporations. The wide consumption of denim by fashion connoisseurs globally created a new opportunity for Bangladesh. To meet the growing demand of denim fabric international market, the local mills are investing hugely on state-of-art imported machineries especially on the weaving & processing side and setting up large plants in the country. Denim can be a good way to brand Bangladesh. Among the world-renowned brands Levi’s,Diesel,Gstar,H&M,Tesco,Rangler,S. Oliver,Hugo Boss,Walmart and Gap import denim from Bangladesh. Bangladesh is already sharing a big part in the world denim market. To increase the percentage of

contribution in the world denim market share, our manufacturers have to be as responsive and flexible as we can possibly be, by rapid response time and quality product and competitive price. If this is done, then it is expected that Bangladesh will not take much time to make her position fully stable in the world denim market. Sources: 1. 2. The daily star (march19, 2017) 3. (opportunities in Bangladesh)

TECN Md. Mehedi Hasan Sumon 9th batch Apparel Engineering Dept. TECN is not just a campus, It is a bond of unity of the familial. Here everyone is brothers to all, So, there is no conflict divide. Every sunrise here, A debut as a novelty. Here are “Arunodoy”, They do all things creative. Here are “Mrittunjoy”, Always work in the service of humanity. Here is “Monthly Bunon”, Where is the innovation implementation? All of confidence here, There are all “Made in Bangladesh” to build a conviction. Every dream of TECN touched the sky, Everything is wrapped in illusion. TECN is not just a campus, It is the glory of humanity. TECN is not just a campus, As if it is an example of the unity.

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Hriday Hira

President of TECNAA 1st Batch of TECN ( 2006-2007)

May’05-2017 was a historic day for 2006-2007 session students when it was declared that we are now the students of B.Sc in Textile Engineering. Lots of dream, hope was playing on our eyes & mind to do something for Bangladesh Textile Industry as well as for our country. Though our starting journey was quite tough to be successful on that ground where we started with lots of limitations of classes, lab, book, teachers but we some dreamy students believed that success definitely will come to us. Our students’ dedication, willingness, hard-work, determination was tremendously imperative to full-fill the all limitations & gap through the students friendly behavior or some strong initial movement . Now this is great feelings of us that our running students have their own Hall, Laboratory , Dedicated Teachers, Note-book, Book, R &D basis thesis book and others facilities though this facilities not so sufficient still now but this is our belief that our students are utilizing them and definitely they will draw their brilliants footstep on next generation of the Garments World. We ex-students ( From 2012 ) still now fighting with the garments world to inform that some of brilliant students group from TECN having mind to mark the Industry with new blast. Now our students mostly working on Weaving, Knitting, Home textiles, Knit dyeing, Woven dyeing, R & D, Fabric technologies, Planning, Garments Planning, IE & Planning, Marketing & Merchandising, Banking, Research Institute, Government Organisations, Non-Government organizations etc. We believe within couple of years we will be a great asset for the country altogether. To fulfill those aim, We formed our Alumni Association named as TECNAA ( Textile Engineering College Noakhali Alumni Association ). It is our great achievements that we formed TECNAA by arranging a full democratic, competitive, Peachfull election between two generous team. Now the goal of TECNAA is to establish the strong community through communication, Brotherhood & Unity. We expect that all our beloved Teachers, honorable Textiles’ Professionals will widen their mind & hand to make our dream successful. We want to bring our dream in our handheld from the White-Cloud of sky. Our destiny is clear that is Success.

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We seek all of your prayers, blessing & your hand on our head. Please pray for us- Please pray for us.




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“COMPUTER” is one of the major component of today’s industrial modern society. In the digital age a man who wants to be a complete man or surviving with the digital world, it is totally impossible without computer and its surrounding area.

Considering the above situation, “TECN Computer Club” has been launched where students are enjoying all kinds of facilities of their needs. In August 6th, 2017 this club made it’s first step by organizing a gaming competition “TECN Intra Campus Gaming Competition”

The prime target of this club is… To grow up leadership and develop personal skills of TECN’s students on software programming and applications in order to prepare the students for different national contests. To develop students skills of Computer & communication. To give basic idea of computer, programming & many more. To help the students in improving their speed, problem solving, coding, teamwork as well as their experiences during their undergraduate studies.





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Wet Process

Md. Mhamudul Hasan Sarkar A.T.M. Taimurul Islam Nayeem Md. Amirul Islam Khan 01680989861 01557769627 01928923824

Jahidul Islam Sonet Md. Hasan Khandaker 01922982910 01625914105

Md. Sazzad Hossain 01827038198

Md. Billal Hossain 01952589196

Seta Saha 01831724433

Rokibul Hasan Mollah 01920970877

Md. Golam Saroyar 01521232628

Mahmudul Hasan Fahim 01731366106

Md. saiful islam 01733143124

Rakib Uddin 01732854682

Mohammad Ibrahim Emon 01840001438

Md. Abdullah-Al-Mamun 01688700495

Md. Mahbubul Karim Sagor 01842200095

Md. Mobarak Hossain 01682953416

Samrat Datta 01840032819

Safayet Hossain 01766185519

Saiful Islam 01625421265

Md. Fakhrul Arefin Pias 01676342735

Md. Yousuf Rayhan 01818366488

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Salahuddin Bhuiyan Mohammad Jewel Rana Pronay Kumar Debnath 01835549433 01636725260 01932591169



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Apparel Department

Kamrul Hasan 01842270573

Md. Mojibur Rahman 01813940031

Shorab Hossain 01675697040

Md. Khalilur Rahaman Meraj 01935481121

Md.Myeen Uddin Manna 01839551536

Kingku Majumder 01831071612

A.R. Nayeem Bhuyan 01918508973

Sharmin Akhter

Bishawjit Das Dewan 01676323744

Tamanna Taharima

Nakibul Hasan 01687463214

Abul Kasem Sikder Sabera Sultana Hira Md. Mohibul Hasan 01838633171 01620990780 01840010652

Kamrun Nahar 01761119667

Rayhan Ahmed 01757760004

Abdullah-Al-Masum Majumder 01728082651

Md. Ashbir Shaikh Niaz 01629367507

Shahida Akter Nazmol Hassan 01742094918

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Nusrat Jahan 01521231755

Sultana Sarmin 01951284842

Gaurob Majumder 01764045220

A.B.M. Nayeem Siddique 01883811418

Moumita Majumder 01839509234





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Fabric Department

Faisal Ahamed Fahim Contact -01926602364

Kamrul Khan 01767950253

Bivushan Saha Rijon 01685617955

Rezaul Karim 01712519460

M.D. Al-Amin 01761520126

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