There is something about design being integrated into marketing or business that really intrigues me, and it is something that drives me to love what I do. I believe in marketing strategies that is developed from consumer insights to promote the brand and that having good design is definitely a great kicker. It makes the brand stand out among its competitors and making a deep impression in todays market. All of my projects heavily involves deep research on the target audiences, from inter views and sur veys, and I make use of their feedbacks as the foundation for each concept that I execute.
Wacom Bamboo One Concept Website / A school project to promote the Wacom Bamboo one product that caters to the target audience which are university students Ad Congress Campus Poster / This poster aims to promote the 22th Philippine Advertising Congress event on the university campus.
Wacom AdCreate Bamboo Dinner One /A Concept poster created Website to invite / A school the university project to students promote for the the Wacom Bamboo celebrator oney product dinner inthat the caters marketing to the department target audience of La Salle. which are university students
Win-Win Argument / A poster for the university organization to promote a talk about developing the skills of being a good debater.
Teaser Poster for Amazing Race Event / A promotional poster for the university organization’s recruitment activity,
Casting Talk Poster / A promotional poster for the university organization on a talk on casting talent in the the advertising industr y.
Video Processing / A promotional poster for the university organization a talk by a Philippine director about how to execute brilliant offline editing.
Kasuso Breast Detection Poster / A concept poster for the Kasuso Breast Cancer Foundation to promote the women to come and get checked early in order to know wh
Feather Feeling From Fiber / A school project advertising campaign promoting the effects C-Lium Fibre. This plays with the metaphor of the light feeling after being relieved by using the product.
Ferrari Speed Project / Our task was to promote a brand and message without the use of the logo or text. This concept was produced from making use of the brand association of the color red for Ferrari cars, and playing with the blur motion of a speeding car.
Interactive Bus Stop Charging Station/ This school project was for the Starbucks Ver y Berr y Hibiscus Campaign, and this concept aims to show the target audience how the beverage is able to re-energize their body much like how batteries recharges phones.
Installation Game Screen on Malls / Another concept for the school project of Starbucks Ver y Berr y Hibiscus campaign where it involves the target audience in an interactive screen instead of the conventional product and tagline display on the screen. This project plays with the concept of the “ Fun Theor y � whereby people engage more in the activity if it is fun for them to do so.
Minimalistic Business Card Design/ A freelance project for an architecture client that wants a minimalistic and classy design. The design is ver y straightfor ward, and the clean background accompanied with a thin typeface brings out the elegant style.
Personal Creative Resume / A self project for a resume design that applies the principles of graphic design into the layout, resulting in a clean and direct design that lets the viewers read it at ease, and being able to identify different parts of the document rather easily.
Wacom Bamboo One Concept Website / A school project to promote the Wacom Bamboo one product that caters to the target audience which are university students. The design came about from the sur vey of the target users that gave a feedback of not wanting information overload ever ytime they visit a website.
Bluelron Concept Landing Page Website / A self project study created to explore the modern aspects of web design inter face. This design tackles the problem of redesigining clichĂŠ corporate websites that lacks the appeal to attract its target users. This design was developed to provide a subtle corporate image that does not over whelm the users with heavy colors or information, and leads the users to view each part of the website comfortably.
Bartr App Concept / The final year project for Multimedia Design, and was chosen as one of the outstanding capstone projects by HK PolyU. This app aims to help mitigate the growing problem of consumerism by offering a platform wherein the users can tr y to find the things that they are looking for and trade other items that they are not using for it. This can help them save money and utilize those unused items that start to become a clutter in their home. y/19690515/Bartr-Concept-App