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Creation Cottage to EveryBody Yoga and Wellness

Creation Cottage to EveryBody Yoga and Wellness: The Mind-Body Connection

By Ashley Pierce, WCCCC

In 2017, when Tabathe Wallace opened Creation Cottage, she was on a journey to help people on their path to self-discovery. From workshops where she taught other teachers to working with individuals looking for clarity in life, she has found her spiritual purpose. “I found myself in different places in life that weren’t ideal and weren’t empowering and I sought different ways to work on myself and ways to calm my mind and insecurities and through that, along with many years of research, reading, and self-help, I was able to find my voice and start to help others that were going through a similar process of being unhappy and unfulfilled with themselves, their environment, their situations.” Tabathe said. “Several years ago, I started doing reiki and became a reiki master and through reiki, which is a hands-on healing technique to calm and heal the mind from stress, I was able to realize I really had found some magic and a different perspective on life then what I had thought the world was. When I discovered the magic that was deep in my soul that was just missing its link, I felt compelled to share it with everyone I could.”

From this magic, Creation Cottage was born. While Creation Cottage is now turning into EveryBody Yoga and Wellness, the offerings of yoga, meditation, reiki, massage therapy, professional trainings, and retreats are still there. In April 2022, Tabathe will be moving her business to Downingtown and opening a full yoga studio, but also a wellness center. “The wellness center will incorporate facials, massage, body work, and other spa treatments.” said Tabathe. The idea behind her new business name is changing the perception of yoga and simplifying it to be for everyone. “I’d like anyone who is reading a description of a class to resonate with a certain one and know which is for them. We’re going to incorporate different types of yoga and meditation into those classes to help with various ailments. So, if someone is seeking more vitality, they can come to class and get a mix of the different pieces that will help their vitality, so it really is prescription-based, according to whatever it is that person needs.” Tabathe’s goal is to

have a space where anyone can feel comfortable walking into her studio. “I’m trying to break the paradigm of what people think yoga is supposed to be, when really, yoga is for everybody. It is a way for us to find our center. It’s about the mind-body connection to gain more time in your life, not about looking a certain way.”

Since its conception, the community around Tabathe has grown substantially. “It came from an idea of wanting to do reiki and provide personal services to people and to teach creative workshops and working out of a small office to evolving into a community.” People have traveled from Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and the Poconos for her workshops, speaking to the quality of the education provided. “There’s a lot of people out there trying to look within, trying to grow away from our traumas we’ve experienced and become

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Tabathe stands in the new space that will become EveryBody Yoga and Wellness

better people in general and that takes work. It takes consciousness and an awareness to want to shift those parts of ourselves.” Tabathe said. On her last retreat, Tabathe took 24 women to Sedona from age 25 to 71. Watching the prominent moments shared by the women on her retreat, Tabathe saw the growth and flourishment within the group. “Seeing people find the light in themselves fills my soul greatly.” said Tabathe. “Nowadays, we run past things and we leave people behind. As if, they’re not on our level, so we go on without them.” The retreats are meant to take us back to our roots, our nature, and our baseline.

Those who are new to any type of spirituality might not know where to start and how to fit it into their busy and demanding lives. “My advice to anyone is to start where they are at and not try to be perfect. Truthfully, its about showing up for themselves and that can look like anything. What are you going to do for yourself today? Are you going to promise yourself something - to go on a walk or to journal? It starts with an action and a commitment to yourself.” Tabathe said. From this inspired action, one can find the answers to their problems and grow deeper to their true self. “It’s important to practice yoga and meditation because we have all not been taught that we have a gift deeper than we think we have. The ultimate goal is finding the mind-body connection and finding that we are more than what we have been led to believe.” Tabathe said. You may think you do not have the time, but through yoga and meditation, you gain so much time back. It gives you a balance in your life.” Tabathe’s transition to EveryBody Yoga and Wellness was the next chapter in her journey. “With Creation Cottage, it was more about training teachers and sending them out into the world and with EveryBody Yoga and Wellness, I feel like I’m connecting with the community more to bring people in to help them.” Tabathe trusted her intuition to make the change and felt confident in her inspired action that this is where she’s meant to be heading. “Something was telling me to shift and that this is the next step for me.” With EveryBody Yoga and Wellness, Tabathe will be utilizing her cosmetology license to add esthetician services to her line-up. “In the store, we will also be selling organic body products that will be used in the spa, as well as books and crystals. We will be using oils and herbs and natural products to heal the body utilizing the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda.” said Tabathe. The focus of the spa is nourishment and self-care; what people come looking for

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EveryBody Yoga & Wellness

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when they’re on a path to find peace and calmness. EveryBody Yoga and Wellness provides the community to support one’s journey to self-discovery.

Yoga is a physical aspect that starts to forge the connection to the other aspects of who we are. At EveryBody Yoga and Wellness, there’s a class for everyone. “I want people to be comfortable to walk into a place they’re unfamiliar with.” Tabathe said. Different types of classes will include chair yoga, longer meditation times, breathing and stretching classes to get the body moving, as well as sound classes, such an mantra meditations, and ones to reduce stress and increase energy. Whatever is being sought out can be found at EveryBody Yoga and Wellness.

Ask yourself. “When was the last time I remember being happy? When you go through a period of self-awareness, like grief - loss of a job, your identity, a loved one - there’s usually a triggering point where people will awaken to this question of - What am I doing with my life? Is this filling my soul?” Connect your mind and your body to nature, go back to square one and find the courage to restart. As Tabathe Wallace said, “You can live with a lot and you can live with a little, as long as you live.”

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