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Three-way Partnership Improves Access to Higher Education

Life Transforming Ministries and Harcum College

By Marcella Peyre-Ferry Contributing Writer

Thepartnership between Harcum College and Life Transforming Ministries is giving Western Chester County residents a chance to further their education and show they are serious about their growth.

The model is actually a three-party partnership designed to provide adult students with improved access to higher education, as well as its affordability. In 2005, the College initiated a movement with the non-profit, I-LEAD, to find community organization partners to act as “boots on the ground” in pockets of the Philadelphia region with less access to higher education.

“That’s how I-LEAD came to us about sponsoring a Coatesville site,” said Bill Shaw, the executive director of Life Transforming Ministries. “To put it simply, our missions align, and we use our community presence to help people connect to the possibilities at Harcum.”

Life Transforming Ministries, a Christian non-profit organization, provides a location for recruitment, student support and classroom space at the 643/645 E. Lincoln Highway, Coatesville office, and the Graystone Mansion, right across the street from the WCCCC office. Coatesville was selected as a prime location to launch this program in western Chester County as the options for higher education in the city are limited, particularly for those who want the convenience of attending college close to home.

Harcum’s affordability efforts have also saved each student thousands of dollars. Tuition is generously reduced for all students by the Harcum Community Scholarship, while local philanthropic groups and businesses have added to that by establishing scholarships or making tuition reimbursement benefits available.

“Especially with an associates degree, it’s a valuable but shorter term first step into higher education that can serve as a pipeline partnership with employers who are looking to creatively fill their workforce needs,” Shaw said. “Many are returning to school because it helps them access jobs that require a degree.”

A large number of students who begin with a Harcum degree gain confidence and build on their success by continuing into a bachelors degree program.

Since the Coatesville site opened in 2007, over 120 students have graduated. The two-night-a-week format gives working adults a predictable schedule. Starting with just one major available, the offerings have grown to 6 majors now being offered. The curriculum is designed for working adults who may be years removed from high school, but are looking to advance in their present jobs or move into a new field of opportunity. Many of the graduates have gone into human service, or behavioral health fields, as well as business.

During the pandemic, the program went to virtual learning. “Traditionally, it’s always been in-person classes. That is one of the keys for adult learners. Adults really appreciate the ability to interactively bounce ideas off one another, and develop a strong bond of support with their classmates.” Shaw said.

Although there has been a major pivot to courses online, Harcum has worked hard to ensure strong levels of in-person student support at the site in Coatesville while courses are being delivered online.

“For the most part people are telling us they’re more interested in online learning than ever before, so we’re excited about how Harcum is offering the best of all worlds,” Shaw said.

Options for the future of the program look bright. The city is preparing for a new train station, which will provide direct access between Coatesville and the Harcum campus in Bryn Mawr, opening up educational options such as Harcum’s renowned Dental, Nursing, and Allied Health majors. Dr. Jon Jay DeTemple, Harcum’s president, shared his thoughts on Coatesville, “For years we’ve had our eyes on the success that’s been building in Coatesville, and we’re thrilled to continue deepening the long-term relationships we’ve built there.”

More information about the Coatesville site can be found at www.HarcumCoatesville.org or by calling 610 810-1556. Please contact Dr. Evelyn Santana, executive director of partnership sites for more information about Harcum’s partnership sites.

By: Jonathan Wright, The Wright Agency

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