Press release for Pro-Market Project Launch

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Press Release In partnership with New Zealand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) and Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Sustainable Produce to Market Value Chain Enhancement (Pro-Market) Project Launch Event March 21, 2019, Pursat, Cambodia ADRA is pleased to announce the official launch of Sustainable Produce to Market Value Chain Enhancement Project (Pro-Market) which is co-funded by New Zealand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) and ADRA New Zealand. With the total funds of NZD 2,993,273 (USD 2,049,044), Pro-Market will be implemented in Pursat province of Cambodia from January 2019 to December 2023. The goal of the project is to sustainably grow the rural economy and household economic resilience in Pursat province through the enhancement of horticultural value chains. In order to achieve the project goal, ADRA Cambodia, in partnership with iDE, Massey University and in collaboration with Pursat Provincial Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (PDAFF), will focus on the activities of analyzing and strengthening market and value chains (Output 1), strengthening and developing producer groups (Output 2), and training and supporting producer group members, producers and households on production, post-harvest and agribusiness (Output 3). The project activity is expected to directly benefit at least 2,300 horticulture Producer Group members; Producer Group leaders; individual producers; and value chain stakeholders which include private sector buyers and wholesalers. Another 9,200 Producer Group household members will also indirectly benefit from trainings, increased household income, produce diversity and food safety. Other producers from the communities are also expected to indirectly benefit by joining Producer Group activities and interacting with them. The project launch event is held in Pursat, Cambodia on March 21, 2019 with representatives from ADRA New Zealand, ADRA Cambodia, project implementing partners including Pursat PDAFF and iDE, and other project stakeholders.

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