Rlu 3 mcn topic 3 three food groups (tran) en

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Topic 3



Important note for copy into notebook

What do you see in this picture? Why our body need all these food? Energy Food

Body- Building Food Learn to separate keywords  Food

Protective Food Three groups Protect

Build Energy

Food  F + o + o + d = Read as Food Three  T + h + r + e + e = Read as Three Groups  G + r + o + u + p + s = Read as Groups

Three Groups

Numeracy: Uncle Sombath’s wife have money 25,000R to by food at the market for the family. She buys fish 1kg coast 12,000R and mix vegetable for ½ kg coast 1,500R and fruits coast 4,500R and she buys soap for washing hand coast 2,000R. How much money does she have expanded? How much money remaining? Answer: She expanded : 12,000 + 1,500 + 4,500 + 2,000 = 20,000R Her remaining money is: 25,000 – 20,000 = 5,000R

Target group: Mothers, fathers, baby caretakers. 1. Facilitation Process 1.a . Starting the Activities

Ask participants to sit as circle and greet them Facilitators take participant attendance (by calling their names out loud) Facilitators review the previous topics or activities Facilitators ask about problems or probing questions which is linked to the new topic

Then, start the topic by asking participants to sing some songs, song titles 1. Feed a variety of Food (Song melody: Bird fly alone) 2. Three Groups Food (Song melody: Alab Piya) 1.b. How to make graph (Draw a graph which shape as steering wheel)

 1st step: If it is possible, the facilitators should prepare some three food groups. 

The facilitator is facilitating how to draw the steering wheel by divide into three parts.

After finish drawing lets the participants choose food and classify each food according to each group of foods on the steering wheel that already drew.

 1st Step. A. Then ask them, all of these vegetables, fruits, meats, fish do you classify them correctly according to each group of foods or not? Encourage them to check again if there is enough time. 

Then ask them to tell about the list of the food that they usually eat everyday in their family.

 2nd Step. Distribute the a piece of paper to the participants 

Encourage them to draw pictures of vegetables, fruits, meats that they often use for cooking for their family on that paper, then put that picture inside the picture of steering wheel according to each basic food group. Same as (1st step. A.) above.

2. Discussion ideas: 

The facilitator confirms to the participants again about the pictures of vegetables, fruits, meats that they drew and classify in each column of car drive.

According to the past experience, do you think the food that you eat everyday is enough to help u have good health or not? Food for eating was in three food groups or not?

In our village, is it easy to find all of these kinds of food? Easy to cooking or not?

What kind of food is good for the pregnant women? Answer: Pregnant women need to eat variety of food such as: Fish, meat, egg, animal liver

beans, vegetables, fruits, tofu, and oil,

especially energy food add on healthy food 

Such as ripe papaya

ripe mango

sweet potato



they all are good for


the pregnant women. 

Would you tell about the food that is in these three groups food?

Do you know each group of food such as Body-building food, protective food, and energy food are helping for?

Answer: Energy food: Help us to have full energy. Like this picture

Body-building food: Help the body growth well.

Protective food: Protect the body to stay away from sickness

How can the three food groups help us to have good heath? Can children eat these groups of food?

Answer: Children can eat these food, they are really need all these three food groups. If they eat (three food groups) enough everyday it will help them have good health and smart.

 Facilitator illustrates the food pyramid poster to the participants then compare with what they have classified in the picture (steering wheel) of three food groups. Rice, noodle, bread, potato, taro, corn, nuts, sugarcane, coconut, oil, etc

Energy Food

Protective Food

Dark green, yellow vegetable and variety fruits such as banana, ripe papaya..etc

Fish, meat, egg, liver, try bean, tofu..etc These food are good in building the child’s body and for everyone too

Body-building Food

Fruits, dark green, dark yellow vegetables that cooked well, then bland and make it soft. Food for child(ren) need to be variety from these three groups of food.

3. Ideas for participants to do in the group or individually and practice at home Facilitator encourages the participants to make plan for their child(ren) under 5 years old, the pregnant women, breast-feeding women and child(ren) age from 6 months up get enough and eat correct food everyday so they will have good health and avoid from malnutrition. Family need to: 1. Make the plain land around your house to be the land that full of variety plants. 2. Grow more beans, because they contain of protein same as fish and meat. 3. Raising fish, chicken, duck that is enough to feet for the whole family…etc

4. Eat enough of variety of food(Three groups food) everyday. 5. Eat more dark green, yellow vegetables, especially the pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and the child(ren) who age 6 months up. Those food s can find around your home such as fruits, meats, bens that contain high protein and it is cheap if compare to price of meats at market. 6. Malnutrition child(ren) seems to be short or not growth well in physically and mentally. 7. Malnutrition makes the child(ren) not really smart, get sick easily, for adult seems to get weak, unhealthy and pale face…etc 4. Reading, Writing, and Numeracy  The facilitator guide the participants to practice reading, writing the keywords and numeracy Food

Three Groups




Food  F + o + o + d = Read as Food Three  T + h + r + e + e = Read as Three

Three Groups

Groups  G + r + o + u + p + s = Read as Groups

Numeracy: Uncle Sombath’s wife have money 25,000R to by food at the market for the family. She buys fish 1kg coast 12,000R and mix vegetable for ½ kg coast 1,500R and fruits coast 4,500R and she buys soap for washing hand coast 2,000R. How much money does she have expanded? How much money remaining? Answer: She expanded: 12,000 + 1,500 + 4,500 + 2,000 = 20,000R Her remaining money is: 25,000 – 20,000 = 5,000R 5. Define a topic and review what will be covered in the next session according to the timeline - New Topic (What topic) 6. More information and stationary for facilitators

Objective: By the end of the meeting the participants able to: 

Names the three basic food groups and their benefit

Materials: Flip chart, tape, Food pyramid (three food groups) poster.

Translation (Meaning) 1. Song Title: Feed a Variety of Foods (Song melody “bird flies alone”)  Oh, parents you should know that you need to give variety of foods Fish, meats, beans, tofu and egg, Khmer Moringa(Marom), ngoup leaves, bas leaves, morning glory.

 Ripe fruits, oranges, carrot, banana, mango, pineapple, papaya, and pumpkin we can grow; all are good food for everyone to have good health.

 Nutrient food, must be three groups food that have all kinds of nutrition that our body needed such as beans oil, rice, salt, sesame, potato, taro, sugar, all are form three groups of food. Transliteration (Sound to sing)  au anakamteay aey chraenmoukh

anak trauv doeng tha

trauv phtal ahar

trei sach sa ntek ba sa trakuon .

tawhou ning saout

sloek mroum sloek ngb


 phlechheu luengtoum yeung dam ban

mean krauch karot

chek svay khnor lhoung


nih chea ahar sokhpheap la .

visesa thlaithlea

dl yeung krobknea


 ahar bambn krob chivcheate

trauvte bei krom

vea bramoul phtom


mean breng santek krom teangoasa .

bay ambel lng

damlaung trav skar


auy ban

2. Three Food Groups (Song melody “Letter that I wrote to you�) 1. The food that we eat everyday really important for our live Need to think wise before we eat (x2) Good food is the three food groups Everyone knew about it, even me and other (x2) These three food groups easy to find. Chorus:

Very happy to come for the meeting (x2) understood bout it.

Everyone in village

2. The food that we eat everyday Need to adjust to have many groups of food. Green, yellow vegetables (x2) Bas leave,Khmer Moringa, morning glory too Cambodia is plenty of fruits (x2) have oil, vegetables, fish, meats, beans and rice. Chorus:

Very happy to come for the meeting (x2) Children in village will avoid from malnutrition, everyone in village will have good health.

Transliteration (Sound to sing) 1 . ahar del yeung nhoum a realthngai meanobrayoch krai rsarean chivit pel nhoum a trauv cheh ri kit (2 dng ) ahar la pit ku mean bei krom pelnih doeng teang ke teang khnhom (2 dng ) ahar bei krom ngeay rk ban saoh Chorus

sabbay nasa ban mk brachoum (2 dng ) phoumi ban yl krobknea

bangobaaun knong

2 . ahar del yeung nhoum a realthngai trauv cheh lei auy mean chraen krom banle baitng ning pnrluengtoum (2 dng ) sloek ba sa ngb mroum trakuon phtei der sambour nasa phlechheu srokakhmer (2 dng ) mean breng banle trei sach santekbay Chorus

sabbay nasa ban mk brachoum (2 dng ) komar knong phoumi leng khveah ahar bangobaaun knong phoumi mean sokhpheap la

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