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A empire to discover

Language The native language of the Romans was Latin. Latin used to teach and in diplomatic relations. Its alphabet was based on the Etruscan alphabet. It is the antecedent of romance languages. Now just in the Vatican speak latin.

Religion The romans adore a lot of natural forces called Numina. Numina were mistery powers that can benefit or harm the man.

The prayers expressed gratitude or remorse. The romans had two kind of adoration, sacrificium was a offering to numina and lustrato was a adoration to protect the city by the malefic influences.

Social Classes Commons: all other freeborn Roman citizens. The special mark of dress for citizen males was the toga.

Freedpeople: men and women who had been slaves but had bought their freedom or been manumitted.

Senatorial class: The basis for this class was political. It included all men who served in the Senate, and by extension their families. This class was dominated by the nobles, families whose ancestors included at least one consul.

Foreigners : all other freeborn men and women who lived in Roman territories. In 212 CE most freeborn people living within the Roman empire were granted Roman citizenship.

Slaves: system of chattel slavery where human beings were born into slavery or sold into slavery through war or piracy.

Economy of rome For all of the glory and grandeur of Ancient Rome, the Roman economy never developed into anything terribly complex compared to modern economies.

Rome was an agrarian and slave based economy. Agriculture and trade dominated Roman economic fortunes, only supplemented by small scale industrial production.

The staple crops of Roman farmers in Italy were various grains, olives, and grapes. The Olive oil and wine were among the most important products in the ancient rome.

Romans used a limited form of 2 tier crop rotation, but crop production was largely low output and required a vast number of slaves to operate at any volume.

Roman´s Art and literature

Roman´s art and literature

Roman´s art Early Roman art, from the 7th century to the 3rd century BC, was influenced greatly by that of the Etruscans and their art forms could be found all over Italy. The sculpture was a major form of Roman art and many examples of Roman sculptures can be seen today in places like museums.

Roman´s literature Latin literatures includes the essays, histories, poems, plays, and other writings written in the Latin language. Beginning around the 3rd century BC, it took two centuries to become a dominant literature of Ancient Rome, with many educated Romans still reading and writing in Ancient Greek.

Rome Government The Roman government was a strange mix of a democracy and a republic. An interesting fact its that the people of Rome took many of their ideas of government from the Ancient Greeks.

The Ancient Romans did not want one man to make all of the laws. They decided did three branches. there was first the executive branch, then the legislative branch, and finally the judicial branch.

The basis for Roman law was the idea that the exact form, not the intention, of words or of actions produced legal consequences.

Andrés Corzo

Diego Valle

Andrés González

Guillermo Gómez

Jimena Gudiel 4to Bach. B

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