Adriana L_portfolio2018

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ADRIANA LANCHEROS Architect and Urban Sustainability Planner +(917) 2167680

EDUCATION Pratt Institute, New York


Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota- Colombia


Master on Science(MS) Sustainable Environmental Systems Merit academic scholarship for the entire program 2017 Merit Academic scholarship for graduate program 2019 Bachelor of Architecture Option in Entrepreneurship and Project Management

EXPERIENCE - SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE Kiss+Cathcart Architecture, New York City - Sustainable Consultant


•Implemented innovative high-performance architecture, building capacity through photovoltaic systems. Gathered, analyzed and synthetized information to identify the major challenges, strengths and improvement opportunities in their financial, administrative, strategic and legal processes •Assisted and conducted meetings with NYC Department of Parks and Recreation for the The Bronx River Greenway River House project. •Provide property condition assessments and construction consulting services to clients that include developers and lending agencies. •Supported the design and elaboration of communication pieces, such renders, massing models, architecture plans.

D3 Interior Design , New York City - Designer


•Worked on projects of varying scale from Residential, Commercial to Mixed Use Development handling schematic Design development, presentation, detailed Design, construction drawings, site co-ordination and execution.

ECOteam , New York City -Intern Architect


Worked as an Architect with experience in Design Conception, Presentation, Detailed Design, Construction Drawings, Site co-ordination and Execution. The list of projects handled: •21 Harrison Drive, Larchmont NY •Station House- Wetchester NY •Mathieson House -Wetchester NY

Environmental Systems Graduate Research Grad Assistant - Pratt Institute


•Provided technical assistance to citywide community-based organizations undertaking community planning initiatives in response to neighborhood rezoning per Housing New York. •Manage strategies devoted to advancing sustainable buildings. Responsibilities include designing and overseeing strategic planning process, managing business planning and other strategic initiatives. •Analyzed results of a commercial survey of small businesses in Willets Point •Assisted facilitation of focus groups of small business owners. •Collected and analyzed data regarding neighborhood conditions, including community demographics, housing and retail markets, school capacity, and open space. •Created graphical presentation of technical information for community education.

EXPERIENCE - ARCHITECT Founder of 3L Architecture Studio: Construction and Retail


Concreato S.A.S


Prepared Sketchup and CAD detail drawings of residences and apartments, work done at site. Attended meetings with clients and contractors

SOFTWARE SKILLS Software Adobe CC (Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop), AutoCad, Maya, Miro- soft, Revit, Rhinoceros (Grasshopper), SketchUp Pro, 3D Studio Max Bilingual Spanish (native), English (advanced) German (basic).

PRO BONO WORK Company Name Fundación Con las Manos •Coordinator of the Experiential Learning Team •Dates volunteered Jul 2012 – Dec 2015 Volunteer duration 3 years 6 months •Con las Manos is an initative that connects college and public school students, to strengthen leadership and math skills through experiential learning • Escalated a class project to create an initiative with real-life impact; reached two schools, more than 500 children and 250 college students


Founder of the 15bikes initiative. A campaign that started in 2017, and have delivered 15 bikes for children in Colombia. The new goal, is to expand our capacity and help Indian children.




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This project grew as a professional challenge that I was tested on a classic and colonial building that recreate different uses in the three plants that compromise a structural solution.

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With an architectural language reminiscent of the typical regional houses, the house of Ramirez Quintana develops a program of innovative and bold spaces that obeys approaches, wishes and requirements of customers. After solving the overall look of the remodeling, I start being objective with the zone and establishes an open layout, in which the various bodies of join lining a central courtyard that illuminates and ventilates the program, allowing nature and climate to be an interesting part of the design. A volume in a "U" contains first level 5 shops, second level two apartments and the third spacious "Boutique Hotel" Interior Design: prevailing natural tones and ethnic objects.

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Willets Point New York

Land Use Studio

The studio is run in much the way a professional office approaches a large-scale project. We as a group, applied analytic and synthesis skills; practice oral, graphic, and written communication skills; and participate as an effective members of a professional planning team. We learnt contemporary land use / urban design practice in New York and internationally. “Professional practice� is inclusive of assessing existing and emerging community conditions; translating projections of economic and/or population change into account; addressing the implications of climate change; assessing the trade-offs of different decisions mindful of both urbanism principles as well as both community and stakeholder interests. The studio combined planning analysis with design speculation.

Pratt Institute Publication: “Blue Week” Illustration made by Adriana Lancheros

Master Plan


UTOPIC center


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The Kiss + Carthcart team approaches design with the idea that creativity is not always the sole domain of the architect, but rather that architecture can also allow for creativity to emerge from a larger collaboration. Our design process embraces the core values of the North + King at Downtown West project. Our interactive design explorations will be centered on three primary Focus Groups. This creates a vehicle with which we can study the initial design from multiple perspectives to understand and amplify potential strengths and omit weaknesses in order to create a seamless design strategy for the project. Collaborating as part of the K&C team: •Implemented innovative high-performance architecture, building capacity through photovoltaic systems. Gathered, analyzed and synthetized information to identify the major challenges, strengths and improvement opportunities in their financial, administrative, strategic and legal processes •Assisted and conducted meetings with NYC Department of Parks and Recreation for the The Bronx River Greenway River House project. •Provide property condition assessments and construction consulting services to clients that include develop-


Collaborating as part of the K&C team: Provided technical assistance to citywide community-based organizations undertaking community planning initiatives. •Manage strategies devoted to advancing sustainable buildings. Responsibilities include designing and overseeing strategic planning process, managing business planning and other strategic initiatives. •Collected and analyzed data regarding neighborhood conditions, including community demographics, housing and retail markets, school capacity, and open space. •Created graphical presentation of technical information for community education.

This scale shows the energy performance of this project. The orang line (true sustainability) represents zero net energy - when the project generates as much energy from on-site solar panels as is consumed in the building. Anything above the line represents a surplus of renewable energy production, which to us means "true green". Anything below the line is not sustainable. Very few projects have achieved this level of performance.

The vines are a dynamic faรงade, visible outside and in, as the leaves change color with the seasons and fall off for the winter. The green screen also serves as a seasonal shading device, keeping the sun out in summer and admitting it in winter.

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