i-D Mock Magazine

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editor-in-chief anthony miller editor amanda ng fashion director EHVMIRRI ŨWLIV designer sandra stewart deputy editor EHVMIRRI ŨWLIV fashion editor amanda ng head stylist EHVMIRRI ŨWLIV stylist sandra stewart beauty director sarah scheurich fashion photographer christina montes lifestyle photographers cole whitworth christina montes contributing writers XEXNERE FVSQŨIPH jen bonaccolta amanda ng DGULHQQH ˋVKHU female models blair barba liana nunn katie holian paige carpenter megan mccullough winston gow lilli smith lexi ench michaela olson kate schneider cavanagh baker male models cody joel neil brown casey sheahan beau watson ethan russ nick hathaway steven johnson photographers christina montes cole whitworth hair dressers/makeup artist sarah scheurich leslie reilly special thanks to christina montes alex raskin antiques roque silva scad museum of art mary gunn

the eclectic issue no. 323

Amanda Ng

Jen Bonaccolta


Amanda is a proud Bostonian. Born and raised on the outskirts of the city, she naturally has a wicked unhealthy passion for the New England Patriots. She describes everything as being “wicked awesome” and occasionally drops her “r”s. She is obsessed with crazy nail polish, enormous burgers, and police

dramas. Oh- and her

middle name is Über-

yes, Über.

Sandra Stewart

Art Director Sandra is an avid theoretical adventurer and consumer of, probably, organic products. She loves tea and yoga and reads Shakespeare to underprivileged house cats… that one time. Her dream is to someday meet William Shatner because he is her spirit animal.

Creative Director

Adrienne Fisher

Fashion Director Adrienne grew up in a little river town in Florida where she spent her time having hot-surfer wanderlust fantasies and getting into trouble. When she’s not busy daydreaming, she is most likely: watching “Almost Famous” and crying because she is not Penny Lane, having an intimate and completely inappropriate conversation with someone she barely knows, or scouring PSGEP ũIE QEVOIXW JSV Led Zeppelin records.

Jen is from Jerseyneed I say more? Standing tall at 5 feet, she compensates for her pint-sized self by including a variety of miniature things in her everyday life. For example, fun-sized candy bars, smart cars, and of course, the miniature pony. Needless to say, she is somewhat of an awkward individual.


Writer Tatjana is an upstate New York Native with a serious penchant for animals and designer heels- she has neither. But, they hold a very special place in her heart next to Rihanna and spicy foods.

insi-De the eccentricity issue a dose of unusual is the usual features and fashion 32 roque silva: there’s always a silva lining

Roque Silva is an industrial designer with a dual passion for painting and art. The Columbia native and recent Savannah transplant paints what he feels is beautiful,‚ no purpose needed. PHOTOGRAPHY COLE WHITWORTH STYLING ADRIENNE FISHER INTERVIEW

48 make all ten count


65 catherine baba: unique in its truest form

Ms. Baba is one of most underrated fashion icons of the last decade – she’s a stylist,‚ muse,‚ and overall bad motha-­shut-­yo-­mouth. TEXT TATJANA BROMFIELD

66 express your personal vocabulary


77 crazy b*tch


72 mary gunn: walk the path of your own heart

Mary Gunn is a recent Savannah College of Art and Design graduate. Her latest collection,‚ sparked by a bruise she got from falling off a bike,‚ embodies a sick combination of dark yet ethereal beauty. PHOTOGRAPHY COLE WHITWORTH INTERVIEW ADRIENNE FISHER

94 sweet as candy


86 you make my dopamine levels go f*ucking nuts


62 cara delevingne: a closed mind is a good thing to lose

The British beauty was voted Britain’s Model of the Year in 2012 and has definitely lived up the title (she strutted in over 50 runway shows during Fall’s fashion weeks all over the world). TEXT TATJANA BROMFIELD

38 fall/winter 2014 trends TEXT JEN BONACCOLTA

35 nerd? we prefer the term intellectual badass TEXT JEN BONACCOLTA

105 grimes: sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy Grimes’ music and style is hard to pinpoint,‚ and we like it that way. TEXT TATJANA BROMFIELD

106 toro y moi: listen to moi

Toro y Moi’s got music you need to hear. A pioneer of the chillwave movement back in 2010,‚ his latest album smashes together r&b,‚ pop,‚ Italian lounge music,‚ and digital-­synth beats to create sounds you’ve never heard of. TEXT TATJANA BROMFIELD

60 wes gordon: wild, wild wes

Up-­and-­coming designer and Vogue Fashion Fund Finalist Wes Gordon exudes a preppy sensibility,‚ but designs womenswear with a mix of sharp tailoring and feminine mystique. TEXT TATJANA BROMFIELD

104 yacht: sailing the seas of awesome TEXT TATJANA BROMFIELD

150 ideas for the words quirky, carefree, and standout

Live i-D Looking for inspiration, quick tidbits to make life a little sweeter, bored with the boring articles and mumbo jumbo? Well look no further because this month’s issue of i-D’s got what you need. Check out our lists for 150 Quirky, Carefree, Standout ideas - a list so massive it’ll take you a whole day to rummage through. Saddle-up a comfy seat somewhere and think deeply about things like Sporks, Peace and Love, Sarcasm, write them down, repeat them, do whatever you feel like with them we’re just happy you read them.

Listen i-D We’ve got a few up-and-coming artists to keep a watch out for this year, some you may have heard of and others you wish you did. The new model taking over your favorite fashion week shows and ad campaigns is Britain’s very own Model of the Year Cara Delevingne. She parties with fashion loving artists Cassie, Rita Ora, and the incomparable Rihanna and manages to keep her trademark bushy brows perfectly groomed at all times. Toro Y Moi’s bubbling over into the pop music genre with his latest groovy endeavor, Anything in Return. The mesmerizing video for his down-tempo bass heavy song So Many Details will be on repeat for sure and might even spur on a purchase of a turtleneck or two. ,*"+04" / !"0&$+"/ "0 ,/!,+ 4 0 ƛ+ )&01 1 ) 01 6" /ǝ0 ,$2" 0%&,+ 2+! "3"+1 +! %"ǝ0 % ! ƛ/01 ) !6 & %"))" * 4" / %&0 clothes, it’s pretty much uphill from then. His newest collection was inspired by strong women, sorceresses, warriors, but with sleek and sexy silhouettes. It’s all very fabulous, but also be sure to catch up with the other creative masterminds right now in our convenient music and culture sections.

See i-D Lady nerds are in right now, actually they always have been but we’re taking their limelight to the next level in our Nerdette editorial. With characters like Jess from New Girl, Mindy from Fox’s The Mindy Project, and the always-determined Leslie Knope from Parks and Recreation bringing their awesomeness to the small screen, its only right we give our readers a spread on looks inspired by the current trend (which we hope will last forever).

LQVL 'H WKH HFOHFWLF LVVXHȪ “how people treat you is their karma;; how you react is yours.”


We’ve all been there. We’ve all experienced being the different one, the black sheep of a group. We’ve all been victims of dreadfully false ƛ/01 &*-/"00&,+0Ǒ This issue is dedicated to us and the inner geek, nerd, and dork that reside in us all. The world would be a boring and lifeless place if everyone were to have the same interests, aspirations and thoughts. We want to show our readers the beauty behind being individualistic and quirky. It’s okay to be different and unique! The eclectic issue celebrates various musicians, artists, and designers that are outstanding and distinct in their own right. Mary Gunn’s bruise inspired collection is unique and outlandish. Channeling one’s inner nerd (or nerdette) is not only accepted, but encouraged and should be embraced. Catherine Baba’s bold - and without a doubt unique- Parisian aesthetics are idolized within the world of fashion. Brightly painted nails are taking the world by storm for they are a perfect way to show off and express individualism. Men. Well… men are men. AMANDA NG, EDITOR



Roque Silva, a lover of painting and an Industrial Design major, talks free tattoos, Columbia, and singing The Beatles. PHOTOGRAPHY COLE WHITWORTH TEXT ADRIENNE FISHER STYLING ADRIENNE FISHER

Roque came to the United States seven years ago from Columbia with his mom and sister. While he was struggling to connect to a new culture, painting became his outlet. “When I came to school in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, I didn’t know English, so they placed me in an art class by chance and I really liked it. It was a way I could express myself.” Roque is currently an Industrial Design Major at Savannah College of Art and Design. When he’s not busy with personal projects and homework, he is watching movies with his wife, Emmy, eating cheese crackers and grapes, and reminiscing about walking to the grocery store with his mom and sister. “When we came to America we didn’t have a car, so we used to walk 40 minutes to Publix almost every day. We would talk a lot and sing a lot. I’m a terrible singer but we would sing Beatles songs. Those walks were my favorite thing.” I met with Roque at his town house in Savannah to see what he’s up to now. What do you miss about Columbia and how are the cultures so different to you personally? I miss my friends and the food. Anybody will tell you that they miss the food. America and Columbia is much different. It’s a way of thinking. Americans are very open and they really teach you and explain things very thoroughly. It is not that way in Columbia. Where do you get your inspiration from for your paintings? It’s very spontaneous. Colors, textures- I really don’t have a meaning for my paintings. It’s always been just what I feel is beautiful. I think art should be beautiful. What drew you to major in Industrial Design and not painting? Well, Industrial Design is a completely different mind set and process. ID is very tight and precise. It takes a lot of research and getting to know people and talking to people. Painting is something that I can do after I do that. I like that I have the option to go and relax and express myself without having to respond to anybody, like teachers that are telling me what exactly to paint and how. Creating new things, I really like creating new things, and that’s where they are similar. They work as a release from each other. What do you want to do with Industrial Design? I want to get my masters in business and then I want to open my own creativity hub. It would be a studio where different designers- like graphic and industrial design, interiors, painters, whatever, can come together and create projects. Tell me about what you’re up to now? Well, I started working with a licensing company and we were able to develop some artwork to place in Target in the home decor department as art prints. They should be there soon. I am very happy about it. Other than that, I like to take a month off from painting to re-connect and come back to it with new ideas. Do you ever have any art shows around Savannah? Yes, I’ve had a few. I had a show at “The Butcher Art Gallery” and “Tattoo Studio”, which was really fun. I got a good amount of people that night and sold a bunch of paintings. When we all met up to answer questions for a press release, one of the tattoo artists at the shop gave me a free XEXXSS SJ E WUYEVI % WUYEVI [EW NYWX XLI ŨVWX XLMRK MR Q] QMRH XS KIX Let’s just say it’s a blank canvas?




The 90’s, taking our generation by storm, formed a new era of style in fashion, movies, and music. The term “nerd” is synonymous with names like Screech, (YGO] ERH 9VOIP 8LIWI ŨPQ ERH XIPIZMWMSR MGSRW EQSRK QER] SJ XLIMV XMQI made a name for themselves not only by representing epitome of the undesired but while capturing our hearts in the process. Suspenders, brightly colored clothing, and “geek” glasses quickly became the style of the stereotypical nerd. Ironically, it is the same style that many admire today. 90’s nerds like, the clumsy Screech from “Saved by the Bell”; Ducky, the hopeless best friend in “Pretty in Pink”; and Steve Urkel, the annoying neighbor in “Family Matters”, embraced the role of the sidekick to the popular athletes or socialites. Another classic nerd-star is Anthony Michael Hall as Brian from “The Breakfast Club”. His character was iconic to the nerd genre for his character not only experienced the hardships of aesthetically looking like a nerd but also dove into the topics of high school cliques and social hierarchies. These movies and television series bring on a sense of nostalgia with many of us 80’s and 90’s kids by the mere mention of those household names. Within the last decade, such as “Superbad” with Michael Cera, have been released where nerds rise yet again and warm the viewer’s hearts. Sheldon Cooper, from “The Big Bang Theory”, is quite possibly the most perfect representation of the modern day nerd. Other than the prerequisite genius status ERH E WGMIRXMWX SGGYTEXMSR LI MW UYMVO] ERH GSRŨHIRX QEOMRK LMQ irresistible to those of us who appreciate and understand a good nerd. “The Big Bang Theory” introduces a new nerd concept to television by combining a stereotypical hot blonde girl character with a full cast of stereotypical nerds creating a dynamic show and cast that has been nominated for 18 Emmy’s- and Jim Parsons, or Sheldon Cooper as we all know and love him as, has won two of them. Style is an ever changing animal; twisting and turning our view of what is “acceptable” at the moment. This nerdy trend is catching and is becoming a movement in itself. In 2013, nerds have been given a new spotlight. The nerd style has been reinvented and is being emulated by the trendy fashionistas of our day. It has become socially okay to dress in a quirky and fun style for the quintessential nerds of today have suddenly become the star of the show.

WKH OHVV \RX FDUH WKH KDSSLHU \RX ZLOO EH For Fall/Winter 2014, express yourself in lacey cutouts, be bold in bright

lace me down and cut me up

confetti of colors, hide out under a body of veils, suit up in armor, or stay warm under folkloric prints and fur. Wear one or wear them all, the choice is yours.

Laces and cutouts are back in a bold way this season. Heavy layering of fabrics with intricate patterns of cutouts are among the most popular. Designers are utilizing different fabrics for this effect, playing with various weight and color to create a ‘dark side of desire’ affect. Lace joins with leather to create a soft bondage aesthetic that are certainly not acceptable at your Grandma’s weekly gathering for high tea. Allegorical inspirations MRWTMVI E [SVPH Ũ PPIH [MXL Q]XL and desire that are unleashed through contrasting worlds of sheer fabrics and heavy amoresque metals and leather.



Armor is being introduced in a “knightlike” fashion. Heavy-metal pieces, cuffs, chains that accent them, and shoulder art has a new place in fashion. Metals are being used to accent all parts of one’s body, giving a rough exterior and a newfound edge. For all the hardcore experimentalists, this trend is making waves and pushing everyone’s hard limits.

ş1IHMIZEP MRũ YIRGIW EVI FIMRK MRXVSHYGIH MRXS XLI JEWLMSR industry. It seems odd but if this trend is successfully transferred from the runway and into the markets- there will be success. Amor has taken on a whole new meaning! ” SANDRA STEWART, ART DIRECTOR/STYLIST, i-D

“Lace collides soft and chaste qualities with the those of desire and sex appeal. This season designers found inspiration through desire and magic, putting edge to an epitome of delicacymaking it a force to be reckoned with.” JEN BONACCOLTA, WRITER/CREATIVE DIRECTOR, i-D

a shake of this and a sprinklin’ of that

veiling the anonymous

The embodiment of mystery and anonymity is found in this new trend of veils. By covering a face or body, a unique twist is brought out during a fashion show and creates a dramatic feel that captures a mystical and desirable quality on the VYR[E] 4IVWSREPMX] MW WMQYPXERISYWP] QYJũIH ERH exaggerated through this faceless trend.

Who says winter needs to be a time of the drab and uninspired? Find the “rapture” in your everyday life with a new and unusually bright colored fall. Sprinkles and confetti give a youthful exuberance this season. Bright colors are emerged on the runways in a mix of patterns, textures, and colors that exude one’s inner child and awakens a whole new playful world of color.

“Color and candy are synonymous with fun and happiness. It’s about time we have vibrancy in the winter and a break from the drab traditional colors. We have been long overdue!” ADRIENNE FISHER, FASHION DIRECTOR/HEAD STYLIST, i-D

“Veiling is not only mysterious but also strangely elegant. Stylists are utilizing this trend to tell a story of the beautiful, desirable, and the undistinguished. One’s face is a thing of beauty. What better way to challenge that than by showing the unknown?” AMANDA NG


Ɯ,/&! #,)(0

Embrace the old and mix it with the new. Contrasting elements of fur and brightly colored embroidery come together to create this Russian inspired, folklore-esque trend. Do not tread lightly. More is actually more with excessive beading and embroidered patterns. Much like the confetti trend, this trend encourages the mixing of bright colors with muted deep tones of maroon, brown, and tan to enhance a bright colors pop.

“The embroidery utilized in this trend is unique. It fuses new aged WX]PIW [MXL SPH 6YWWMER MRũYIRGIW 1M\ XLEX [MXL ZEVMSYW TEXXIVR and color to create this catchy new trend. Oh- and the fur is fabulous!”




Nail art has taken the beauty world by storm. Women are no longer painting their nails simply because they want them to match their purse. No- they are now being painted differently for "3"/6 , 0&,+ǒ ! 6 ,# 1%" 4""(ǒ +! "3"+ /"Ɯ" 1 how we feel. Our nails now speak for us. They are an inexpensive way of accessorizing any out, whether that is through funky colors, textures, or patterns. There’s no need to be ashamed of your little digits, for the possibilities of nail-style are endless. PHOTOGRAPHY CHRISTINA MONTES TEXT JEN BONACCOLTA

i-D Beauty. nails.

vivacious and free

i-D Beauty. nails. KATIE HOLIAN,



What kind of advice would you give to young, aspiring models? I would tell anyone to follow their dreams and don’t take no for an answer. Sure, you’re going to get shot down but sometimes it’s a test to see how much you’re willing to rebel and just say NO. So keep pushing and be weird, always be weird. What is your absolute favorite past time? Ok, this is weird, but I absolutely love to strip down my nails, rub Vaseline all over them, and put one of those “spa mitts” on them and XLIR HERGI EVSYRH Q] VSSQ XS SPH ŝW VSGO (IŨRMXIP] came in “hand-y” for the nail shoot! If aliens landed in your front yard and offered you anything in the world, what would you ask for? I would probably ask for their brains because obviously they are from another planet and must be doing something right. Besides, the only reason they would come here would be to take over the world - at least according to Hollywood. Katie wears Sally Hansen in Air as a base color with Julep Rose as accents. Essie Beyond Cozy DV WKH ULQJ ˋQJHU VWDWHment piece and Milani Totally 80’s as thumb tips.

insert nail text.

ginger essence

i-D Beauty. nails.

i-D Beauty. nails. BLAIR BARBA, 20, PENNSYLVANIA

Where do you draw inspiration for your own style? I usually like an eclectic mix of pieces that come together to make something VIEPP] JYR 9WYEPP] XLVMJX WXSVI ŨRHW EVI E QYWX thrown with modern pieces of jewelry or scarves. Anything that can have some contrast, I am usually drawn to.What is your favorite drink? Tequila sunrises. I don’t know if it’s because they are ALMOST all orange or not but gingers got to stick to vibrancy, and nothing makes you more vibrant than a tequila sunrise! :KDW ZRXOG , Ë‹QG LQ \RXU UHIULJHUDWRU right now? :HOO DOO WKH EDVLF IRRG JURXSV RI FRXUVH &KRFRODWH FRRNLH GRXJK 'U 3HSSHU DQG FDUURWV MXVW WR EH KHDOWK\ Blair wears Essie Tart Deco as a base. Sally Hansen white and black as accents with Lightening as a middle border and Julep Claire on the tips.

ravenous beauty

Smoke and Ashes by China Glaze as base with Essie A Cut Above as the glitter topcoat.




What made you want to become a model? - YWIH XS TPE] EVSYRH [MXL SYXŨ XW ERH GPSXLIW EW E OMH ERH NYWX EP[E]W XSSO XS XLI GEQIVE I grew up and decided to move out of my VERY small town to the city of Savannah where I adapted into the fashion culture. There’s always a project going on and always someone to network with. If you could live anywhere to pursue your career, where would it be? The answer will sound typical, but I really love New York City. Something about the energy and the non-stop rush of people. Everyone always seems like they have somewhere important to go, even if it’s just to the Starbucks around the corner. If you were a character on a television show, which would you be? Well, I would be one that no one’s ever heard of before, on a show that doesn’t exist yet- just to be different! My character would be called - “(insert cool chick name here)” or something fun like that.

i-D Beauty. nails.

i-D Beauty. nails.



The 26 year-old Vogue 0%&,+ 2+! Ć›+ )&01Ç’ Atlanta native, and Central Saint Martin alumni, Wes Gordon, worked at the studios of Tom Ford and Oscar de la Renta during school breaks before establishing his own eponymous label in 2009.

“I’m completely obsessed with the Gothic idea of the South and Savannah. 7KHUH¡V D QRVWDOJLD DQG URPDQFH DERXW LW WKDW \RX GRQ¡W Ă€QG LQ WRR PDQ\ other places.â€? WES GORDON TEXT TATJA BROMFIELD

;MXL I\TIVMIRGI KEMRIH JVSQ [SVOMRK [MXL XLI FIWX MX MW RS [SRHIV LMW ŨRIP] GVEJXIH *EPP HIFYX GSPPIGXMSR [EW picked up at Harrods and Saks for the following year. ,MW QSWX VIGIRX 7TVMRK GSPPIGXMSR MW E GPIEV TVSKVIWWMSR JVSQ LMW IEVPMIV [SVO LS[IZIV MXĹ?W HMJŨGYPX XS TYX E ŨRKIV SR his aesthetic. This collection was inspired by powerful women, modern sorceress with a taste for luxury. Gordon surmised that his southern background gave inspiration to his latest work, “I’m completely obsessed with the Gothic idea SJ XLI 7SYXL ERH 7EZERREL 8LIVIĹ?W E RSWXEPKME ERH VSQERGI EFSYX MX XLEX ]SY HSRĹ?X ŨRH MR XSS QER] SXLIV TPEGIW 0MOI Anne Rice ideas of New Orleans,â€? he says. +SVHSR MW SR XLI VMWI ERH LEW E KVIEX XVEGO VIGSVH XS FSSX 0EWX ]IEV ŨVWX PEH] 1MGLIPPI 3FEQE WTSVXIH LMW WYTIV PY\ metallic houndstooth top paired with silver skinny jeans. Later that year he locked down a prestigious spot on the Vogue *EWLMSR *YRH PMWX SJ ŨREPMWXW -R .ERYEV] XLI HIWMKRIV XMIH [MXL 1MWLE 2SRSS JSV XLI *EWLMSR +VSYT -RXIVREXMSREPĹ?W 6MWMRK Star awards in womenswear. Not to mention his collections have been sold in major luxury department stores every year since he’s graduated.



Cara Delevigne is the new, trendy runway model making a splash not only during fashion week and in major campaigns, but also on the street with the potential to be the next “it-girl”. TEXT TATJA BROMFIEL

The 20 year-old British model and granddaughter of former chairman of the English Heritage, Sir Jocelyn Stevens, is currently one of the world’s next top models. And she did it without the help of Ms. Tyra.

´:H DOO ZHQW WR D ÀYH VWRU\ VH[ VKRS ZKLFK KDG D gold padded Karaoke room, we all wore masks and had a lot of fun.” CARA DELEVIGNE

8LMW PSRK PIKKIH FIEYX] [EW REQIH 1SHIP SJ XLI =IEV EX XLI &VMXMWL *EWLMSR %[EVHW MR 8LI ŨIVGI WSGMEPMXI walked the runways for numerous designers- including everyone from Mary Katrantzou, London’s princess of prints, to heavy hitters like Burberry, Chanel and Louis Vuitton. She walked in a total of 53 worldwide shows during the 2012’s Spring/Summer fashion weeks. The girl has also been busy starring in major campaigns, such as Burberry and Chanel, and nabbing the coveted covers of British Vogue and Vogue Italia. Delevingne’s aesthetic is more than that of a pretty face, she has the potential to become a fashion icon. Having only been in the game for a couple of years, we have only seen the tip of the iceberg. I can almost guarantee you will be seeing a lot more of this “it” girl for years to come. When asked by Russh Magazine what one of her favorite jobs have been so far, Delevingne reports, “The Chanel show in Tokyo will always be a memorable experience for me. There were 70 models, the clothes were exquisite, the atmosphere electric, it was like theatre. We all stayed in the most amazing hotel in Tokyo. I was with my Girl Gang (Lily Donaldson, Karlie Kloss, Joan Smalls, Arizona 1YWI 0MRHWI] ;M\WSR ERH %PMGI (IPPEP ERH [I EPP [IRX XS E ŨZI WXSV] WI\ WLST [LMGL LEH E KSPH TEHHIH /EVESOI room, we all wore masks and had a lot of fun.”

XQLTXH LQ LWV WUXHVW IRUP Catherine Baba is a not only a fashion stylist in Paris but a modern day style icon that, on a regular basis, looks like a fabulous Antonio illustration come to life TEXT TATJA BROMFIELD

To put it simply- she is amazing. Her eccentric appearance comes from a jazzy cocktail of1930’s glamour and Studio 54 sophistication that has garnered the attention of many designers (Givenchy, Balmain, Chanel) and publications (French Vogue, Vanity Fair, Dazed & Confused) seeking her special je ne sais quoi. Baba was born in Australia but has lived in Paris for over 15 years. Esteemed international fashion blogger and critic, Diane Pernet, has named her “the most stylish woman in Paris.” Her fashion may be loud, but Baba’s a very mysterious character who doesn’t like to put her life out for all to see. Interviews with her are essentially nonexistent, which only fuels our infatuation with her. When asked whose style she admires most Baba proclaimed, “anyone that expresses a personal vocabulary.”

“The most stylish woman in Paris.”


i-D Style


Cavanagh wears dress Felicia Williams. Kimono vintage. Belt Prada. Glasses Chanel. Headband ASOS. Shoes Prada. Jewelry vintage.

Cavanagh wears skirt Haute Hippie. Jacket D&G. Shoes Prada. Hat Marc Jacobs. Jewelry vintage. Glasses Dior.

Cavanagh wears jumpsuit Isabel Marant. Shawl Isabel Marant. Belt Balmain. Jewelry vintage.

Cavanagh wears pants Versace. Bra Agent Provocateur. Shawl Mara Hoffman. Shoes Prada. Glasses Chanel. Jewelry vintage.



,IV ŨVWX GSPPIGXMSR [LMGL [EW LIV WIRMSV GSPPIGXMSR EX Savannah College of Art and Design, was an accidental-inspired beauty. With Mary’s personal eclectic style and love for goodwill outlets, Indian food, and The < ŨPIW MXŝW RS [SRHIV XLEX WLI VIEGLIW SYX SJ XLI FS\ XS ŨRH MRWTMVEXMSR JSV LIV HIWMKRW 1EV] WXMPP VIWMHIW MR Savannah, GA after graduation and loves it, “Savannah is way better than Asheville. Asheville is too pretentious and the vibe of Savannah is much more relaxed.” I met Mary outside of a local coffee shop in Savannah on a cold winter day to discuss the inspiration behind her collection, what she’s up to now, and what she plans to do in the long run.


Where did you get your inspiration from for your first collection? Honestly, it was the end of junior year and I was drunk, riding my bike home from downtown. I fell off my bike and busted my elbow so bad that it left a huge bruise on my elbow. A few days later I was looking at it and it just looked really gnarly and I was like, “these are the most amazing colors.” It had two huge burgundy scabs and these crazy greens, yellows, and purples. It was just beautiful. People think it’s hard and disgusting to look at, but it happens! It’s beautiful when you take the time to look at it. 7S XLEXŝW LS[ MX WXEVXIH ERH - XLIR XVMIH XS ŨKYVI SYX [LEX - would use to inspire the silhouettes. I started with hospital inspiration and dabbled with old war uniforms and vintage nurse garments. From there, I went with a minimalist look QSVI MRWTMVIH F] MRWERI EW]PYQ SYXŨXW

Mary Gunn, recently graduated fashion design student turned seamstress, talks drunk bruises, insane asylums, and 60’s icons.


“The 60’s and 70’s really inspires me. Honestly, just because I think the silhouettes were much more simple and well made. I think they dressed women better than they do now.”


How did you translate this idea into your fabrics? Well since it was minimalist and nurse silhouettes from the 50’s, I only used three fabrics; heavy coating wool, silk organza, and silk gauze- like medical supplies. I used the silk gauze as an appliqué that I hand painted in each layer- about eight layers for each bruise- and hand tacked onto the garments. What inspires you most when it comes to design? The 60’s and 70’s really inspires me. Honestly, just because I think the silhouettes were much more simple and well made. I think they dressed women better than they do now. I also am inspired by a lot of Japanese designers, that’s who I typically associate myself with, more than the American or French designers. What are you up to now after graduating from SCAD and finishing your first collection? I am a seamstress and I love it. I work at “Stitch”, an alteration shop in Savannah. It’s just my boss, Adrienne and me. It gives me the freedom to do what I want in my spare time and use my sewing skills as a job. I have become in charge and have kind of taken over XLI GYWXSQ HITEVXQIRX SJ SYV [SVO - HIŨRMXIP] RIZIV [ERXIH XS FI MR 2I[ =SVO ERH [LIR - [IRX XS 0 % - LEXIH MX Really? Why did you hate L.A. so much? It’s really hard to get around and the weather is just really sunny, all of the time, it kind of drives me insane.

“It huge burgundy scabs and these crazy greens, yellows, and purples. It was just beautiful.” MARY GUNN

Where else do you see yourself going in the future? Do you see yourself designing? Not really designing, no. The only thing I have the desire to do is to open up a little traveling boutique and sell vintage and maybe a few items that I make available to customers. I would be stationed in Savannah and Asheville and split my time between there. So that’s my long-term plan. Who would you say your style icons are? Oh my goodness, I don’t know. I have always loved Sharon Tate, and you gotta love Edie Sedgewick! I mean, honestly, although it is very cliché. Also Maude from the movie “Harold and Maude.” She is just my life icon. Her spirit is amazing!


stand out DWWHPSW WR UHEHO DJDLQVW FRQIRUPLW\ On the road to be different, i-D has formulated 50 techniques to make you stand out from the rest and be your own self, not giving a f*ck who thinks what of you. Dare to be different.

2ISR ERH ũYSVIWGIRX GSPSVW KS E PSRK [E] 2. Get up in the middle of a crowded room, and sing... loud. 3. Wear last season’s trends just because you still have them and can, all the whilemaking them trendy again. 4. Glitter- enough said. 5. You can sit back and WISH or you can stand up and DO. 6. Keep calm and do WHATEVER. 7. Learning to ignore unwanted opinions and follow your own path is a true gift. 8. Just dance. 9. Being brave will take you miles and miles from where you think you deserve, and right to where you actually should be. 10. When in doubt- scream.

11. Standing out from the crowd just might be the key to true happiness. ;L] [SYPH ]SY [ERX XS ŨX MR [LIR ]SY GER WXERH SYX# 13. Standing alone will always lead you back to yourself. 14. I dare you to be different. 15. When everyone goes left, you go right. 16. Take your most unique qualities and let them shine. 17. Believe in yourself and all that you are. 18. Be weird. 19. Be random. 20. Be loud. 21. Say what you feel and mean what you say. 22. Voice your opinions, even if they are different from what everyone else is saying. 23. When you are truly comfortable in your own skin, not everyone will like you but you won’t care! 24. Take a STAND. 25. Life is divine chaos. 26. Sing out loud. 27. Embrace yourself. 28. You’ll miss 100% of the chances you don’t take - so take them! 29. Never give up on you. 30. Forget about the norm. 31. Life- and hair- should be drenched in color. 32. Women are meant to be loud, not to be understood. 33. Boring is for those who don’t live for themselves. 34. Why not go out on a limb? That’s where the fruit is. 35. Keep your head, heels and standards high. 36. A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor. 37. If you want something you’ve never had you’ve got to do something you’ve never done. 2IZIV WEGVMŨGI [LS ]SY EVI NYWX FIGEYWI SRI TIVWSR LEW E TVSFPIQ [MXL MX 39. Conformity is overrated. 40. Between two evils, always pick the ones you never tried before. 41. Inside all of us is a wild thing. 42. Dance in the rain just because you want to. 43. Don’t be a follower, be a leader. 44. Don’t ever look back. 45. Never be afraid to open up. 46. Strength and courage are all it takes. 47. Be the type of person you want to meet. 48. Stand tall. 7XERH ŨVQ 50. Stant Out.




quirky DWWHPSW WR VWHS RXWVLGH \RXU RZQ ZHLUG ER[ Being weird has its advantages these days. Only boring people get bored so make yourself the source of excitement by being none other than your crazy, quirky self. Dare to be.

1. Getting that “lookâ€? from strangers. Then and only then have you succeeded. 2. Quirkiness should never be forced-let it come natural or else it’s just plain weird. 3. Be different - it’s okay. 4. Eat, drink, and breathe vibrancy. 5. Unique in its truest form. 6. Never change yourself to meet a standard. -RZMKSVEXMRK FVMKLX ĹŠEQFS]ERX 8. Fact: there is always more to learn about yourself. 9. Start letting the cat out of the bag. 10. Get an outrageous new hairstyle.

+S XS XLI WXSVI ERH FY] XLI FVMKLXIWX I]I WLEHS[ ERH PMTWXMGO XLEX ]SY GER ŨRH 12. Quirky is what a guy would call a girl he doesn’t understand. 13. Stripes and spots. 14. Being a person is getting to be too complicated. Time to be a unicorn. 15. Normal is just a setting on a washing machine. 16. Weird in a good way. 17. The ability to put forth many amazing smiles from people. 18. Toe Socks. 19. Phoebe from “Friendsâ€?. 20. Be unpredictable. 21. Focus on your more unique qualities. 22. A smile is the best form of makeup. 23. Sheldon Cooper. 24. Suspenders. 25. You make my dopamine levels go all silly. 26. Pigtails. 27. Spontaneity goes a long way. 28. Catherine Baba. 4PE] MR XLI HMVX FIGEYWI PMJI MW XSS WLSVX XS LEZI GPIER ŨRKIVREMPW 30. It’s the quiet ones you have to watch out for. 31. Unless life also hands you sugar, your lemonade is going to suck. 32. Don’t suffer from insanity, enjoy every minute of it. 33. Next time you want to slap someone do it and yell “Mosquito!!!â€? 34. Friends don’t let friends do silly things alone. 35. Be the one who inspires the world around you. 36. Charismatic and free. 37. Never forget the blessing of quirkiness. 38. Be noticed. 39. Its perfectly acceptable to be mildly delusional. 40. Purple visions. 41. Willy Wonka and friends. 42. “That awkward moment when...â€? 43. Sarcasm. 44. Take up cricket. 45. 90’s fashion. 46. Sporks. 47. Mismatching plaids. 48. People who are different are beautiful. 49. Over-emphasis on accessorizing. 50. Be Quirky.


\RX PDNH P\ GRSDPLQH OHYHOV JR I FNLQJ QXWV Men are dirty. Men are beautiful. Men are sexy. Men are jerks. They’re proud of their disgusting bodily functions but are embarrassed when asked about their feelings. We love them, we hate them, and we can’t live without them.


express yourself

6WHYHQ the


&RG\ secretly lumber

If you could play any part in any movie what/who would you be? “Robert Downy Jr. in Iron Man.�



If your name wasn’t Cody, what would it be? “Octavious.�

(WKDQ the


,I \RX FRXOG KRVW ˋYH SHRSOH dead, alive, or in jail, who would they be? “Raja Gemini, Adolf Hitler, Amanda Lepore, Andy Warhol, and my next door neighbor.�

1HLO the

circus janitor

What kind of animal would you be? “A tiger. They’re ferocious and majestic just like me.�

&DVH\, the

starving artist

What was your best i-Dea ever? “Which one? Probably the time I stole a road barrel from downtown and walked drunk all the way home with it, stopping

every time a car passed and hiding inside, to hide the fact that I just stole a road barrel.�

1LFN the


What’s your hidden talent? “I’m really good at shaving all of the body hairs on my body. I’m pretty hairy.�

%HDX the

next J. Medel

If you could go to anyone’s party, who’s would it be and what would you wear? “Edie and Andy’s party at the Factory, and I wouldn’t wear anything.�


carefree DWWHPSW WR HUDVH \RXU ZRUULHV Experience the truly liberating feeling of throwing caution to the wind and checking your problems at the door. Utilize our list to see that “life is good.

1. Stop and look around. Life is pretty amazing. 2. Things always have a way of working themselves out. 3. “Every little thing is gonna be alright.” 4. Laugh out loud. 5. Surround yourself with smiling faces. 6. Throwing caution to the wind never felt so good. 7. Love more, worry less. 8. “Live, laugh, and love” should be the code for life. 9. Close your eyes, clear your heart, and let go of your worries. 10. Anything that makes you giggle, smile, or laugh - marry or buy it.

11. It is the simple things that make life wonderful. 12. Find the miracle in every day. 13. A close mind is a good thing to lose. 14. Let’s all be young, wild and free. 15. Never regret anything because at one point it was exactly what you wanted. 16. Let it be. 17. Old enough to know, too young to care. 18. Ask yourself, do you really care? 19. Be so happy that when others look at you they are happy too. 20. Laugh at your problems, everyone else does. 21. Life should be lived to nothing less than the fullest. 22. Free to be. 23. Break the rules and do whatever the f*ck you want. 24. Be in love with every minute of life. 25. Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy. 26. Walk the path of your own heart. 27. You have your own mind, do as you please. 28. To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all. 29. Believe in yourself and who you are, don’t worry about the rest. 30. Go on adventures. 31. Live in the moment. 32. Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can’t change. 33. Be something. 34. Let your worries drift away. 35. Don’t wait for the perfect moment, take a moment and make it perfect. 36. If you only live once, do everything twice. 37. Keep calm. 38. The less you care, the happier you will be. 39. Doing what you like is freedom, liking what you do is happiness. 40. Time you enjoyed wasting was not wasted. 41. Summertime. 42. The highway to happiness is realizing ignorance is bliss. 43. Adventure may hurt you but monotony will kill you. (SRŝX XLMRO XSS QYGL ]SYŝPP GVIEXI E TVSFPIQ XLEX [EW RIZIV XLIVI MR XLI ŨVWX TPEGI 45. Peace and love. 46. Create a bucket list and take action. 47. Time to let your hair down and be free. 48. There’s no point in being negative in things you can’t change. 49. “Think happy thoughts.” 50. Be Carefree.


Lexi wears leotard and shirt Black Milk. Skirt ASOS.


i-D fashion. nerds.

Chanel + Bobbi Brown Hair and Makeup assistance Leslie Reilly Winston wears Wildfox. Skirt Black Milk. Shoes Jeffrey Campbell.

"I've gone for every kind of guy, but nothing beats a nerd." WINSTON

i-D fashion. nerds.

i-D fashion. nerds.

Dear Cool People, they didn't name candy after you did they?


i-D fashion. nerds.

i-D fashion. nerds.

"I feel like a nerd, and I'm ok with that. It's when you become a dork that you should worry" MORGAN

Morgan wears dress Marc Jacobs. Skirt Isabel Marant. Sweater ASOS. Socks Wildfox.

Lili wears sweater Wildfox. Skirt Versace. Knee highs Marc Jacobs. Necklace DanniJo. Glasses Elizabeth and James.

Michaela wears shirt and sweater Rebecca Taylor. Pants Balenciaga. Shoes Alexander Wang. Headpiece Shourouk.

i-D fashion. nerds.

"Nerd girls are the world's most underutilized romantic resource."


i-D fashion. nerds.

"Glasses alone don't make you a nerd, you have to have the quirky personality to go with it." LILLI




Jona Bechtolt + Claire L. Evans are the tastemakers behind electro-pop band, YACHT. TEXT TATJA BROMFIELD PHOTOGRAPHY GORDON BALL

Claire Boucher a.k.a. ‘Grimes’-Queen of the New Sound

The band’s name was originally taken from an alternative after school program that Bechtolt attended as a teen – the acronym stood for, “Young Americans Challenging High Technology”. But YACHT (capitalization crucial) has since come to encompass what the members deem a three-part idea: a band, a business, and a belief system. The group’s music takes inspiration from religion, astronomy, dualities, and even the band Nirvana to create songs that are dance-worthy yet thoughtful. Writer Tom Hughes from The Guardian describes their latest effort, “Shangri-La” (2011), “a dysfunctional world evolving towards some kind of hyper-enlightened danceparty paradise, complete with lots of talk about cosmic communion and the “kinetic potential” within us all.”


“We see a lot of common ground between underground religious culture and underground music culture.”

The group started out as a solo project for Bechtolt in 2002 but grew to include Evans, a longtime collaborator, in 2008. CLAIRE L. EVANS, YACHT The pair made a trip to Marfa, Texas that year and experienced a paranormal optical phenomenon of mystery lights. The event simultaneously incited personal revelations in the artists and resulted in their psych heavy album, “See Mystery Lights” (2009). That album went on to inspire their book, “The Secret Teachings of the Mystery Lights: A Handbook on Overcoming Humanity and Becoming Your Own God.” Evan says, “We wanted to have a practical philosophy that we could implement in our lives and something that people could MQTPIQIRX MR XLIMV PMZIW Š % FSSO [MXL E TLMPSWSTL] ERKPI MWRŝX WSQIXLMRK QSWX TST EVXMWXW XSHE] XV] XS TVSŨX JVSQ [LEX [MXL EPP XLI PYGVEXMZI TIVJYQI HIEPW XS FI LEH ,S[IZIV XLI YRMUYI GSRGITX HIŨRMXIP] [SVOW JSV =%',8 The group’s work has since grown to incorporate a melting pot of ideas from aspects of performance art to science ŨGXMSR ERH Q]XLSPSK] 8LIMV ETTIEP GSQIW JVSQ XLIMV YRYWYEP QEWL YT SJ HMWGS TVSHYGXMSR ERH GYPX IWUYI iconography (hard-core fans get the band’s triangle symbol tattooed in YACHT designated areas). “We see a lot of common ground between underground religious culture and underground music culture,” Evans said. “The way people are fanatical about bands, the way people have a religious obsession with singers and artists they admire.” If you’re interested in the duo’s philosophy on life, start with their single “Shangri-La” off the highly rated album.

,IV EMV] JEMV] PMOI ZSMGI ũSEXW SZIV LIEZ] ŝW W]RXL pop beats birthing the most eclectic hypnotizing collection of music to be heard in these last couple SJ ]IEVW =SY QE] ŨRH XLI ]IEV SPH WMRKIV songwriter’s brand of cutesy-lolita-grunge and out XLIVI QYWMG ZMHISW E PMXXPI LEVH XS HMKIWX EX ŨVWX FYX Grimes is an acquired taste. She delved into her career while attending college at McGill University in Montreal where she became involved in the local underground electronic and industrial music scene. In 2010 Boucher released her debut album Geidi Primes on cassette tapes followed by a second album Halfaxa later that year. Her newest album Visions (2012), has been widely received and was hailed by The New York Times as “one of the most impressive albums of the year so far.” Wondering how she does it all? With Visions, Boucher’s method to the madness of producing an album resulted in her secluding herself in the studio for 14 days. On the experience she says, ”I just like to get obsessive about it. I need to be alone, and I tend to need to be in my own space. The last album was a little more extreme than I usually am.” She’s called her work “post-internet”; a result of growing up in this new information-saturated world where members are being constantly stimulated by the sheer size of knowledge that’s easily available. With access to a wide diaspora of music, Boucher takes in inspiration from singers like Enya, The Weeknd, and Mariah Carey and sounds from electronic, hip hop, noise rock, and medieval music to come up with her own style that’s very hard to describe. Using mainly keyboards and synthesizers but also drums and occasionally guitar, Boucher is very involved with the production of her songs. She also uses looping and layering techniques with LIV ZSGEPW WSQI SJ LIV WSRKW GSQFMRI PE]IVW SJ SZIV ŨJX] HMJJIVIRX ZSGEP XVEGOW XS GVIEXI LIV şIXLIVIEPŠ WSYRH 7LI learned how to produce from studying friends and working with Apple’s GarageBand software. “All of my friends are musicians and slowly I became one because it seemed like the thing to do at the time,” she explains. “This gave me the access to someone showing me how to record something. And all of the gear I used was just what my friends had. I’d say, ‘How do I do this?’ and then someone would show me. Like Raph [Standell-Preston] from Braids, I used the same pedal and keyboard as her. I really have to credit a lot of other people for how I learned to make music.”

Check out her new album Visions to see the results.

“All of my friends are musicians and slowly I became one because it seemed like the thing to do at the time.” CLAIRE BOUCHER,GRIMES


OLVWHQ WR PRL Chaz Bundick, the 26 year-old musical virtuoso behind Toro Y Moi, is on the path to transcendence. TEXT TATJA BROMFIELD As great as his music is, he doesn’t see himself as such. “I want music to be a hobby for me, but it’s a job now,” he says, şWS -ŝQ KSMRK [MXL XLI ũS[ Ś - SRP] GSRWMHIV myself a musician because a label puts out my music.” Listen to his 2010 debut studio album “Causers of This” and you’ll probably die a little inside when you picture this super talented being and his extremely modest disposition. Hyped as one of the pioneers for chillwave music three years back with “Causers”, his music has slowly morphed from melodic-synth pop-sample heavy-lyric lacking songs, to an explosion of psychedelic-funk-electro-Italian lounge music heaven. A South Carolina native and recent Cali “I was like, “F*ck! School’s out and I don’t have a transport, Bundick has been making waves MRE µ 6R , VHW WR ZRUN RQ ÀQLVKLQJ D VHW RI VRQJV , since he graduated from the University of South Carolina in 2009 with a bachelor’s just started putting them on MySpace.” degree in graphic design. While at USC, he CHAZ BUNDICK, TORO Y MOI became close friends with fellow chillwave artist Ernest Greene of Washed Out and started Toro Y Moi as a bedroom project with no real expectations. Then Bundick got a boost from a Kanye West blog recommendation that brought a whole new wave of awareness for the artist - it was up hill from there. When asked by Interview magazine how Toro Y Moi became legit Bundick says, “I remember I was in a desperate mode because I was about to graduate school. I had a graphic design job but they let me go. So I was working at this FEKIP WLST %RH - [EW PMOI ş*YGO 7GLSSPŝW SYX ERH - HSRŝX LEZI E NSF Š 7S - WIX XS [SVO SR ŨRMWLMRK E WIX SJ WSRKW - just started putting them on MySpace. I cleaned up the site—took all the MySpace crap off. I emailed some blogs. I HSRŝX ORS[ [LEX - [EW I\TIGXMRK FYX [LIR - KSX SR Q] ŨVWX FPSK - [EW JVIEOMRK SYX %RH - XSPH Q] JVMIRH )VRIWX JVSQ Washed Out to send some stuff to them. Before that, I thought these blogs were corporations, I didn’t think they were just a couple of people.” Interesting start, no? Well Bundick went on to release Toro Y Moi’s sophomore effort “Underneath the Pine“ where he nixed the electronic boards and heavy sampling to create a more organic and cohesive sound inspired by horror movie soundtracks and space disco. Fast-forward to 2013 and Toro Y Moi has just released a brand new album titled “Anything in Return”. Bundick says of the album, “I was trying to make a pop record.” He tried, but his music has a way of turning into a time machine that smashes decades together, which really can’t be said for today’s pop music. However, he goes on to say, “I’m just trying to make sincere pop music that’s not all processed and bubblegum. Underground isn’t always relevant; I want to see what’s popular, then put my own spin on it.”

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