Adrien Petit Portfolio
ADRIEN PETIT +33 (0) 6 09 81 18 13 //
architecte DEA - 25 ans [31.03.1991] - nationalités suisse et française. parle français (langue natale) et anglais couramment. conducteur régulier. objectif:
En tant que jeune architecte, je souhaite entrer dans la vie professionnelle en consolidant mes connaissances de la pratique de l’architecture et du design.
Juil.-Août. 2015
Arni & Dominguez - Aubonne, VD [Suisse]. stage en architecture ; conception d’espaces et de mobilier ; réhabilitation et transformation de maison individuelle ; assistant dans les études financières de projects architecturaux ; assistant dans la supervision d’un projet de logement et dans le suivi des travaux. Sushishop - Strasbourg [FR]. - livreur en deux-roues ; entretien de la boutique.
Août.-Sep. 2014 Jérôme Vetter Architectes - Strasbourg. stage en architecture ; conception d’espaces pour un client privé ; assistant pour le suivi des travaux ; relevés ; réalisation d’images d’insertion. Jan. 2014
Zara Strasbourg - assistant des ventes au rayon enfant.
Sep. 2012
CBG Architecture - Port-Grimaud [FR]. stage en architecture ; assistant dans la conception d’un lotissement dédié au monde équestre.
Juil. 2012
Plan Libre - Strasbourg. architecte assistant ; dessin de plans d’exécution ; réalisation d’images d’insertion.
Avr. 2011
Les Petits Chanteurs d’Alsace - Walbourg. - animateur d’un camp de travail pour une chorale d’enfants.
Sep. 2011
Schell & Cie - Strasbourg. stage en architecture ; assistant dans des travaux de charpenterie, maçonnerie, et de démolition.
Juil. 2011
University of Perugia - Nemi, RM [Italie]. stage en architecture ; assistant de fouilles archéologiques sur le site du Temple de Diane à Nemi.
Fév.-Juin. 2010
Plan Libre - Strasbourg. stage en architecture ; dessin de plans d’exécution, réalisation d’images d’insertion, relevé, création d’un meuble comptoir dans l’accueil de l’agence.
Août. 2010
Clinique Saint Sauveur - Mulhouse [FR]. - brancardier interne au bloc opératoire.
Août. 2009
Clinique Saint Sauveur - Mulhouse [FR]. - brancardier.
École Française de Voile - Reiningue [FR]. - aide-moniteur de voile.
ÉDUCATION sep. 2016
Diplôme d’État d’Architecte - major de promotion - École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Strasbourg
master 2, ENSAS
année de diplôme ; studio dirigé par Dominique Coulon, avec Thomas Walter et Didier Laroche. Le projet de diplôme est un complexe dans les Alpes françaises regroupant un centre de désintoxication, un refuge en haute montagne ainsi qu’un observatoire astronomique.
master 1, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD [Australie]
studio dirigé par Anthony Moulis (projet Fort Lytton National Park) et Andrew Wilson (projet Gympie old railway station).
licence d’architecture, ENSAS
juil. 2009
Baccalauréat général scientifique - Lycée Jeanne d’Arc, Mulhouse.
obtenu avec mention Bien.
WORKSHOPS fév. 2017
Between Spacetech and Greentech avec l’ENSAS et l’International Space University et Ondrej Doule du Florida Institute of Technology. mise au point d’une habitation lunaire autosuffisante.
mai. 2016
Urbadéfi avec le CAUE du Bas Rhin - Strasbourg recherche de nouveaux moyens pour densifier le tissu urbain des villes périphériques de Strasbourg.
mai. 2015
Les nids de Palerme avec l’ENSAS - Strasbourg. conception et réalisation de structures en saule et en osier avec une équipe de vanniers et l’artiste Luc Schuiten.
juil. 2014
Cities of art and tourism avec IUAV // Venezia, VEN [Italy]
comprendre les dynamiques d’une ville touristique à travers plusieurs analyses, et reconnecter les points d’intérêt touristique majeur grâce à une réflexion permettant de désengorger le tissu historique des importants flux touristiques afin de le rendre à nouveau fonctionnel. Ce workshop s’est déroulé en lien avec la Biennale d’Architecture de Venice de 2014.
COMPÉTENCES INFORMATIQUES connaît parfaitement : AutoCAD ; ArchiCAD ; Artlantis ; Photoshop ; Indesign ; Illustrator ; SketchUp ; Excel. possède des notions pour: 3ds Max.
CENTRES D’INTÉRÊT musique ; écoute et production ; pratique instrumentale: piano, trompette, batterie, guitare, instruments électroniques. intéressé par l’histoire moderne, la physique orbitale, la science-fiction et l’anticipation. sport ; catamaran et ski.
Equilibre en milieu hostile Rehab center, mountain hut, and space observatory morzine, fr This is a graduation project, presented in september 2016. It is a reflection on isolation, through a rehab center, a mountain hut and a space observatory on a French Alps summit, peaking at 2466m. Isolation is used as healing means for drug addicts, who are in a modular proximity with the second population of the building: hikers. The architecture of the building orgnizes this internal society and defines its meeting points, the observatory being the climax of these exchanges. The concept of duality structures the building into two parts in order to respect the intimity needed in the spaces dedicated to therapy. The many references (architectural and cinematic) led the project to a global balance between architectural expression and the programmatic needs for the different ways of using the building.
The building is organized in two parts: West for therapy spaces, patients residence, and East for common programs such as library, dormitory for the hikers, kitchens or dining rooms.
From the sketch to the faรงade, the project keeps its original vocabulary: small boxes for intimate programs underline reference lines, while larger boxes grow between those markers, housing common programs.
Southern faรงade. The central void marks the entrance of the building. It also enables visitors to continue their journey through the building.
8 The therapy center allows patients to gather and participate in group meetings. It is flanked by individual consultation lodges looking on the Mont-Blanc. These rooms take part in the heating system of the building, by having the sun radiations warming the air up inside.
On top: The shared library, with the astronomical lab on the upper floor. On bottom: because of the severe atmospherical conditions, the wood structure is covered with steel panels that offer optimal protection and stability in very-low temperatures.
patients residence, observatory, library
patients residence, therapy spaces, library
therapy spaces, library
therapy spaces, diner room
lobby, diner room, kitchen
lobby, diner room, kitchen
Northern faรงade. Visitors can access the building via a 3h walk from Morzine, or a 2h walk from Avoriaz.
MASEM habitat module the moon, cabeus crater
This project was designed during the Between Spacetech and Greentech Workshop, with engineering students Sedef Gucu and Mika Randrianarison. The main objective was to design a two-weeks self-sufficent 75m2 habitat for four occupants. The module consists in a cylindrical volume that has the ability to extend and double its volume by inflating its flexible walls with water. As the hydrogen contained in the stored water serves as a anti-radiation shield, algaes are used as a mean to recycle grey waters into drinkable water, and CO2 into O2. This concept was inspired from Marc Cohen’s Water Wall project and the S.H.E.E. project led by Ondrej Doule. 1.
Folded configuration : Thanks to its mass lower than 12t, several modules can be lifted by a Nasa SLS Rocket to low Earth orbit. The core of the module can be exploited during travel as the waterwalls are folded around the pressurized environment.
Unfolded configuration: Deploying the habitat extends its surface from 35m2 to 79m2. The volumes can be partitionned with fabric separations, enabling the inhabitants to get private quarters.
Nomex fabric outer layer Aluminium structural frame water wall ; water storage cells water wall ; air and water recycling cells water wall ; grey water storage cells
zone Working kitchen to the sas
transportation sas bathroom separation curtain bedroom
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ore Habitat c
San basilio terminal ensas/iuav, Dorsoduro district, venice, it San Basilio terminal, Venice. 2014. This project was designed during the Cities of Art and Tourism Workshop that took place in Venice in July 2014. It was designed in collaboration with Alicia Guiterrez De La Camara Jimenez, Federico Fontana, and Valentine Pinson. The site is located on the hinge between the large ferry terminals and the Dorsoduro district. Our aim was to make a connection between those two completely different environments. Our proposal redefines the old San Basilio terminal into a tramway station and an information center, as the city plans to extend its public transportations network. We also re-shaped the public space in order to make room for potential crowds that would go from and to the harbour area to San Basilio with the tramway.
The fodamenta is enlarged with a wood deck where the dense pedestrian flow crosses the ferry terminal location.
The void space is organized with growing vegetation, and the pier is cut in stairs to allow a more pleasant use by the pedestrians, and a controlled cohabitation with the tram. The San Basilio Terminal is transformed into a tramway station.
The San Basilio terminal becomes a node between tramway, vaporetto lines and pedestrian streams. Moving the car parking areas allow the creation of large green public spaces.
Gympie old rail station Uq, brisbane, au. The project gives a new life to an abandonned station while reconnecting the two parts of a divided city with the design of two new links. The project transforms the station into a visitor’s center, an art gallery, a train museum as this district has an strong railroad history, and a farmer’s market, as farming is a driving force of local activities. The Widgee Visitor Center takes the shape of the masterplan, with administration spaces, cafeteria and exhibition spaces and a gallery for local artists in the cantilever. Exhibition spaces are unavoidable, which can be useful for a growing culture in a small city. The train museum is set on existing tracks which allows to conserve a genuine ensemble and to respect the global spirit of the site. As the farmer’s market is set on a hill, walkpaths are designed to follow a soft steep slope using lines of the new masterplan. A crafter’s market is set in the old station building.
The analysis of the site clearly shows a need of new links between the sides of the station.
The city is divided by the old rail station. The points of interest are located on the main street that connects to the southern tip of the site. The station is still connected to the rail network.
The Widgee Visitor Center and its gallery. The building has a light-structure that is suitable for any event. The building is available for any community use.
The train museum is placed at the end of existing rail tracks.
The Widgee Visitor Center takes its geometry from the masterplan. The crafter’s market in the old station building, and the farmer’s market plaza, dealing with the steep with its particular pathways.