Adrienn Virag Academic Portfolio
cover illustration: “Gyasz”.2019
RULES TO PLANS 01 Pavillion, Squared Covers Workshop Medellin Hill A Kitchen Superimposition
DEFINITION 11 Outward Collisions Squared Pavilion Case Study Blocks Wireframe Definitions Loose Walls Bath House 1
PLANS TO RULES 23 Untouched Map First Cubes My Faces Rationalized Plans Taxonomies Slicing Facade
beginning with logic
1 section illustration: “Fekete Macska”.2019
arc 107. 2020. wDebbie Chen
PAVILLION, SQUARED ‘sudoku approach’ With the goal of creating a public voting pavilion for the 2020 elections, I chose the cite of an empty square in front of the Federal Building in Syracuse NY in order to emphasize the unifying potential of the process. T h e b u i l d i n g , h o w e v e r, i s a l o o m i n g g r o u p o f towers, so in order to lighten their impact, I played with the beige material, manipulating the ground plane into seating and play space. I used an orthogonal plan in combination with brick to reconcile the austerity of the site with the surrounding historic neighborhood. F o r m a l l y, t h i s p r o j e c t e x p l o r e s b o u n d a r i e s through material, thickness, and hierarchy within a rigid logical system.
In my own design, I pursued a formal logic that a c c o m m o d a t e d t h e c i r c u l a t i o n o f a v o t i n g c e n t e r, would serve as a break space for the Federal building workers, and would draw in and engage the citizens of Syracuse.
The pavilion is set up on a 5x5 grid defined by the paving at the square. The hierarchy of the planes is determined by their proximity to the towers. The planes weaken as they get closer to the street, opening up and drawing people inwards, while at the back height creates a buffer between the towering buildings and the square. Moments of intersection reveal the relative strength of each element.
COVERED COVERS WORKSHOP origionality and floorplans
Mansao dos Arcos, Brasilia, Joao Filgueiras Lima, 1978 Scale 1:400 Size: 1920 sqm
Around 15 covers of floorplans were created by everyone there, which we used as a lens to discuss the importance of influence in art and architecture, and to question to notion of i s o l a t e d g e n i u s a n d d i s c o v e r y.
Apartmento dos Arcos, Adrienn Virag, Isabela Restrespo, 2021 Scale 1:400 Size: 340 sqm
2021. wOana Stanescu, Something Fangastic
During a three week workshop, a partner and I did an a n a l y s i s o f a l a r g e m a n s i o n , e x t r a c t e d i t ’s e s s e n t i a l elements and condensed them into an apartment. Features include individual access to a shared view and the translation of a reflection pool into a central light well across which the rest of the apartment is visible.
graphic field
arc 182. 2021. wJoel Ker ner
a r c 1 8 1 . 2 0 2 0 . w Va l e r i e H e r r e r a
A KITCHEN SUPERIMPOSITION finding a lock and key moment In order to combine the three perspectives: one of the full length and two from the commonly used dinner table chairs, I tried to find a ‘lock and key’ moment, a center of rotation or alignment that would justify the arrangement of the perspectives.
DEFINITION and threshold
arc 108. 2021. wKyle Miller
OUTWARD COLLISIONS Syracuse art condenser This project explores tectonic and stereotomic elements in relationship to solid and void to test the notion of inside and outside in relation to program.
In response to the program of an art condenser with studios and exhibition space I took inspiration from street markets which define the circulation/exhibition by the leftover space surrounding the stalls or places of production. H o w e v e r, t h i s r e l a t i o n s h i p i s p l a n a r, s o I attempted to translate this relationship into section through the use of extruded squares angled in space.
transverse section
longitudinal section
A s a n a r t c o n d e n s e r, I w a n t e d t o e n g a g e t h e street and pull in the public so the ground is level with the sidewalk. The vertical circulation can be seen and accessed from the street as well. From here the program of the building is legible in the tubes: two serve as studio s p a c e s , o n e a s a l o b b y. T h e f i n a l t u b e i s housed in the courtyard and it is the absence of its form which becomes the atrium and circulation. The four volumes and programs collide on the fourth floor to become an a u d i t o r i u m f o r a l l t o g a t h e r.
floor plans
The definition of the exhibition space by the studios and lobby is best seen in plan. This inside- outside relationship strengthens t h a t o f t h e a r t i s t a n d v i e w e r. T h i s c o n c e p t is strengthened moving upwards from the ground floor: the ground is open and in line with the sidewalk, the second floor plate lines the site, and the third floor plate is defined by an offsetting of the volumes.
arc 107. 2020. wDebbie Chen
I became fascinated by the meaning of boundary t h r o u g h a n a n a l y s i s o f t h e H e y d u k Wa l l h o u s e . T h e wall not only serves as a plate against which the volumetric living spaces project forwards, but as a threshold as well, made visible through material difference. The effect is quite striking - there is a distinct feeling of being in front or behind, despite the symmetry of the wall.
arc 107. 2020. wDebbie Chen
BLOCKS exploring definition
arc 182. 2021. wJoel Ker ner
In this illustration of an abstract form, boundary as defined by wires and meshes takes on a very different nature. Something which is thin definitive t a k e s o n t e x t u r e a n d m a s s i n s u c h d e n s i t y.
LOOSE WALLS An experimentation with texture and patter n as d e f i n i t i o n s o f b o u n d a r y. S h a r i n g a u n i f o r m t e x t u r e , t h e e x t e r i o r w a l l s t a k e o n a n o t h e r l e v e l o f o p a c i t y, but loose clarity in relation to the cleaner interior lines.
arc 108. 2021. wKyle Miller
BATH HOUSE 1 In this project I explored the impact of light and threshold on the sequence of spaces in a building. I n a s h a d e d s e c t i o n o f B V D o s h i ’s C E P T Architecture faculty Building, I looked at the impact of angled windows and other sectional e l e m e n t s o n t h e s p a c i a l h i e r a r c h y. T h e s e v a r i a t i o n s along with an open plan, move you through t h e s p a c e i n a c o m p e l l i n g a n d s u b t l e m a n n e r. Drawing from the intense differences between light and dark spaces in this project, and a common final destination in other precedents, I created, In hand drawn perspective renders and models, a series of linked spaces, each with different heights, types of compression, and access to light.
PLANS to RULES concluding with logic
arc 182 2021. wJoel Ker ner
arc 107. 2020. wDebbie Chen
FIRST CUBES accidental Escher
a r c 1 8 1 . 2 0 2 0 . w Va l e r i e H e r r e r a
First experimentation into superimposition finding connections between perspectival shift.
arc 182. 2021. wJoel Ker ner
RATIONALIZED PK PLAN P o s t - r a t i o n a l i s i n g a p l a n c o m p o s e d o f t h e l e t t e r s P, K, a circle and a triangle. Forms and relationships were created that could not have been discovered beginning with rules.
arc 182. 2021. wJoel Ker ner
TAXONOMIES learning to explore without rationale
arc 108. 2021. wKyle Miller
SLICING FACADE overlaps and bubbles
This project emphasizes three design strategies from precedents to create a facade that acts i n d e p e n d e n t l y y e t i n f l u e n c e s t h e i n t e r i o r. I used a thin screen application that continues i n w a r d s t o c a r v e o u t s p a c e . To j u x t a p o s e t h e loose facade, I maintained a simple concrete structure with changes only at important m o m e n t s . F i n a l l y, i n s p i r e d b y N e r i m a a n d S c a r p a I overlapped the two systems in different ways to create a variety of spaces through consistent language.
ARTIAL PLAN /4” = 1’-0”
32 partial floor plan
“Kokarda”. 2019