Advanced Transformation Services A4 Brochure

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Concessionaire 2008 Premier Partner

2008 Premier Partner

Transformation Š 2008 Xerox Corporation / Channel Logos

s e r v i ce s

Delivering Services and Solutions to Enhance Business Performance

M e a s u r i n g ,

R e d u c i n g ,

C o n t r o l l i n g ,

T h e

o f

C o s t

C o m m u n i c a t i o n .

measure , reduce and control

How to

As your business grows and develops, it’s an unfortunate truth that the technology that once helped make your office an efficient and productive place, may no longer meet your requirements, today or in the very near future.

the cost of document production With the current market company’s do not have: Clear understanding or measurement of the carbon footprint Control over costs of document output Security when processing their business documents A clear assessment of their current spend Measurement of document wastage An accurate register of what equipment they have

Every company is facing increasing pressures, internally and externally to their business. Internal pressure to continually reducing cost but at the same time improving process and growing revenue. And external pressures for compliance as well as environmental impacts.

Hardware including the cost of financing 23% Network management

Service & Support 2%


Maintenance 6%

IT operations 34%

Supplies (toner, ink) 15%


Paper 6% Energy 2%

Asset management Purchasing costs stocking, logistics 12%

Source: Gartner Group, Feb 2002

advanced provides world class

solutions to a variety of organisations

Concessionaire 2008 Premier Partner


utilising our time proven processes

and procedures combined with

leading edge technology

Š 2008 Xerox Corporation / Channel Logos

power of partnership


delivering cost saving, control and productivity


Transformation s e r v i ce s

Route Map Details What we will do… Appoint an advanced Project Manager and build a Project Team with defined functions Produce a full asset audit with physical locations for designated sites, to include photocopiers, desktop printers, faxes and scanners

Design a detailed solution for output management Demonstrate cost routing for printed output Supply a comprehensive environmental sustainability report

Offer real time print volume analysis over approx 30 day period

Provide qualitative data from users and support personnel via interview

Produce recommendations for asset optimisation

Trial solutions in key critical areas if required to aid change management

C h a n g i n g

P r e s s u r e s

I n t e r n a l P r e s s u r e s

E x t e r n a l P r e s s u r e s

Compliance & Governance

Reducing Costs

Ensuring Quality Environmental Improving Process and Growing Revenue

Improved Performance Security

B u s i n e s s P r e s s u r e s

Increased Profit

Cost Management & Control

With all these pressures, it can seem an impossible task to make a positive impact on one element without it having a negative effect on the others!

Increased Shareholder Value

Benefits at a glance Reduce cost per page printed Increased productivity

That is why advanced have introduced advanced Transformation Services, which is delivered through close collaboration with Advanced Xerox and your organisation to help generate substantial cost savings and meet with today’s changing pressures.

What’s more, you get full visibility of all your direct and indirect documents costs, productivity levels, waste and efficiency too.

Reduced maintenance costs More efficient workflows Environmentally Conscious



Electronic and physical audits

Design of new document infrastructure

Forensic cost analysis

Creation detailed blueprint/floor plans

Review of user needs

identify machines for disposal/replacement

Review of business requirements: security

Identification and specification of new machines

cost-tracking etc

Implementation plan

Report and recommendations


Transformation s e r v i ce s

How much could you save? Studies have shown that most companies simply don’t know how much they are spending on the production of documents, yet these costs are typically between 1% and 3% of turnover, or as high as £400 per employee per year.

In other words, if you employ 250 people you probably spend at least £100,000 each year on producing office documents. But by engaging in the advanced Transformation Services you could save up to 20%, between £20,000 and £50,000 in the first year alone.

The process A process jointly owned by you (the customer) and advanced to firstly understand the current document infrastructure, associated cost and business needs; then to design, implement and manage an improved document infrastructure, delivering increased productivity at reduced cost.

improved productivity



Change management

Regular performance reviews and cost reporting

Phased implementation for minimum disruption

Asset management and tracking

Installation and testing

Proactive and reactive maintenance


Help desk support

Procurement, trade-in and disposal

Drive management and deployment

In addition to our Transformation Services, our expertise includes improving the efficiency of knowledge and document sharing; helping businesses develop online documents archives; the design and operation of in-house print shops and mailrooms.

As an accredited Xerox Premier Partner, we provide the full range of Xerox products and services. We are a company with a world class, global manufacturer supporting our business to provide you with leading edge, productive tools and services to make your document infrastructure more efficient.

and demonstrated savings of up to 20%

The POWER of PA R T N E R S H I P, d e l i v e r i n g co s t 02.2 Partner Descriptors s a v i n g , co n t ro l a Premier nd p ro d u c t i v i t y

Transformation Services

advanced are accredited to the highest

To reect the relationship a channel partner has with Xerox

level, Xerox Concessionaire, this usaccreditation to there areallows 3 possible statuses – Registered, Accredited, Partner. offer the full range of products andPremier services

A Premier Partner may wish to advertise the enhanced status

to transform your business. they have with Xerox by applying a one line descriptor, or badge, under the logo.

This can be used on the following media only: Business Cards, Stationary, Websites.

advanced business equipment Concessionaire 2008 Premier Partner

Tavistock House 5 Rockingham Road Uxbridge Middx UB8 2UB

2008 Partner web: Premier email: tel: fax:

01895 811811 01895 811555

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