SeaSon Officially
CBS4 News Magazine
Contents 2012 Hurricane Season Officially Underway Here we go again. Check your battery, water and canned food supplies because the 2012 Atlantic Hurricane season is officially underway.
Federal Task Force Cracks Down On Financial Fraud
South Florida has moved up to the number two spot behind New York City when it comes to financial fraud. Officials with the U.S. Justice Department announced the arrest of 15 people in a dozen local cases of alleged Ponzi scams, stock manipulation and securities fraud.
13 16 19
“Hotspotting” Technology Aiding S. FlORIDA Police In Crime Fighting
There is a new way authorities are reducing crime across South Florida. It is called hot spotting, and it’s the latest way police identify a problem and then use what they’ve learned to solve it.
EVENTS CALENDAR Self Publishing Gives Budding Authors The Write Stuff
Writing letters to publishing companies with hopes for a book deal can be a frustrating and difficult process, but there are other options available.
Best Athletic Wear Stores In Miami
Athletic wear and gear that provides the utmost comfort and support is some of the best motivation for physical activities, such as sports and exercise. And let’s face it—while comfort and support might be a big part of it, it’s also fun to find any excuse to pick out a new outfit or pair of shoes. Whether you need new sneakers for those daily gym visits or gear for a specific type of sport, the following shops in Miami have you covered.
“Widow Maker” Detector Saving Lives Through Sound
disease is the number one killer of men and women in 28 Heart the United States, and more than 1,100 people die from it each day. So what if there was an easy way to spot trouble before it struck?
Mobile Banking Apps: Convenient Or Costly?
Mobile banking may be the most convenient way to keep track of your money, but are you putting your personal information at risk every time you log in?
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[ 4 ] July 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest
July 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 7 ]
[ 8 ] July 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest
hurricane season OffICIAlly UnderwAy
Here we go again. CHeCk your battery, water and Canned food supplies beCause tHe 2012 atlantiC HurriCane season is offiCially underway. u.s. department of Homeland seCurity seCretary Janet napolitano wants to make sure ameriCans are prepared for tHe start of HurriCane season. “Lets all lean forward and we will be prepared for this hurricane season,” Secretary Napolitano said. She joined Federal Emergency Management Agency head Craig Fugate, as well as Florida Gov. Rick Scott to urge those likely to be affected by storms to prepare beforehand. Officials started their public service campaign at the National Hurricane Center in Miami. Fugate said Florida is at the top of his concerns as hurricane season starts. “Florida is the sore thumb in the Hurricane Belt,” Fugate said. “It is the most vulnerable, most frequently impacted part of the country.” The season has already seen two named storms. Tropical Storm Alberto formed off the coast of South Carolina on May 19 and dissipated a few days later. And on Memorial Day, Tropical Storm Beryl came ashore near Jacksonville and dumped 10 inches of rain in some areas of north Florida. The next name on the list is Chris. The NOAA Atlantic Hurricane Season forecast calls for 9 to 15 named storms, 4 to 8 hurricanes, and 1 to 3 major hurricanes. The busiest part of hurricane season is typically in August and September and ends on November 30th. Since South Florida hasn’t seen a devastating storm since Hurricane Wilma hit in 2005, emergency managers worry that many people won’t take the time to stock supplies and have a plan in place just in case we are threatened with a storm. “Don’t wait until the last minute. You run out of time,” said Fugate. “Don’t wait for the next forecast and hope it gets better. You’ll run out of time. Don’t think because you’ve lived here all your life it can’t be worse than you ever imagined.” Fugate continued, “People have lost their lives, have lost their homes, have lost everything because they waited too late.” The National Hurricane Center and the National Weather
Service recommends that families not only make and discuss their emergency plans, but also know their home’s vulnerability to wind, flooding and storm surge. Now is the time to locate the safest place in the home, away from windows, or find the closest shelter. It’s also not a bad idea to have an out of state friend as a single family contact in case members get separated. Now is also the time to check your homeowner’s insurance coverage and flood insurance. Also make sure you have a plan on what to do with pets since there only are a few pet friendly shelters in Broward, MiamiDade and Monroe Counties. This August also marks the 20th anniversary of Hurricane Andrew. “One of the many things we have learned from Andrew and other disasters is government cannot do it alone,” Miami-Dade Emergency Operations Center Director Curtis Sommerhoff. At Miami-Dade’s EOC, officials hoped they wouldn’t have to return there until November. “God willing this is the last time you see us here to the end of hurricane season, sometime in November,” said Miami-Dade County Commission Chairman Joe Martinez.
“Florida is the sore thumb in the hurricane belt”
July 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 9 ]
Fight Back against Negative
ONliNe Reviews reporting Jorge estevez
the Next time yOu leave a Review ONliNe FOR a cOmpaNy, Be waRNed: yOu might get a phONe call FROm the BusiNess askiNg yOu tO take it dOwN. sOme cOmpaNies aRe FightiNg Back agaiNst Negative cRitiques aNd sOmetimes NOt iN a Nice way.
More and More critical consumers have reported that they have received phone calls from companies who monitor their online reviews and have been asked to take down their negative comments but the angry tone has some customers on the defensive. For Eric Winick, it all began when he left a mixed online review about a restaurant. He raved about the food, but said he grew frustrated that it took an hour to be served. “I said in the review that they had taken a ridiculously long time to bring the food,” Winick said. He was even more alarmed when he received an email from the restaurant’s owner which asked him to take it down. “He said that something along the lines of ‘We’re trying to make a go of it in this area, we all have families to feed’ and sort of trying to prey on my sympathies a little bit.” Many businesses around the country are reaching out to customers who leave bad reviews and they are not always trying to make amends. In an extreme example, an Atlanta restaurant launched Facebook and Twitter campaigns identifying a customer who left a bad review and the food fight went viral. Social media expert Patrick O’Malley said that the effect of the web posts can make or break a company’s reputation. “A single person can now go home and get on Facebook and tell 500 or 1000 people what they think of your restaurant,” O’Malley said. The impact is immense. A Harvard Business School study found that even a one star increase on a businesses’ rating on the online review site Yelp led to a five to nine percent boost in revenue for independent restaurants. “In the last few years, it has changed the way we have done business,” said Zalmi Duchman, the founder of He is among business owners who have requested to remove bad reviews and he explains to customers how damaging negative comments can be. He said sometimes it’s effective. “We’ve found in the past the faster you react to the customer the better chance you’re going to have to get that customer to remove their negative review because they see you take their comments and their feedback seriously,” Duchman said. Online review site Urban Spoon said it actually encourages businesses and reviewers to connect and warns customers many companies take what they type very seriously. “For a small business their business is an extension of who they are. There’s a real emotional connection to that,” Kara Nortman, of Urban Spoon. For Winick, he responded to the restaurant and indicated that he wouldn’t remove his review. The business apologized for reaching out, but didn’t offer any incentive for him to return and give them another chance. “I thought it was a waste of time, frankly, on the part of the restaurant to do that,” Winick said.
“FOR a small BusiNess theiR BusiNess is aN exteNsiON OF whO they aRe. theRe’s a Real emOtiONal cONNectiON tO that,”
July 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 11 ]
Aiding South Florida Police In Crime Fighting
RepoRting JoRge estevez
theRe is a new way authoRities aRe Reducing cRime acRoss south FloRida. it is called hot spotting, and it’s the latest way police identiFy a pRoblem and then use what they’ve leaRned to solve it. “I’m able to filter it by the type of crime. When I click on one of these locations, I can see actual robberies,” said Lieutenant John Carpenter, of Miami Police’s Problem Solving Team. They use old fashioned police work with the help of new technology with software called Crime View. “It is definitely a great tool in identifying hot spots and target areas. It helps us to go out and find the crimes so we can stop them,” said Sergeant Carpenter. The system stores police calls and then sorts them anyway they need. CBS4 went along with police as they searched the north end of Miami looking for a burglar who has been targeting the area for weeks. They narrowed down the search with reports of burglaries and descriptions of the potential burglar. “When it comes down to it, you have to see where people are,” said Sgt. Carpenter. “i’m able to First, CBS4’s FilteR it by the Jorge Estevez and officers found a type oF cRime. driver, late at night, in a car when i click on sitting in the industrial one oF these section of the north end of Miami. It is locations, i considered a suspiactivity in an can see actual cious area where there RobbeRies” have been a rash of burglaries.
“We don’t want him here if there is no valid reason for him to be here,” said Officer Milligan who spent hours with officers patrolling the streets. Together, they stopped suspicious people including a homeless woman who fit the description of the kind of person breaking into homes. But after a thorough search of her belongings, nothing appeared to be stolen. These kinds of efforts are what residents living in the area appreciate. “We have taken a hit with burglaries in homes and some burglaries with occupied dwellings where they have gone in there with people in there,” said Frank Rollason who lives inside an area with increased crime. “It is great because they concentrate on a particular problem that area is having.” A few days after the police operation, they had a break through. The technology led them to find Shepard Campbell in a warehouse district. As police approached him, he attempted to conceal something, which turned out to be burglary tools. Police confiscated red bolt cutters and booked him – something that may have taken longer if it had not been for the hot spotting software. Sgt. Carpenter is grateful to have an added tool to help his team do their jobs with the hopes of making the streets real safe. “If you handed me every single robbery that happened in the city of Miami in a month, you’d have a stack this tall and for me to be able to actually sort through and get them. It would take hours,” said Sgt. Carpenter.
July 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 13 ]
n o i t a l F n Food I At The Grocery Store
suzanne WheeleR is the motheR of thRee hungRy boys and it shoWs on heR gRoceRy bill. “i typically spend $300 a Week,” explained WheeleR. Recently, she’s noticed that some of her favorite foods are eating away at her budget. “Cookies, in the cookie aisle, crackers, those can be pricey. Cereal is also very expensive,” said Wheeler. Those creeping prices are thanks to inflation. Ricky Volpe, a research economist for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, said you can expect your grocery basket to cost 2.5% to 3.5% more over the course of this year. And while that inflation rate is considered normal… “The reason why consumers are experiencing sticker shock is mostly because food prices are already high. We know that they rose a lot in 2011, and we’re not expecting them to come down,” said Volpe. Inflation is especially hard to swallow for meat and fish. Volpe says prices are up across the board, particularly for beef and veal. “The inventory of cattle and hogs in the U.S. was reduced quite a bit, and now we have strong and growing demand for these foods, and that’s a recipe for high prices. And there’s no end in sight,” was Volpe’s assessment. But there are ways to fight back. Jessica Patel with suggests trying a less expensive cut of beef, or substitution poultry. Also, said Volpe, “You can get canned chicken now and canned fish and things like that, and even frozen fish and frozen meats, that can wind up saving you more.”
[ 14 ] July 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest
Other categories hit hard by inflation include fats and oils, cereal, bakery products and packaged foods. To save dough, skip pre-portioned goodies and bag your own snacks. Also, look beyond what’s at eye level. “A lot of times if you’re in a rush you’ll just grab it and go. You can look above or below that eye level and a lot of times find bargains and deals,” said Volpe. The silver lining is dairy, eggs and fresh fruits and vegetables, where Volpe expects to see smaller increases over 2012, as well as compared to this time last year. “Vegetables across the board are down.” Volpe pointed out. “Lettuce is down about 21%. Tomatoes are down about 29%.” Boost your bottom line even more by grabbing what’s in season. Finally, don’t knock tried and true savings strategies. “Buying in bulk, buying when things are on sale, looking at the local circulars, clipping coupons; they all really help to add up,” reminded Wheeler. Buying meat in bulk and eating leftovers has paid off for Suzanne. “I just try to make sure that we finish off what is in the refrigerator.” Another tip: swing by the bakery on your way to the checkout line. You could find “day-old” rolls, muffins and breads at a discount.
July 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 15 ]
Calenda of Events MIAMI DADE
Tango Baroque The Argentine Folk & Tango Show (7/14/2012) Celebrating the Argentine Independence Day. Music: Anibal Berraute Cuarteto. singer: Cristina Longo. Dancers: oscar Caballero, Roxana garber and the tango times Dance Company. 8:30 p.m.
Funkshion: Fashion Week Miami Beach (fRoM 7/17/2012 to 7/22/2012) www.fAshIonwEEkMIAMI.CoM this fashion event happens three times a year: March, July and october. Designers scheduled for october include Isabel and Ruben toledo, Eco fashion show, AhA Red Dress fashion show, nicole Miller and many others.
Going Green Festival (7/14/2012) www.MIAMIChILDREnsMusEuM.oRg green is a scream! Become part of Miami Children's Museum's green team. Learn little things you can do to help keep our earth a healthy place for you and me, noon to 4 p.m.
Food Truck Night
(7/12/2012) Beautiful park landscapes and music set the vibe as you mix, mingle and enjoy affordable gourmet delights served up by the wildly popular food truck chefs. there are food choices galore with everything from Cuban influenced burgers and Asian-style chicken wings to deep fried oreos to chow on. patrons are invited to bring along a picnic blanket, or folding tables and chairs to enhance their dining experience. glass containers and pets are not permitted. 6-10 p.m.
Made in the U.S.A. (fRoM 7/7/2012 to 7/8/2012) www.sIMon.CoM this great event will feature a wide array of vendors and exhibitors selling and promoting the best of their products and services, all made in the usA!. we will have fun activities for kids, face painting, photos with characters, and more! there will also be great music, live entertainment, and fun for the whole family. July 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 17 ]
Self Publishing Gives Budding Authors The Write Stuff
RepoRting lisa petRillo
MIAMI (CBS4) – Rochelle Weinstein is a Wife and motheR Who gave up heR busy music adveRtising caReeR aRound 10 yeaR ago to spend time With heR family. that’s When she WRote a book, a love stoRy of soRts called “What We leave behind.” “It’s about anyone who has ever loved and lost and wondered what could have been,” she said. But like many authors, she learned writing a book can be easy compared to getting it published. Rochelle wrote letters to many publishing companies with high hopes for a book deal. “It’s almost like matchmaking,” she said. “It’s a very difficult process.” When a local book club read the story and had a positive response, Rochelle started thinking about other options. “Self publishing started to emerge and I was like absolutely no way I will ever do this. I poo-pooed it,” she said. “I want to be a rock star and I wanted to have it published in the traditional way. But I realized it wasn’t going to happen that way.” She went online to’s self publishing website called Createspace, and with a few clicks – including using the picture she took of the street she grew up on as the cover – Rochelle created her book and became a published author overnight. “I controlled everything that was happening,” Rochelle said. “I controlled my cover, my pricing, where it was, where to go. I eliminated the middleman.” Thanks to digital technology and the emergence of all-digital E-books, the self publishing trend is growing. In 2006 there were around 51,000 authors who self published books. By the end of 2010 that number had exploded to more than 133 thousand. Those writers keep more of their earnings. For example, createspace offers writers as much as 70% of revenue on digital books, depending on the retail price. By comparison, traditional publishers typically pay their authors 25% of net sales and even less on print books. The cost for a DIY book is flexible and depends on how much you want. Extended promotion and detailed editing costs more, for example, but you can create your book for between $1 thousand and $3 thousand. Weinstein’s “What We Leave Behind” is available in soft cover for $14.99 and as an ebook for $9.99. Her book has been on the homepage of as a hot seller and she checks those sales daily. “When I first did research in self publishing what I was told was statistically that a self published author sells 150 books a year.They figure it’s your friends and your family and that’s it. “I’m now a little over 2 months and 750 books and I’m starting press and publicity today” said Rochelle. You can find “What We Leave Behind” locally at the Fontainebleau Miami Beach, Turnberry Hotel and online at Amazon.Com and other e-book sites. For more info on self publishing;
July 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 19 ]
Port of Miami & Miami International Airport Saw
more Travelers & Cargo last Year Two major SouTh Florida ThoroughFareS
are celebrating an uptick in travel and goods. PortMiami and Miami International Airport saw gains in cargo and passengers in fiscal year 2010-2011 PortMiami reports that containerized cargo movements were up 7 percent, with a total of 906,607 TEU’s (twenty-foot equivalent units) during the year long period, which ended on September 30, 2011. With those numbers, PortMiami again ranks as the number one container port in the Sunshine State. “We are extremely pleased with our performance,” Port Director Bill Johnson said Wednesday “The seven percent increase in container volumes follows a five percent growth the previous year—solid performances in view of the ongoing uncertainties in the globaleconomy.” Cruise traffic was up as well. For the fourth consecutive year, four million passengers traveled through PortMiami, more than any other port in the world. Officials at PortMiami expect the number one ranking to stick around for a while with the addition of three cruise lines in 2012, including Regent Seven Seas Cruise Line, MSC Cruises, and Disney Cruise Line. Three newly built ships will also call the port home; the Celebrity Reflection, the Carnival Breeze
and Oceania Riviera. “These new cruise ships will rank among the most exciting and innovative in the world adding to our already distinguished galaxy of cruise vessels,” Johnson said. Johnson credits strong Latin American economies for keeping the port so successful. More than 50 percent of PortMiami’s trade is with South and Central American nations. At Miami International Airport, aviation officials say the airport grew the fastest out of the top 20 in the country. Due to the growth, an estimated 6% percent more domestic passengers traveled through the concourses at MIA over last year, with a 9% increase seen in international travelers.
“we are exTremelY pleaSed wiTh our perFormanCe”
July 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 21 ]
CBS4 Investigates:
Gangs Move
From repOrting Jim DeFeDe
Drugs To
ID Theft
On the same night the miami DaDe gang task FOrce was Out chasing gang members FOr the types OF crimes that yOu wOulD nOrmally expect — Dealing Drugs, stealing cars, anD carrying guns. anOther OperatiOn was taking place. in a parking lOt FOr miami DaDe cOllege’s nOrth campus, an 18-year-OlD arriveD with a stack OF cOrpOrate anD tax reFunD checks nOt realizing his night was abOut tO cOme tO a surprising enD.
wOrking with the u.s. Secret Service, the gang task force arrested the teenage gang member as he tried to sell the checks to an undercover informant. “The treasury checks are real, they’re not fake checks,” Miami Dade Police Sgt. Joel Bello explained, flipping through a stack of the newly confiscated checks. “They had it pretty well organized where they initialed the checks and they put the face value right outside [on the envelope].” Total value of the checks: $54,000. For street gangs, identity theft and tax fraud are the new crack cocaine. “Fact of the matter is there is a lot more money to be gained than slinging crack at the corner,” explained Lt. Luis Almaguer, head of Miami Dade’s gang unit. “We’re dealing with people who used to make a hundred here or there selling crack on the corner and now they are making thousands of dollars.” In essence, as CBS4 investigator Jim DeFede discovered, the street gangs are diversifying into the highly profitable world of white collar crime. “We are seeing the street gangs use the tax refund scams to fund their drug trafficking [and] to fund their ability to buy guns,” said Willy Ferrer, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida. “Why? It’s lucrative, it’s less dangerous and it is something they can do easily.” The key is having a supply of social security numbers. So how do you get them? Some gangs start small, using their members to break into cars and houses to steal wallets and purses – anything that might posses a social security number. Doctor’s offices as well as insurance and mortgage companies are frequent burglary targets. “As soon as they have your ids you’re done,” Almaguer noted. They then file a tax return in that person’s name electronically, directing the IRS to send the refund check to an address the gang controls. “You can call it ingenious but it’s a thug trying to get over on somebody else,” Almaguer said. “We have a case now where we are alleging that a postal carrier was murdered for his master key because the fraudster was waiting for the tax refund checks,” said Ferrer, who added the killer was a known gang member. The real challenge for the gangs is then finding a way to cash those checks. This brought us to the evening’s sting operation. “Tonight he thought he was meeting with somebody who would actually cash these checks for him,” Bello said. Bello described the gang member arrested as a “mule” – a low-level player willing to take risks. “So what the guy on top, the guy who is actually doing the fraud or obtaining the checks, does is he gives these guys a percentage of the face value of the checks,” Bello said. “That way he’s insulated. He won’t get caught because he’s not walking into a bank or a financial institution to do this transaction. So he’ll cut a deal with these younger guys – either 70-30 percent, or 60-40, which was the case in this instance, and he’ll give these guys 40 percent.” In tonight’s operation, the teen thought he was selling the checks to a crooked employee from a nearby check cashing store. “Sometimes we are able to get somebody higher up with the checks, somebody doing the fraud,” Bello said. “But what we’ve
found is proving the fraud is very difficult.” This is another reason the gangs have moved into this territory. Even if cases are made, the sentences are light compared to the types of sentences they risk if they are convicted of selling crack. Another tactic the gangs use is to have the IRS electronically transfer the bogus tax refund onto a debit card — frequently called Green Dot cards. “People describe it as cocaine on a card,” said U.S. Senator Bill Nelson. The Florida Democrat recently held hearings in Washington on the sudden entry of street gangs into the world of tax fraud and identity theft. “They don’t have to use a crowbar or a gun or a knife,” Nelson said, “and the thief is nearly impossible to track down.” Another issue Nelson uncovered in his hearings is that the IRS is reluctant to share information about possible fraud with local police agencies. Because of strict federal privacy provisions surrounding people’s tax returns, the IRS more often than not ends up protecting the criminals. Nelson and others complain. One law enforcement source claimed that local police have to document at least $100,000 in fraud before the IRS will even show interest in the case. Others say the figure is much higher. In March, CBS4 News was allowed to attend a briefing in which a dozen law enforcement agencies around the county shared their intelligence on gang activities. Tax fraud was the most common complaint. “Tax refunds and green dot cards, it’s the main thing right now,” said one detective. Added another: “Everybody seems to be into the tax return
“As soon as they have your ids you’re done” fraud.” One local police agency didn’t want to discuss the issue on camera because their officers had recently received threats from gang members angered that the police were interfering in their tax fraud business. “We were taking some guys to the jail and they even made mention of it,” one detective recalled. “`Oh yeah they are coming for you because you are taking down all their [stuff].’” And although the gangs are less likely to feud over street corners, the violence has not let up in other areas. “What we’ve seen is an increase in violence because of the amount of money involved,” Bello said, adding that gangs now rip each other off for cash. “And the drugs aren’t going away because now you can go out and purchase drugs with the proceeds of your fraud and the profit is 100 percent profit.”
July 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 23 ]
Save Money By Using Phone To
Dial For Deals reporting Al sunshine
— At leAst once A yeAr, chAntAy Bridges lets her fingers do the diAling to try And sAve Big Bucks. “We’ve sAved tons And tons,” sAid chAntAy Who hAs Been ABle to cut doWn her phone, cABle, utility And insurAnce Bills. She’s also saved on credit card and bank fees just by calling the companies and asking for a better deal. “I reminded them of our credit scores,” Chantay explained. “I reminded them of our loyalty.” Finance Guru Mitchell Weiss said it certainly can’t hurt to ‘check -in’ every couple of months with the companies you use. Weiss said it costs companies more to lose a customer than to offer better deals to their existing ones. “It costs money to get them. It costs money to keep them. Why would you want to turn that over to a competitor,” advised Weiss. Here’s what you need to know: •Review all your monthly bills and try calling each company. The phone is the most effective way to negotiate. • Have two to three months worth of past bills when you call so you know what you’re paying. “Be a great customer,” said personal finance administrator Roblee Hoffman. “A great customer is one who has been with a company for a fair number of years and pays their bill on or before the due date and pays the full balance.” • Research what the competition is offering. • If you can’t negotiate with a customer service rep, ask for the customer retention department or the president’s office. Chantay said knowing what a company’s competition is offering is key to negotiating. “It’s worth the time and it’s worth your money,” said Chantay. Many credit card companies and banks say they welcome customers to review their services and bills. Some cell phone providers will also review bills and suggest cheaper plans if you don’t use all your data or talk time.
July 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 25 ]
Best athletic Wear stores in MiaMi
Foot Works
athletic Wear and gear that provides the utMost coMFort and support is soMe oF the Best Motivation For physical activities, such as sports and exercise. and let’s Face it While coMFort and support Might Be a Big part oF it, it’s also Fun to Find any excuse to pick out a neW outFit or pair oF shoes. Whether you need neW sneakers For those daily gyM visits or gear For a speciFic type oF sport, the FolloWing shops in MiaMi have you covered.
South Miami, FL 33143 (305) 667-9322
Foot Works in Miami, now with a shiny new location in South Beach, offers gear from some of the best athletic brands out there for men, women and kids. Some of the brands offered include New Balance, Nike, and Oakley. More than just footwear, the shop also offers apparel for any type of exercise or sport. At Foot Works, shoppers can also take advantage of yearlong programs and training events to promote exercise and fitness. There’s just no excuse to not be motivated after visiting this store.
sole Fly sneaker Boutique Miami, FL 33143 (305) 661-3423
Sole Fly Sneaker Boutique in Miami sells an array of footwear and gear for men and women, including apparel for fans and supporters of the Miami Hurricanes. In addition to the Miami location, Sole Fly Sneaker Boutique also offers convenient online ordering. They also offer the option to order by telephone, so this place is perfect for Miami transplants that may have moved away but remain fans of the local teams. Think you have the best kicks around? Email a photo of your new shoes to Sole Fly to be featured on their website.
BlueFish sport Miami, FL 33126 (305) 267-9494
Catering to active women and men who don’t want to sacrifice fashion and style for comfort, Bluefish Sport in Miami sells swimwear and other athletic wear for an array of different activities. Looking for a great deal? Become a fan on Facebook to save 15 percent, or take advantage of one of their many programs. There’s even a refer-a-friend program for the opportunity to earn Chi Dollars.
cycle World Miami, FL 33155 (305) 221.2123
Love to cycle or just getting into the sport? Then Cycle World is the place for you. Not only does the store offer all the parts and services you need for cycling, but it also sells all the proper clothing and gear that you need. Cyclists will find everything from trendy cycling shoes to stylish helmets. Members of the military can receive 10 percent off all accessories and 5 percent off all bicycles.
sole runners Miami, FL 33176 (305) 595-7867
Ask any runner, and they’ll tell you—while everything you wear for running is important and must be considered carefully, the most vital part of the ensemble is the shoes. The proper running shoes, whether you’re a beginner or training for a marathon, make all the difference in the world. At Sole Runners, a combination of technology, equipment and staff expertise is used to help find customers their ideal running shoe. The store’s stride analysis guarantees a perfect fit.
July 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 27 ]
“Widow Maker” Detector
Saving Lives
Through Sound reporting CyntHia DeMos
disease is the number one killer of men and women in the United States, and more than 1,100 people die from it each day. So what if there was an easy way to spot trouble before it struck? Marie Johnson’s invention does that and it could save lives – all because she listened to her heart.
[ 28 ] July 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest
Her rustic retreat at the end of a dirt road outside of Northfield, Minn., is just about the last place you’d think would be home to a medical breakthrough. But a garage startup is where Johnson bypasses the business world. “I believe we are going to save a lot of lives, reduce the number of widows and widowers, and little kids that don’t get to grow up with their father or mother. That’s my goal,” Johnson said. Johnson, 44, has spent the past decade developing a handheld device that can quickly detect heart blockages. Her company, AUM Cardiovascular, is about to launch FDA trials, which is a bright outlook for an invention born from one of life’s darkest moments. Johnson didn’t know it, but her project began just before she and her husband, Rob, were about to have their second child. “I just said to him, ‘I have this feeling that you are going to die and leave me with this baby,’” Johnson said. Johnson is a biomedical engineer, and science soon supported her premonition. “I was doing this project with the 3M Company to develop a computerized stethoscope, and I recorded all this information from him and discovered he had an anomaly,” she said.
Rob went to his doctor, but aced a stress test. “It’s completely one of those ‘aha!’ moments that you have,” Nine months later, Johnson went to the YMCA to meet him he said. for his usual workout. Steve Kiemele, a Fargo venture capitalist and CFO of Linn “There was an ambulance, and a body with a white sheet. And Grove Ventures, says he’s more interested in the faith side of I turned to my daughter, who was 4 and said, ‘We have to pray, the story. He agreed to be one of Johnson’s three test subjects. because someone has died here today,’” Johnson said. However, when his test results came in, they were quite In that parking lot, police would tell Johnson she was a widow. concerning. “I mean, honestly, the whole world was spinning, and I just, “The look on her face suggested…that [I] should see a doctor,” just didn’t believe it,” she said. he said. An autopsy showed a heart attack in Rob’s left anterior So he went and the doctor did a stress test, which turned up descending artery, commonly called “The Widow Maker,” nothing. Not convinced – especially in light of what happened because a blockage there usually causes sudden death. to Johnson’s husband, Kiemele asked his doctor for a CT scan. In her research, Johnson knew she heard something in her Kiemele said the scan confirmed he had an issue in his left husband’s heart. That’s when she listened closer. anterior descending artery (aka The Widow Maker). “I remember sitting at my desk at 3 o’clock in the morning, all He says his life was saved by divine intervention. the lights were off, I just had the glow of my computer screen,” Johnson said God has been with her throughout her project. she said. “And I could hear God whisper.” “I know that we were supposed to do this,” she said. Faith helped her form an algorithm that could pinpoint heart Her husband only lived to be 41-years-old, but she thinks her problems through sound. invention will keep thousands of families together. Johnson said just as you hear water rushing past rocks in a “I think he’d be proud,” she said. stream, the sound of blood rushing past a blockage is audible In 2011, AUM Cardiovascular took the top $50,000 prize at the too, and her device picks up that current. Minnesota Cup entrepreneurial competition, which called AUM “It listens to patients in a different way,” she said. “Sensors the most promising company in Minnesota. Johnson’s company pick up turbulence in a narrowing artery.” beat out more than 1,000 participants. Johnson named her device the CADence. The device fits it the She left her faculty position at the University of Minnesota’s palm of the hand and it takes measurements at four different Medical Device Fellows Program in 2009 to pursue her business places on the chest, which takes around two minutes. The inforfull time, and is now remarried. mation is then downloaded and analyzed. Cardiologists “There was an ambulance, and a body with a white sheet. And believe the CADence I turned to my daughter, who was 4 and said, ‘We have to could change the way they practice. pray, because someone has died here today,’” University of Minnesota Chief Cardiologist Dr. Bob Wilson said the CADence shows promise of replacing a treadmill “It’s joy, just remembering what a special guy he was,” she said. stress test, because it’s easier and cheaper. He also said that its AUM Cardiology will begin clinical trials on the CADence impact on medicine could be global. across the country in June. Johnson says her device could hit “I would hope they start using it in the university emergency the market by October 2013, pending FDA approval. room, tomorrow,” he said. Necessity may be the mother of invention, but at the heart of Wilson became Johnson’s principle investigator. Johnson’s work, love is the lifeblood.
July 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 29 ]
Local Man Helps Kids & Adults
Battle Obesity reporting jawan strader
Childhood obesity Continues to be a major problem in the united states. david diplasquale of CoConut Creek battled obesity and bullying as a Child. but he Changed his life and has now Created a program to help kids, men and women to lose weight and get baCk on traCk.
“I was always tormented for being overweight,” said DiPlasquale. He keeps old pictures of himself as a reminder of what he used to look like as a kid. “I really didn’t care at that young of an age, but it was in the back of my mind that I really didn’t like being overweight, but boy, I really enjoyed eating those foods,” said DiPlasquale. Growing up, DiPlasquale remembers being picked on his size. “Always bullied, yeah. There was always someone doing something not nice to me. And my nickname because I’m DiPlasquale, I was Depot. Depot meaning a large individual.” DiPlasquale is no longer looked at as “depot” for his size. He used the nickname and bullying as fuel to work and study health and fitness to change his body. He would go on to win body building competition after competition. His trophies and pictures are reminders of his own personal journey and rewards of overcoming obesity. “I was powerless you know, when I was struggling trying to figure things out. But with my brain and studying and taking in information from everywhere that I learned, I gave myself empowerment, I studied nutrition on my own, plus what I learned and created the most amazing way to get in shape,” said DiPlasquale. His plan is called “Get On Track Fitness” and it has changed the lives of thousands of people especially kids who, like him, battle weight issues.” “I’m trying to help young kids in schools now that was like I was when I was a kid. Changing lives, I mean crazy changing lives of young and old people that are retiring getting healthy,” said DiPlasquale. DiPlasquale’s program includes a unique nutritional routine that doesn’t require the person to stop eating tasty food. “It’s effortless, it’s just a plan of action,” said DiPlasquale. “There’s a science to it that I studied. But every year, I refined and refined how to get in better shape without feeling restricted in foods that we should be eating.” His plan does require exercise of at least an hour a day walking on the treadmill up and down an incline. And it’s a program DiPlasquale believes anyone can transform their body no matter what age. “You have to be dedicated to change your life. The older you get, the harder it is to accept change. But if you do accept change, behind change is hidden opportunity and this is where we are successful.”
July 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 31 ]
Floral Shops
Floral arrangements can often say a lot about how much you care about a person. From sending a bouquet of roses to a sweetheart on Valentine’s Day to an embarrassingly large array of flowers to the woman who gave you life on Mother’s Day, a batch of flowers can often lift spirits and improve their scenery. South Florida has a number of floral shops that offer everything from a Prom-must boutonniere to a large bouquet of roses.
Brigitte’s Flower Shop Fort LauDerDaLe, FL Brigitte’s Flower Shop has been serving customers in the Fort Lauderdale area for 25 years and offers everything from real petals to silk and artificial flowers. The shop also offers a variety of plants and gift baskets that can be doled out for any occasion. All their flowers are professionally arranged and can be delivered directly to the special people in your life.
Abbott Florist
Field of Flowers
miami beach, FL
Davie, FL Field of Flowers has long roots in the South Florida community. It sprouted in 1990 with Donn Flipse, a thirdgeneration florist. Donn’s grandfather worked in Scotland as a greenhouse apprentice. Flowers have been part of the family business ever since. The 10,000 square foot locale features a beautiful oasis of 150 varieties of fresh cut flowers – offered by stem or by the bunch. Deliveries are offered to a large geographic region from North Miami to Delray Beach.
Categories of floral arrangements at the Abbott Florist include “Just Because” or “Make Someone Smile” and the variety of arrangements range from pink and yellow roses in a gift box to stems featuring a tall bamboo and birds of paradise complemented by a stunning mix of tropical orange flowers. The shop has been in the heart of North Beach for a number of years and offers delivery service. They do ask customers place orders ahead of time before the major flower-giving holidays such as Mother’s Day or Valentine’s Day.
Flower Bar miami shores, FL -
The Flower Bar is more than just a floral shop, and while there’s no alcohol served at this bar, there are plenty of floral scents to keep your senses entertained. The shop delivers a batch of blossoms along with gourmet sweets. It has delivered flowers to the trendiest locales in South Beach including The Tides hotel and Table 8 restaurant. It also offers floral arrangement classes to the public Saturday mornings.
Trias Flowers and Gifts miami, FL -
From roses to tulips and orchids to daisies – Trias Flowers and Gifts offers a variety of popular petals sure to please the people in your life. Trias Flowers first opened in Cuba in 1912 and it has remained with the family ever since. They opened their first store in South Florida in 1967, which is now run by the fourth generation of Trias. You can shop for arrangements by flowers, colors, and occasions. Best part? If you don’t have time to stop by the store, you can place your order online. July 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 33 ]
Mobile banking apps:
Convenient Or Costly? RepoRting JoRge estevez
Mobile banking May be the Most convenient way to keep tRack of youR Money, but aRe you putting youR peRsonal infoRMation at Risk eveRy tiMe you log in? Smartphone user April Tucker is one person who is used to losing her phone. “I have lost it traveling. I have put it down,” said April Tucker who is nervous about mobile banking. ”Just having it on your phone is just an additional way for someone to hack into your information.” A recent experiment gives her cause for concern. The computer software company Symantec intentionally lost 50 phones in four cities around the United States. Special software was installed to track the phones and what people did with them. In half the cases, the finder tried to return the cell but not before doing a little snooping “People looked at private pictures, they tried to access a banking account, logging into a person’s bank,” said Kevin Haley of Symantec. Forty three percent of people actually tried to access banking apps and 57% went into the saved password file. “You don’t want people to be able to get right into the phone,” said Doug Johnson of the American Bankers Association’s Risk Management Unit who feels it is safe to bank on your phone as long as you take steps like setting up a password. Then, create different passwords for each mobile account that is tied to your phone. If all else fails, there are also a lot of new special software and apps to protect you if your phone goes missing. “There’s also some other great technology out there that would let you remotely wipe all your personal information and business information off that phone,” said Haley. There is even a feature called Scream. “The scream feature is going to make your phone let out a loud noise, a scream, so you can identify where you’ve left it,” said Haley.
If you don’t have extras, Johnson offers advice in case you lose your phone. “You misplaced your phone, you believe you haven’t taken proper measures, contact your financial institution,” said Johnson. The ABA Points out the tech and financial industries have learned a great deal of phone safety by using the lessons they learned with on line banking protections.
“Forty three percent of people actually tried to access banking apps and 57% went into the saved password file.”
July 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 35 ]
New Cellulaze Procedure Becoming MIAMI (CBS4)
Reporting Cynthia Demos
Those looking To zap away fatty, dimply skin are flocking to a permanent cellulite treatment called Cellulaze, and it’s becoming a ‘cellu-craze.’ Most women know the drawbacks of serious cellulite on the buttocks and thighs. It inhibits what and how you wear your clothes and in typically steaming hot South Florida with plenty of beach time that can be a major problem. It’s been a serious issue for Joanna Castillo, 38, pretty much her entire life. She bared all for Cynthia Demos and the CBS4 cameras in hopes of helping others with the same problem. “I buy all these Spanx and other garments and I wear them all the time,” said Castillo. She said once she found out about Cellulaze she knew she couldn’t refuse the innovative treatment. “I can’t see myself without it. I think I’m going to run to the beach and put a bathing suit on,” Castillo said. Before she hits the beach, Dr. Jason Pozner at Sanctuary Medical Center in Boca Raton starts the process with pictures and a lot of pen markings. The bulges get marked in green, anything dimpled gets marked in red and a grid is drawn on Castillo in blue. “The band pulling the dimple in is literally cut and when you cut it the skin just pops up and you can actually hear it pop,” Dr. Pozner said. Once under anesthesia the surgery can begin. The laser used during the surgery is pulled in and out and looks much like a liposuction surgery to the untrained eye. Each grid takes two minutes. With 80 grids that’s a 2 1/2 hour procedure for Castillo. Before and after results are astonishing even to doctors. What’s so amazing is that the device, although it hasn’t been around long enough to know for sure, is thought to fix the cellulite problem on a permanent basis. For Casillo this is just the beginning. CBS4 will meet up with her in 2 to 3 months to see the final results.
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[ 36 ] July 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest
mIamI (CBs4) –
Teen Declared
Aims To Help Others
RepoRting Shannon hoRi
Two words ThaT don’T seem to go together are children and cancer, but sadly each year cancer affects about 13 thousand children in the United States. A South Florida teen is now working with Miami Children’s Hospital on a new campaign called Bald, Brave, Beautiful – to help other children diagnosed with cancer. Caroline Pallidine was only 13-years old when she was diagnosed with leukemia. She says since she always had hair down to her waist, one of the hardest things was losing her hair. Today, more than a year later, Caroline is happy to report she’s cancer free, and her hair is starting to grow back. But she remembers what it was like not having hair due to the treatments. She always wore a wig until she met the singer Pitbull. Since he is bald, he gave her the courage to take off her own wig. Then she went to a camp for cancer survivors. “They made me realize everyone went through it and I shouldn’t be ashamed of it,” said Caroline. That was the last time Caroline wore her wig. Now she’s helping Miami Children’s Hospital spread the word about the Bald, Brave, Beautiful campaign. It’s an effort to eliminate the stigma and bullying that coincide with baldness. Doug Carillo, the father of two-year old Maya who is a cancer survivor, says it’s a great campaign. “This mission shows them it doesn’t matter what’s on the exterior,” said Carillo. “It’s on the interior that counts. And that you are still a beautiful person.” Maya’s mother says even though her little girl was so young, she was aware that she was losing her hair. She would look at her mother Erika, and her dolls, and want hair. Recently Caroline and Maya walked the runway for the Hugs and Kisses Fashion Show to benefit Miami Children’s Hospital. For more information, visit:
July 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 37 ]
Working Less May Be
More Productive Reporting Lisa Petrillo
We’re tethered to Work through our technology, Working around the clock constantly checking those eMails even When We’re at the office. sound faMiliar? But
What if it didn’t have to Be that Way?
“My daughter joked, you don’t know where my school is. I know where her school is. But to have a daughter joke that… just the whole implication is about how much I’m not traveling around,” said Deborah Lovetch. Lovetch was working harder and working longer to get ahead, treating her smartphone like a member of the family. Which meant missing out on time with her actual family. But then her company, the Boston Consulting Group agreed to take part in an intriguing experiment. What would happen if it’s workers… conditioned to work 24/7… suddenly took one night off? The idea was the brain child of Harvard Professor Leslie Perlow, the author of the book “Sleeping with your Smartphone.” She believes people are basically doing that very thing… sleeping with their Smartphones. “So I think that the downfall is that it’s unnecessary and we convince ourselves that it’s a requirement of the job,” explained Perlow. A small team of employees at BCG were the test subjects. They would cover each other, making sure that every member of the team got one night a week to completely turn off. The surprise of this experiment wasn’t that shutting the
Smartphone off made for a better personal life, that was sort of expected. The surprise was that unplugging actually made the work better. “Productivity absolutely went up,” reported one of the bosses at BCG. ” You can work less, but you actually work better.” How much better? A survey of BCG workers who took part in the experiment found the work to be more collaborative, more efficient, and effective. Job satisfaction also started to soar. “And the amazing result here is pay attention to people’s personal lives and you’ll get these tremendous work benefits,” explained Perlow. Empowering the employees to let the company know when they needed the time off was a key to the new-found freedom. “I’m not thinking in the back of my head, what are the things that are hitting my inbox now that I should be worried about? I feel pretty safe,” said one BCG employee. “And you really learn to take time off and not worry,” explained Lovetch. Now there’s an experience where being the guinea pig feels pretty good.
July 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 39 ]
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