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October 7, 2011
TO COMMUNICATE A huge inferno that engulfed a BP gas station outside St. Augustine is not where you’d expect emergency responders to completely lose the ability to communicate, but that’s what happened and it’s a problem that reaches to South Florida.
ALSO INSIDE Digital Assets Protection Needed Even After Death Jobless Numbers Improving In Miami Study: Miami Traffic Costing Drivers Big Miami Teens Take Hands On Approach To Healthy Living Fashion Author Dishes On Her Years Dressing Stars Braman Funds Training For Next Generation
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I-Team: Failure to Communicate tornado bore down on them.
“We were totally deaf, dumb, and blind. We couldn’t reach the police. We couldn’t reach EMS,” said Dr. Jim Riscoe, an emergency room doctor on duty that day.
Reporting Stephen Stock SStock@cbs.com ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. (CBS4) – A huge inferno that engulfed a BP gas station outside St. Augustine is not where you’d expect emergency responders to completely lose the ability to communicate, but that’s what happened and it’s a problem that reaches to South Florida. During the St. Augustine BP fire in August, there were repeated calls from responders asking other emergency workers for a response. “St. Johns come in…” was repeated countless times for several minutes, but the only response was silence. No one could reach St. Johns firefighters in the field. St. John’s County Interim Fire Chief Carl Shank told CBS4 I-Team Investigative Reporter Stephen Stock, “It was a very chaotic situation. It was such a huge event. There was lots of fire, lots of smoke,” Shank is worried that next time some of his firefighters might die because they can’t communicate.
Then there was the earthquake that hit Virginia and Washington, D.C., in August. After emergency responders couldn’t communicate, several Senators demanded to know why. One of them was Florida’s senior US Senator, Bill Nelson (D). “It’s ridiculous!!” Nelson pointed out that communication problems cost hundreds of lives during the terrorist attacks on New York. In fact, the 9-11 Commission emphasized the critical need to create a nationwide network and system where all fire, rescue and police personnel can talk to each other during a national emergency… a term called “Interoperability.” Nelson told the I-Team, “It’s inexcusable that that would happen in this day and age with the technology that we have and with the capability that we have to talk to each other.” A four-month CBS4 I-Team investigation shows that isn’t close to happening. While the Department of Homeland Security said 60 municipal areas can establish communications within an hour, other places lag way behind. The most damaging evidence can be found buried in a 170 page report.
“We realized that this was not going to go well as far as the communications go; so we had to overcome that,” Shank said.
It found only 21 percent of the country has true, across-the-board, seamless communications capability.
To overcome that, firefighters had to use runners and revert to using hand signals to talk to each other; all because they couldn’t talk to each other on the radio.
“(We’re) basically doing a signal time to charge the hydrant,” Shank said.
“We’ve got a long way to go I think,” said Nick Simonici. He is Florida’s Statewide Interoperability coordinator based in Tallahassee. “Technology is there,” Simonici explained. “I think it boils down to funding. Everything boils down to money. It’s expensive. Radios aren’t cheap. And the Federal Government has put in quite a bit of money… and it’s just… it’s expensive.”
Then there was this. Only four months ago, hospital officials in Joplin, Missouri were left stranded and unable to call for help as a huge
The I-Team research showed that South Florida is actually among the better performing areas in the country.
Shank told the I-Team how that worked.
October 7, 2011
“We’ve moved mountains to get here,” said Cindy Cast, the co-chair of the regional interoperable group in South Florida.
Lamberti has long been an outspoken proponent of finding ways to fix this problem regionally.
“We were able to provide a system that provided the opportunity for 34 cities within the Miami-Dade County area to communicate on it everyday,” Cast said.
Even so, the I-Team has learned that three communities, Parkland, Coral Springs, and Margate use systems that are NOT interoperable with the rest of Broward.
But even here there’s mixed news.
“From city to city in Broward County you don’t have a standardization of equipment. So if the equipment is not the same, if it’s not compatible…It really can’t talk to one another,” said Lamberti.
Six municipalities still don’t use that system and Homeland security’s own report showed that during another huge event such as Hurricane Andrew, in certain places in Miami-Dade, outside agencies such as Broward or Monroe County couldn’t talk to their colleagues. “When you’re on one radio system, you don’t really have the capability of communicating with the others. Then you’re sort of on different islands on your own,” Cast concluded. Broward County Sheriff Al Lamberti told the I-Team, ”We need to set any differences aside.”
Even though Congress has authorized at least three and a half billion dollars, since 9-11 to fix this problem, experts say they haven’t gone far enough. Just this spring, Senator Nelson and others introduced a bill to set aside a portion of radio frequency called the “D” block to set up a nationwide interoperable network. But so far, that proposal has not passed either the US Senate or the House of Representatives.
CBS4 Newspaper October 7, 2011 Edition
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CBS4 Newspaper
October 7, 2011
Hialeah Cops Crackdown On Phony Auto Insurance Cards during a traffic stop or crash is legitimate, drivers who use fake ones basically have a ‘get out of jail free’ card. That wasn’t the case on Wednesday when representatives from nearly two dozen insurance companies who offer auto coverage in the state staffed a command center to assist Hialeah police officers verify insurance cards. If the card came back as a phony, the driver was arrested and charged with a third degree felony.
Reporting Ted Scouten tscouten@cbs.com HIALEAH (CBS4) – We all hate the sound of a police siren behind us. But if you’re one of those drivers who is fed up with rising auto insurance bills, take heart, something is being done to fight it. The National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) has reported a disturbing rise in the use of fake auto insurance cards by drivers in South Florida. Since it is often difficult for a police officer to verify that the proof of insurance presented to them
Karon Martin was pulled over for a malfunctioning tail light. Her policy was checked and it was fine. Martin said what frustrates her, and others who pay their auto insurance bill, is that too many drivers get behind the wheel without any coverage at all. “Insurance investigators say every year, you pay 50 dollars more for your insurance because of other people,” CBS4’s Ted Scouten told Martin. “I know,” said Marin, “I’ve noticed, we’ve had State Farm forever and it goes up every 6 months, it goes up.”
The NICB’s Fred Burkhardt said drivers should be furious to know that uninsured drivers are getting a free ride and that they, along with scam artists, are causing your premiums to sky rocket. “They should be very mad,” Martin said, “Because quite honestly, I would say to you, ‘Will you give me $50 right now, will you give me $100 right now just because I’m Fred’. Your answer is ‘No! I’m not going to do that.’ What we’re doing is giving people 50 or a hundred
dollars for the crime that they’re committing.” Wednesday’s crackdown is not just a one time deal. Others will be held around South Florida throughout the year. So far this year there has been a half a dozen crackdowns in Miami-Dade and Broward. Drivers can expect at least two more before the year’s end.
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CBS4 Newspaper
October 7, 2011
Digital Assets Protection Needed Even After Death “It contains log-in information to all kinds of accounts from PayPal to eBay to Skype to bank account information,” Finkle said. It’s a creative way to keep up to date with any accounts, instead of letting the passwords go to the grave. “Files, documents, photos, all kinds of things can be lost immediately,” said John Romano, author of Your Digital Afterlife. “If you don’t leave access to things like email accounts, people may be locked out.” Reporting Al Sunshine asunshine@cbs.com MIAMI (CBSMiami.com) – Many Americans have wills that cover most of their assets in the event of their death. But, far fewer have even considered what to do about their digital assets. Digital assets include items like e-mail accounts, financial records, photos, and other password protected digital files. It turns out, there’s a growing business that’s trying to help people protect their heirs in the increasingly paperless world. “I have online accounts for everything,” said Cyndi Finkle. “If something was to happen to me tomorrow, my business couldn’t exist if people couldn’t have access.” Cyndi decided to create a “digital inventory” that contains instructions on exactly how to unlock all of her online accounts.
Financial planners say the digital inventories and password access can play a crucial role when it comes to estate planning and taking care of final expenses. “There are already instances of these problems coming up,” said Barry Jones of the Financial Planning Association. “They don’t know what bills are due. They may not know certain accounts, for example, the husband and wife have separate credit cards.” There’s even a wave of digital estate planning web sites that promise to help keep your passwords organized. It’s almost like an online safety deposit box. “People can go and create a backup of all of their usernames and passwords, and for each asset you identify a digital beneficiary,” said Jeremy Toeman of legacylocker.com. But before signing up, make sure you do
plenty of homework on the company. If you’re still not comfortable, make sure to write the information down. Just don’t write it in your will. That’s because your will becomes a public record after you’re gone and that means passwords that haven’t been
changed will be available for the world to see. If you do create a digital inventory, experts said it’s good to update your list at least once a year and make sure someone knows where to find it.
CBS4 Newspaper
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Student Loan Debt Crushing College Dreams
costs have risen from roughly $16,000 in 2000 to just over $25,000 in 2009. Public colleges have seen tuition rise from around $4,000 to now over $6,000 in the last decade. At the same time, wages for most Americans have stagnated or their jobs have simply disappeared. This has contributed to the amount of student loan debt quintupling between 2000 and 2011, according to the College Board.
Reporting Tim Kephart MIAMI (CBSMiami.com) – Going to college is the dream of most parents for their children. But, as the recession continues to pinch pocketbooks and college costs continue to increase, the debt load students face now is rising to an almost unmanageable position. According to motherjones.com, tuition at private and public colleges has continually climbed in the last decade. Private school
In addition, student loan debt has become so out of control that according to the College Board, for the first time in history, student loan debt is now exceeding the total credit card debt for the average American. All of it is pushing the dream of college further and further away from students, unless scholarships and grants are won. But, with the recession ongoing, the opportunities for scholarships and grants are shrinking, again making the college dream that much harder to attain without significant debt.
October 7, 2011
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CBS4 Newspaper
October 7, 2011
Jobless Numbers Improving In Miami Reporting Al Sunshine asunshine@cbs.com MIAMI (CBSMiami.com) – The latest job numbers out of the U.S. Labor Department and private employment analysts showed unemployment dropped in about two-thirds of the major metropolitan areas around the country. There are still six applicants for every job opening in South Florida, but help-wanted ads statewide are up over last month. The U.S. Department of Labor also reported a key local unemployment number just dropped. Gloria Salazar recently quit her job after twoand-a-half years of working six days a week without any benefits, no overtime and no sick time. The Kendall single mom feared she’d be unemployed for a while; but it turns out she was wrong. “I was very relieved, knowing how tight the economy is and how long people are trying to get back to work,” Salazar said. CBS4 Chief Consumer Investigator Al
Sunshine recently spoke with Gloria and asked how long it took to get back to work? She smiled and said, “it was two weeks, I was lucky.”
“I’ve seen it recently, a lot more orders for warehouse and holiday temps, which can often turn into full time positions,” Odalys Girado, of Doral’s Right Hire Staffing Solutions, said.
As we get deeper into the fall and closer to the holiday shopping season, hiring typically improves. It may still be a while before national job figures show any significant gains.
But, Gloria’s success could be the start of the latest new-hiring wave here and across the country. Nationally, metropolitan unemployment fell from 9.5 to 9.1 percent last month.
What does Gloria Salazar say to so many discouraged job seekers who joined the ranks of the long-term unemployed?
But around South Florida new help-wanted signs may be a very welcome pre-holiday surprise.
The Miami market dropping slightly to 11.2 percent. That puts Miami in the middle of the pack between Florida’s best and worst job markets; and it turns out she could be in the start of the latest new-hiring wave here and across the country. While the Conference Board just reported online ads this month are down from earlier in the year; Florida led all major southern states with 14-hundred more job notices than august. The best gains were seen in healthcare, technical, and office positions. The biggest declines were sales, management, and computers.
“Don’t lose hope, because there are jobs out there..people are hiring,” Salazar said.
CBS4 Newspaper October 7, 2011 Edition
For information call: 305-477-1699
CBS4 Newspaper
October 7, 2011
Study: Miami Traffic Costing Drivers Big
Reporting Tim Kephart MIAMI (CBSMiami.com) – If you’ve been driven on South Florida roads, you’ve experienced the gridlock that defines the driving experience for all of us. But, it turns out that Miami isn’t even in the Top 10 for the most congested cities, according to a new study from Texas A&M University. According to the 2011 Urban Mobility Report, Miami ranks 15th in terms of having the longest commute of any city in the country. Some drivers say they’re surprised South Florida didn’t rank even higher. “I think it’s worse than number 15,” insisted Sue Ulloa. She added that Hong Kong traffic is the worst she’s ever seen but, “In the US, New York City is pretty bad; Miami comes in at a close second.”
The study found that S. Florida drivers spend an average of 38 hours per year stuck in traffic.
thought going to a doctor’s appointment at 10 this morning, it would be safe, but no it’s terrible.”
stopped in the interstate system and the authors say that’s a recipe for economic disaster.
When Katrina Martinez heard that statistic, she wasn’t surprised. “I don’t doubt it,” Martinez said. She said she’d prefer to “be at home and take care of my kids,” instead of wasting all that time in traffic.
The report noted that the global economic recession has provided a “temporary respite from the growing congestion problem.” But, once the economy begins growing again, the authors said the average commute will have an additional three hours of delay by 2015 and seven more hours by 2020.
In addition to spending nearly a full workweek per year stuck in traffic, South Florida drivers lose an extra 18 gallons of fuel per year due to traffic tie-ups. All total, the traffic headaches in South Florida cost drivers an extra $785 per year.
And as gas prices continue to rise, the costs are only going to get worse. By 2015, the cost of traffic tie-ups will reach $133 billion, according to the study, and U.S. drivers will waste roughly 2.5 billion gallons of gas due to traffic.
“The only way U.S. companies have been able to keep their products competitive in the face of increasing traffic congestion and rising transportation costs is to squeeze every ounce of efficiency they can out of their supply chain,” said research scientist David Ellis. “But there is a limit to efficiency and without additional transportation capacity, transportation costs will increase significantly. The result will be higher prices and lost jobs.”
While that’s bad, it’s nothing compared to Washington, D.C., the worst city for traffic in the nation. D.C. drivers spend an average of 74 hours per year in traffic as they try to get around the inner and outer beltway around the city.
The study’s authors said that when the interstate highway system grew rapidly from the late 1950’s to the mid-1980’s, the U.S. economy grew with it. However, growth has
According to the study, the national cost of traffic congestion was more than $100 billion in 2010, or roughly $750 for every driver in the country. Plus, the study found that the average delay for drivers had jumped more than 20 hours in less than 30 years. The Urban Mobility report found that it’s not just rush hour that is contributing to the problem of congested roads. According to the study, about 40 percent of all delays happen in the mid-day and overnight hours. “It’s all day,” Uolla said. “It doesn’t matter what time we go out; we get into it. We
As a result, the study’s authors strongly supported traditional road building and transit use, “combined with traffic management strategies such as signal coordination and rapid crash removal, and demand management strategies like telecommuting and flexible work hours.”
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CBS4 Newspaper
October 7, 2011
Does Prepaid Car Maintenance Save Money? be a great idea,” said Denise Karl, who bought prepaid maintenance plans for two different cars. Her first plan cost $1,500 and was added to the cost of her lease. It saved about $600 dollars on maintenance. “It definitely was a money saver to have it prepaid,” according to Denise. But when she got a new car and a new plan for $800, she didn’t realize it only covered oil changes and no other maintenance. Reporting Al Sunshine asunshine@cbs.com
“I was very disappointed,” said Denise who discovered that coverage varies.
MIAMI (CBS4) – New car buyers are often asked whether or not they want to purchase a “prepaid maintenance plan.” These are not extended warranties but plans that cover routine kinds of service to your car. But are they worth the money?
They may be pretty good moneymakers for dealers but the Better Business Bureau warns consumers to crunch all the numbers and read all the fine print.
“I thought the idea of a prepaid maintenance plan, where I didn’t have to worry whether or not I had money on my credit card, would
“These kinds of plans are relatively new, so we’ve received about 100 complaints over the past couple of years, we’ve certainly seen an uptick in the numbers,” said Rodney Davis of the Better Business Bureau.
Some unhappy customers complain maintenance plans were added to their closing paperwork without their approval or they dropped their cars off for maintenance and the work was never done. Some angry customers say the required repair shops went out of business and they couldn’t get a refund. That’s why some consumer advocates say “buyer beware.” “These prepaid maintenance plans are a source of profit for the dealership so they’re really going to try to steer you toward that,” according to Edmunds.com Ron Montoya. Since the plans vary, experts have a few recommendations: • Read the details carefully to see how long it lasts and what it covers, and calculate the expenses to make sure you see savings. • Once you buy a plan, remember, you’re stuck going to that dealer or repair shop. • If you finance the plan with your car loan that means you’re paying interest on it,
costing you more. If you’re tempted to buy a prepaid maintenance plan, here’s an inside secret to getting the best deal. “We’ve been told dealers mark them up, up to 50-percent, so you know to try out offering half the price and then they may counter the offer and you can meet somewhere in between,” explained Montoya. Always remember to check out the plan closely and don’t be rushed into signing anything. Edmunds.com offers a maintenance cost calculator that will estimate the scheduled maintenance costs for cars. Some high-end car makers now offer free maintenance plans in the purchase price. If you plan on moving or selling your car before the plan is up, make sure it’s transferrable.
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CBS4 Newspaper
October 7, 2011
Miami Children’s Cranial Panel Reinventing Patient Exams But a special program at Miami Children’s Hospital is changing the way young patients are examined.
One visit, twelve doctors, and after years of making the rounds, a great review. A relief for Tyler’s parents.
It takes place on Tuesday nights at the hospital. As many as a dozen specialists visit the children in a round-robin setting and they collaborate on what they find.
Tyler is just one of dozens of kids getting checked out for the night. As for the other kids who were visited by the doctors, the team of 12 will meet in a conference room and discuss what’s next for them.
CBS4’s Cynthia Demos sat in on 10 year old Tyler Court’s visit. He stayed in the same chair in a room with his parents and was visited by cranial and facial specialists, one after the other. Court was born with a cleft lip and palate, and is looking forward to meeting with Dr. Anthony Wolf. Reporting Cynthia Demos CDemos@cbs.com MIAMI (CBS4) – Parents with children in need of a number of medical specialists often have to make dozens of appointment and sometime wait for just as many referrals.
“Dr. Wolf, he’s the man. He has to do something, it has to be perfect for him,” Court said. After a thorough exam and a look at how the previous 5 surgeries are shaping up, Dr. Wolf makes his decision and it starts with a high-five. “He’s done,” said Dr. Wolf. “He no longer needs anymore surgeries.”
The process to be repeated the next Tuesday night and each one thereafter.
The program is free for the patients. However, if more attention is needed the doctors will book a regular appointment for the patient for a more in depth exam.
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CBS4 Newspaper
October 7, 2011
Miami Teens Take Hands On Approach To Healthy Living Students who take part in the program undergo four months of training which includes field trips, food preparation classes, community outreach, guest speakers and hands-on activities. Teenagers meet once per week after school in Liberty City, Opa Locka, or Overtown. Students like 17-year-old Stephen Pierre said he’s learned more about what’s healthy food and what’s not.
Reporting Jawan Strader JStrader@wfor.cbs.com MIAMI (CBS4) – Some South Florida teens are leading the way in their communities to make sure healthy foods are available in an effort to fight obesity. The teens are the product of Youth L.E.A.D. Miami, a unique organization which teaches students how to live healthier by starting with fresh foods.
“I learned about what they put inside chips and I don’t want to eat chips anymore,” said Pierre. Pierre said part of the program teaches about how food is processed and what’s really inside some of the foods we eat every day. The founder of Youth L.E.A.D. Miami, Erin Healy, said she saw a need for healthy foods in areas across South Florida that sometimes get overlooked. “There is a lack of access to healthy food
options. And the communities that we work with, there are a lot of fast food processed foods, but not a lot of fresh foods and vegetables,” said Healy.
“I’m eating healthier now because it makes me feel better, it puts me in a better physical state and I think the healthy way is the best way,” said Pierre.
Her goal is paying off in students like Pierre who said what he’s learned from Youth L.E.A.D. has made a difference in his life.
Youth L.E.A.D. Miami also helps teenagers to get a paid apprenticeship with Farmers’ Markets and Community Gardens.
For information call: 305-477-1699
CBS4 Newspaper
October 7, 2011
Komen: Link Between Vitamin D & Breast Cancer Doctors theorize that vitamin D may act like a “brake” on cancer. A Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to a poor breast cancer prognosis. Women who had low levels of vitamin D at the time of a breast cancer diagnosis also were more likely to have their cancer spread. As a result, more and more doctors are now recommending that patients be tested to determine whether they are deficient in Vitamin D and, if they are, to take supplements. Reporting Cynthia Demos CDemos@cbs.com MIAMI (CBS4) – Women who want to try and avoid getting breast cancer should make sure they’re getting enough Vitamin D. Two years ago at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology a study was presented which showed that Vitamin D deficiency is common among women diagnosed with breast cancer.
Approximately 200 million Americans suffer from a vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is activated in our cells by exposure to sunshine. Here in South Florida one thing we have plenty of is sunshine. If you’re outside and your arms and legs are exposed to the sun twice a week for 10 to 15 minutes, you may be absorbing enough Vitamin D from the sun. But not everyone spends their days at the beach and sun exposure carries its own dangers. “We’re not recommending a lot of sun exposure because of the skin cancers and
melanomas,” said P.B. Cancer Institute oncology nurse practitioner Robin Stevens. “Our being aware of those conditions and putting on sun block has really diminished the amount of Vitamin D and that’s why we have a great Vitamin D deficiency in this country.” Stevens explains to patients how important it is to avoid becoming deficient in Vitamin D as part of her job. “This was a study performed with the Women’s Health Initiative and their finding suggested that women who had a concentration of lower than 12 n.g. in their serum had about a 200% risk of colorectal cancer,” said Stevens. “And women who had adequate levels of Vitamin D lowered their risk of breast cancer almost 50%. And that is truly significant.” Studies also indicate that obese people are more likely to be deficient in Vitamin D. It is very difficult for vitamin D it to be transported to cells when a person is
obese because it is absorbed in the fat; the fat blocks it. Also metabolic disorders and diabetes will prevent the absorption of Vitamin D. Doctors recommend about a thousand to two thousand IUs of Vitamin D a day. So if you think you’ll be able to get enough Vitamin D by drinking a glass of milk every day, think again. “Milk is fortified with Vitamin D but contains less than 100 IUs in a cup of milk,” said Stevens. “So you’d have to drink an awful lot of milk in order to get an adequate amount. About the only food source that has enough of Vitamin D in it is cod liver oil. And not too many people are wanting to that cod liver oil.” Fortified cereals have vitamin D. Salmon has about 300 IUs and tuna fish has some, the yolk of an egg has some. But basically food is not the greatest source of Vitamin D. And that’s why it’s so important to take Vitamin D supplements.
CBS4 Newspaper
For information call: 305-477-1699
October 7, 2011
Kendall Regional Preps To Provide Trauma Services Medical Center CEO Scott Cihak. When preparations are complete the hospital, at 11750 Bird Road, will be able to provide licensed Provisional II Trauma Services to Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties, also known as Trauma Service Area 19. “There’s a definite need for more trauma centers in the area,” said Dr. Mark McKenny, Chief of Trauma.
KENDALL (CBS4) – As preparations move into the final stages at Kendall Regional Medical Center to become Miami-Dade County’s second adult trauma center, the hospital’s new helipad was put to the test Monday.
Currently, only the Ryder Trauma Center at the Jackson Memorial Hospital provides trauma services to this area. “By having another trauma facility here in Dade County, we’ll definitely be able to impact and reduce mortality of patients that are experiencing trauma,” said Cihak.
Miami-Dade Fire Rescue personnel performed a series of practice landings with their Air Rescue chopper on the hospital’s helipad.
The hospital has built a helipad, two trauma rooms, and hired an around-theclock team of trauma surgeons and nurses.
“It’s vital to have another trauma system for adult trauma here in the western part of the county,” said Kendall Regional
“It was like a dream come true. We’ve been working in this for many months, Kendall Regional Medical Center has been
working on this for several years and it’s all coming to fruition now,” explained Dr. McKenny. According to Cihak, 2,500 patients a year in Miami-Dade County experience trauma but they’re treated at an emergency room that does not have trauma services. Now Kendall Regional hopes to fulfill that need. Hospital officials say they should receive their official accreditation from the Florida Department of Health in October and plan to have the new trauma center up and running by November. “Getting a patient to a trauma center within the first hour of injury, or golden hour, drastically increases their chance of survival,’” said HCA’s Chief Medical Officer Jonathan Perlin in a statement. “Research supported by the Centers for Disease Control shows trauma mortality is reduced when a seriously injured patient is treated at a trauma center versus a nontrauma hospital.”
According to HCA, only about 38% of trauma patients in the state receive treatment in a licensed trauma center. The number is well below the national average and the state’s goal to have 65 percent of trauma patients treated in a Florida licensed trauma center. The Florida Department of Health has identified a need for a total of six adult trauma programs in the Miami-Dade and Monroe county areas.
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Site Ranks Miami #1 For Eating Out to cook a meal. “People don’t have time to cook. People don’t have time to sit down,” said Philly Sub Shop owner Karelli Mila. “Might as well come down and do it in a restaurant.” Miami is not nationally known to be at the top of the culinary food chain, which makes many wonder why so people are packing local restaurants. Reporting David Sutta dsutta@cbs.com MIAMI (CBS4)- Who doesn’t enjoy a meal out? Apparently Miami really does. A new study out by the social website LivingSocial.com shows South Floridians eat more meals out than anywhere else in the country. According to the survey, we eat out a whopping six times a week, outpacing major cities like Dallas, New York, Los Angeles, and Boston. Many blame their laziness and lack of time
“Well it’s quite surprising actually,” said Miami food critic Grace Della. ”It has to be the weather. The weather is just so inviting. Also, I think people watching. What a great city for people watching.” Which leads us to the last part of the survey: Who we are going to lunch with? In Miami it’s friends, dates, colleagues and then spouses. Della believes Miami’s party scene tempts us to leave our spouses behind. If you do the math, eating out six times a week. That is 312 meals a year. Looks like we have a lot of meals to make up to our spouses.
October 7, 2011
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CBS4 Newspaper
October 7, 2011
It May Be Time To Have “The Talk” With Mom Or Dad for elderly, now senior citizens, our adults to advocate to our kids. Now we need to do a reverse in roles,” Kira Villamizar from Miami Dade Health Department said. The Florida Department of Health is now encouraging young people to talk about sex with the older relatives in their lives. “In Miami-Dade County people over 50 represent 32% of the AIDS cases and 23% of the HIV cases reported,” Villamizar said. Reporting Vanessa Borge MIAMI (CBS4) – As teenagers we all dreaded ‘the talk’ where mom, dad or whoever explained sex and what having ‘safe sex’ meant in terms which wouldn’t cause embarrassment. Now, the tables have turned, and it’s time for ‘the talk’ again only this time it’s being directed at those who should know better. “For many years we have been advocating
In 2009, nearly a fifth of all new HIV cases in the state were in people over 50 — more than half of whom lived in South Florida and the outlook for adults is bleak; by 2015, projections put the majority of all people with HIV and AIDS over 50. Part of the reason is that adults are not only living longer but also staying sexually active longer. “HIV/AIDS is no longer a death sentence. Its chronic disease, its manageable, people are living longer,” Villamizar said.
Health officials say while having a talk with your parents, aunts or uncles may be awkward, it can also have a huge impact when it comes to preventing the spread of HIV among older Floridians. “Our young generation has grown up with HIV and AIDS messages. They’re very knowledgably about HIV and AIDS, the risk factors, about prevention,” said Villamizar.
“Usually it’s your parents talking to you about sex and now we have to teach our parents about sex,” 18-year-old Marie Lou Chang said. It’s never too late, according to health officials to implant those same safe sex messages in adults which could prevent the spread of HIV and AIDS in the future.
For information call: 305-477-1699
CBS4 Newspaper
October 7, 2011
Fashion Author Dishes On Her Years Dressing Stars Dress: What I Learned in 40 years About Men, Women, Sex and Fashion”. The tome contains stories from her wealthy clients, who spilled the beans on their lives, while in her Paris dressing room. “Naked women tell you everything!” exclaimed Tiel. “As the women tell you everything, I decided there was so much to learn from these stars about fashion , sex, men and the works. So I wanted to share it.” Reporting Lisa Petrillo lpetrillo@wfor.cbs.com MIAMI BEACH (CBS4) – Fashion designer Vicky Tiel loves to tell stories. The woman who created clothing for everyone from Hollywood’s superstars, to royalty, has had quite the adventurous life. Recently at an Indian Creek home, Vicky is sharing stories to CBS4? s Lisa Petrillo from her new book “It’s All About the
And dish she does. Vicky was best friends with the late Elizabeth Taylor and jetted around the world with the superstar. “It was all about the food and what she was going to eat that day and who we are going to invite for lunch,” said Tiel of the late icon. “Elizabeth can beckon world leaders to lunch. She was an eater and a drinker. It was all about what wine would go with a peanut butter sandwich.” Movie star Kim Novack taught her to
“geisha your man.” “Geisha your man means, you’re powerful and you run a corporation, but we put him in a bath and you rub oils on his back and his toes,” she said Tiel and her designing partner took Paris by storm in the 1960s with the never before seen, mini skirt!
“We went to Paris and wore our miniskirts,” says Tiel, “We made the front pages in all the papers.” “It’s All About the Dress: What I Learned in 40 years About Men, Women, Sex and Fashion” is now out in book stores.
CBS4 Newspaper
For information call: 305-477-1699
Local App Brings S. Florida Deals To Smartphones Reporting Jorge Estevez jestevez@cbs.com FORT LAUDERDALE (CBS4) – There’s a new way to save on things sold right here in South Florida. CBS4 found a local company that has come up with a website offering reviews from regular people and combines it with cost cutting deals. The goal of Shooger.com is to help businesses reach clients that are more local. The site pairs consumers with deals of up to 90 percent off. The service is free. “We realize the power is in the consumer. We hear about the deals they love and places they love and we can go find those businesses and say, hey, these people want a deal from you and we are going to help them,” said Francesca Watson, a representative of Shooger, to CBS4’s Jorge Estevez.
Shooger works with local businesses to come up with discounts, but unlike other daily deal websites, these deals are good for weeks. “Not just one time where they come in and get a deal and never hear about them again. These deals help connect with them and stay connected with them,” said Watson. Shooger also advertises participating businesses on their websites with animated commercials for the Rickenbacker Fish Company, La Epocaclothing store, the Downtown Athletic Club and Oye Cuban Grill.
October 7, 2011
For information call: 305-477-1699
CBS4 Newspaper
October 7, 2011
Braman Funds Training For Next Generation
Reporting David Sutta dsutta@cbs.com MIAMI (CBS4) – Auto tycoon Norman Braman, who funded the recall of MiamiDade Mayor Carlos Alvarez, is trying to change the county once again on his own dime. He’s opened up his dealership to South Florida’s inner city students in hopes of giving them a helping hand. Inside Braman’s brand new repair shop in
Downtown Miami he’s dedicated an entire wing for a start up program to teach tomorrow’s mechanics. The shop’s twenty five students were all hand picked from Miami-Dade’s inner city schools. They had to audition and pass drug tests. Most of the students look like they are just out of high school and most of them are. In teams of five, they are all focused on the task at hand; learn to disassemble and reassemble an engine.
be in the class.
While most would call it work, they don’t
The program’s books, the uniforms, tools and even a shuttle to class is paid for by Braman.
“It’s Christmas everyday,” said Aubrey Wilson. Joselyn Morrero, the lone girl in the class, said she celebrated when she learned she had made the cut because she felt like she had won the lottery. “You feel like it’s congratulations? Like you accomplished something,” CBS4’s David Sutta asked her. “Yes, and I keep on accomplishing everyday. It’s not going to stop,” said Morrero who pointed out she beat out 50 other students to
From the all the equipment and engines to the student’s uniforms, the program is not cheap. Rich Lotito, who teaches the program, said the students are told right up front they are not expected to pay for any of it. “They don’t, their tuition is covered,” said Lotito.
“The main intent is to help the inner city schools, help the inner city children and help these students, hopefully, get good paying jobs where they can take care of their families in the future and become upstanding citizens,” said Braman’s attorney Stanley Krieger. “This is huge,” said teacher Rich Lotito as he talked about how they’re taking lessons from the classroom straight into the shop where the students work alongside master mechanics.
“They look at that and it’s not like being in the classroom and being told when you show up to work you better do what you are told. They get to see it first hand,” said Lotito. The program was Braman’s idea; it was his way of turning lives around for those who could commit. David Schleiden, a school district representative who has overseen the program since it’s inception, believes the students will go far. “They are going to learn a skill that going to take them the rest of their life. One in five jobs in the United States is related to the automotive industry and they are on the ground floor of it,” said Schleiden. The two year program will prepare them for jobs and Braman said he’s hoping to hire many of them. Anyone under the age of 25 and interested in the program can call (305) 558-8000 for more information. Any garage or automotive repair facility interested in hiring one of these students can call that number as well.
CBS4 Newspaper October 7, 2011 Edition
CBS4 Newspaper
For information call: 305-477-1699
October 7, 2011
Horoscopes provided by www.starlightastrology.com
Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)
Leo (July 23-Aug. 23)
Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)
Get involved in sports groups or hobbies that attract you. Make creative changes to your living quarters. You need to be inspired and have your spirits lifted. Implement your ideas into your projects at work. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Thursday.
Hold your temper and refrain from doing anything that might cause injury. Get help setting up a reasonable budget. Look into ways of making extra cash. Opportunities to travel will develop through peers. Praise will be yours if you have been pursuing your goals. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Sunday.
Complete those hobbies you started a long time ago. Try not to hesitate; act on your initial instincts. Don’t overdo it. You need to enjoy yourself. Your need to put great detail into everything you do may cause you to miss the overall picture. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Friday.
Too much talk might lead to hassles. You may want to sign up for courses that will encourage you to have more confidence in yourself. You can enhance your reputation by making contributions to worthwhile causes. Accomplishment is yours if you direct yourself accordingly. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Thursday.
Cancer (June 22-July 22)
Sagitarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21)
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23)
Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 20)
You need to be sure that you aren’t in your present relationship because it is convenient. Take a close look at any contracts you’ve signed in order to be sure exactly where you stand. You should focus on moneymaking matters and stay away from emotional disputes. Get on with your life. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Friday.
Children’s needs could be more costly than you anticipated. Update and review your personal investments. It might be time to make a fresh start. Your ability to work with detail could help you achieve your goals. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Wednesday.
You will need to work diligently in order to accomplish even the smallest amount. Your partner may be reluctant to tell you how they feel. Be sure to take care of the needs of your immediate loved ones first. You don’t like confrontations at the best of times; however, you may find them difficult to avoid. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Wednesday.
Do your best, but don’t make too many promises or you may exhaust yourself. You can make rewarding connections through the organized groups you associate with. You may be frustrated by the way situations are being handled in your personal life. However, be careful with luggage; it may be rerouted. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Monday.
Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 18)
Taurus (Apr. 21-May 21)
Virgo (Aug. 24-Sept. 22)
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)
Be careful not to misplace your wallet or belongings. You can make professional changes and direct your energy into making all the right moves. Go after your goals. You will learn valuable skills if you sign up for seminars this month. Sudden romance could end just as quickly. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Wednesday.
Don’t be too quick to judge partners or those you work with. You can’t win and they won’t listen. Don’t fall for damaging rumors, and refuse to get involved in gossip. Your sensitivity toward those you love will capture their hearts Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Thursday.
You can make progress professionally. A residential move may be in order. Put your energy into your work or moneymaking ventures rather than into your emotional life this month. You will do well with clients this month. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Tuesday.
Do not react too harshly when dealing with partners. Put your efforts into physical fitness programs or competitive sports. Help elders in your family. You must make sure that all your personal documents are in order. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Friday.
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