News MagaziNe
sharks: The FighT
To keep Them
alive Coral gables eDiTioN april 2012
CBS4 News Magazine
Sharks: The Fight To Keep Them Alive
Just 50 miles off the coast of Bimini the waters are teaming with sharks in need of human protection. Dr. Samuel Gruber, a professor at the University of Miami is fighting to keep them alive.
07 15 23 28 31 37
If you’re one of the millions of Americans considering refinancing your home, time may be of the essence to take advantage of new programs being offered by the federal government.
If you’ve enjoyed shopping on Black Friday from the comfort of your home, knowing you’re saving on sales taxes; some Florida lawmakers may have bad news for you.
Miami is ranked among the top three places in the nation for human sex trafficking and now the city is looking to lead the globe in fighting to end the problem.
The snakes have spread across South Florida, and the nuisance has lead to a ban which has spiked a campaign from those in favor and those against the reptiles who are not native to Florida.
As banks continue to find ways to nickel and dime customers to death, it turns out that ATM fees are taking a large chunk of your money away needlessly.
The flame in the bedroom hardly has to fizzle out as you age. With so many things getting better as you age, why can’t sex be one of them?
47 49 53
Millions of people are driven to collect things most of us would consider junk. They are compulsive hoarders and now there’s mounting evidence that in some cases, hoarding is in your genes.
Sometimes, a burger or steak may be just too much. That’s when it’s time to hit the deli and get yourself a nice cold, or hot, sandwich to satisfy your hunger.
Several times a week more than a dozen baby boomers hit the dance floor and dance the stress of the their lives away. PRINTED IN THE USA, COPYRIGHT © 2012 BY MARCO G, INC. All rights reserved. The CBS4 News Magazine, a free publication, is published monthly by MARCO G, Inc. Material in this publication must not be stored or reproduced in any form without permission from Marco G. Inc. or WFOR CBS4. Requests for permission should be directed to: CBS4 and/or Marco G. Inc do not assume any liability for products and/or services claimed in advertisements herein. CBS4 and its logo (s) are protected through trademark registration. The use of logos, content and/or artwork in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. For more information please contact 305-477-1699.
[ 4 ] April 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Coral Gables
The Time To refinance your Home May Be now If you’re one
of the millions of Americans considering refinancing your home, time may be of the essence to take advantage of new programs being offered by the federal government. Currently, the average rate on a 30-year fixed rate mortgage is 3.87 percent, which is one of the lowest rates in recent memory. It has some homeowners asking how low can they go. “I couldn’t believe that interest rates would go any lower than they were,” said homeowner Whit Clay. “I mean five percent is pretty low.” But, for the Clays, the lower rates were too good to pass up and now they have locked in an ultra-low rate on their mortgage of 4.25 percent. “The closing costs were wrapped
into the mortgage,” Whit said. “So we had no closing costs and ultimately what we ended up having was simply an appraisal fee and the cost of applying for a mortgage.” Still, the added costs can add up in a hurry. So it’s important to do the math and figure out how much you’ll save and whether the cost will be defeat the purpose of going through the entire process. “If the rate is at least 3/4 of a percent lower and they expect to be in their property for the long haul then it’s definitely a good idea,” said Melissa Cohn, president of the Manhattan Mortgage Company. Just don’t expect the low rates to be around forever. In order to pay for the payroll tax cut, Congress ordered mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to increase their fees and turn over the extra money to the U.S. Treasury. The fees will be passed on to home buyers in the form of higher interest rates, some as much as one-tenth of a percent. On a traditional $200,000 mortgage, that translates to an extra $5,400 over the lifetime of a 30-year-loan. And homeowners are becoming very cognizant of this fact. According to the Mortgage Bankers Association, refinancing activity has climbed nearly 9.5 percent in the last week. So the window to take advantage of historically low rates is quickly closing and the time to act may be now.
April 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Coral Gables [ 7 ]
sharks: miami (CBs4miami.Com)
The FighT
To keep Them
alive rep or Tin g Dav iD suT Ta
“Tiger sharks have TerriBle press. iT’s geTTing BeTTer anD aFTer ToDay iT may geT a loT BeTTer.” J u s t 50 m i l e s of f t he c oast
of Bimini the waters are teaming with sharks. Sharks that need human protection. At the center of that effort is Dr. Samuel Gruber, a professor at the University of Miami’s Rosential School for Marine and Atmospheric Science and director of their Bimini Biological Field Station. You could call him the “shark whisperer.” But he hardly whispers. “I want you to clear that shark. Can you do that,” asked Dr. Gruber point to a large shark in the water. “Look at that shark!” Perhaps he is the “shark barker. At 74-years old, Dr. Gruber could be summed up in one word: crazy. “I frankly never thought I’d live past 30,” Gruber told CBS4’s David Sutta while he fought to pull up a tiger shark on the side of a boat. Somehow Doc has survived encountering sharks from Florida through the Bahamas, since the 60’s. Gruber’s love for one of the most feared animals in the ocean drove him to set up the school’s shark lab in Bimini. He was forced there when research in the Florida Keys collapsed. “I watched the population that I worked with dwindle down to nothing over a period of several years due to overfishing,” explained Gruber. Today, he’s far from nothing. Sharks are everywhere. Biologists come to Bimini from around the world to study the ocean’s top predator. It’s not by chance that Gruber, the biologists or the sharks are here. For three decades the Bahamas have been protecting the shark. “If we did not ban long lining, our shark population would have crashed just like they have almost every where in the world,” explained Eric Carey with the Bahamas National Trust. As a result in the Bahamas you’ll find some of the most diverse shark populations in the world. For example, Tiger sharks. “They are giant, giant sharks, 20-footers,” said Dr. Gruber as he struggled to pull one along side a boat so it could be tagged. Dr. Michael Domeier has traveled from California to attach satellite trackers on their fins. “When he’s finning and the tags out of the water, it can fix a position on where the shark is,” said Domeier with the Marine Conservation Science Institute. Domeier has developed and app which can track dozens of sharks in real-time on the iPad. The app is called “Expedition White Shark” and can be found in Apple’s app store or at www. “The yellow ones are the ones that we have had hits from satellite tags in the past seven days,” he added pointing tot he screen. “It’s more than just a novelty. It’s a research tool. If you tag enough animals this way you can start to figure out their entire life history pattern.” The tracks show us a side of sharks we never see. Jaws, as we’ve come to know them, may be the world’s most misunderstood animal. Gruber described them as the Budda’s of the ocean. “I’m going to let her go. She’ll swim away into the sea,” said Gruber. ”Tiger sharks have terrible press. It’s getting better and after today it may get a lot better.” It was certainly unexpected and so was what we found waiting for us back at the dock in Bimini. The two sharks we
saw swimming are bull sharks. “They are the ultimate top predator. They are even more of a top predator than a great white shark. They are designed to prey on sharks. As a consequence they are the real controllers of everything,” said Gruber. The bull sharks are so dangerous the CBS4 crew had to film them using a camera on a stick. Gruber said these particular sharks are in trouble because of their fins. The Chinese go wild for them. Each year 70-million sharks are killed for their fins which are used to make soup. In search of bigger fins, fishermen now target bigger sharks, like these bulls. “Bull sharks are totally unprotected. You can kill as many as you want,” said Gruber. Biologists are growing concerned because it takes sharks 12-years to reach adulthood. Basically, their fishing is unsustainable. “You guys, especially in Florida, should be looking to see what we’ve done,” said Eric Carey. The Bahamas, seeing a disaster coming, took a dramatic step this summer to stop it. “Sharks are fully protected in the Bahamas,” said Carey. It was a bold move protecting all sharks from fishing. Doc takes us five miles out into the ocean to explain why the move was necessary. You could call these, shark infested waters. “Well it is exciting and we are all propagandized for our entire lives how bad these things are. The real propaganda is that they are being killed off at a rate unsustainable and they play a very important roll in this reef,” said Gruber. Wild Caribbean Reef sharks dart in from every direction. The sharks are skittish but curious. “Doc we are not in any danger,” asked Sutta. “Actually these sharks are dangerous,” responded Dr. Gruber, who then pets one. It’s here that Gruber explains why we need sharks in the first place. “If the reef sharks disappear, all the animals that were fed on by the reef sharks would start to proliferate and expand in their numbers,” Gruber explained. In other words, sharks keep the ocean in check. It’s something the Bahamas needs for its survival. Despite the efforts of the Bahamians, it may be in vain. “Our national anthem don’t make a difference to them (sharks). Our international boundaries are insignificant to them,” said Carey. The moment the sharks migrate away from Bimini they are vulnerable. The Bahamas is hoping the United States joins them to protect the sharks by banning shark fishing outright. It’s a battle full of economics and politics. “I try to convince the government of it. But they are more worried about being sued than what some old, crazy, shark guy has to say,” Gruber said. So Gruber, while ever persistent and perhaps crazy, continues his push for the world’s most misunderstood animal. Someone is listening. The United States recently banned the process of taking shark fins while throwing the carcasses out. It’s a big step but not nearly as big as the Bahamas. Time will tell which country was right.
April 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Coral Gables [ 9 ]
Port of Miami & Miami International Airport Saw
more Travelers & Cargo last Year Two major SouTh Florida ThoroughFareS
are celebrating an uptick in travel and goods. PortMiami and Miami International Airport saw gains in cargo and passengers in fiscal year 2010-2011 PortMiami reports that containerized cargo movements were up 7 percent, with a total of 906,607 TEU’s (twenty-foot equivalent units) during the year long period, which ended on September 30, 2011. With those numbers, PortMiami again ranks as the number one container port in the Sunshine State. “We are extremely pleased with our performance,” Port Director Bill Johnson said Wednesday “The seven percent increase in container volumes follows a five percent growth the previous year—solid performances in view of the ongoing uncertainties in the globaleconomy.” Cruise traffic was up as well. For the fourth consecutive year, four million passengers traveled through PortMiami, more than any other port in the world. Officials at PortMiami expect the number one ranking to stick around for a while with the addition of three cruise lines in 2012, including Regent Seven Seas Cruise Line, MSC Cruises, and Disney Cruise Line. Three newly built ships will also call the port home; the Celebrity Reflection, the Carnival Breeze
and Oceania Riviera. “These new cruise ships will rank among the most exciting and innovative in the world adding to our already distinguished galaxy of cruise vessels,” Johnson said. Johnson credits strong Latin American economies for keeping the port so successful. More than 50 percent of PortMiami’s trade is with South and Central American nations. At Miami International Airport, aviation officials say the airport grew the fastest out of the top 20 in the country. Due to the growth, an estimated 6% percent more domestic passengers traveled through the concourses at MIA over last year, with a 9% increase seen in international travelers.
“we are exTremelY pleaSed wiTh our perFormanCe”
April 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Coral Gables [ 11 ]
FIU ExpansIon Means Less Room For annual
Dade Youth Fair
Since the 1970’S, 86 acres next to Florida International University have been home to the Dade County Youth Fair and Expo, a tradition hundreds of thousands of South Florida families flock to every March. Now news is surfacing that the midway may be on the march out as FIU looks to expand. “We have built up unfortunately. WE have no more space really to continue to grow here,” said FIU External Relations Vice President Sandra Gonzalez-Levy told CBS4’s David Sutta Wednesday. Gonzalez-Levy said she has spent the last 18 months trying to find new university land, and are now looking next door. The issue is pressing: more than 10,000 more students over the next five years are expected to enroll at the school. “We are talking about classrooms. We are talking about research facilities. We are talking about labs. We are talking about housing,” said Gonzalez-Levy.
But what is to become of the fair? FIU is trying to move them. “If we can find a location that is a win-win for everybody we would be glad to relocate,” said Miami-Dade County Fair Chairman Manny Rodriguez. One possible site officials are looking at is 350 acres on the edge of 8th Street and the Florida Everglades. “This would be the most centrally located,” said Rodriguez. The land, which actually is owned by South Florida Water Management District for wetland conservation, would become subject to a land swap. Some legislation circulating would allow FIU to take it over, then lease it to become the fair’s new home. “I think FIU should look at other ways to expand their campus,” said Tropical Audubon Society spokesperson Laura Reynolds. “They should be looking to build up not just out.” Environmentalists worry how the massive park would impact the county’s water supply. “There is an economic value to just having green space that we haven’t realized,” said Reynolds.
April 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Coral Gables [ 13 ]
Florida Senate Targets
Internet Sales Taxes If you’ve enjoyed shoppIng on Black frIday from the comfort of your home, knowing you’re saving on sales taxes; some Florida lawmakers may have bad news for you. A Florida Senate committee has moved a bill forward that would require online retailers like and others to collect the state’s 6 percent sales tax if the company has a warehouse or provides commissions to Florida residents who direct customers to the website. In exchange for the sales tax, the state would hold a sales tax holiday to give taxpayers an amount equal to what’s collected online. The only question is enforcement. Several states have tried to enforce similar laws against online retailers, but most of those laws have been challenged in court.
April 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Coral Gables [ 15 ]
Feds Call
IdentIty theFt & tax Fraud an epIdemIC reporting Al sunshine
it’s A nAtionAl problem thAt could be leAving millions oF tAxpAyers wondering this tAx seAson, whAt hAppened to their reFunds. And nowhere is it A bigger problem thAn in the miAmi-Ft. lAuderdAle metropolitAn AreA.
According to A FederAl Trade Commission report just released, South Florida had more complaints about identity theft than any other place in the United States in 2011. It’s a national problem that could be leaving millions of taxpayers wondering this tax season what happened to their refunds. Federal prosecutors tell CBS 4 News it could be costing Uncle Sam Billions of Dollars this year alone. It’s tax refund fraud. And it’s the latest identity theft exploding across the country thanks to high-speed internet connections and state of the art tax filing programs. Sunrise resident Vanessa Dowe recently “i got An Alert tried filing for her tax sAying my tAxes refund. She found hAd AlreAdy been out somebody else Filed And i hAd got it using her social not Filed them security number. The Broward single mom At All. i stArted explained “I got an crying, i wAs alert saying my taxes reAlly upset” had already been filed and I had not filed them at all. I started crying, I was really upset” The General Accountability Office, or GAO, reported that in 2008, Uncle Sam got 52,000 tax refund complaints. Just two years later, it skyrocketed to about 250,000. The Federal Trade Commission says it’s now getting about 50,000 ID theft complaints a week, mostly tax refund scams. The U.S. Attorney for South Florida, Wifredo Ferrer, told CBS4 Chief Consumer Investigator Al Sunshine, ” It is now an epidemic, that is how I describe it. It is viral, it is spreading not only here in South Florida, but throughout the country. And we’re dealing with hundreds of millions of dollars if not billions of dollars of loss, to the IRS and to the government. People describe it as cocaine on a card, it is easy to get. it spreads, it’s a lot of money. people are having parties in their homes and training others on how to commit this fraud. It turns out this latest cyberscam relies on just three things: tax software to electronically file multiple returns. Personal taxpayer information like names and social security numbers. And an electronic filing number from the IRS. And CBS 4 Investigates found the kind of software to pull it all off is even available online for free. Cyber-law specialist Brad Gross, a Weston Attorney, blames Congress and the IRS for this latest identity theft epidemic. He said lawmakers demanded the
IRS make it easier for taxpayers to get refunds electronically. But he charged the agency obviously did not include enough safeguards to keep cyber-scammers out of it’s computers. “A cyberscammer just needs a little bit of motivation, a little bit of creativity and they can easily conduct this type of scam,” said Gross. Sunshine asked Gross how hard is it to get this kind of software? “It’s simple. It’s a perfect storm of a scam at taxpayers expense,” he said. To avoid becoming a victim, consumer protection experts say don’t give any personal information to anyone on the phone or over the internet. Shred all your private records before throwing them out. And file your tax return as soon as possible to find out if anyone else has filed in your name and immediately contact the IRS if they have. Federal Prosecutors have put together several special enforcement teams of investigators from the Secret Service, FBI and local agencies to focus on this growing problem. There are several proposals expected to be introduced in Congress to try to shut the loopholes. But they are not expected to offer much help anytime soon to the growing number of victims here and across the country who will be finding out somebody has already filed a tax return in their name, and stolen their refunds.
“it’s simple. it’s A perFect storm oF A scAm At tAxpAyers expense”
April 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Coral Gables [ 17 ]
FoRt LAudeRdALe (
South Florida Doctors Seeing
Rise In Illnesses That Just Won’t Quit RepoRtIng ted scouten A nAsty bug hAs been making its way around South Florida, making everyone miserable in its path. “I’m up all night coughing,” complained Luanne Johnstone as she sits in the emergency room at North Broward Medical Center. “I got, like a real heavy chest and a headache.” She has what so many people have, an annoying cough that just won’t stop. Justin Wilson has the same problem. “Basically every time I would take a deep breath and I coughed, Bam! Headache,” said Wilson. He’s in the emergency room with his parents after, what appeared to be the flu, turned into a nagging cough that wouldn’t quit. “It’s horrible,” says his mom Carleine Romain. “He still has this persistent dry cough which is very painful for him and it does not allow him to catch any sleep,” she said. “So the worst part of this is he cannot sleep.”
That cough turned into pneumonia. Dr. Nabil El Sanadi, the head of emergency medicine for Broward Health, told CBS4’s Ted Scouten that he is seeing a lot of patients with what appears to be the flu,who eventually are coughing up a storm days and sometimes weeks later. For the most part, he said the worst is over in a day or two, but watch out for other complications. “If things start getting a lot worse, high fevers, 102-103,” Dr. El Sanadi said. “If you start seeing a purulent discharge, yellow or green discharge from either the lungs or the nose, that may be a sign that you need to seek professional medical help. “ And be careful not to spread it. “If you’re coughing or sneezing make sure you over your mouth,” said Dr. El Sanadi. “Either cough in your sleeve or cover your mouth.” He also suggests frequent hand washing, which lasts at least 15 to 20 seconds. Dr. El Sanadi also advises if you’re sick, stay home from work or school.
April 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Coral Gables [ 19 ]
Homicide Drops
From Top 15 Causes Of Death By Tim KepHarT Homicide is no longer one of the top 15 causes of death in the United States, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC revealed the top 15 Wednesday afternoon and dropped homicide from the list for the first time in 45 years. According to the CDC, out of 2.4 million deaths in 2010, there were 16,065 homicides. The 2010 numbers were a drop from 16,799 a year earlier. Homicide was replaced in the top 15 by pneumonitis. According to the CDC report, the top 10 leading causes of death were: 1. Heart disease 2. Malignant neoplasms 3. Chronic lower respiratory diseases 4. Cerebrovascual diseases 5. Accidents 6. Alzheimer’s disease 7. Diabetes mellitus 8. Nephritis 9. Influenza 10. Suicide The CDC found that the death rate for heart disease dropped by 2.4 percent. But, the death rate increased significantly for Alzehimer’s disease (3.3 percent); nephritis, chronic liver disease, Parkinson’s disease and pneumonitis.
April 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Coral Gables [ 21 ]
Transportation Officials In Training to Spot
Sex Traffickers MiaMi is ranked aMong the toP three Places in the nation for huMan sex trafficking and now the city is looking to lead the globe in fighting to end the ProbleM. compelled to get involved after listening to a trafficking survivor Police officers, Prosecutors, airport employees tell her story at an anti-trafficking event. He said that girl was and Port Miami employees are all undergoing a specialized forced through Miami International by her trafficker despite her training session. They’re learning to spot some of the signs of silent pleas for help. sex trafficking hoping they can intervene and save a child’s life. “What she said was that if you looked into her eyes you could “We need that million set of eyes,” said Susan Leah Dechovitz, see that she was crying out for help and she looked into the eyes Director of the human and sex trafficking task force for the of the agent who took her boarding pass,” remembered Pyatt. Miami-Dade State’s Attorney’s office. “So if something looks “But the agent was so preoccupied on the size of her carry on funny to you, you call it in and the police will then investigate.” bag that the agent failed to see the look in her eyes and had she They won’t give specifics of what they’re looking for. But they had noticed that, she might have been able to pull her aside and do say the rest of us can do our own part and call police when ask her what was wrong. That, of course, as an airport employee, something just doesn’t look right. hit a very strong chord with us.” “If you have any suspicion that a child is in trouble, that a This is the first of its kind training around the country. Now child is being controlled by someone else,” said Trudy Novicki, agencies around the world are reaching out to Miami-Dade Director of Kristi House. “If a child has a lot of gifts all of the authorities in hopes of training their own employees to fight sudden.” sex trafficking. Kristi House is a place that treats victims of human trafficking. Kristi House offers Novicki said other things that can be a red its own training to flag are if you see a child that is calling this is the first of its kind training anyone interested once an older man her boyfriend. Police said a month. But authorities simple things that look odd can also be a around the country. now agencies say the most important warning sign to call 911. around the world are reaching out thing the public can do is “If it’s a suspicious house. There’s a lot to call in tips when they of young girls there and you don’t think to MiaMi-dade authorities in hoPes of think something wrong the girls live there,” pointed out Major training their own eMPloyees to fight is going on. Charles Nanny of the Miami-Dade Police sex trafficking. Department. Ken Pyatt, Deputy Aviation Director at Miami International Airport said he was
April 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Coral Gables [ 23 ]
by Al sunshine As A recent college grAduAte, Courtney Hall is worried about building up her credit history. “It’s very important to keep up with my credit cards, monthly payments and college loans and with all the bills…trying to make sure they’re all paid…it’s not easy,” said Hall. Not easy now, for her or anyone else. As CBS4’s Chief Consumer Investigator Al Sunshine found out, credit ratings are evolving into “Core Scores”… including information that digs deeper than ever into our payment history. It follows years of banks losing billions in loans during the recession and needing to dig a little deeper into our credit, including how we’re spending our money. “Utility bills, rental payments, parking tickets, these are all things they are looking at now in addition to the regular credit rating data. They are very nervous researching borrowers backgrounds now, before actually lending money,” Howard Dworkin of Consolidated Credit told Sunshine. Consumers are split on whether it’s a good thing or not. “I don’t think they need more information about us,” said one consumer. “It’s not really fair,” said another. “I guess if they had more information… in a way it would benefit me,” said a third. Core Logic, the financial data cruncher that is expanding its background checks acknowledges the extra information could hurt some people, while helping others. The company would not agree to go on camera, but in a written statement pointed out that “borrowers who would typically have insufficient credit history in traditional credit
reports, could now have new opportunities.” Credit expert John Ulzheimer agrees. ”The addition of this type of nontraditional information is going to help some people have a credit report who have never had a credit report before.” But attorney Chi Chi Wu with the National Consumer Law Center sees it a little differently. She’s concerned that people who had legitimate reasons for not paying certain bills will be penalized, making it even harder for consumers. “If there are mice running around, if you don’t have any hot water, you’re allowed to not pay your rent,” explained Wu. And borrowers won’t even know what lenders are using the new core score. So what can we do about it? “Consumers need to take responsibility for making their payments in a timely fashion. Otherwise it’s possible Big Brother could be watching. You could be turned down for a loan and you may not even know,” Dworkin told Sunshine. The data for the new Core-Score comes from public records. That’s why it’s more critical than ever to double-check your credit report, try to fix any errors and work with your lenders or creditors if you have any problems keeping your bills as current as possible.
April 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Coral Gables [ 25 ]
MiaMi (CBS4MiaMi.CoM)
Million dollar donation Toward Dade Schools WiFi Goal
“it Would Be the opportunity to Create 24/7, anytiMe, anyWhere learninG”
StudentS in MiaMi-dade are on the brink of bridging the digital divide. Miami-Dade Schools had set a goal of raising $7 million in order to get a matching $70 million so they could install WiFi in every school in the district. “It would be the opportunity to create 24/7, anytime, anywhere learning,” said Superintendent Alberto Carvalho. Tuesday, they took a big step toward their goal thanks to a very generous donation. John and Carrie Morgridge, part of the Cisco Systems family, wrote a check to the district for one million dollars. “Our family has decided to invest one million dollars in Miami-Dade,” said Carrie Morgridge. “Access to all to excellent education requires technology.” The Morgridge’s check will go a long way toward help the district achieve its goal. “It’s a ten to one match, so our million dollars will bring down ten million dollars,” said Morgridge. One of the school which will benefit from the donation is Riverside Elementary where most parents can’t afford WiFi in their homes. The Morgridge’s donation is being matched by the district which brings their total to $6.5 million. The school district has until the end of the month to meet their goal. Carvalho said he’s confident they’ll reach it and on August 21st, the first day of the new school year, every student will be able to log on to the worldwide web.
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414 VelarDe aVe. coral gables, Fl 33134 ✴ Ph. 305.445.8918 ✴ April 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Coral Gables [ 27 ]
Moving From The
Everglades To The
Concrete Jungle
Pythons have been getting a lot of attention lately. The snakes have spread across South Florida, and the nuisance has lead to a ban which has spiked a campaign from those in favor and those against the reptiles who are not native to Florida. Some groups are grateful for the ban, which begins in late March, others feel it will not do anything but create unnecessary panic. Pythons are hard to find, tough to capture and impossible to control. Proof can be seen in pictures obtained by CBS4 across South Florida of python sightings: from a farm in Homestead, to an African python found south of Bird Road, to one found in Kendall and another in Miramar. The pictures taken by various trappers and government agencies uncover a new reality: snakes are popping up across south Florida. “We don’t know if it’s tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands,” said Eric Stienmetz, with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, who patrols for pythons in the Keys. The mangrove swamp area provides endless pathways where pythons can move freely and eventually spread across even more urban areas. Under a watch for almost ten years by government agencies, the python population has grown. New numbers from Everglades National Park show that in 2002, it stood at about 20, in 2006 it jumped to around 175 pythons captured, it peaked in 2009 at about 375 and then dropped in 2010 to 325. Besides being a nuisance, studies show pythons have proven to be damaging to our eco-system. “They eat our local deer, hogs, raccoon, possums, the key largo wood rat,” said Steinmetz. If not properly fed, they can also pose a danger to people and pets. A scenario that is all to familiar to the Moore family in Key Largo. “Next thing I know, my wife is shaking me and said John, John, get up, get up. What’s wrong? What’s wrong,” said John Moore. He awoke to find a snake slither onto his couch in his docked house boat. “I saw a python with its head looking at the cat and the cat was looking at it. It looked like it was going to get it at any time,” said Moore. The cat survived and the snake got away. Further north, off
Biscayne Blvd. and 71st street, a snake was discovered just this month in the yard of a house in the upper east side of Miami. Professionals with Expert Wildlife Trappers Inc. are responding to more snake calls from unsuspecting families worried for their safety. “If a snake gets inside the house, they don’t know how to handle it,” said Osmar Silva, owner of Expert Wildlife Trappers. Maps also show that the snakes are spreading. Tracking from the website, shows hundreds of reported incidents across Florida. To help control the population, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission now has a hotline, 1-888-Ive-got1. “The goal is to be able to find exotic wildlife out in the environment and to be able to respond and take them out of the environment,” said Jenny Ketterlin Eckles, a biologist with FWC. The group addresses the overpopulation. They work closely with FWC to find homes for pythons. “If someone wants to get rid of the animals, we have to provide a home for them it is necessary,” said Matthew Passman. People have had them for pets for years. According to experts, the secret to maintaining a healthy python is to properly feed it. By doing so, you ensure the python will not go on the attack for food. Gathering food is the main reason why experts say pythons become aggressive. Pythons are believed to have escaped into the wild for two reasons: people may have released them after not realizing how to take care of them, and Hurricane Andrew in 1992. The storm may have done damage to pet shops in its path, sending snakes to roam free in the Everglades. So with hundreds of acres of Everglades, extermination is not an option, according to experts. “They are very good at hiding. Even a 16 foot snake can disappear in the saw grass,” said Ketterlin Eckles. Experts feel we need to make policies for proper management of a majestic species which is thriving in the Florida landscape. “They are going to reproduce faster. We are going to have more of them,” said Steinmetz
“They are very good at hiding. Even a 16 foot snake can disappear in the saw grass,”
April 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Coral Gables [ 29 ]
AtM Fees An
unnecessary cost For Most
As bAnks continue to find ways to nickel and dime customers to death, it turns out that one of the most common fees, ATM’s, is taking a large chunk of your money away needlessly. “I get made every time the statements come and I see the fees and the dollars we don’t need to be spending each month,” said Mike Bernardi. Mike said he tries to avoid ATM fees at all costs. “I personally only go to my own bank so I don’t get the fees,” Mike said. Unfortunately for Mike, his wife doesn’t always attack ATM’s in the same manner. “There’s always an instance when I need cash and an ATM for our bank isn’t around,” said Ashley Bernardi. For the Bernardis, and every banks customer, hitting up an ATM that isn’t from your bank will probably have you end up paying twice; a fee at the ATM and then a second charge from your bank. That can bring the cost of one transaction up to $5. “If you’re making one withdrawal a week and you’re making $5 in total ATM charges; you’re talking $250 a year that you’re needlessly giving up in ATM fees,” said Greg McBride of ATM charges have doubled over the past decade and are now at a record high. But they don’t have to hit your bank account if you do a little work. Some smaller banks and credit unions reimburse ATM fees when their customers use another company’s machine. “They can go to any ATM and know that it is essentially free,” said McBride. Larger banks help customers find their cash machines with locators on their websites or you can download an app on your mobile device that will point you to a free ATM. Ashley said she will change her ways and not go to any other banks. It’s a decision that will help her family’s bottom line as banks continue to try to find new revenue streams from financially strapped customers.
April 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Coral Gables [ 31 ]
In town
There’s noThing like a good sTeak, and each of these restaurants deliver. it’s true, you can get a great steak at the nationally known steak restaurants, but most of these places have been local favorites for years, and offer a uniquely south florida take on great beef.
Shula’S STeak houSe 7601 MiaMi Lakes drive MiaMi Lakes, FL · www.donshuLa.coM
One look at legendary Miami Dolphins coach Don Shula and you know he likes a good steak, and that’s what his restaurants serve. His original restaurant, in Miami Lakes, offers a host of outstanding cuts of aged Black Angus beef. The restaurant calls them Shula Cut steaks, and they are huge. Try a 32 ounce Prime Rib, a 22 ounce Cowboy steak, or, the grand-daddy of them all, a 48 ounce Porterhouse that is so big, finishing one gets you membership in the Shula 48-ounce club. That’s 4 pounds of aged Angus beef! As you enjoy the steak, take in the sports memorabilia from Coach Shula’s amazing career.
laS VacaS gordaS 933 norMandy dr. MiaMi Beach, FL · www.Lasvacasgordas.coM There’s nothing like a steak prepared in the Argentine style, and at Las Vacas Gordas (or, for the english-only crowd, the Fat Cows), they offer a traditional Argentinian parrillada. In addition to great steaks served with an outstanding Chimichurri sauce, they have all sorts of beef, including a killer Churrasco. It’s carnivore heaven. Service can be spotty, but if you come for the beef, you’ll like what you find.
Tropical acreS reSTauranT 2500 griFFin road Ft. LauderdaLe, FL • www.tropicaLacres.coM The steaks are certified Angus beef, the cuts are huge, and the meat is char-broiled. The beef is the star at this legendary Ft. Lauderdale restaurant, but they also offer a wide ranging menu that should satisfy almost anyone. Among the stars on the grill is the 24-ounce Porterhouse and a huge NY Strip steak for 2. The restaurant opened in 1949 and has a huge local following after 60 years, and you’ll know why once you tuck into a perfectly done Porterhouse.
e’s nothing like The Forge
432 41st st. MiaMi Beach, FL · www.theForge.coM
The restaurant is a Miami Beach legend, and the steaks live up to the legend. Chef Dewey LoSasso grills angus beef over oak, offering what they call a “Super Steak” 16 ounce NY Strip, aged 21 days. The Filet with the restaurant’s traditional mustard sauce is buttery-tender, and for something lighter, the Grilled Skirt Steak with tomato jam is delightful. An eclectic menu is offered for those who are not carnivores, and The Forge may have the best wine cellar in Florida. Celebrities are often spotted here. The bill can be hefty, but the experience is memorable.
BourBon STeak
turnBerry isLe resort and cLuB 19999 w. country cLuB dr. aventura, FL •
They call this a ‘modern American steakhouse’ and pride themselves on serving organic and hormone free cuts of beef. They also serve American Wagu beef at prices that don’t quite make you swoon. The restaurant offers a wide range of wood-grilled cuts, including a 2-pound Porterhouse, as well as specially showcased dry-aged cuts. There are other items on the menu for those who aren’t interested in beef, but rest assured, the steaks are center stage here.
April 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Coral Gables [ 33 ]
Thousands Of
African Snails Captured In Miami-Dade
ThirTy seven Thousand and counTing.
That’s how many Giant African land snails have been collected in Miami-Dade by state’s agriculture department since the first one was found in September, 2011. All of the snails were found in 14 core areas of the county; from Hialeah south to Homestead. Check out the Giant African Land Snail Map to see where they’ve been found. State agriculture officials said this invasive species of snail eats at least 500 different agricultural crops, can cause damage
to plaster and stucco on homes and though rare, can carry rat lungworm, a parasite that can cause meningitis in humans, although no cases have been identified in the US. The Giant African land snail is one of the largest land snails in the world, growing up to eight inches in length and more than four inches in diameter. Anyone who thinks they may have them in their yard or planting bed is urged to call the state’s Division of Plant Industry Helpline, 1-888-397-1517.
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April 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Coral Gables [ 35 ]
miami (CbS4miami.Com)
Sexual Satisfaction
Over 40 RepoRting Cynthia Demos
The flame in The bedroom hardly has to fizzle out as you age. Certainly Merle Weiss doesn’t think so. “I think sex is probably the greatest thing that was ever created,” Weiss told CBS4’s Cynthia Demos. This wasn’t always Merle’s sentiment. “I think if you love each other you love each other more than when you were 20.” Weiss wouldn’t reveal her exact age, but says in the 40-years she’s been with her husband… their sex life has gotten better. “As the years go by, and you know the other person more and get to know yourself more, sex just gets better and better,” Weiss explained. Comfort, confidence and familiarity are all the things that help sex get better as we age. It’s all from a study out of the University of California that says, grab those roses, maybe the candelabra and don’t forget the music. “It’s fabulous,” Weiss declared. Weiss is hardly alone in her thoughts. The study followed 800 women over 40-years old. It looked at all aspects of sex from desire to frequency and found out the majority said, sexual satisfaction increased as they age.
Sex therapist Dr. Rhonda Fine at the Miami Institute insisted that these findings didn’t surprise her. “When you hit midlife you decide, I want the rest of my life to count, and part of that is enjoying sex,” Fine said. She explained that at midlife, you are much more relaxed, not to mention, you have more time, fewer distractions and your partner is more of a priority. Dr. Fine even said her client list is made up primarily of younger people seeking help… not older people. “I think when you’re younger you don’t really know anything about sex,” said Fine. But what about hormonal changes as you age? What about disabilities or medical issues? That doesn’t mean people can’t have a joyous sex life and often times it’s better. Weiss said that is true for her, even after she went through menopause. “Don’t be afraid of menopause. It’s nothing, nothing. And your sex drive definitely doesn’t go away.” With so many things that improve as you age, why not sex too? In another five or ten years… Weiss said that flame will be burning ever brighter. “I hope it will be better and better.”
April 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Coral Gables [ 37 ]
Bigger Butts Most Popular In Miami reporting Cynthia demos J-Lo, Kim Kardashian, and Beyoncé! They are all celebrity babes with backsides! But move over ladies. There are lots of South Floridians right “behind” you. Trying to tell whose butt is natural and whose is enhanced isn’t so easy, as CBS4’s Cynthia Demos discovered. She also asked people on the streets of South Florida about their opinion on the procedure. “Would you ever get a butt augmentation?” asked Demos. “Yes!” was one excited reply. “Anything to look better,” said another. “I just don’t like it. Don’t care for it. Mine is already big enough,” another woman insisted. Butt augmentation is not for everyone. But Mirta Gonzalez said it was for her. ”I just needed a little shaping. I love it! It’s perfect.” The 51-year old Gonzalez is not the only one in town who has a fascination with the backside. Realself, a website on cosmetic treatment, just released new numbers showing: of the top five states interested in Butt Augmentations, Florida came in #1… with Maryland, Georgia, Washington D.C. and New York following. And of the top five cities interested in Butt Augmentations… Miami was #1, followed by Orlando, Atlanta, Baltimore and San Angelo, Texas. “It doesn’t surprise me,” said Dr. Phillip Craft. He was Mirta’s Plastic Surgeon. He said the most popular implants in Miami are, “The round smooth implants.” Doctors can also sculpt a new backside with your own fat. “It fits into what the girls wear and their exercise routine,” said Craft. As for the sample of natural and “redone” rears? Only two woman, Mirta, and one other had gone through Butt Augmentation. The other two were totally natural. So if your interest in re-doing the buttocks is… well… growing. You are in good company here in South Florida.
April 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Coral Gables [ 39 ]
South Florida
BriCkell fashion Week
sPrinG to danCe noW! enCore Presentation of "six CharaCters"
(from 4/26/2012 to 4/28/2012)
(from 3/31/2012 to 4/1/2012)
Brickell Fashion Week was created in response to the growth boom that has forever changed the Miami skyline. As the area grew, so did the nightlife and social events. With more residents occupying the high-rises that have sprung up, Brickell locals felt it was time for Brickell to get its own fashion week.
Dance NOW! returns to the Colony Theatre for an encore presentation of their critically acclaimed dance interpretation of Luigi Pirandello's 1920's groundbreaking play, "Six Characters in Search of an author." (Some adult themes). Sat. 8 p.m.; Sun. 3 p.m.
MiaMi Wildlife Conservation filM festival (from 4/20/2012 to 4/23/2012)
The Miami Wildlife Conservation Film Festival is the premier venue in the southeastern United States for the wildlife filmmaker to present their documentary work to a global audience. This film festival is an annual event and attracts representatives of the international conservation & wildlife organizations, and members of the film, media, television and scientific community.
PineCrest earth day festival (4/15/2012)
Celebrate the beauty of our planet at the Pinecrest Earth Day Festival. Enjoy a fun-filled day of activities including wildlife shows and presentations, green vendor booths, a green fashion show hosted by Miss Earth Florida 2011, informative green and eco-friendly workshops presented by the CLEO Institute, garden tours, fabulous food and one of the best farmer’s markets in town. Admission to the event is free. Don’t miss this festival for the whole family. 11 a.m.-4 p.m.
MiaMi ruM renaissanCe festival (4/16 to 4/22/12)
The Miami Rum Renaissance Festival is one of the worlds premier international rum events, presenting a unique and exciting celebration of the fine arts of distillation, maturing and blending fine cane spirits. Enjoy a full week of exclusive VIP parties at Miamis most notable venues, a grand two-day exhibition of the best rum brands, the excitement of the Island Lifestyle Showcase, celebrity seminars, workshops and cocktail competitions, the annual RumXP competition and awards, an opportunity to rub shoulders with dignitaries and notable experts, and more. Deauville Beach resort 6701 collins avenue miami Beach, fl 33141 305-443-7973
12 noon for viPs 1:00-7:00 Pm regular aDmission tickets are $40 Per Day
MiaMi BeaCh
Gay Pride (4/14/2012)
BreW at the Zoo (4/28/2012)
Come celebrate Miami New Times’ and Zoo Miami’s Brew at the Zoo. Sample more than 100 kinds of beer from around the globe and enjoy live musical performances. Beer bites will be available for purchase. 6-11 p.m.
The fourth annual Miami Beach Gay Pride is a city-wide celebration and a collaboration of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender (GLBT) community. Events include a parade/festival on Ocean Drive, a kick-off reception and evening show, a Lambda showcase theater event, an afterparty and more.
April 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Coral Gables [ 41 ]
Major Florida SchoolS
oppoSe 4-Year
Scholarships Lost amidst the hubbub over the potential of a plus one national championship game in college football; a measure that allows schools to offer full four-year scholarships to players barely survived an override vote. According to the Chronicle of Higher Education, several major schools, including most of the Big Ten and Big XII Conference teams, voted to override the rule and prevent any school from offering full four-year scholarships to athletes. Schools like Florida took advantage of the four-year offer during last year’s recruiting and other teams fear some teams offering full, four-year rides will gain an instant recruiting advantage. Florida State University was one of several schools in the ACC to vote against giving out four-year scholarships. Joining FSU from the ACC in voting to override the rule were: Boston College, Clemson, Georgia Tech, and Virginia. The University of Miami and the University of South Florida voted to keep four-year scholarship offers in place. FIU abstained from the vote while FAU and UCF voted to override and not give out four-year scholarships. For some cash-strapped mid-major schools, and some BCS schools, it’s easy to see why they would oppose giving out four-year deals that could cost the school millions. But, without it, the players are the only one taking the risks. Plus, schools like FSU, Alabama, USC, and Texas, which all opposed the rule, have the money, but simply didn’t want to give out the four-year scholarships and in turn didn’t want anyone else to have the ability to do it either to save any recruiting advantages.
April 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Coral Gables [ 43 ]
Birthday Party Spots
Anyone can have some cake and ice cream and call it a party. But why not celebrate your child’s next birthday somewhere exceptional? South Florida has plenty of unique places that will make their special day more than memorable!
The Flying Trapeze 305 Biscayne Blvd. MiaMi, Fl Fly through the air amid downtown Miami’s skyscrapers in Bayfront Park. Party goers learn basic tricks, like the knee hang, a back-flip and the opportunity to attempt a catch, just like in the real Circus! Participants wear safety harnesses. Rates: $385 for a two-hour party of up to 10 kids; $20 each for additional guests.
One Cool World 2820 McFarlane rd. coconut grove, Fl www.onecoolworld.coM Extreme sports camp based in the Grove’s Peacock Park hosts skateboard and inline skating parties at its own 10,000-square-foot skate park, with ramps and rails. Training session includes video lesson, balance boards, long boards training and ramp riding. Kids bring own gear, but rentals available. Rates: Two-hour party is $20 a child (10 child minimum), which covers the cost of an activity coordinator, coaches, equipment, invitations, a skateboard piñata filled with candy, pizza, drinks, paper goods and clean-up.
Miami Aqua Tours at Bayside Marketplace 401 Biscayne Blvd. MiaMi, Fl www.MiaMiaquatours.coM Hit the high seas with a pirate party aboard a rented 58-foot, red pirate boat. The El Loro is the only Pirate Boat in South Florida. It’s a replica of a Spanish Galleon from the XVI Century and has become a popular choice as a party venue for children.
Rockstar Recording Studio 548 ne 42nd st. Fort lauderdale, Fl www.recordingstudioparties.coM Two-hour parties in a real recording studio; kids choose two favorite songs and record a CD with their friends. They also get to jam on guitar, drums and keyboards. Every guest leaves with a CD.
Young At Art Children’s Museum sr-84 davie, Fl The Young at Art Children’s Museum is a nice place to have a child’s birthday party, especially for a younger child. They have different packages that include making a craft. This can be both fun and educational for the child. The children can enjoy the museum and all that it has to offer including painting, a fun toddler room, a slide and many exhibits about different countries.
April 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Coral Gables [ 45 ]
May Be Genetic
RepoRtIng ted scouten It’s often hIdden behInd closed doors but millions of people are driven to collect things most of us would consider junk. They are compulsive hoarders and now there’s mounting evidence that in some cases, hoarding is in your genes. Imagine living with clutter, trash, filth and, in some cases, rodent infestation. These are the homes of hoarders, as seen on popular TV shows. There’s tons of clutter that can fuel a small fire into a raging inferno, like it did inside one Phoenix home. In Minneapolis, a woman barely escaped her cluttered house alive when fire broke out. In Charlotte, one hoarder died when firefighters couldn’t even get inside his home to rescue him. It’s a mental disorder affecting as many as six million Americans. A Maryland woman who asked to be identified only as “Amanda” is one of them. “I was obsessed with this,” “Amanda” said. For 15 years, “Amanda” filled up her home with things her neighbors threw in the trash. “Books, ,boxes, stuffed animals, newspapers, magazines, clothing, paper. A lot of paper,” she said. “I would think to myself, `Wow, I cannot believe people are actually throwing out these perfectly good, wonderful things.’” So many things became piled up, her home became a health and a fire hazard. “Someone came in and said `You must clear this out or you will be evicted,’” she said.
Eviction, family disputes, shame and isolation are often the side effects of hoarding. So why do people do it? “It’s definitely in the realm of psychiatric conditions,” said psychologist Dr. Gregory Chasson. Chasson points to recent studies by Johns Hopkins University researchers, which found hoarding may be as much biological as it is psychological. “Research suggests that there is a genetic component,” Chasson said. “I’ve come to learn very shockingly my father was stashing and storing everything, either in storage in his building or closets,” “Amanda” said. “I didn’t go out seeking the help; it was my family that brought the help into me.” Cognitive behavioral therapist Andrea Batton worked with “Amanda” for five years, helping clear her clutter while treating her underlying psychological issues. “It’s very hard. It’s a very, very difficult process,” Batton said. Difficult but rewarding. Her shame is now gone, replaced by a determination not to let her home return to the health hazard still facing millions of hoarders. Batton says while the progress is profound, it is the result of a lot of hard work.
Delis In South FlorIda
SometimeS, a burger or Steak may be juSt too much. That’s when it’s time to hit the deli
and get yourself a nice cold, or hot, sandwich to satisfy your hunger. In South Florida, there’s a plethora of places to choose from, but these will guarantee good food and sometimes even better scenery outside.
The Daily 2001 Biscayne Blvd., MiaMi, Fl thedailycreativeFoodco.coM If you’re looking for a giant sandwich or salad, this is definitely your stop. The portions are huge and the sandwiches are made and brought to your table. The deli has a journalist feel and the sandwiches even have unique names like the “Cuban photographer,” or the “Funky Veggie Publisher.” Bring the appetite, and if the weather’s good, sit out front and admire the luxury car dealer down the street.
Deli Lane Café 4 locations 1401 Brickell ave. MiaMi, Fl 33131 • delilane.coM Started in 1988, Deli Lane Café has served much of the Miami area ever since. The business has expanded to multiple locations including South Miami and Sarasota. With a wide variety of healthy and tasty sandwiches, including the Panini Caprese and the “Go Fish,” there’s something there for everyone’s taste buds.
Tower Deli 2315 south univ. dr, davie, Fl towerdeli.coM
Consistently rated as one of the top deli’s in all of Broward County, Tower Deli opens every day at 6:30 a.m. and you will not be sorry no matter what day you choose to visit. Heros, Wraps, Ciabattas, if it’s on the menu, it’s worth trying at least once. You might want to try one of the signature panini’s like the Tuscan or the Roast Beef Melt.
Fresh on Fifth
Classics Deli
ocean drive @ FiFth st, MiaMi Beach, Fl FreshonFiFth.coM When it comes to scenery, it’s tough to top Ocean Drive on Miami Beach. Fresh on Fifth has the location and has the food to make you smile while you soak up some rays. From smoothies to gelato to sandwiches, Fresh on Fifth has it. But, beware, it might be tough to concentrate on both your order and eating depending on the scenery walking by on Ocean Drive.
602 south FlaMingo rd, cooper city, Fl (954) 680-7862 The name says it all. Classics is a classic in South Florida. If a sandwich isn’t your thing, try out an orient express salad or a chicken salad platter. The triple decker sandwiches will leave you so stuffed you may need to be rolled out of the deli. It’s not too pricey for South Florida, which will be welcome news to your pocketbook.
April 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Coral Gables [ 49 ]
Application Allows Users To
Get Paid Watching TV RepoRtIng gIo BenItez
It may look lIke Sean and his son Charlie are simply watching TV. But they’re also being paid. “It’s cool to earn rewards for watching TV,” the duo agreed. You’ve heard of Pay-Per-View. Well, this is more like “get paid to view.” “You’re watching TV. You have your smart phone with you and Viggle and marry the two together,” they explained. Here’s how Viggle works. You download the free Viggle App. You hold up your smart phone or iPad and Viggle registers whatever program you’re watching. “Viggle is able to identify the show you’re watching and it logs you in and you get points for that.” Viggles Jason Reindorp explained the rest. “You have loyalty programs for flying on planes or renting cars, but think of all the time you spend watching TV. Why shouldn’t you get rewarded for that?” asked Reindorp. The points then earn you gift cards to Starbucks, fast food restaurants, department stores, movie tickets or you can elect to donate your points to a favorite charity. The list of shows which reward you for your couch potato
status seems endless. “What we are able to see, is patterns in the way people are checking into shows. All of this really helps advertisers target to specific individuals,” explained Reindorp. The obvious question, is the violation of viewers’ privacy. “We are super, super focused that no personal information is gathered in any way,” said Reindorph. “Do you worry about it being an invasion of privacy?” we asked. “No, not until you asked me that question,” Reindorp said. “I guess they’ll have my preference if I want to buy a Starbucks gift card or a Target gift card. But I’m comfortable with that.” Charlie is hoping Viggle lets him wiggle into getting to watch more television. “What will you say when your 11-year old says, ‘Dad I want to watchTV and make some money’” we asked Sean “I’ll say, ‘why don’t you go shovel snow and make money instead,’” replied Sean. When you accrue enough points, you select which gift card you want, and Viggle sends it to you in the mail. Not bad for simply watching a little TV.
April 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Coral Gables [ 51 ]
Dance your way To a
Healthier Life
Several timeS a week more than a dozen baby boomerS hit the dance floor at the bijoux dance center in South weSt miami-dade to tango, rumba and cha-cha-chá the StreSS of the their liveS away.
“This is my life,”
said Teresa Armand, a breast cancer survivor who has been dancing for six years. “I got diagnosed three years ago and when the doctor told me he said ‘You must have a million questions’ and I said ‘No, just one, when can I get back to dancing’.” Armand is just one of many dance lovers who swing and sway for better physical and mental health. “I don’t like to exercise at the gym, so coming here is my workout, it has saved me,” said Armand. Ballroom dancing can be a great cardiovascular exercise, according to June Rawls, the owner of the Bijoux Dance Studio. “You get on a treadmill for one hour and Latin dancing for one hour, the benefits are the same. You burn calories and feel the endorphins going through your body,” said Rawls who has owned studio for the last couple of years. Rawls told CBS4’s Marybel Rodriguez that not only is ballroom dancing beneficial to your body physically; it’s also great for the mind. “You leave the stress outside, you are in another world once you step inside,” said Rawls. Rawls also points to a study published in The New England Journal of Medicine in 2003 which found dancing might reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. “You have to memorize steps and that keeps your mind working,” said Rawls. Rawls said for those interested, it’s never too late start. Every Tuesday at 8 p.m., she runs the baby boomer ballroom dance class at her studio at 4150 SW 70th Court. For more information call (305) 667-5359. April 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Coral Gables [ 53 ]
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[ 72 ] April 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Coral Gables
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April 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Coral Gables [ 73 ]
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A-ABLE Locksmiths of Miami 8783 SW 134th Street Miami, FL 33176 305.255.2081
Killian Growers Your Pinecrest Nursery Nursery
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Killian Drive SW 99 Court (West of US-1)
786-371-8556 [ 74 ] April 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Coral Gables
[ M A R K E T P L A C E ]
To Advertise Contact: 305.477.1699
April 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Coral Gables [ 75 ]
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[ 76 ] April 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Coral Gables
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To Advertise Contact: 305.477.1699
Introducing Our New Med Spa!
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April 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Coral Gables [ 77 ]
To Advertise Contact: 305.477.1699
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WANDER ANIMAL HOSPITAL Veterinary Medicine & Surgery Serving Kendall, South Miami, Pinecrest and Perrine Since 1986
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[ M A R K E T P L A C E ]
To Advertise Contact: 305.477.1699
April 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Coral Gables [ 79 ]
Permit #1796 Miami, FL