New Technology
Takes Down chilD porn users
News MagaziNe
CBS4 News Magazine
New Technology Takes Down Child Porn Users
The state’s latest tool to clamp down on child pornographers might not look like much from the outside – a plain-looking white van.
Social Media Consumer Savings A Growing Trend
A new trend in saving money has people looking at social media for savings. People are hoping on group saving sites and buying coupons for more than just a cheap meal at a new restaurant.
Old Tech Gadgets Still Worth Plenty
11 12 15 17 18 21 23
Keeping up with the constantly advancing technology can be too much for your wallet and can leave you with too many out of May 2012 devices. But, if you know where to look, there’s money to be had for those devices.
Sharks Unearth Clues Into Human Diseases
Top marine researcher, Dr. Neil Hammerschlag studies the mythical sea creatures to discover how their ailments could be linked to the development of human diseases.
Massive LCD Lawsuit Nets Millions For Buyers
If you’re one of the thousands of people who bought a laptop, computer monitor, or flat-panel LCD TV between 1999 and 2006, you may have just won damages in a massive class-action lawsuit.
New Caffeinated Potato Chips Offer Boost Of Energy
If you need a jolt of energy, coffee and sodas are not the only answer anymore. A new kind of potato chip can give you the same buzz you’d get from energy drinks and they look and crunch the like any other chip.
Best Scuba Diving Spots
While the Florida Keys may be known for their fishing and scuba diving locations, Miami-Dade and Broward Counties have some of the best spots to scuba dive in the nation.
Poll: Kids Don’t Want Parents Watching Extracurricular Sports
To watch or not to watch; that’s the question that’s been posed to sports playing children about their parents, and the answer may surprise you.
Reset Your Life With Wellness Coaching
A Wellness Coach takes a holistic approach, focusing the body and the mind. They meet clients one-on-one and create an individualized health plan.
PRINTED IN THE USA, COPYRIGHT © 2012 BY MARCO G, INC. All rights reserved. The CBS4 News Magazine, a free publication, is published monthly by MARCO G, Inc. Material in this publication must not be stored or reproduced in any form without permission from Marco G. Inc. or WFOR CBS4. Requests for permission should be directed to: CBS4 and/or Marco G. Inc do not assume any liability for products and/or services claimed in advertisements herein. CBS4 and its logo (s) are protected through trademark registration. The use of logos, content and/or artwork in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. For more information please contact 305-477-1699.
[ 4 ] May 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Key Biscayne
Village of
Key Biscayne Welcome to a new edition of The CBS4 News Magazine, a unique print publication dedicated to providing professional, relevant and award-winning news to all residents of Key Biscayne, Florida.
Social Media
Consumer Savings RepoRTinG JoRGe eSTevez
A Growing Trend
A new trend in sAving money hAs people looking at social media for savings. People are hoping on group saving sites and buying coupons for more than just a cheap meal at a new restaurant. They are using the daily deal sites for health and medical related deals. In fact, new numbers show in 2011 consumers spent as much as $230 million on deals in the health and medical category. CBS4 caught up with Stephen Fox saving money at the dentist. “It is definitely worth it because you save a lot of money,” said Stephen Fox. Like so many south Floridians, Fox, a graduate student from St Thomas law school in Miami Gardens, has medical needs. “I am in that strange window. I am not working full time. I am not on any group health coverage. I am too old to be under my parents,” said Fox who headed to Living Social and found a deal at the Miami Center for Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry. For $35, he received a consultation, exam, x-rays and a teeth cleaning all for an 85 percent savings. “I couldn’t believe it,” said Fox. “I thought it was a great deal and chance to get into see the dentist after a couple of years.” According to the Center’s for Disease Control and
Prevention, 46 million Americans under the age of 65 have no health insurance and have to pay out of pocket even for the basic medical attention. “They get it at a significantly reduced price and they are able to know exactly where they stand with their mouth and have a clean mouth afterward,” said Dr. Jan Zeigler of Miami Center for Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry. A great idea right? seems to find the numbers to support that, the daily deal comparison site found an increase in medical related deals in 2011 • Eye care went from 82 to 207 in 2011. • Skin treatment started at 298 and went to 1393 in 2011 • Dental grew from 764 to 4,429. • Weight Loss started 2011 at 80 and grew to 2888. South Florida daily deal Expert Natalie McNeal, who operates her site shared a warning to keep you from falling into the daily deal trap. “These are great deals but you need to watch out because you can end up spending so much money on things you don’t need that it defeats the purpose and you end up spending more money than saving,” said McNeal. For Dr Zeigler, the idea behind his deal was to bring a smile to his patients “We’re in some very challenging times. I figured it was my opportunity to give back to the community,” said Dr. Zeigler whose idea is really making a difference. “I just think it is a great opportunity for people like me who are on the fringe,” Fox said. “And they don’t normally put their dental health on the highest priority but it is something important you should take care of.”
“We’Re in SoMe veRy ChAllenGinG TiMeS. i fiGuRed iT WAS My oppoRTuniTy To Give bACk To The CoMMuniTy,”
May 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Key Biscayne [ 7 ]
y g o l o n h c e T New own Takes D s r e s u n r o p d chil 4)
on child mp down a l c o T l m Too much fro ’s laTesT look like The sTaTe T o n T h ig van. BuT aphers m ing whiTe pornogr k o o -l in Their ide – a pla nhanced e s a h The ouTs n a fs on The v handcuf T Tors say u a p ig o T T s e m v e in owing Th ns By all ly operaTio uick . h more q c u m s T c suspe
o g carey c
One mOrning — after a pre-dawn planning session — investigators from the Internet Crimes Against Children, or ICAC, task force drove the van into a quiet, working class Margate neighborhood. Their target was a man suspected of downloading and sharing explicit images of “very young children under the age of 12 engaging in various sex acts” with adults and children, according to an arrest report. The suspect, George Baram, emerged from his house wearing a shirt that read, “It’s your lucky day.” For Baram, it turned out to be anything but lucky. As agents from the ICAC carried computers, hard drives and compact discs out of Baram’s home, technicians began sifting through the computer hardware in the van. Within a short time, they discovered the videos. An arrest report shows that
FDLE also has more agents at its’ disposal in their fight against child pornography. Last summer, agents from the state attorney general’s office joined forces with FDLE. The agents were spread across the state and it resulted in an increase of 6 officers fighting crimes against children in South Florida. “It allows us to share intelligence, share training, share information much more quickly than when we were having to be in separate offices,” Phillips said. The ICAC is comprised of agents from 57 agents across South Florida and into Naples. The task force is federally funded and is headed by the Broward Sheriff’s Office. The van has been a welcome addition to the efforts to curtail the downloading and sharing of child
he t n o e b y a m y e ple th o e p e s e h t f o e “For som ually molesting a child” verge of act Baram confessed, saying he downloaded the videos then deleted them. Baram told investigators, “that he has never touched a child in a sexual manner.” Mike Phillips, FDLE’s Chief of the Computer Crimes Center, said the van enables agents to do time-consuming forensic examinations on the spot, which is a major change. “Before we were having to leave suspects out on the streets until we could fully look at all the evidence,” Phillips explained. “We can now conduct a search warrant and make a decision and take the predator off the street so they can now longer prey on children and exploit them.” Phillips said there is a “significant increase” in child pornography cases statewide and because of the heavy caseload, Phillips said that in the past it could take up to a year to examine a suspect’s computer. Stats from FDLE show that in 2011, the agency made 1,076 arrests in child pornography cases statewide. In 2008, that number was 749. The van is assisting agents to deal with the caseload, Phillips said. He added that it also encourages confessions. While agents in one section of the van are examining the computer equipment, they can confront the suspect, who is seated in another section, with the images of child pornography found on his computer. “We have had suspects break down and cry,” Phillips said. “We’ve had suspects that become defiant, that want us to learn why this is ok. Because in their minds they truly believe that abusing children sexually is normal.”
pornography. With all the latest technology inside, the van’s cost about $100,000 and there are three of them operating statewide. The van sat quietly outside George Baram’s home in Margate as cyber detectives built their case against him. We spoke to George Baram briefly after he was handcuffed and led to a waiting unmarked police car. When asked why he was being arrested, Baram initially denied downloading child pornography. Then he said, “You download stuff, music, sometimes file names are mislabeled.” When asked if he watched the videos of child pornography that investigators say they found on his children he told CBS 4 News, “I delete them.” FDLE, meanwhile, said they expect more arrests as they use this van to continue the task force’s crackdown on child pornography. “For some of these people they may be on the verge of actually molesting a child,” said Bob Breeden, FDLE Assistant Special Agent in Charge. “For every person that we can take off the street that’s involved in child pornography that may be one child that doesn’t get victimized.” FDLE agents say parents need to pay close and constant attention to the online activities of their children. FDLE recommends a website — — which has safety tips and important information for keeping track of the websites your child visits and their passwords.
May 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Key Biscayne [ 9 ]
Old Tech Gadgets Still Worth Plenty
Keeping up with the constantly advancing technology can be too much for your wallet and can leave you with too many out of date devices. But, if you know where to look, there’s money to be had for those devices. So how hard is it to check out the internet and find places offering to give you new cash for your old tech? It turns out it’s not hard at all, but you still have to be careful. CBS Miami’s Dave Game is a longtime techie. He found several online websites offering to buy older computers, smart phones and just about anything electronic. “You can find them pretty easily; they’re all over the Internet. In fact, some Big Box Electronics Stores like Radio Shack, will go ahead and if you buy something from them, they will take your electronics in trade. The
RepoRting Al SunShine question is, is it a good value,” Dave warned. To get to the bottom of that answer, try to get several bids on what they’re offering and see what company offers the best price with the fewest restrictions. Try to send back the all the devices’ accessories in the original box and make sure to erase all your private data before selling it. It’s also a good idea to insure your shipment and even pay extra to make sure it gets delivered and you can prove it. Here’s another option to consider: Older electronics make great pass-me downs for new users who may not need the latest, greatest technology. They also may be good charitable contributions to help lower your tax bill next year. For more information on getting “New Cash” for “Old Tech” just do an online search for “Selling Old Electronics” on you favorite on-line search engine. You can also check out the latest selling prices on popular online auction services like EBay.
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May 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Key Biscayne [ 11 ]
Miami FL, USA
Unearth Clues Into
Human Diseases RepoRting Michele gillen
as a top MaRine ReseaRcheR, dR. neil haMMeRschlag, scouRs the oceans in seaRch of shaRks. on a Recent afteRnoon aboaRd a ReseaRch boat, haMMeRschlag and his teaM fRoM the univeRsity of MiaMi’s Rosenstiel school of MaRine and atMospheRic science, found what they RefeR to as an “aMazing” cReatuRe. “any day that you can see a shaRk is an aMazing day,” haMMeRschlag said. “shaRks aRe in a lot of tRouble. they need all the help they can get.”
haMMeRschlag studies the mythical sea creatures to discover how their ailments could be linked to the development of human diseases. “The shark is sending us an SOS,” he said as he traveled on a boat with his research team. “I’m attempting to draw blood.” It’s an SOS about a health threat that not only affects sharks, but also affects man. His team has found links between the sharks and diseases that cripple and kill humans. “Toxins that can give you Alzheimer’s, dementia, ALS, Parkinson’s. Pretty scary stuff,” Hammerschlag said. Back on land, his partner Dr. Deborah Mash, a professor of Neurology for the Miller School of
never expected that. That means that it is very prevalent in the shark diet,” Mash said. “The results are staggering. I never predicted that we would see the incidence of this toxin in the large number of shark samples off the South Florida coastal waters.” When asked why this toxin is so dangerous, Mash said, “This toxin has been shown to damage neurons. Neurons are the primary building block of the brain.” The toxin, which has been shown to kill brain cells, has turned up – repeatedly – in Mash’s studies of the human brain — particularly of the brains of victims of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson and Lou Gehrig’s patients.
Medicine at the University of Miami, studies his findings inside a lab. “This is a first. No one has seen this data,” Mash said. “Is there a footprint suggesting an SOS from the shark?” CBS4’s Chief Investigative Reporter Michele Gillen asked. “There is,” Mash said. “He is an apex predator, as we are. He is going to mirror what we are doing to our bodies. The shark is giving us a mirror on what is coming into our diet. Showing us what is out there in our marine environment that can damage out bodies.” The journey for answers begins with a dizzying display of precision, which begins with the intubation of the shark so that oxygenated water pours through its gills. Then, the sharks are examined, biopsied, blown on and electronically tagged. For scientists and students, this is a key moment — not only tagging the shark but evaluating the blood and stress levels of the shark, for research the world awaits. What they found in the shark fin? The neurotoxin BMAA (short for B-Methylamino-L-alanine), which is produced by an algae known as cyanobacteria, often found in lakes, oceans and the soil. “We were really surprised at the level of detection of this toxin BMAA in the shark fins,” Mash said. The team examined 100 samples from seven shark species. “We found it in all but three samples that we tested. I
“We are detecting BMAA in the brains of the patients that have donated them for research,” Mash said. “That is why we are seeing linkage with Alzheimer’s and with Lou Gehrig’s disease.” If the shark holds clues to brain-based diseases that have the potential to affect everybody — it’s even more chilling that the shark is threatened today because of a demand for soup made from its fin. “100 million sharks are killed a year,” Hammerschlag said. “A rate of 270,000 sharks per day mostly to make shark fin soup.” The soup is considered a delicacy and sign of prosperity in Asian cultures. But South Florida’s team of scientific detectives are just publishing their work that suggests consumers might want to think twice before biting into a food that tradition says will bring them luck. “If you consume shark fin products or you use this in your diet, yes, you are going to be exposed to increasing amounts of BMAA’s,” Mash said. “With repeat exposure throughout the life span, it could put someone at risk for a brain disorder like Alzheimer’s and Lou Gehrig’s disease.” All this is the first chapter of a medical mission aimed at unearthing clues that link man – the oceans top predator – and our survival. “This is all about human health and this is all about the risk to human health,” Mash said. “And the shark may give us the fundamental clue that allows us to make a great breakthrough.” May 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Key Biscayne [ 13 ]
mIamI (cbsmIamI)
LCD Lawsuit Nets Millions For Buyers RepoRting tim KephaRt
If you’re one of the thousands of people who bought a laptop, computer monItor, or flat-panel lcd tV between 1999 and 2006, you may haVe just won damages In a massIVe class-actIon lawsuIt.
The lawsuit started with California’s attorney general who filed a lawsuit against 10 companies alleging the companies worked together to keep TFT-LCD flat panel prices artificially high, which resulted in customers getting overcharged,
according to Twenty-four states, including Florida, joined in on the lawsuit that was partially settled for more than $500 million. Among the companies that were targeted as part of the suit were Samsung, Hitachi, and Sharp and HannStar. Toshiba and LG have not settled their cases, according to If you think you’re eligible for a damages payment, visit the website or call 1-855-225-1886 or write to LCD Class, P.O. Box 8025, Fairbault, MN, 55021-9425.
May 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Key Biscayne [ 15 ]
Caffeinated Potato ChiPs Offer Boost Of Energy reportIng jorge estevez
If you need a jolt of energy, coffee and sodas are not the only answer anymore. A new kind of potato chip can give you the same buzz you’d get from energy drinks and they look and crunch the like any other chip. In addition to potato’s salt and spices, they have B vitamins, caffeine and taurine, an ingredient commonly found in energy drinks. “I think they’re trying to target the young those who are athletic or wish to be,” said Jo Ann Hattner, a nutritionist who is surprised to hear of yet another energy product. Hattner questions whether coating potato chips with energy supplements really give you much of a boost. “It’s what I call an image food. 70 milligrams of caffeine is really not that much, you might get that in a shot of espresso,” said Hattner. With espresso you’d get fewer calories. The Arma energy chips, for example, come with 70 milligrams of caffeine and 290 calories. Compare that to a can of Red bull which has 80 milligrams for 110 calories. A shot of espresso offers the same boost with only 5 calories. So gram for gram, if you are watching your weight, this product may not be for you. “We strive for whole foods as much as possible that would give
the most energy over a sustained period of time,” said personal trainer Elizabeth Bachrad. But just because they’re not for the health conscious doesn’t mean they are not for people looking for a tasty treat with a bit of a boost. However, the product is not recommended for pregnant women and children.
“we strive for whole foods as much as possible that would give the most eNergy over a sustaiNed period of time,”
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May 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Key Biscayne [ 17 ]
Scuba Diving spots
WHile tHe floriDa keyS may be knoWn for tHeir fiSHing anD Scuba Diving locationS, miami-DaDe anD broWarD countieS Have Some of tHe beSt SpotS to Scuba Dive in tHe nation. from natural reefS to Sunken SHipS, it’S amazing WHat can be founD off our SHoreS. Some of tHe beSt reefS anD WreckS can be founD in 60 to 80 feet of Water, making it perfect for beginnerS tHrougH aDvanceD DiverS to cHeck tHem out. Here are Some of our top pickS.
“from natura WHat can be fou
Jay Scutti Off ft. LauderdaLe
Sunk in Sept. 1986, this 95 foot harbor tugboat was confiscated in a drug smuggling operation. It was bought at auction by a man who renamed it the Jay Scutti after his son. The wreck sits in 70 feet of water and is the centered between a 45 foot wreck named the Moonshot and a 95 foot sailboat Pride; the wrecks are tethered together by a cable. Divers can usually explore two of the wrecks in one dive. Lots of fish inhabit the Jay Scutti and it’s possible to enter the wreck through various openings.
miami beacH Wreck trek Off MiaMi Beach
How cool is this not one wreck but several linked together by a guide cable. The Miami Beach Wreck trek is a relative shallow dive, 50-60 feet of water, which begins with a pair of army tanks on its southern end. As divers move north, the encounter several tons of limestone boulders and more wrecks like the Rio Miami; a 105 foot tug which sits upright in about 65 feet of water.
belzona trio Off MiaMi Beach
HammerHeaD reef Off ft. LauderdaLe
Beginning just south of Port Everglades and running to the Dania Pier, this two and a half mile reef is famous for its sharks, rays and large grouper. The front side of the reef is at about 60 feet while the back side plunges to 80 feet; the reef rises to nearly 20 feet in some spots. This is a great reef dive with tons of marine life.
This trio of sunken tug boats makes up their own miniwreck trek. The Belzona Ona, an 85 foot ocean tug, was sunk in May 1990. About 75 feet away is the second tug Belzona Two in 60 feet of water. The deepest of the trio, the Belzona Three is a 100 foot tug in 85 feet of water. Not far away is the Belcher Barge #27, a 195 foot steel barge that was sunk in 1985. The barge flipped on its way to the bottom but experienced divers can penetrate it and swim the ships entire length. All of the wrecks can be visited in one wreck trek.
Sea emperor Wreck Off BOca ratOn
About a mile south of the Boca Inlet, some have termed this wreck an “Aqua-Zoo” because of all of the sea life including sharks and rays that call it home. The 171 foot Sea Emperor, a hopper barge, lies upside down in about 70 feet of water. Surrounding the wreck are tons of drainage pipes and concrete pilings which were supposed to rest on the barge’s deck. Unfortunately, when it was sunk, the ship rolled spilling the load.
al reefS to Sunken SHipS, it’S
unD off our SHoreS.”
amazing May 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Key Biscayne [ 19 ]
Kids Don’t Want
Parents Watching
Extracurricular Sports
“It’s not really performance anxiety- it’s anxiety that the parents are creating,” Dr. Arvon said. That kind of pressure often doesn’t go away when the child about their parents, and the answer may surprise you. turns 18. Nearly half of American kids play extracurricular sports. 7 Just this week, 19-year-old professional tennis player Bernard year-old Elijah Perfetto is one of them. Tomic had his father removed from his match at the Sony “I like to hit home runs,” he proudly told CBS4’s Natalia Zea. Ericsson. While Elijah and many other kids want their parents to cheer “He’s annoying – I know he’s my father – but he’s annoying them on, a new national survey found many kids between 8 and me,” he told match officials. 14 wish adults would stay away while they play. So what can you do as a parent to be involved in your child’s More than one-third of the 300 young people polled said they sports activities without making it a miserable experience for wished adults were not watching their games and practices. them? They say the adults yell too much, are distracting, make them “If they go to the games and the matches they need to sit back and teammates nervous, put pressure to play better and win, and observe some of the good qualities their kids are having, and just plain old make the kids feel bad. the good skills and emphasize those instead of being critical,” We’ve all seen video of parents and coaches brawling during advises Dr. Arvon. youth sports games, and in some cases parents even attacking Perfetto says the key is to lighten up. young players. “There’s parents out there that they think they’re basically Elijah’s dad George Perfetto says he moved his son from his raising a Miami Marlin. I cheer for both teams, it doesn’t matter,” little league team in Hialeah to Doral because of unruly parents. Perfetto said. “I’ve seen the cops get called, I’ve seen parents get ejected His method is working. Elijah still loves baseball and having out of the game, they’ve got to watch the game from outside the his dad with him. fence,” said Perfetto. Zea asked, “What does (your “The problem is widespread,” family “he’s annoying – i know he’s my dad) tell you before games?” A therapist Dr. Coral Arvon told Zea. In fact, smiling Elijah responded, “To do faTher – buT he’s annoying me,” she said many parents bring their kids to good and to just have fun.” her to help them perform better in sports, without realizing they themselves are the problem.
To waTch or noT To waTch; ThaT’s The quesTion ThaT’s been posed to sports playing children
May 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Key Biscayne [ 21 ]
Reset Your Life With
Wellness Coaching RepoRting Cynthia Demos
MIAMI (CBS4) – ChrIStIne SIlvA wAS StreSSed tryIng to BAlAnCe work And fAMIly, wIth no tIMe left over for herSelf.
“I was constantly exhausted. I felt like I was never able to keep up,” said Silva. So she tried something new. She hired a Wellness Coach to help her regain control of her life. “Within the very first session, I realized this is not about just getting exercise. It was about how do I see myself and where do I want to be,” explained Silva. A Wellness Coach takes a holistic approach, focusing the body and the mind. They meet clients one-on-one and create an individualized health plan. Margaret Moore is CEO of Wellcoaches Corporation. “The coach is really trained to help you take a bigger picture of you, over all aspects of your health and wellness and then come up with a formula that combines all of these things together.” Wellness coaching used to focus on helping individuals cope with one particular disease. And Life coaching was reserved for busy executives. But now it’s more mainstream for anyone, and it’s endorsed by the American College of Sports Medicine. Christina’s been working with her coach for two years and says her life has changed “I’m more relaxed almost on a almost daily basis,” Christina explained. Of course hiring the right coach is key. So ask a lot of questions about fees, what’s offered, communication, and how many times you meet. Wellness coaches can come from a variety of backgrounds such as fitness, psychology, physical therapy, nursing and others. A national certification is underway.
May 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Key Biscayne [ 23 ]
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[ 24 ] May 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Key Biscayne
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May 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Key Biscayne [ 25 ]
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[ 26 ] May 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Key Biscayne
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May 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Key Biscayne [ 27 ]
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[ 28 ] May 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Key Biscayne
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Dr. Jorge Bordenave, MD, FACP Miami cardiologist’s, latest book on the importance of food & nutrition as a cause of and treatment for many common diseases. Learn what heart disease, obesity, diabetes, arthritis, dementia, cancers and many more seemingly unrelated illnesses share in common. Learn how fast foods, high fructose corn syrup, saturated fats and the low nutritional quality of our everyday foods contribute in causing common illnesses and what you can do to heal yourself. Available at:, or ask for it at area bookstores Tambien disponible en EspaĂąol
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May 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Key Biscayne [ 29 ]
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