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CBS4 Investigates:
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CBS4 Investigates: CBS4 News Magazine
JOBLESS CONTENTS NEED NOT CBS4 Investigates: APPLY Jobless Need Not Apply REpORTiNg Al SuNShiNE
“iT’S mORE Of AN ATTiTuDE. You can see, you can feel, just body language, the entire attitude is rather negative,” said Christine Spacone. No one has come out and said it to Spacone, but she senses it. “It’s an instinct,” said Spacone. Some Internet job postings have even come with the caveat that only employed workers should apply. Recruiting executive Tracy Cashman says some employers worry that “out-of-work people” won’t be up to speed technically. Others believe companies layoff their weakest workers first, which makes the unemployed less attractive. “The majority of people that we are asked to find by our clients are passive job seekers, people who are employed who aren’t necessarily out there, not posted on any of the boards or sites out there,” said Cashman. That leaves 14 million unemployed people on the sidelines, unable to get a job because they don’t have one. In what is considered one of the worst job markets ever, that might not sound right, but it is legal. “It would not be unlawful to discriminate against the longterm unemployed,” explained Boston College Law Professor Kent Greenfield. He said current law doesn’t treat employment status like gender or religion and that some unemployed workers do pay a higher price. “This tends to hurt people who are older, and it also hurts minorities,” said Greenfield. President Obama wants to make discrimination against the long-term unemployed illegal in larger companies. It’s part of his jobs bill. But older unemployed workers such as Lynn Garland worry that a law won’t change much. “They are going to dance around it just like they dance around the age,” said Garland. She now dyes her hair and has been looking for a full-time IT job for a year-and-a-half. “I don’t think it’s right, and point of fact, you’re going to get people who want to work and want to do a good job,” said Garland. She meets weekly with a community counseling group for support. Group leader Lee Carvill has helped four dozen workers get back on track, despite this challenge. “There is the perception in the marketplace that the longer you are out of work, the further behind you are and therefore why take a chance,” Carvill explained. In Florida, there are no laws protecting unemployed workers from being discriminated against by help wanted ads aimed openly at currently employed workers. So far, there are more than 100,000 signatures on a nationwide petition aimed at preventing online job services from discriminating against unemployed workers.
The long-term unemployed are learning a dirty little secret. Many employers don’t want to hire them, because, ironically, they are out of work. At joB fAIrS All over South florIdA, CAndIdAteS Are BruShIng up on theIr IntervIew SkIllS And leArnIng to network. But thAt StIll MIght not Be enough to lAnd A joB. the long-terM uneMployed Are leArnIng A dIrty lIttle SeCret. MAny eMployerS don’t wAnt to hIre theM, BeCAuSe, IronICAlly, they Are out of work.
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The cameras have proved controversial. Many motorists loathe the notion that they can be nabbed by a machine and not a cop.
Experts say anyone using public computers may expose themselves to identity thieves just waiting to swipe what you type online.
Investors got a New Years’ boost out of the latest U.S. economic indicators showing solid gains for construction spending and manufacturing. But, what does it all mean to our bottom line and should we expect this year to be much better than 2011?
Which supplements are right for you and which ones are safe?
The floating vacation may seem like an ideal solution to the age-old question: Where should we go on vacation this year?
Every time you download an App, search for a website, send a test, take a picture of a Q-R code, or drive past a store with your GPS on your every move may be tracked. By whom? Your cell phone company, that’s who.
It’s a time honored tradition: cutting coupons out of the Sunday newspaper. But now, you can put the scissors down, because the coupon world has gone digital.
Growing up we’ve all read children’s books but what if you had a book come to life before your very eyes.
South Florida is the perfect paradise for celebrities and the paparazzi that follow them around.
The Affordable Care Act, also referred to as Obamacare, has been in effect for a little over a year; and according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it’s making a big impact on health care for young adults.
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[ 4 ] February 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest
Red Light Cameras
Reduce accidents
The car comes barreling through a bright red light, just in time to broadside a fire truck that has the green light. The car is demolished, the driver injured. It is one of dozens of red light crashes on a video released by one of the three major companies that provide red light cameras to cities across South Florida and the country. The AmericAn TrAffic SoluTionS (ATC) video chronicles many of the crashes and near-misses recorded by cameras that nab red light “scofflaws” and generate pricey tickets. The two minute-long clip is intended to illustrate the damage caused by red light running, and also to publicize the effectiveness of the cameras in reducing accidents. The cameras have proved controversial. Many motorists loathe the notion that they can be nabbed by a machine and not a cop. “I hate them very much,” said a woman waiting at a red light in Doral. “It’s not fair.” Not fair? Maybe. Effective? Definitely. According to ATC, a study by the Institute For Highway Safety revealed that in cities with red light cameras, fatal red light collisions declined an average 24 percent in 2011. In Miami Gardens alone, red light collisions overall dropped a whopping 83 percent. The City of Aventura reported that red light crashes have declined by 200 in the two years the city has used the cameras. “I hate them,” said John Vera as he waited at a cameraequipped intersection. But he said he thinks about them.
“It’s made me a more conscious driver,” Vera admitted. Miami Police Sgt. Freddie Cruz said the red light cameras have made many drivers much more careful, knowing they might be caught on candid camera. “It’s an excellent tool. It assists us with awareness and with violators,” Cruz said, adding that the cameras free cops from having to stake out intersections. “Our manpower, we can allocate them and stretch them out to other crime reduction operations,” Cruz said. Officer Kenia Reyes said images from the cameras have also helped police solve more serious crimes. They sometimes reveal suspect vehicles fleeing from nearby crime scenes, and help police identify hit and run drivers. “Just by playing those videos back has been able to assist our investigators in closing their cases,” Reyes said. Nationwide, there are some 650 cities using nearly 7,000 red light cameras. The cameras generate roughly $3 million a year for Florida’s Trauma fund, and have added more than $100 million to the state’s general coffers.
February 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 7 ]
CBS4 Investigates:
At joB fAIrS All over South florIdA, CAndIdAteS Are BruShIng up on theIr IntervIew SkIllS And leArnIng to network. But thAt StIll MIght not Be enough to lAnd A joB. the long-terM uneMployed Are leArnIng A dIrty lIttle SeCret. MAny eMployerS don’t wAnt to hIre theM, BeCAuSe, IronICAlly, they Are out of work.
“iT’S mORE Of AN ATTiTuDE. You can see, you can feel, just body language, the entire attitude is rather negative,” said Christine Spacone. No one has come out and said it to Spacone, but she senses it. “It’s an instinct,” said Spacone. Some Internet job postings have even come with the caveat that only employed workers should apply. Recruiting executive Tracy Cashman says some employers worry that “out-of-work people” won’t be up to speed technically. Others believe companies layoff their weakest workers first, which makes the unemployed less attractive. “The majority of people that we are asked to find by our clients are passive job seekers, people who are employed who aren’t necessarily out there, not posted on any of the boards or sites out there,” said Cashman. That leaves 14 million unemployed people on the sidelines, unable to get a job because they don’t have one. In what is considered one of the worst job markets ever, that might not sound right, but it is legal. “It would not be unlawful to discriminate against the longterm unemployed,” explained Boston College Law Professor Kent Greenfield. He said current law doesn’t treat employment status like gender or religion and that some unemployed workers do pay a higher price. “This tends to hurt people who are older, and it also hurts minorities,” said Greenfield. President Obama wants to make discrimination against the long-term unemployed illegal in larger companies. It’s part of his jobs bill. But older unemployed workers such as Lynn Garland worry that a law won’t change much. “They are going to dance around it just like they dance around the age,” said Garland. She now dyes her hair and has been looking for a full-time IT job for a year-and-a-half. “I don’t think it’s right, and point of fact, you’re going to get people who want to work and want to do a good job,” said Garland. She meets weekly with a community counseling group for support. Group leader Lee Carvill has helped four dozen workers get back on track, despite this challenge. “There is the perception in the marketplace that the longer you are out of work, the further behind you are and therefore why take a chance,” Carvill explained. In Florida, there are no laws protecting unemployed workers from being discriminated against by help wanted ads aimed openly at currently employed workers. So far, there are more than 100,000 signatures on a nationwide petition aimed at preventing online job services from discriminating against unemployed workers.
February 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 9 ]
MiAMi (CBs4)
The Perils of
Public Computers RepoRting JoRge estevez
When John WetMoRe tRAvels for work, public computers are his lifeline for email access. But he has wondered if when he logs on at a library, hotel or coffee shop, who else could be watching. “My biggest worry when I’m using a public computer is has someone installed spyware on it? There’s spyware on it, then someone can capture the key strokes and know my account and my password and then I’m probably vulnerable,” said Wetmore. Vulnerable is right. Experts say anyone using public computers may expose themselves to identity thieves just waiting to swipe what you type online. CBS4′s Jorge Estevez discovered that there are no laws or regulations that require public computers be secured against spyware programs. As a result: some public computers may have safeguards while others may not. “Criminals harvesting personal information off of public computers is an extremely prevalent crime in the United States. An unprotected or unsecured network or publicly accessible computer means that it becomes a breeding ground for criminal activity,” explained
Damon Petraglia. He trains law enforcement agencies on computer security and is a member of the U.S. Secret Service Electronic Crimes Task Force. Petraglia demonstrated how criminals can easily skim your information from public computers with key logging software. “I’m going to be the hacker,” said Petraglia. He then downloaded a “key logging” program onto a computer. It recorded every letter, number, punctuation mark and space someone typed. If he were a criminal, he’d have left the computer open for someone else to use and then come back later to see what he’d recorded. And here’s what he’d get. An unsuspecting person might type in his login name and password, two items which can’t be seen on the screen as they are typed. But when the “key logger” readout report prints out… it has the person’s screen name and password. “There are hundreds and hundreds of different applications that criminals can use in a public environment to do nothing but record your data,” said Petraglia. “You wouldn’t know that you’d became a victim from that.” Last year, the Federal Trade Commission got more than 250,000 identity theft complaints and most victims had no idea how it happened. “You need to stay aware of what’s going on. You need to be aware of what you’re doing,” Petraglia explained. To protect yourself at public computers: • Minimize the accounts you access • Never type a password • Never bank online February 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 11 ]
Will 2012’s Financial Forecast Have A Sunnier Outlook? RepoRting Al sunshine
Investors got a New Years’ boost out of the latest U.S. economic indicators showing solid gains for construction spending and manufacturing. And thAt’s All it took to trigger a solid rally on the opening day of Wall Street 2012 trading. But, what does it all mean to our bottom line and should we expect this year to be much better than 2011? “I think it’s going to be better,” said local taxi driver Eilene Taylor Taylor worked as a restaurant manager last year, but the hard economic times took their toll on her business. “The worst. 2011 was horrible. Tourists are coming back and spending again, so I think 2012’s going to be better,” Taylor added. Taylor is bullish on the New Year because of the continuing uptick she’s seeing out of local tourism. Occupancy and room rates here are seeing steady gains, according to the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau. Improving consumer confidence and overall spending gains helped make this years’ holiday season better than 2010. December auto sales were the second best for the year. And heavy manufacturing’s at a six month high. Still, some financial analysts warn 2012 may face some of the same old problems that held back the economy last year. “I think financially, people should remain conservative…it’s a good time to check spending and investments and growing savings. It’s the time of the year for all the standard planning questions,” said Lane Jones of Coral Gables’ Evensky & Katz.
That’s why Sweetwater resident Donnye Alvarez is still worried about needing to boost his bank account in case the economy slows down again. “I think 2012 is not looking good,” said Alvarez. There are still several major issues clouding the forecast over where the local and national economy’s heading. Some economists warn Europe could still see a double dip recession, fueled by the continuing debt problems facing several major national economies. Mideast tensions are rising again, this time out of Iran, and that’s already raising gas prices here and around the world. And finally, there’s U.S. Politics, with nobody able to predict what’s going to happen in the fall elections.
“the woRst. 2011 wAs hoRRible. touRists ARe coming bAck And spending AgAin, so i think 2012’s going to be betteR.”
February 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 13 ]
Supplement Safety
For New Year’s
Weight Loss Plans reporTing marybel rodriguez
To help jump sTarT his day, Ronald Kaufman blends up a special potion of yogurt and nutritional supplements. “It’s 20 different things that I put into the drink,” said Kaufman. Ronald is one of the 150 million Americans who take nutritional supplements daily. In fact, sales of supplements totaled $28 billion dollars in 2010. “Consumers really start to make New Year’s resolutions centering around a healthy lifestyle,” Kaufman said. Which supplements are right for you and which ones are safe? Registered dietitian Erin Palinski explains dietary supplements are regulated by the Federal Government as a category of food, not as a drug. “Medications are tested and verified for potency and purity. With dietary supplements, there is no testing standard, and that’s where we can run into issues,” Palinski pointed out. She says if you want to use supplements you need to be a savvy shopper, including reading labels and the list of ingredients. Those who are looking to build muscle and improve performance often tout the benefits of protein, creatine and C-L-A. Though studies on creative and C-L-A are mixed, all three are generally considered safe if taken at recommended levels. “Even generally safe supplement ingredients, if you’re taking them in too high a dose, can be potentially dangerous,” explained Palinski. That could lead to things such as dehydration, increase risk for kidney stones and gastrointestinal issues. One of the most popular supplements for athletes looking to boost their energy is caffeine. “In up to about 300 mg per day, it may help increase athletic performance, but above that amount we can run a risk, since it’s
a stimulant, of increasing blood pressure. In very high amounts, it can actually lead to seizures,” Palinski stated. Some fat burning supplements which contain a mix of herbal ingredients can also act as a stimulant. Are they effective? Our experts say there’s no clear-cut answer yet. In the meantime, the Council for Responsible Nutrition says it is smart to always consult your doctor first. “Long-term use of certain fat burners can have some very adverse events in the liver.” Also, keep an eye out for ephedrine, which has been banned by the FDA. You should also check labels for bitter orange, also referred to as synephrine. It is similar to the main chemical in ephedrine and the government says there’s little evidence that it is any safer. “This has been linked with many serious side effects, including stroke and heart attack.” If you choose to use athletic or weight loss supplements, everyone agrees… watch where you buy. Stick with reputable brands and retailers. “If a claim for a dietary supplement is too good to be true, then it probably is,” said Palinski.
“EvEn gEnErally safE supplEmEnt ingrEdiEnts, if you’rE taking thEm in too high a dosE, can bE potEntially dangErous,”
February 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 15 ]
The Dangers Of High Tech
Q-R Codes
by Jorge estevez
“you CAn’t reAlly tell whAt InforMAtIon IS Stored InSIde thAt Code untIl After you hAve SCAnned It. And thAt CAn Be BAd”
Jorge ezeta thinks Q-r codes are incredibly convenient. He likes scanning them for more information on a product he might want to buy. “It really helps you make a shopping decision,” said Ezeta. “They store information in the black and white dots, so you can keep a lot of different things in there, telephone numbers, urls, links to web sites, addresses and any kind of text you want.” “That’s really helpful, right?” asked Estevez. “Yes,” replied Ezeta. But what’s not helpful is you can’t really tell what information is stored inside that code until after you have scanned it. And that can be bad, according to Malware researcher Tim Armstrong. “There’s a danger inherent in using these types of systems. They can link to malicious websites or phishing pages just as easily as they can link to legitimate information,” explained Armstrong. Malicious web sites? Phishing pages? Experts say phishing pages are fake versions of legitimate pages and they’re used to collect your login details. developerS “A lot of times they will look identical to Are workIng the legitimate page,” said Armstrong. The criminals set up the codes so that after on proteCtIon they are scanned, the landing page asks you SoftwAre. But to click a link… a link that could hijack your phone and your private information. untIl thAt IS “Links go to all sorts of different other CreAted, Be pages where they can collect user details. They can steal information,” cautioned CAreful. Armstrong. Apps can put your private information at risk and you won’t even have a clue. “The end-user thinks they’re downloading an instant messenger application or a new web browser for their phone,” said Armstrong. “But, in fact, these are just fake applications that are similar to real apps, but in the background they’re stealing your data.” “There’s a lot of personal information on my phone. Everything, phone numbers, contacts, emails, access to my email, access to my bank account,” said Ezeta. Or you might receive a premium rate text message that, when you open it to read it, results in a $5 or $10 charge. “We haven’t seen this type of attack until very recently,” Armstrong indicated. Developers are working on protection software. But until that is created, be careful. Armstrong points out that right now, scanning the code isn’t the problem… it’s when the code sends you to a link that you need to click, that you need to watch out. “Scan them, see where they go first and then make a decision. Be very wary of where these things are leading you. If you see these things out in the wild it may not be the best idea to scan them,” cautioned Armstrong. Jorge will keep scanning magazine ads or food product labels but with more skepticism than before. “Not on a street sign where it says click here for free stuff. That would be a lot riskier,” Ezeta said. Researchers say this problem seems to be stemming mostly from criminals in Europe and Russia in particular.
February 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 17 ]
Best Cruise
South Florida’s
Ships The floating vacation may seem like an ideal solution to the age-old question: Where should we go on vacation this year? That’s because most cruise ships offer 24-hour staff service where the pampering could be endless, while the children enjoy an array of organized activities freeing up parents to catch a show or play the slots or just relax. With two major ports situated in our backyard, it’s an easy solution for locals. Now may be the time to take that week off and board one of the numerous mega liners debuting in South Florida.
Miracle CaRnival CRuise lines www.CaRnival.Com
Oasis of the Seas Royal CaRibbean inteRnational www.RoyalCaRibbean.Com
Five times larger than the Titanic, the $1.5 billion ship has seven neighborhoods, an ice rink, a small golf course and a 750-seat outdoor amphitheater. It has 2,700 cabins and can accommodate 6,300 passengers and 2,100 crew members. One of the “neighborhoods,” named Central Park, features a square with boutiques, restaurants and bars, including a bar that moves up and down three decks, allowing customers to get on and off at different levels. It sails on 7-day itineraries to the Eastern and Western Caribbean islands.
Epic noRwegian CRuise lines www.epiC.nCl.Com
Norwegian Epic sports numerous, never-before-seen-onboard features including an ice bar, studio cabins for single passengers and a wide array of performances from the Blue Man Group to Cirque Dreams. A colorful aqua park that looks more like a maze invites children and adults to slide down one of numerous tubular enclosures. The 153,000 ton ship can accommodate as many as 4,100 passengers.
Whether you’re looking for a quick 2-day getaway trip to the Bahamas to a longer 8-day Southern Caribbean sailing, this ship offers all the amenities to make the journey comfortably. This ship’s length comes in at a modest 963 feet, and has a capacity for 2,124 passengers and features a variety of entertainment from a camp carnival for the kids to the twister water slide that travels through three decks.
Celebrity Century CelebRity X CRuises www.CelebRityCRuises.Com
The South Pacific themed cruise ship will make you think you’ve just stepped onto Australia or the Hawaiian Islands. The accommodations include 314 private verandas and 174 staterooms referred to as “concierge class” where guests can enjoy fresh-cut flowers and even personalized stationery. The Celebrity brand name has been around since 1989 and merged with Royal Caribbean in 1997.
Coral Princess pRinCess CRuise lines www.pRinCess.Com
This cruise ship makes 10-day sailings to the Panama Canal cruises out of Port Everglades. The ship features specialty restaurants such as Sabatini’s Italian restaurant and Bayou Café & Steakhouse. A cruise wouldn’t be a cruise without a casino and this one is European-styled. It also features a cigar lounge and retro martini bar. February 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 19 ]
By Cynthia Roby
Your lens is on back-order and now the flash shoe is
broken? While waiting for parts, your camera was deemed obsolete? Novice or pro, old school or digital, searching for the best camera store can become a hair-pulling experience. Here are some of the best camera stores in Miami.
World Wide Foto
Frequented by professionals, World Wide Foto, hands down, is staffed with the most knowledgeable shutterbugs in Miami. They make you glad you came in. Digital or dinosaur, if World Wide doesn’t carry it, they’ll do their best to find it for you. Feel comfortable bringing in or searching for video equipment as well. Stocked with supplies from Perutz film to Heico fixers to Rockland liquid light, it’s worth the trip. Hours: Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Ritz & Wolf Camera Image
The service is great and the staff is definitely not camera shy. For a photo shop, Ritz & Wolf steps outside the box in its trendy mall environment with its offerings. Personal photo gifts, netbooks, MP3 players and all things photo related make the list. The best place for the photo-treasure enthusiast, yet something for everyone. Hours: Monday through Saturday, 10:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Closed Sunday.
Bristol’s Camera
Bristol’s, often visited by the locals as well as gangs of tourists, marries the latest technology and trends. The best of Nikon, Cannon, Olympus and Cassio are among the frontrunners in this offthe-beaten-path shop. The small staff is knowledgeable and whatever your level of photography enthusiasm, they can assist. Hours: Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed Sunday.
Pitman Photo Supply (800) 252-3008
A warehouse of photo accessories, services, equipment and a digital color lab, Pitman offers a wide variety to customers at every level. The staff is knowledgeable and can help even when you aren’t exactly sure about your photo needs. Pitman’s abundant in-house stock includes Quantum, Lowepro, Lexar and Nikon. Hours: Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Sunday, noon to 5 p.m. February 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 21 ]
an elliptical machine. Move around! The more exercise you do, the faster you will see results and feel better. Remember exercise and a healthy diet go hand in hand for weight loss.
Lighten The Load
One of the biggest secrets to cutting calories is smaller portions. According to WebMD by just reducing your portions by 10 to 20 percent, you can lose weight. Don’t panic! You do not have to cut your portions all at once. You can work your way towards smaller portions by cutting a bit each day until you have reached a portion that leaves you satisfied. According to Brian Wansink, PHD, author of Mindless Eating, use smaller bowls, plates and cups so food will look more plentiful, making you feel less deprived.
Buddy up
Top Tips To
Don’t go at this alone. If you know a friend who has a similar resolution then buddy up! Feeling a major craving for junk food? Call your buddy for support. With this system, you will be less likely to cheat. You can even invite him or her over and cook some healthy meals together!
Shed Weight It’s a New Year; a new chance to actually complete your new resolutions and give yourself a little more love! While there are many resolutions each New Year, the most popular one seems to be “lose weight!” For those who have made this resolution countless times with no follow through, here are some tips that can help you work your way to a healthier, sexier you!
Enjoy The Meal
The more you see the more you eat! According to Harvard Health Blog, by eating slower your body will have more time to let you know when it’ full. By chewing slower and taking time to enjoy your meal, you give your brain time to process a series of signals which indicate you’re when you are satisfied. This small step can go a long way. You might be surprised to see how much less food you need to feel full.
H2O Never Tasted Better
According to Reader’s Digest, treat yourself to some orange juice in the morning, but after that stick to water. Soft drink lovers consume an extra 245 calories a day. That’s almost an extra 90,000 calories a year, just on soft drinks. By switching to water you can save yourself money and about 25 pounds worth of calories a year. Doesn’t that taste better?
Work It
Yes I said it! Exercise. While this may be the hardest part of losing weight for many people, there are many ways to do exercise. You just have to find what you like. Look into what classes your local gym has to offer. According to WebMD, you can even start with something small like walking or working out on February 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 23 ]
Tattletale Smartphones
Track Your Every Move reporTing Jorge esTevez
Every time you download an App, search for a website, send a test, take a picture of a Q-R code, or drive past a store with your GPS on your every move may be tracked. By whom? Your cell phone company, that’s who.
[ 24 ] February 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest
CritiCs say Cell phone Companies tell Customers what data they’re ColleCting by sending them privaCy notiCes like these that may be diffiCult to understand and written in fine print. and they don’t like that Consumers who don’t want to be traCked have to make the extra effort to “opt out.”
“They know you were playing Angry Birds. They know that you drove by Sears. They know you drove by Domino’s pizza, so they can take that and take a very unique algorithm that can focus on your behavior. It’s very impactful,” said marketing insider Mark Johnson. He confirms that your data trail is worth big bucks to cell phone companies. Many people have no idea this information is being collected and packaged with details about your age and gender, then aggregated and sometimes sold to third parties. “It does seem creepy that companies are collecting all this information about consumers,” said smart phone user Harrine Freeman. She is so creeped out, she turns off her GPS when she drives and shops. She also clears her browser history. “I think it’s an invasion of privacy. I don’t think cell phone companies should sell your information.” All the major cell phone carriers admit to collecting your information. Verizon acknowledges it aggregates the information and sells it to businesses without personally identifying users. The cell phone trade association would not agree to be interviewed on camera, but some cellular companies say there’s an advantage here: you get ads that are relevant and can save you money. “This is something that consumers are automatically opted into.” Critics say cell phone companies tell customers what data they’re collecting by sending them privacy notices like these that may be difficult to understand and written in fine print. And they don’t like that consumers who don’t want to be tracked have to make the extra effort to “opt out.” “I don’t really think that most people are going to review every email they get from their cell phone company and then go through the extra step of opting out of this targeted advertisement.” To see what your cell phone carrier is monitoring… log onto its website and read its privacy policy. Be sure to also read any updates your carrier sends too. Because this tracking technology keeps changing. “The amount of data these cell phone companies have has grown tremendously over the last three to four years. With the rapid rise and proliferation of cell phones it will only continue to grow.” Privacy experts say also be careful of third-party Apps you download that request to “use your location.” If you don’t want to be tracked, always press “NO.”
February 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 25 ]
Pros And Cons Of
Digital Coupons reporting al sunshine
It’s a tIme honored tradItIon: cuttIng coupons out of the sunday newspaper. But now, you can put the scIssors down, Because the coupon world has gone dIgItal. Mother of six Meghan Caron spends most Sundays clipping coupons. “It is a massive undertaking. I really anticipate the Sunday paper coming,” said Caron. But keeping tabs on all those offers often adds up to stress and confusion. “I have this little binder system that I use, and I try to sort or organize them by store.” Meghan hopes to cut back on clipping by using digital coupons. They’re promotions or discounts that are automatically loaded onto your debit card, credit card, or store loyalty card. Simply use your plastic in-store or online to redeem the savings. Janna Herron with said you’re about to see a digital coupon explosion, “It is convenient. Consumers don’t have to stuff their purse or their wallet with a bunch of paper coupons, and they don’t have to worry about forgetting them, because it’s linked to their card.” Some e-coupons can be found directly on your credit or debit card statement. Others are available through third party web sites. “Typically, you register your debit card, credit card, or store loyalty card on either the third party web site or your bank issuer’s web site. And then, when you see a coupon that you want, you just click on it.” Soon you’ll be able to download deals via billboards, magazines, and
[ 26 ] February 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest
“Consumers should read the privaCy poliCy before signing up for these serviCes so they know how the information is gathered, what is ColleCted, who it’s being shared with.” television, too. “You scan a QR code, or you type in a star-star code on your mobile device, and that offer is linked right to your card.” Tom Burgess is with Linkable Networks, a company on the forefront of this technology, “We support 99% of all credit or debit cards from around the country.” Meghan registered on and racked up savings at a home improvement store. “My savings there was between $5 to $10 dollars, which was very significant savings for us.” While e-coupons can save you dollars, Herron said it’s important to know that most services monitor your purchase history, so you can receive targeted coupons. According to Bankrate, some credit card issuers are even selling that history to retailers. “Consumers should read the privacy policy before signing up for these services so they know how the information is gathered, what is collected, who it’s being shared with.” Burgess said that Linkable Networks is committed to keeping your data anonymous. “We deal with the banks directly. And the consumer’s data, all that personally identifiable information, your name, your address, and so forth, remains behind the firewall at the bank.” Meghan said she feels safe, and the time and money it saves her is worth every penny. “Just to even go out to eat as a family of eight would be something that is a treat for us.” When it comes to using debit and credit cards, there’s one drawback, you don’t save money on the spot. Typically, the savings will be credited to your account within 30 days after the purchase, so be vigilant about checking your statement.
February 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 27 ]
Brings Books To Life For Children RepoRting Cynthia Demos gRowing up we’ve all ReaD children’s books but what if you had a book come to life before your very eyes. Ann-Rhea Fitch, one of the creators of electronic books for kids, called Bookpx, lives in Miami but shoots her video all over the world. The books are about different animals. The high-tech books are made just for the iPad or iPhone. Fitch said you can read the books to your children or listen to the narrator. Fitch not only narrates the stories but is also the photographer who travels the world to bring the animals to the children. “We go to where the animals are to photograph them in their natural habitat,” said Fitch. Some of the areas she’s visited include Uganda, Rwanda, South Africa and India. Fitch, a professional photographer with a Master’s Degree in teaching, said it’s a wonderful way for kids to learn because it uses more than one sense. “They’re seeing, they’re hearing, they’re touching, they’re turning the page,” said Fitch. CBS4’s Cynthia Demos put the book to the test with the Bravo
family. Four year old Gabriel Bravo, older brothers Nick, 9, and Chris, 11, checked out the book with their mom, Maria. The verdict. “I thought it was pretty cool,” said Chris. “It’s a good book for my little brother, he could learn from it,” said Nick. Maria Bravo said she’d buy them because they are educational, informative and interactive. The books, which cost $3.99 each, can be ordered on iTunes.
“Maria Bravo said she’d Buy theM Because they are educational, inforMative and interactive.”
February 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 29 ]
Best Places To Spot A
Celebrity South Florida is the perfect paradise for celebrities and the paparazzi that follow them around. South Beach hotels are popular hangouts among Hollywood A-listers but they can also be spotted enjoying tantalizing food at trendy restaurants, cheering for their favorite atheletes at our pro sporting events, tanning themselves on our beautiful beaches and partying ’til dawn at the hottest nightclubs around.
Club LIV at The Fontainebleau
4441 Collins Avenue MiAMi BeACh fontAineBleAu.CoM LIV just made Reuters “Worlds’ top 10 nightclubs.” The exclusive and high-energy nightclub is home to celebrities, VIPs and Miami’s local party crowd. A voyeuristic design throughout the nightclub allows people to see the entire venue from almost every point in the room, while edgy performance vignettes heat up the night with the nightclub scene’s sexiest dancers.
A Miami Heat Game at
The Wall Lounge at The W South Beach Hotel
The AmericanAirlines Arena
601 BisCAyne BoulevArd MiAMi, fl AAArenA.CoM The AmericanAirlines Arena is South Florida’s home for the hottest events and concerts. The arena plays host to the NBA’s Miami HEAT where celebrities are often spotted sitting courtside.
2201 Collins Ave. MiAMi BeACh, fl. wAllMiAMi.CoM
Prime 112
12 oCeAn drive MiAMi BeACh, flMylesrestAurAntgroup.CoM Once a quiet retirement town, South Beach now hosts some of Hollywood’s biggest stars. When the rich and famous visit Miami, they often dine at Prime One Twelve. This steakhouse, located in the historic Browns Hotel, not only has the best beef in Miami but is also a great place to spot your favorite movie star.
Michael’s Genuine Food & Drink
130 northeAst 40th st. MiAMi, fl \ MiChAelsgenuine.CoM When in Miami, celebrities often enjoy the sultry outdoor dining experience in the courtyard of Michael’s Genuine Food & Drink located in the trendy Miami Design District. The atmosphere can’t be beat.
Possibly the most exclusive address in Miami Beach, Wall Lounge is a 3,500-squarefoot nightclub tucked neatly away within the ocean-front W South Beach Hotel. An oversize gold sofa with room for 32 serves as the club’s centerpiece, and its gold and black patterned walls, lacquered bar, Cappellini stools and copper mesh ceiling provide the flash and glam that all celebrities enjoy.
February 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 31 ]
Telemarketing Top List Of Consumer Complaints RepoRting Shaneeva YaSSin
The top 10 consumer complaints filed during 2011 were released by The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, and many repeated complaints topped the list this year.
the depaRtment Received 41,961 complaints, a nine percent increase over the previous calendar year. While complaints about telemarketing and from “Do Not Call” list subscribers topped the list for the third year in a row, the department takes each complaint seriously in an effort to protect all consumers. “Protecting consumers is one of our top priorities,” said commissioner Adam Putnam. “Because an informed consumer is the best defense against fraud and deception, I encourage Floridians to learn about products and businesses before making purchases or entering agreements.” According to Putnam, Floridians can check the history of a business or file a complaint by calling the department at 1-800 HELP-FLA or visiting our website, THE Top TEn ConSumEr CompLAinTS rECEivEd By THE dEpArTmEnT in 2011 ArE: 1. Do Not Call, 11,769 2. Telemarketing, 7,983 3. Communications, 2,730 4. Real EstateBroker/Salesperson, 1,792 5. Motor Vehicle Repair, 1,773
6. Credit/Banking, 1,726 7. Landlord/Tenant, 1,416 8. Travel/Vacation Plans, 1,682 9. Motor Vehicle Sales/Accessories, 1,168 10. Cable, 898 Of the 41,961 complaints received by the department, 25,187 were successfully closed or resolved. The department’s consumer services team recovered $5,597,163 on behalf of consumers during this time period. The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ Division of Consumer Services is the state’s clearinghouse for consumer complaints, protection and information. The call center is staffed with trained analysts who answer more than 218,000 telephone calls and emails annually from consumers and businesses. Staff is able to respond to questions about programs and regulations under the department’s purview, provide information on a wide variety of topics or direct callers to the appropriate government agency. Consumers who believe they are a victim of fraud can contact the department’s consumer protection and information hotline at 1-800-HELP-FLA (435-7352) or, for Spanish speakers, 1-800-FL-AYUDA (352-9832) or visit
February 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 33 ]
Feds: Millions More Kids Insured Under “Obamacare” repOrting tim Kephart
The Affordable Care Act, also referred to as Obamacare, has been in effect for a little over a year; and according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it’s making a big impact on health care for young adults. One Of the prOvisiOns Of the bill allowed children to stay on their parents’ insurance plans through the age of 26. As of December, the CDC found that roughly 2.5 million more young adults with insurance coverage versus how many would have been uninsured without the health care reform law. In terms of the Sunbelt states, including Florida, roughly 900,000 more young adults now have insurance because of the new law. But, the future of the Affordable Care Act is still very much in question. Multiple state attorneys general are fighting the implementation of the law
and will battle the federal government before the Supreme Court in early-2012. The fight is primarily over the power of Congress to force people to buy health care insurance or face a fine. The states said this is Congress overstepping its bounds. Congress’ justification for the individual mandate, which has also been supported by Republicans Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich, lies in the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution.
“rOughly 900,000 mOre yOung adults nOw have insurance because Of the new law.” February 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 35 ]
FarMers Market: Fresh Produce & More (2/12,19,26/2012)
Enjoy the fresh air while selecting your fresh produce, spices, home-baked breads, hand-made pastas, organic products and much more at Pinecrest Gardens’ Farmers Market, every Sunday.
soUth beach
south Beach Comedy Festival (from 2/29/2012 to 3/3/2012)
This annual comedy festival showcases a variety of top talent and stars of the comedy circuit.
soUth beach
Food Network: south Beach Wine & Food Festival (from 2/23/2012 to 2/26/2012)
Food Network South Beach Wine & Food Festival presented by Food & Wine is a national, star-studded, four-day destination event showcasing the talents of the world’s most renowned wine and spirits producers, chefs and culinary personalities. The festival benefits Florida International University’s (FIU) School of Hospitality and Tourism Management.
miami beach
kIte Day
at Haulover Park (2/19/2012)
The sky over Miami Beach displays a marvelous array of colors and figures from hundreds of kites in the air during this festival, which features paper-kite-building classes, demonstrations from longtime kite enthusiasts, and kite-flying competitions for both children and adults. Noon-5 p.m. [ 36 ] February 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest
Miami International Film Festival (from 3/2/2012 to 3/11/2012)
The Miami International Film Festival, the premier U.S. showcase for films from Spain, Portugal and Latin America, presents 100 films from 30 countries during 10 days at venues across the Magic City.
CONCERT UPDATE Drake (2/14/2012)
Hit Singer Drake hits the Bank Atlantic Center stage February 14.
Lenny Kravitz (2/25/2012)
Legendary rocker Lenny Kravitz hits the Fillmore Miami Beach on his first American tour in five years. Raphael Saadiq is set to join him.
coral gables
miami beach
Gables Gallery Night
Winter Party Festival
(from 2/29/2012 to 3/5/2012)
Monthly open house on the first Friday of each month showcases local galleries. Enjoy outstanding exhibitions, free refreshments and complimentary continuous shuttle buses between galleries.
This world-famous celebration brings 10,000 people from around the globe together for six days and nights. Featuring beautiful men and women, hot dance parties in spectacular nightclubs, cocktail receptions, pool parties and more - all culminating with the sexiest beach party on the planet.
Radiohead kicks off its U.S. tour at the AAA. 7:30 p.m.
FooD truCk NIGHt (2/10,17,24/2012)
Beautiful park landscapes and music set the vibe as you mix, mingle and enjoy affordable gourmet delights served up by the wildly popular food truck chefs. There are food choices galore with everything from Cuban influenced burgers and Asianstyle chicken wings to deep fried Oreos to chow on.
10th aNNuaL taste oF PINeCrest (3/3/2012)
The Pinecrest Business Association and Jackson South Community Hospital invite you to attend the 10th Annual Taste of Pinecrest. The free event will feature dishes from popular local restaurants and caterers including Black Point Ocean Grill, Smoke & Spice, Sushi Maki, Pasquale’s Kitchen, and CrepeMaker. The funfilled day will also include live entertainment, free activities for kids, an active scavenger hunt, a juried art show, a bicycle valet, a fabulous raffle, plus many more surprises. All proceeds from the event benefit the five Pinecrest public schools.
February 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 37 ]
Is The Alkaline Diet The Next MiaMi (CBs4)
Weight Loss Fad? The Alkaline Diet already has some well known supporters, like actress Demi Moore and Miami Dolphins running back Reggie Bush.
But now average folks like Jan Brehm now follow it, and gives it a thumbs up. “The difference that I feel is night and day,” she explained. This diet is based on the philosophy that we what we eat and drink effects our body chemistry or PH levels, according to registered dietitian Erin Palinkski. Alkaline levels should naturally measure 7.4. The goal is to keep it right there by eating the right foods. “The people that promote the alkaline diet state that by being able to increase your intake of alkaline forming foods, and decrease your intake of acidic foods, you can actually alter the chemistry in your body,” explained Palinski. The intended effect is to improve weight, immunity, and disease prevention. Celebrity nutritionist Dr. Lindsey Duncan, a proponent of the diet, says today’s meals are increasingly acidic and that our bodies are paying the price. He cited the following problems: cardiovascular disease, depression, forgetfulness, poor mood, mind, and memory. The Alkaline Diet requires reducing the intake of some foods that many of us like, such as dairy, meat, sugar, and caffeine. “The general rule of thumb is, the more bitter your foods, the more alkaline,” said Duncan. Some good foods include watermelon, almonds, oranges, and apples. Jan Brehm said the positive benefits were dramatic. “Not only does the fatigue lift, but the mood shifts,” said Brehm. “Energy.” Palinski says that while this diet focuses on many healthy foods, there is no science behind it. She also worries the diet can be limiting. Some people can become too extreme, taking supplements that promise to boost your PH, or ingesting baking soda. “That can make the body too alkaline, and bring it outside of the optimal range, and that can actually have potentially deadly side effects.” Some dieters test their daily PH levels with strips that can be purchased at the drug store.
“The people ThaT promoTe The alkaline dieT sTaTe ThaT by being able To increase your inTake of alkaline forming foods, and decrease your inTake of acidic foods, you can acTually alTer The chemisTry in your body.”
February 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 39 ]
Davie Mom Leads Way In Stomach Cancer
Prevention And Awareness RepoRting Cynthia Demos
stomaCh CanCeR is one of the least federally funded and least familiar cancers in the country, but one South Florida woman is out to change that. Debbie Zelman said she has been living with stomach cancer for almost four years, and was diagnosed when she was only 40-years-old. The doctors gave her a five percent chance of survival and her biggest concern was her family, she said. Zelman said, “Not knowing if I’d be here for my kids” was the worse part, which includes 13-year-old twins Rachel and Zachary and 6-year-old Sarah. But the biggest burden she feared was failing on her husband Andy. “We went through a lot of discussions that most people don’t have to have, you know, about me being a single and what if I became a single parent” Andy Guttman, Zelman’s husband said. While fighting the cancer Zelman realized there was little in the way of support and federal dollars for research were slim. So she got together with her friends and made a worldwide difference. She started a non-profit foundation, specifically Can’t Stomach Cancer. In three years the organization spread across the globe. Debbie’s friend Robin Sobo Moselle helps run the nonprofit. “It’s amazing what this organization has been able to do in a short time of its existence,” Moselle said. The organization raised $450,000, held events all over the
country, started a hotline, website and organizing a second symposium for doctors. They’re also getting ready to expand to Japan where stomach cancer is prevalent. Zelman said it inspires her everyday. Zelman said that by helping others she helps herself. Her kids even started a stomach cancer awareness club at school, a family and friends effort making a difference across the world while Zelman continues to beat the odds while still fighting the disease. “I’m still here,” she said. Twenty two thousand people a year in the U.S. is diagnosed with stomach cancer, one million worldwide. Zelman is slowly bringing those people together by spreading awareness and prevention.
February 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 41 ]
Traffic Fatalities
At Three-Decade Low In Florida reporting ShAneevA YASSin
Preliminary figures released from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles show crash fatalities fall for the sixth year straight. According to the depArtment, 2,373 people died in traffic crashes on Florida’s roadways. That’s down from 2,444 traffic crash deaths reported in 2010. The number of crash fatalities in 2011 is the lowest the state has reported since 1978 even though the Sunshine State’s population has doubled since that time, according to the department. “The Department’s No. 1 priority is to protect the lives and personal security of our residents and visitors through enforcement, service and education,” said DHSMV Executive Director Julie L. Jones. “While the six-year downward trend is encouraging, we continue our strategic efforts to drive down the number of crashes in Florida and the number of injuries and fatalities that come as a result.” Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among those age 5 to 34 in the U.S., according to a report online by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report. Understanding that the leading cause of death for so many is preventable, the Director of the Florida Highway Patrol, Col. David Brierton, echoed Jones’ commitment to saving lives. “The men and women of FHP patrol Florida’s highways 24/7 to make them safe,” said Brierton. “Our law enforcement partners and public safety stakeholders are also important to the solution. Motorists can do their part, too, when they buckle up and drive sober.” The Department will publish the final count for 2011 later this year in its annual Traffic Crash Statistics Report 2011. But reports from previous years are available online at
February 2012 CBS4 News Magazine Pinecrest [ 43 ]
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