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The latest issue of Advaitam Speaks Literary
We have faith in poetry and visual arts. Advaitam Speaks Literary journal is a baby born out of that simple faith. We have just started our journey and we don’t know many things. We are learning everyday and we shall keep on learning till the end. We don’t strictly adhere to any political ideology, but we believe in listening to everyone. That does not mean that we are indifferent to the socio-political, cultural, sociological and economic changes happening around us. We appreciate everything creative and constructive. We don’t appreciate hate mongering, although we do appreciate constructive criticism using the powerful tools of poetry and visual arts. We believe that as poets and artists we dream, and we love. Above all, we see and we do.
We are thankful to our contributors who have shown their faith in us. We are thankful to our readers and well-wishers from different parts of the world. We hope that our enthusiastic contributors and readers accept the Volume 2 Issue 2 of Advaitam Speaks Literary journal with love. Thank you.
Debasish Parashar, Editor-in-Chief, ASL journal.
Advaitam Speaks Literary
Debasish Parashar
Founder, Publisher & Editor-in-Chief, Advaitam Speaks Literary.
Antaripa DevParashar
Managing Editor, Advaitam Speaks Literary.
Octavio Quintanilla is the author of the poetry collection, If I Go Missing (Slough Press, 2014) and the 2018-2020 Poet Laureate of San Antonio, TX. His poetry, fiction, translations, and photography have appeared, or are forthcoming, in journals such as Salamander, RHINO, Alaska Quarterly Review, Pilgrimage, Green Mountains Review, Southwestern American Literature, The Texas Observer, Existere: A Journal of Art & Literature, and elsewhere. Reviews of his work can be found at CutBank Literary Journal, Concho River Review, San Antonio Express-News, American Microreviews & Interviews, Southwestern American Literature, Pleiades, and others. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of North Texas and is the regional editor for Texas Books in Review. He teaches Literature and Creative Writing in the M.A./M.F.A. program at Our Lady of the Lake University in San Antonio, Texas.
Nicoleta Crăete
Nicoleta Crăete was born on 11th September, 1980, in a small town from Romania, Motru. She has won numerous prizes, mainly for poetry, including 1st prize in the poetry section and the festival trophy at the Literature Festival Moştenirea Văcăreştilor in Târgovişte, 2nd prize at the Poetry Festival Costache Conachi in Tecuci, the special prize at the Poetry Competition in Craiova, Tradem, Horia Vintilă prize for prose at the International Competition Vis de toamnă in Urziceni, 1st prize at the Poetry Competition Tudor Arghezi in Tg.-Jiu, in the section Bilete de Papagal, 3rd prize at the National Literary Competition Avangarda XXII in Bacău, so on.
Her debut volume, “The woman with a body of wax”, appeared in February 2019, at the Grinta Publishing House, Cluj, in the collection Poezia 9, as a prize in the manuscript section of the International Poetry Festival from Sighetu Marmației. Her poems have been translated into English, Czech, Spanish, French, and Arabic.
She has also taken part in many literary events and festivals, across the country and abroad, among which, the literary tour in Prague and Modra, in December 2018.
She is also a translator,