Advance Cairns State Budget Submission 2022-2023

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BRIEFING NOTE SUMMARY • Cairns Hospital has now reached capacity across all bed types. • The CHHHS has developed a plan to meet current and future bed demand and attract high caliber clinicians to provide more and higher complexity health services. • Cairns Hospital will become a University Hospital after investment is provided to support two development phases – (1) optimising Cairns Hospital to create additional bed space and building a Cairns Health and Innovation Centre (CHIC) in parallel with James Cook University’s Cairns Tropical Enterprise Centre (CTEC), both to be located in a Health and Knowledge Precinct; and (2) building a new acute clinical services building. • Phase 1 is now progressing, with State Government committing $4.4M for the detailed business case and $15M for land acquisition. • $9M is urgently sought to commence planning now for phase 2 (new acute services building) to enable Cairns Hospital to meet the continued projected growth in demand for health services. Queensland Treasury, Service Delivery Statements, Queensland Health 2019-2020 hospital/310000214/cairns-hospital/emergencydepartment hospital/310000214/cairns-hospital/admissions



The Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service’s (CHHHS) operations extend beyond the Cairns and Hinterland regions to some of the most remote communities in Queensland, with a population increasingly experiencing complex, chronic conditions above national averages. Clinical research, education, and expanded health services are critical to meeting the health needs of Tropical North Queensland’s growing population. Investment in health facilities in Cairns is vital to support this goal and address the following sustainability challenges facing Cairns Hospital. • Short- and long-term infrastructure capacity – Cairns Hospital is at capacity across all bed types now. By 2036/37, this gap will be more than 300 beds. Capacity is a critical risk and planning is needed now for a new acute clinical services building to ensure sustainable health service delivery. • Site constraints and resilience – Cairns Hospital is the smallest block of developable land for comparable hospitals, and the location creates service continuity risk (via flooding). • Workforce, innovation, and care closer to home – the CHHHS needs to grow a local health workforce to enable more services to be delivered closer to home

and facilitate research and innovation to inform models of care. Transitioning Cairns Hospital to university hospital status will allow the hospital to deliver world-class, high-quality care to address the critical current and future health challenges facing TNQ. This will result in more complex medical and surgical services, with more skilled and highly trained clinicians. To do this, the CHHHS needs strong linkages with education and research and enough bed capacity to provide critical health services. The Cairns University Hospital will enable enhanced education and research, meaning more Cairns and TNQ locals can complete their entire health/clinical education and training in the Cairns region. It will also facilitate research in areas that are relevant to our region and embed the research outcomes into better health services. To deliver on the vision of Cairns University Hospital, CHHHS needs to progress phase 1 (CHIC) and planning for Phase 2 (new acute clinical services building) – with both facilities in close proximity to Cairns Hospital. A complementary element of the CHIC will be JCU’s expansion of local education pathways for the JCU Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) program to offer years 1-6 in Cairns, as well as the introduction of allied health programs into Cairns.

PHASE 1 (2021-2025) “Optimise”


PHASE 2 (2021-2035+) “Transform”

Optimise the use of existing Cairns Hospital

Establish the Cairns Health and Innovation Precinct (CHIP)

New, transformed Cairns Hospital

» Relocate some services offsite (e.g. outpatients) to free up capacity for acute services

» Construction of new Precinct in partnership with James Cook University on land adjacent to Cairns Hospital.

» Invest in an expanded hospital footprint to meet projected services demand

» Refurbish the Emergency Department, improve theatre utilisation

» Relocate services off the main Cairns Hospital site – freeing up critical assets for clinical services

» Accommodate short-term growth within the existing facility (NB. Short-term capacity only)

» Deliver new, innovative care models – virtual health, ambulatory care, clinical trials

» New Acute Services Building to meet critical care needs – expanded emergency dept, theatres, ICU, wards » Expanded sub-acute services

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