Export 2030 - delivering fresh food fast

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Far North Queensland Agricultural Supply Chain Study | 5

Supply chain analysis An analysis of the FNQ supply chains indicated that agricultural production in the region is substantial and growing, and well supported by a mature logistics network with existing operators. Processing capabilities were found to be developing however significantly inhibited by a lack of necessary infrastructure, which in turn limits value-adding opportunities and innovation for the region. FNQ distribution networks are operated by a number of key suppliers with efficient networks, although underpinned by a lack of freight pricing transparency for producers as well as frequently constrained by inferior road infrastructure. Finally, there was evidence of strong producer motivation to export however success will depend on fostering a connection to key markets, producing critical product volumes, airline security, and ensuring a reduction in export complexity and administration impediments. The supply chain analysis was performed across five key nodes and included production, logistics, processing, distribution, and export:

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