9 Yoga Poses For Healthy Glowing Skin
Padmasana Sitting in the lotus position and meditating can actually reduce your stress levels phenomenally. You should definitely try out this simple yoga pose to look good.
Sukhasana Sukhasana is the pose in which you actually sit at ease. This position relaxes your facial muscles and helps you to avoid early wrinkles.
Varun Mudra The varun mudra of yoga balances the water element of the body. It gives you glowing skin by making the fluids in your body flow and keeping your skin moisturised.
Pranayama Breathing deeply is one of the best ways to get more oxygen into your system. When you have more oxygen, the skin cells are able to breathe and thus, you get a natural glow.
Surya Namaskar Surya namaskar is a complete workout for your skin and body. You can expel toxic fat from your system by doing surya namaskar every day.
Sirsasana The complete headstand is a very effective pose as it makes the blood flow towards your brain. This helps your skin to get rejuvenated.
Sharvanga The shoulder stand is also a very good way to make you blood flow back and forth. The shoulder stand pose helps to improve blood circulation to you face.
Halasana To do halasana, you have to bend your body like a plough. Doing this makes your digestive process faster. A good rate of metabolism is imperative for having glowing skin.
Shavasana The corpse pose is a very effective way cool down after a workout. This yoga pose helps to relax all the muscles of your body because you are pretending to be a dead body. This can be very relaxing for your skin.
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