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Postings by Open Coastal Ocean Water Areas 2000 – 2016

The following tables and graphs provide monitoring information from April 1 to October 31 for each of Orange County‘s open coastal ocean water areas and is arranged geographically from north to south along the Orange County shoreline. The appendix information provided for each open coastal ocean water area includes:


• Sampling agency, sampling frequency, sampling locations and number of beach miles;

• Total number of posted warnings, total number of posted warning days and total number of Beach Mile Days that were posted due to AB 411 standards violations from 2000 - 2016;

• A trend graph depicting the total number of Beach Mile Days that the open coastal water area was posted from 2000 – 2016; and

• The dry weather AB 411 single sample standard compliance rate at each open coastal ocean water sampling location for the 10-year period from 2005 – 2016.

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