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To effectively end the cycle of homelessness for those in Orange County, the system of care must operate constructively by allowing people to move forward with swift yet incremental progress, and by ensuring dignity and respect for the needs of this most vulnerable population. The system response must consider both the rights and responsibilities of homeless people. At this critical juncture, the strategies must contain both immediate remedies related to basic needs and a longer range pathway with targeted resources to facilitate permanent housing.
Below is brief synopsis of key recommendations for improving the existing system to enhance successful outcomes for those experiencing homelessness and to better target the various public and private resources aimed to assist this population.
Enhance the Continuum of Care System
Hire a Continuum of Care Manager to improve operational focus Re-structure Continuum of Care governance: CoC Board and the Commission to End Homelessness Change Homeless Management Information System software in 2017 Build additional system capacity and technical assistance Mapping for System Navigation Promote data informed decisions and focus on system performance Plan for Unified Funding Agency status
Improve Regional System Coordination
Operationalize Service Planning Areas for North, Central and South County Engage in regional county outreach Formalize countywide encampment response protocols Expand engagement and coordination opportunities with cities
Develop Systemic Navigation of Services
Diversify portfolio of resource options/expand the toolbox Address food insecurity by adopting and implementing the Restaurant Meals Program Promote an increase in monthly income/earning capacity Implement the SOAR – SSI Advocacy Program Enhance Animal Care services
Emergency Shelter, Transitional and Permanent Housing Solutions
Increase Emergency Shelter/Bridge Housing beds to meet regional needs End veterans homelessness in Orange County Increase effectiveness of PHA affordable housing resources Target resources to improve housing navigation Secure funding for continuance of de-funded transitional housing Generate more affordable housing development
Countywide Collaboration/ System Integration Focus Areas
Stepping Up Initiative – Sheriff Department Whole Person Care Initiative – Health Care Agency County Executive Office Intra-County Departmental workgroups