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6. Conduct meetings with DHCS legal, fiscal, and regulatory teams
BHST Part One: Performance and Value - Based Contracting
This section focuses on the progress and lessons learned as it relates to ongoing engagement with DHCS by both Orange County Health Care Agency and Mind OC Leadership as well as Monthly Policy updates with The Steinberg Institute.E
Representing the Health Care Agency, Orange County Behavioral Health Services leadership, in communication with Mind OC leadership, has actively participated in meetings and engaged in specific work groups with DHCS over the course of and during this period of the project.
Mind OC staff has attended the following Regulatory Focused CalAIM webinars:
• CalAIM Behavioral Health Workgroup Meeting 11/29/21 • CalAIM Behavioral Health Workgroup Meeting 1/20/22
In addition to these meetings, we continue monthly policy calls with The Steinberg Institute, which began in July 2020. The meeting attendees include members from Mind OC, Health Care Agency, and The Steinberg Institute. The focus of our agenda covers State budget priorities, regulatory updates, changes, and any foreseeable obstacles that could impact this project, along with continued monitoring on the status of CalAIM. In October 2021, a special meeting was scheduled to discuss Behavioral Health Workforce and the impact it could have on this and all projects under behavioral health. Some of the topics covered included the workforce shortage and provider burnout, particularly during and on the heels of the pandemic. Strategies for changing policy under MHSA that would support clinicians (workforce) and agencies (employers) with funding, reimbursement, and/or grants to support workforce retention, hiring and promotions in the mental health field were some of the topics covered. Additional factors that potentially impact the workforce include retirement waves and the increase ability for companies allowing employees to work from home, thereby increased the need to look at policy around workplaces and provision of services.
• Implementation of CalAIM began in 2022 • Progress in other counties and states provide learning opportunities, such as aligning with Finance & Contracting Departments in initial conversations, identification of Providers / Organizations partners for proof of concept testing strategy and resolving initial process issues, and identifying measures focused on continuum of care needs, e.g., Community Supports, housing or other supportive/preventive services