3 minute read

3. Social Determinants of Health Survey

BHST Part Two: OC Navigator



The Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) Screener, also known as the Wellness Check-In, is intended to offer a starting point for consumers who are unsure of their needs or how to navigate to resources.

This section focuses on the progress and lessons learned regarding the development and updates to the Social Determinants of Health Screener available on the OC Navigator.E


As noted by Chorus, in this reporting period, Chorus updated the structure of the Wellness Check-In (Table 3.3.1). Additionally, based on stakeholder feedback, updates were made to the SDoH Screener to streamline use and functionality as seen in Table 3.3.2 and further depicted in Figures 3.3.1, 3.3.2, and 3.3.3.E

Table 3.3.1. Updated Structure to the Wellness Check-In

607 Wellness Check-In submissions were completed from September 28, 2021 to August 30, 2022.

New Features:

A new item was added to the Wellness Check-In to route users to Family Safety Resources.


• Q1. Is having safe and stable housing something that worries you? [HOUSING] • Q2. Are you a parent, stepparent, grandparent, legal guardian, or caretaker for any children between the ages of 0 and 17? [KIDS & FAMILIES]

• Q3. Have you seen a doctor in the last year? [MEDICAL] PAGE 2

• Q4. Do you or any family members you live with, have issues or concerns about the following things right now or in the near future… • Q4.1 Lack of food or clothing [BASIC NEEDS] • Q4.2 Lack of transportation [GETTING AROUND] • Q4.3 Affording basic needs, such as housing, internet, food, or medical care [MONEY] • Q4.4 Problems with alcohol and substance use [SUBSTANCE USE] • Q4.5 Problems with mental wellness [MENTAL WELLNESS]


• Q5. Do you feel lonely or isolated? [MENTAL WELLNESS] • Q6. Are you worried about things that make you feel tense, nervous, anxious, or can’t sleep at night? [MENTAL WELLNESS] • Q7. Do you feel safe in your current relationship or in your family? [FAMILY SAFETY]


• Q8. Do you want help with school or training? For example, starting or completing job training or getting a high school diploma, GED or equivalent. [LEARNING] • Q9. Do you want help finding or keeping work or a job? [LEARNING]

• Q10. Do you have concerns about any immigration matters for you or your family?

[LEGAL HELP] • Q11. Would you like assistance or support for legal matters? [LEGAL HELP]

Table 3.3.2. Updates to SDoH Survey Based on Feedback

Update to SDoH Survey Summary

Add a skip to results page (Figure 3.3.1)

No results page (Figure 3.3.2)

Ability to retake the survey (Figure 3.3.3)

Updated language to SDoH survey

Reduce number of pages from 10 to 4

Add Family Safety item to route to the Family Safety category

This enables individuals to skip to their results without having to go through the entire survey.

For individuals who are not matched with resources, it will inform them of that and direct them to either retake the test, chat with OC Links, browse resource categories or guides.

On the result page, individuals can now retake the survey.

Minor edits to the language in the survey to be more consumer-friendly.

Previously, users had to click through 10 pages on the OC Navigator to complete the Wellness Check-In, causing feelings of impatience and frustration. The items were grouped into 4 pages according to topic.

“Do you feel safe in your current relationship or in your family?” This item was written by Dr. Bowen Chung, a child and adolescent psychiatrist and the project adviser.

Figure 3.3.1. Wellness Check-in with “Skip to Results” Button Figure 3.3.1. Wellness Check-in with “Skip to Results” Button

Figure 3.3.2. No Results Page Figure 3.3.2. No Results Page

Figure 3.3.3. Updated Wellness Check-in Results Page Figure 3.3.3. Updated Wellness Check-in Results Page


• Providers are the primary user of the Wellness Check-In to assist their clients.

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