1 minute read
J. Asthma
Aside from the physical health risks associated with vaping and the use of e-cigarettes, the California Department of Education reports that extended use of these products can also lead to mental and behavioral health risks including depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders.
The CDPH has the following recommendations for the public: • Quit vaping altogether, no matter the substance or source. Those that continue to vape are urged to avoid buying any vaping products on the street and never modify a store-bought vape product; • Anyone who has in the past few months vaped and is having problems with breathing, or other related symptoms, should seek medical care immediately; and • Do not replace vaping with smoking combustible cigarettes but rather ask your doctor for FDAapproved quitting treatments.
In 2018, there were 86 vaping retail outlets in Orange County, down 75% from the number reported in 2014/2015. The decrease in the number of stores is related to a 2017 enacted California law that increased the minimum age of purchase to 21 years of age, as well as requiring such stores to apply and retain a California retailer tobacco license.
According to a California Healthy Kids survey, 27.5% of high school students, and 13.4% of middle-school students, reported having tried vaping. These statistics are higher than the national average reported by the CDC.
Asthma is a long-term condition in which a person’s air passage becomes inflamed. It is a serious public health problem, especially in Orange County, as it can cause missed school days, daily activity limitations, ER visits, and even hospitalization. Additionally, studies have shown that asthma disproportionately affects low-income and minority children.
14.1% of Orange County’s pediatric population have been diagnosed with asthma, which is a growing trend. 26
26 Conduent Healthy Communities Institute, 2014-2015 California Health Interview Survey. As cited on OCHealthierTogether.org, an initiative led by HIP. Retrieved 8/2019.