1 minute read

Supplemental Tables: Safe Homes and Communities




Social Services Agency’s (SSA) Transitional Planning Services (TPS) is a broad-based Independent Living Program (ILP) designed to prepare foster youth for self-sufficiency. SSA submits an annual statistical report to the state describing ILP activities. Select youth characteristics and program outcome information are presented from the report to describe emancipation services offered received and/or provided. Services may be provided to youth as young as 14 and as old as 24. These youths include those who were in the custody of SSA due to parental abuse and neglect former probation wards who were involved in the juvenile justice system and children with mental health needs placed in foster care by the Health Care Agency. TPS also serves youth who were in foster care in other counties and have relocated to Orange County. TPS is the responsibility of the SSA Children and Family Services and involves many community partners committed to assisting youth and young adults in a wide array of Independent Living Program support services including but not limited: to basic life skills training employment career and vocational assessments and placements educational resources funding and medical and mental health services.

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