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From the ground up... Tennessee’s agricultural industry creates a bountiful economic powerhouse for our state. We understand and believe our success story, but do others? Under the leadership of Governor Bill Haslam we have the opportunity to shed a whole new light on agriculture.
Agriculture impacts all... ...from the food we eat, to what we wear, to the places in which we live and work...and beyond.
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But not all recognize it. Agriculture is invisible to many Tennesseans. The state has an opportunity to grow awareness, foster knowledge and drive action.
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Let’s join our efforts in a new campaign. Through a collective effort initiated by Governor Haslam, we can take a fresh approach so our story can be cultivated with every Tennessean. “My goal is for Tennessee to be number one in the Southeast in the growth and development of agriculture and forestry.” - Governor Bill Haslam
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Connect with new audiences. With your help, we will create a program to reach the non-ag audience in a new way. The campaign will take a proactive approach to educating consumers, influencers and decision makers. We will provide a model for more people to participate in the conversation.
Fraternal organizations Professional organizations Chambers ECDs
State legislative officials Local legislative officials
Civic Leaders Media Educators Citizens Youth
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Cultivating moments, creating conversations. Most people don’t realize it, but every part of our culture is deeply rooted in agriculture. We will translate the agricultural topics important for achieving our state’s goals into easily relatable stories and messages that can be embraced and shared by everyone.
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One message for many speakers.
The vision is for speakers to come from a variety of backgrounds, representing all of Tennessee agriculture - from the small vet practice to the large corporate producer - so the non-agricultural community truly understands the life and economic impacts agriculture has on our state. Speakers across the state will be equipped with a communication toolkit containing everything needed to speak effectively and with a consistent message to non-ag audiences.
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Help us create the toolkit. No one person or entity can do this alone. Your financial help is necessary and will allow the creation of the following communication toolkit. Anthem Video
This approximately two-minute
A PowerPoint presentation template
video will provide an overall
provides every individual speaker
rallying message for the ag awareness
across the state the same foundation
initiative allowing everyone
for a consistent theme and messaging.
participating to have a common voice
It is also a quick and easy way to
- from the single family farmer to the
highlight relevant information.
Grape Production
Grape-beari grown in Ten it has not ke increased m Tennessee’s vineyards ar to expandin viticulture in which has a economic im
corporate association to the large-scale operator across Tennessee. Call-To-Action Video This video will reiterate points from the anthem video and guide viewers to follow through with appropriate action(s). Infographics Shareable content, like the infographics to the right, helps brands stay top-of-mind.
Microsite Similar to TED.com, this website will offer a repository of videos, infographics, other supporting
Tennessee is well-positioned to great grape production, as neighboring sta done in recent years.
information, and an event/speaking
2,774 acres
1,800 acres
650 acres
schedule section (among other key components). The goal: engage users and connect them to TN Dept of Agriculture, TN Farm Bureau, UT Institute of Agriculture and other associated or affiliated websites.
Supporters will be recognized with: logo and name credits within the videos, website and PowerPoint presentation, and on printed materials. 8 |
Source: Stonebridge, Economic Impact of Grapes and Wine in Tennessee, 2011
Help create the opportunities. No one person or entity can deliver the message alone. You are needed to open doors
for speaking opportunities and/or give presentations. While this is a collective story, your involvement ensures multiple touch points across the state.
ing acreage has nnessee but ept pace wih market demand. s 30 commercial re foundational g the state’s ndustry, n $881 million mpact.
Dairy Farms
tly increase ates have
The number of dairies in Tennessee continues to decline, but dairies offer a significant economic benefit to local economies. The total economic impact of Tennessee’s dairy industry has the potential to increase from a baseline of $241.2 million to nearly $423 million with improved herd health management.
$241.2 million
$423 million
BRIDgIng eDUCatIo Historic Beef Herd Numbers
The state's current beef cattle inventory is at its lowest point since the 1950s, consistent with national trends. However, Tennessee is still a top 10 beef-producing state with an opportunity to take advantage of an expected expansion of the U.S. beef herd.
Governor’s rural ChallenGe a 10-Year strateGiC Plan
Increasing Rural Tennessee’s Capacity to Produce 2,000,000
1,500,000 1950
Community colleges p service across the state agricultural courses wit majority of agribusines Tennessee State Univer partnering with commu degree. Building on this Agribusiness and Agris program which creates for students to earn a b in Agribusiness without hometown community This and other similar p the state will be critical develop a skilled and ed for tomorrow’s agricult industries.
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