Motorola LANPlanner v13.0 Quickstart Guide 72E-157641-01_QuickStart-LP

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LANPlanner 13.0 Quick Start Guide 72E- 157641- 01 Rev A – October 2011 Thank you for choosing LANPlanner from Motorola Solutions. Please read the Quick Start Guide installation/upgrade instructions prior to installing the software. Should you have

any questions during this installation/upgrade process, please feel free to contact us. 1.800.653.5350 (United States and Canada) +55.11.4133.3180 (South America) +420.533.336.123 (Europe, the Middle East and Africa) 1.800.457.439 (Australia) +65.6796.9600 select "2" for Technical Support (Asia Pacific) 001.631.738.6213 (For international callers outside the US) For additional support contact options


Motorola LANPlanner Quick Start Guide - Page 1 of 17.

Table of Contents RECOMMENDED SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................. 3 INSTALLATION ON WIN XP, WIN VISTA, OR WIN 7 ............................................................................................................. 3 PREPARATION ............................................................................................................................................. 3 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................. 4 RESTORING YOUR DATA ................................................................................................................................ 4 WLAN CARD HARDWARE REMOVAL PROCEDURE .............................................................................................................. 5 CUSTOM DRIVER INSTALLATION FOR THE WLAN CLIENT CARD ................................................................................ 5 LICENSE ACTIVATION ..................................................................................................................................................................... 8 USING A LICENSE FILE ................................................................................................................................... 9 USING AN AUTHORIZATION CODE .................................................................................................................... 9 MULTIPLE PC INSTALLATION ........................................................................................................................... 9 INTRODUCTION TO USING LANPLANNER ........................................................................................................................... 10 MODELING YOUR BUILDING OR CAMPUS ........................................................................................................... 10 DESIGNING YOUR NETWORK .......................................................................................................................... 10 VISUALIZING NETWORK PERFORMANCE ............................................................................................................. 11 WHAT’S NEW IN LANPLANNER 13.0.0 ................................................................................................................................... 13 ENHANCEMENTS ........................................................................................................................................ 13 CRITICAL FIXES ......................................................................................................................................... 14 GENERAL FIXES ......................................................................................................................................... 14 KNOWN ISSUES RELATED TO LANPLANNER 13.0.X......................................................................................................... 16

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Recommended System Requirements To effectively use this application, the following computer platform is recommended: • • • • • • • • •

Intel® Pentium® 4 1.5 GHz or better (or equivalent)

Microsoft® Windows® XP SP2, Windows Vista (32 and 64 bit), or Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit)

Microsoft Word® XP (Word 2002) or later (required for generating Reports)

1 GB RAM (minimum)

500 MB free disk space for installation

1024x768 VGA with true color

Mouse, trackball or compatible pointing device with scroll wheel Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or later

CD-ROM drive

Support for Wireless Measurement via RF Monitoring Mode: In order to enable data collection via RF

Monitoring mode, you will need one of the WLAN client cards that support Motorola’s custom driver. The latest list of supported WLAN cards is available online at

Installation on Win XP, Win Vista, or Win 7 Installing LANPlanner is much like installing any other Microsoft Windows software. However, LANPlanner

uses electronic license control, so an extra activation step will be required. In order to install LANPlanner, you










from and some way to transfer files to your PC or receive email directly on your


IMPORTANT NOTE: You will need to uninstall any previous versions of LANPlanner prior to installing the new LANPlanner unless you are applying an upgrade patch file. As for your user data, they will be backed up to a directory called UserBackup in the directory of the new installation of LANPlanner (the default location is C:\Program Files\LANPlanner\UserBackup). The instructions for restoring your data are listed under the ‘Restoring Your Data’ section in the following paragraphs.

Preparation It is very important to perform the following preparatory steps to ensure your installation goes smoothly: •

Administrative Privileges Are Required for Install: a user with local administrative privileges must

install LANPlanner. Non-administrative users may use the software once it has been installed. • •

Internet Explorer 6.0 or better is required to properly run LANPlanner.

Windows Service Packs: Your software will work best running with the most recent updates of

Windows. These upgrades are available through the Microsoft Windows Update web site.

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Installation procedure To install LANPlanner, please follow these steps in the order presented: 1. Close any programs running within Windows before starting the installation process. 2. Log on as ‘Administrator’ or as a user with administrative or power user privileges. 3. Insert the LANPlanner product CD into the CD drive (or double click the Installation executable if downloaded from

4. If installing from a CD and Autorun is activated on your computer, the setup program will start automatically. Otherwise, run SETUP.EXE from the root folder on the product CD.

5. If installing from an installation executable, choose a location for storing the temporary installation files. These files can be removed at a later date or kept for product repairs or reinstallations.

6. Read the warnings and the license agreement. You must accept the license agreement to continue. 7. To choose the destination folder where the program files will be stored on the hard drive, click the

Configure button next to the product selection. We recommend you accept the default folder name. If you choose a hard drive other than the default C: drive, be sure to also type in a directory name; e.g. click on your D: drive and then type in \Program Files\LANPlanner\.

8. Click Next to begin the installation process. 9. When setup is complete, you are ready to run the software by going to the Windows Start Menu and selecting Programs > LANPlanner> LANPlanner.

Restoring Your Data As mentioned in the previous sections, any user data from a previous install of LANPlanner will be preserved and backed up during the installation of the new LANPlanner.

Your Workspaces directory is

automatically brought into your new install. However, if you have modified one or a combination of the following • • • • •


Parts List Library

Channel Sets

Partition Library

Performance Tables

You can restore them by following these instructions. IMPORTANT NOTE: The instructions will refer to the UserBackup directory. The default location of this directory is: C:\Program Files\LANPlanner\UserBackup\BackupXX. 10. Restore your parts list library –

Copy the BOM directory from the UserBackup\BackupXX folder to the BOM subfolder of C:\Program Files\LANPlanner. Overwrite any file with the same name.

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11. Restore your partition library -

Copy the file partlibrary.xml from the UserBackup\BackupXX\Defaults folder to the Defaults subdirectory of C:\Program Files\LANPlanner. Overwrite any file with the same name.

12. Restore your channel sets -

Copy the Channels directory from the UserBackup\BackupXX folder to the Channels subfolder of C:\Program Files\LANPlanner. Overwrite any file with the same name.

13. Restore your antenna radiation pattern files -

Copy the Antennas folder from the UserBackup\BackupXX folder to the Antennas subfolder of C:\Program Files\LANPlanner. Overwrite all files with duplicate names.

14. Restore your performance tables -

Copy the Tables folder from the UserBackup\BackupXX folder to the Tables subfolder of C:\Program Files\LANPlanner. Overwrite all files with duplicate names.

WLAN Card Hardware Removal Procedure IMPORTANT NOTE: You should only remove your WLAN card adapter from your computer using the following hardware removal process. Failure to follow this process could cause your computer to crash and loss of data. Step 1: First, close down or ensure that LANPlanner is not running Step 2: Double click the Safe Hardware Removal icon in your system tray: Step 3: Select your Wireless LAN Adapter from the Safely Remove Hardware dialog and choose Stop Step 4: Again select your adapter and select Ok to confirm you wish to remove the hardware (Note, this will not uninstall the driver. This process simply allows you to safely unplug the adapter from your computer) Step 5: You may now remove the WLAN Adapter from your computer.

Custom Driver Installation for the WLAN Client Card In order to enable data collection via RF Monitoring mode, you will need one of the WLAN client cards listed in the recommended system requirements with LANPlanner’s custom driver installed.

IMPORANT NOTE: Do not install the card manufacturer’s driver. The installation of Motorola's custom WLAN driver may not work correctly if the manufacturer’s driver has been previously installed on your computer. If the manufacturer’s driver or other suitable driver has been previously installed on your computer, please uninstall the client card before proceeding. Step 1: Insert the network adapter into your computer’s PCMCIA slot or USB port. Step 2: If the Hardware Update Wizard dialog window appears, choose Cancel.

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Step 3: Run the DriverSetup.exe installer located in Help\WLAN Drivers located within your installation directory.

Step 4. Click Next to begin the driver installation process.

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Step 5. You must accept the license agreement before installing the driver. If you accept the agreement, check the radio button I accept this agreement and click Next.

Step 6. The wizard will begin searching for your new hardware.

If you receive a warning message saying that the software you are installing has not passed Windows Logo testing, click Continue Anyway.

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Step 7. If the dialog indicates your hardware is ready to use, the installation was successful and the card is now ready for use with RF Monitoring mode measurements.














License activation After installing the software, you have 14 days to install the license. Each time you access LANPlanner, the Connector License dialog is displayed until the license is installed. The Connector License dialog can also

be accessed by selecting Help > Manage Licenses.

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There are two methods used to install a license: •


Using a license file

Using an authorization code (the most common method)

To use either of these methods to install a license, you must have a license file or an authorization code from Motorola.

Using a License File A license file contains information about your license. If you have a license file, select the I have a License File option. Use the Browse button (next to the License File field) to locate the file and select it. Once you have selected the licensing file, click Apply. The license information is updated.

Using an Authorization Code If you have an authorization code, select the I have an Authorization Code option. Enter your authorization

code, company name, contact phone number, and email address. Then, click Download. The license is

downloaded from the Connector and the license details are displayed at the bottom of the Connector License dialog. Now, click Apply. The license is installed using the authorization code.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you need to use a proxy to access the internet, select the Use proxy for Internet Access option. The proxy settings must already be configured using Configure > Configure Proxy Settings.

Multiple PC installation According to the license agreement, your software can only be installed on one PC. License unlock codes will not be provided for multiple PCs.

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Introduction to using LANPlanner Now that you have installed the software, you can


Quick Start Guide provides a summary of the

Step-by-step instructions for using the Building

begin designing your wireless network. This basic steps in formatting a building, so that you

can more easily complete your first project. You

can refer to the full LANPlanner User’s Guide for detailed information about each step in the process.



LANPlanner project are: •





Create a 3D virtual model of your building or campus: the “RF Intelligent Map”.

Create a 3D virtual model of your wireless network: the “RF Intelligent Model”.

Simulate the behavior of your network, and modify its design, until your

through the creation of your building model. Wizard can be found in the User’s Guide.


short, you will specify the number of floors in

your building, import a scanned image or CAD floor plan for each floor, then use the tools in the

Building Wizard to trace or convert walls and

other radio signal obstacles. Each wall you trace or convert will be classified into one of the LANPlanner partition types, which has associated

radio signal attenuation properties. As you trace or convert each wall from a CAD drawing, its

height is also assigned, creating a 3D model. You will need to specify the scale of each floor of the building (or of some part of it) and indicate a

performance criteria are met.

The Building Wizard will prompt you

point of alignment for stacking the floors. When

Document the design with a bill of

you are finished using the Building Wizard, click

materials and full design report.

Assemble Building to validate your selections and

finalize your building model.

Modeling your building or campus LANPlanner makes it easy to create a 3D virtual model of your building environment.

The 3D

model you will create consists of radio signal

Designing your network Now that you have a 3D virtual model of your building (the RF Intelligent Map), you are ready to

propagation obstacles (e.g. walls) and includes

create a 3D virtual model (The RF Intelligent

attenuate radio signals.

applications this could be something as simple as

height, width, location and how much they Your building model starts with a diagram of the

building floor plan. You can use a digital scan of a paper floor plan (e.g. a fire escape plan scanned

into a digital picture format such as JPG, BMP or

GIF) or a CAD file created by an architect or contractor.

You can even draw a floor plan

freehand based on a verbal description of the

building. LANPlanner helps you convert a floor plan into an RF Intelligent Map that contains embedded radio propagation properties.

To create your 3D building model, use the

Building Wizard (located in the Format Building

Motorola LANPlanner Quick Start Guide - Page 10 of 17.

Model) of a wireless network.

For wireless LAN

a co-located antenna directly attached to an

Access Point or more sophisticated detached antennas






LANPlanner supports the modeling of these and

many other wireless network equipment types

that you may wish to deploy, including the 3D

routing of cables through your virtual building model.

To install an Access Point in your building, use

the Network Design > Place Access Point menu


Double-click on the Access Point in

the ‘Place Access Point’ dialog window that

supports your desired standards.

Click in the

you wish to model and choose between Forward

drawing to indicate the location of your Access

and Reverse Links. Press Next.

you wish to add more than one Access point.

click OK.

Point. You can continue clicking in the drawing if

Once you have placed the desired number of Access points, simply right click or press the Esc button.

Click Done to exit the ‘Place Access

Point’ dialog box. To edit properties of your

Access Points, you can go to Network Design >

Edit/Remove Access Point, highlight an Access point and click Edit.

The ‘Edit Access Point’

dialog provides fields for specifying the transmit

Highlight the

Access Point(s) you wish to predict for and then

Wait for the software to calculate the

simulation results – it shouldn’t be a long wait.

The result will be a sheet or grid of colored squares draped over your building walls.


color and height of the squares indicates the

received signal power at that point in the building. You can hover your mouse pointer over

the grid edges to get a tooltip reading of the signal strength.

power, air interface standard, channel, frequency

To improve the appearance of the simulation

Distribution System Editor button in the Edit

Edges On menu command, or the View > 3D

and other characteristics.

You can click the

Virtual Source dialog to add cabling, antennas,

results, choose the View > Shade > Flat Shaded,

Views > SW Isometric menu command. Now you

and other components to your network. In the


the Add button to add parts to your network. If

For a detailed list of the equipment, cabling and

resulting Distributed Antenna System dialog, click you add a cable, you will need to route the cable

by clicking in the drawing to indicate its path




deployment environment.




antennas used in your network design plan, use

the Utilities > Display Bill of Materials menu

through the building (right click or hit the Escape

command to list the equipment you used.

an antenna, you’ll be able to view the radiation


key to stop routing cable). If you choose to add pattern









To use the Reporting feature, go to Utilities >

In the Report Configuration dialog

window, you see several tabs. Under the Project

specifications provided with LANPlanner. You can

Overview tab, you can add information about the

other components.

allows you to choose what types of information

System editor dialog, and OK again to exit the


also install connectors, splitters, amplifiers, and

When you click OK to exit the Distributed Antenna

Edit Access Point dialog, you’ll complete the

process of installing a virtual Access Point and its

associated distribution system in your building

design project.




Next, the Design Summary tab





Select the options you wish to have

displayed in your report.

Finally, under the

Predictions tab, you can choose the Air Interface Standards and the type of simulations you wish to


have included.

Visualizing network performance


Now that you have equipment placed in your RF

(RSSI).’ Under Grid Simulations, select ‘Include

Select the Network

RSSI). Click the Generate Report button. A Save

standards ‘Include

Choose at least one of the





Under Contour Simulations, select





Intelligent Model, you can simulate and visualize

Grid Simulations’ and Power (non-composite

Design > Quick Predict menu command to access

As window will pop up. Choose an appropriate

Predictions and click Configure to adjust the grid

enter a file name. Click Save and wait as the

its expected performance.

Select Grid

location for saving the report and make sure to

Select the Air Interface Standards

reports are generated. When the Report has been

the Quick Predict Dialog Box. parameters.

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generated, a prompt will notify you. You can then

open up the Report using Microsoft Word from the location where you saved it.

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What’s New in LANPlanner 13.0.0 •

Enhancements General Improvements •

• • •

with respect to the rest of the building

Added a modeless, general use building

Added a quick-access visibility toolbar

Updated menu layout to improve usability

Added a toolbar for changing the current floor

All drawing data can now be saved into a

Added support for undo / redo of building modeling operations

Added the ability to cut / copy / paste building entities across floors

Added RF-Intelligent detection of wall overlap

Improved right-click context menu options for

• •

Improved workflow for adjusting the free space

Added the ability to easily scale the attenuation of partition types based on the number of lines representing a wall in the drawing

Added the ability to edit the color of ceiling regions

Improved the workflow for changing the visibility of individual partition types

Improved the workflow for changing the visibility of equipment, predictions,

Improved the workflow for changing the height

Motorola LANPlanner Quick Start Guide - Page 13 of 17.

Improved workflow for changing the order of

planning guide •


Added the ability to create a copy of all

path loss with respect to a suggested WLAN

Added support for rotating entities counter-

Added the ability to lift partitions above the

Improved workflow for adding / deleting floors

the building floor stack

of partitions

Improved workflow for changing the visibility

building data on a floor

Added support for rotating entities clockwise /

clockwise by an arbitrary angle

Added a modeless list of unformatted layers in

of entire floors •

counter-clockwise in 90 degree increments

Improved the workflow for inserting a

processing / conversion features •

Added support for entity selection using a polygonal boundary

Added the ability to insert new partitions into

the drawing for quick access to standard

quick access to building formatting options

Added the ability to insert a doorway into

background image

to increase future prediction accuracy during building modeling process

Added the ability to erase regions of partitions

glass for a window into existing brick)

single-file format, “.spz”, for easy transfer

Added the ability to free-form erase partitions

existing partitions (e.g., inserting a length of

Added support for bitmap-based grid

Building Modeling

Improved the workflow for drawing ceiling

existing partitions


Added the ability to draw an arc-based wall

or ceiling within a polygonal boundary

Added support for blended-color grid

between systems and / or upload to an ADSP

Improved the workflow for drawing rooms


modeling panel for quick access to building


Improved the workflow for drawing walls

visualizations (this is now the default view) •

enable quick access to common operations,

modeling tools and options •

Improved the workflow for aligning one floor

and simplify the product licensing process. •

material type of a partition •

Added a product Start Page to provide up-todate information on product announcements,

Improved the workflow for changing the

measurements, and other drawing data •

Improved the workflow for changing the background image fade

Added the ability to change the visible

button is clicked when a sensor is selected

thickness of partition types based on

within the BOM summary dialog

attenuation or type

Equipment •

APs can now be configured as dual-mode, AP / Sensor, devices (e.g., the Tri-Radio AP7131N)

Full support for all device templates supported for management by ADSP

• •

Vista • •

34, 38, 42, and 46 could not be scanned with the USB WLAN driver

The edit sensor dialog now displays the list of

Adjusted the default distance-dependent path

loss values for 2.4GHz and 5GHz (Note: This

will result in very different simulation results

General Fixes Building Modeling • • •

expected values for a typical office building.)

Sensors are now supported in Application


Equipment •

building formatting


Improved the in-survey scalability of WLAN



surveys for large numbers of measurement •

Improved workflow for product licensing

of the panel now correctly clears the prediction result •

now correctly cleared for subsequent


visualizations in the report •

Fixed crash that occurred when the building wizard is opened while the measurement visualization panel is active

Motorola LANPlanner Quick Start Guide - Page 14 of 17.

AP overload rings displayed during some

Application Planning report visualizations are

License server monitor is now a standalone

Critical Fixes

Exiting the Application Planning panel using

the ‘x’ button in the upper-right-hand corner

GPS enabled WLAN surveys are now supported

Licensing •

Equipment markers are no longer removed during pre-processing of the drawing for

updated. Survey files now have the extension, •

Fixed a bug where changing the set of drawing global partition library was not updating

Application Planning now supports reverse link

The WLAN survey log file format has been

Corrected meters / feet conversions in the

partition types to use the same types from the


The drawing legend is now automatically

Prune Overlapping Partitions dialog

Planning visualizations


A default Floor1 is now added to all drawings available in all drawings

for a default, unmodified drawing. However, the results will be more in-line with the

Fixed a bug where specific channel

configurations involving 802.11a/n channels

The edit sensor dialog now displays the device


Corrected an inaccurate result that occurred in some reverse- link SINR predictions

Sensors can now be moved across floors

air standards supported by the device

Fixed a bug where the application would hang when starting a SiteSpy server on Windows

model •

Fixed a crash that occurred if the replace

Reverse link contour predictions in reports no longer show an extra contour


Measurement data is now correctly scaled


existing scale drawing workflow

along with the result of the drawing within the •

Cancel button no longer functions the same as the OK button in the Anritsu communication configuration dialog

Fixed a bug where the displayed legend for a throughput graphical marker view was incorrect in a certain workflow

Motorola LANPlanner Quick Start Guide - Page 15 of 17.

Fixed a bug where any device imported from

ADSP was listed as a new device in the import

log regardless of whether or not it was already in the drawing

Known Issues Related to LANPlanner 13.0.x •


Compatibility with previous Motorola PC-based software versions: Note that earlier versions of

LANPlanner cannot open drawings created with

adapter and select Properties

11. In the dialog that appears uncheck the

When visualizing 802.11n performance for

Trend Micro Common Firewall Driver in

40MHz channels it may be necessary to

the list of available network

configure the color scheme for your

components and press OK

visualization to include higher data rates than

the default 130Mbps. A suggested scheme has

already been provided for this. To assign the

2. 3.

third-party virtual environments such as Citrix or VMWare. LANPlanner will only operate in a

Open your drawing

Select Utilities->Edit Color Schemes...

from the menu

Select the data rate display type you would like to change from the Color

native operating system environment. •


MSXML is given during the installation failure.

If this occurs, please contact Motorola Wireless

Click the Edit button in the Color

Software Support and a fix will be promptly

Scheme Assignment section of the Select the Peak Data Rate (up to

supplied. •

Installing the Motorola WLAN driver on a PC with the AirPCapN driver installed first may

300Mbps) color scheme

Conflict with TrendMicro firewall: TrendMicro

Installation may fail on some HP PCs. A

warning message regarding the software

Rate, Grid Data Rate, etc.)


Some Unicode Characters will not display

correctly when viewed in a 3D shaded mode. •

Scheme Assignment list (Contour Data 4.

Virtual Environments Not Supported:

LANPlanner currently is not supported on

Peak Data Rate (up to 300Mbps) scheme: 1.

Network Connections

10. Right click the Motorola measurements

version 12.2 or higher. •

Go to Start -> Control Panel ->

cause the PC to crash. •

AP7181 data rate predictions show 0Mbps.

firewall must be disabled before taking

This is a specific restriction in the AP7181

custom driver to avoid possible system crashes.

performance curve that enables AP7181 data

measurements in RF Monitoring mode with the

performance table and not a bug. A

The following steps can be taken to disable the

rate predictions will be provided in a

firewall: 6.

forthcoming release.

Reports sometimes fail to generate when using

Go to Start -> Run -> services.msc

custom grid boundary regions. When running

OfficeScanNT Personal firewall

Region” from the Boundary tab is used to

Startup type to Disabled, press Stop

cases the report may fail to generate


Double click the service named

the Utilities > Reports command, if “Select


In the dialog that appears change the

define a custom region then in some random

and click Ok

successfully. It is recommended that users

Motorola LANPlanner Quick Start Guide - Page 16 of 17.

select “Entire Region” in this dialog.

1.800.653.5350 (United States and Canada) +55.11.4133.3180 (South America) +420.533.336.123 (Europe, the Middle East and Africa) 1.800.457.439 (Australia) +65.6796.9600 select "2" for Technical Support (Asia Pacific) 001.631.738.6213 (For international callers outside the US) For additional support contact options


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