3 minute read

Finding COVID information in English

Nadine Bower U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden

In addition to the translations by the U.S. Army Garrison Wiesbaden Public Affairs Office, many German websites have sub-pages with relevant COVID-19 information in other languages, such as English.

Translations of press releases from Wiesbaden, Mainz, Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz and the German Federal Government can be found on in the COVID-19 section on the Garrison website at https:// home.army.mil/wiesbaden/ index.php/coronavirus.

However, additional information about regulations, open and closed stores, distance rules, night curfews, etc. can now be found on many German websites in English.

The city of Wiesbaden’s English website refers users to the Hessen Ministry for Social Affairs and the Robert Koch Institute. On the “Information in English” website of the Hessen Ministry for Social Affairs and Integration website, users can find COVID-19 information ranging from store closures, mask policies, travel and testing to quarantine at https://soziales. hessen.de/gesundheit/coronain-hessen/informationen-fuerbuergerinnen-und-buerger/ fremdsprachliche-informationen-zum-coronavirus/ informationen-auf-englischinformation-in-english.

USAG Wiesbaden provides translation of the Wiesbaden city’s press releases in the COVID-19 section on the Garrison website.

The city of Mainz has many portions of their website translated into English. Their sub-page “Corona Warning Light: Situation and current measures in Mainz” (https:// www.mainz.de/en/service/ protection-against-coronavirus-infections.php) provides a translation of the current measures and decisions by the city administration.

Additionally, the site offers additional links to information and regulations released by the state of Rheinland-Pfalz.

The Hessen state government’s website offers a section on “Questions and answers on the most important rules and arrangements” in English under https://www.hessen.de/ questions-and-answers-on-the-most-important-rules- and-arrangements and also provides additional links to more information in English.

Additionally, the Hessen State Ministry for Social Affairs, mentioned above, provides information on Hessen-wide rules and regulations in English.

The Rheinland-Pfalz state government’s website offers a summary of current decisions, general rules, school information, information on vaccinations and quarantine in several different languages at https://corona.rlp.de/de/ service/information-in-yourlanguage/.

Additionally, it has helpful links and even refers to the website of the Federal Government of Germany.

There, on the Federal Government’s website, a choice of several different languages is offered – the second one is English. Next to links to translated regulations and helpful information, the website provides summaries of important information health tips, vaccinations, public life and on what to do if one gets infected with the virus. This website can be found at https://home.army. mil/wiesbaden/index.php/ coronavirus/covid-19-latestofficial-documents.

The Robert Koch Institute is similar to the Centers for Disease Control in the United States. This institution continuously records data about the current COVID-19 situation, evaluates all information and assesses the risk to the population in Germany. On its English pages at https:// www.rki.de/EN/Content/infections/epidemiology/outbreaks/ COVID-19/COVID19.html it provides a multitude of information that applies nationwide and also gives an overview of the current COVID-19 situation in other countries and risk areas.

Additionally, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control has information on the COVID-19 pandemic in English at https://www.ecdc. europa.eu/en.

Although all websites provide accurate information in English and other languages, it is important to verify that the information is current.

The recent rapid changes of the development of the virus have put the German Federal Government and the governments of the German states in a situation where they have to act to new situations often. First, information is put out in German and then gets translated into English. Sometimes that can take a bit longer until the English websites are updated.

Therefore, it always helps to check the COVID-19 section on the Garrison website. The Garrison Public Affairs staff looks for press releases from the cities of Wiesbaden and Mainz, as well as the states of Hessen and Rheinland-Pfalz and the German Federal Government and publishes courtesy translations of the relevant press releases.

However, please note that on post, General Order #1 is in place, while German regulations apply for anywhere off post.

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