3 minute read
Do you have the passports you need to travel?
USAG Stuttgart Passport and SOFA Office
Are your passports, and those of your family members, valid for your upcoming permanent change of station?
Overseas, passports are renewable up to a year before expiration. Most countries require you to have six months remaining on your passport to enter. Tourist passports take four to six weeks to arrive and no-fee, official or diplomatic passports take about six to eight weeks; therefore, plan to renew about 8-9 months ahead of time.
All U.S. military-affiliated personnel in Germany must apply for passports and Consular Reports of Birth Abroad through their local military passport office. The USAG Stuttgart Passport and SOFA Office can assist with applications for new or renewed passports, name changes and lost, stolen, or mutilated passports.
They also process Reports of Birth Abroad applications which include Consular Report of Birth Abroad (equivalent to an American birth certificate), child’s first Passport and the Social Security Number processing. A Report of Birth Abroad takes 8-12 weeks to process but you can start the process as soon as you have the German ‘Geburtenregister.’ This is the only form the consulate will accept for a Consular Report of Birth Abroad.
Certain items sold on post, like coffee and cigarettes, are ‘rationed’ under the SOFA and require ration cards to purchase. Check with your command or agency to see who issues your ration card. To get an initial or renewed ration card, you’ll need your CAC and assignment or extension orders.
If you are in need of an emergency appointment with the Frankfurt Consulate, you MUST go through the local passport office to obtain one. Please note, anyone affiliated with the US Government whose passport does not contain a German residency card will not be authorized to see the Frankfurt Consulate. You will be turned away without this.
Appointments are required for tourist passports and Consular Report of Birth Abroad applications, but not for normal outprocessing To outprocess, bring in all family members' passports, both tourist and official, as well as your proof of SOFA for each family member. Customers are asked to arrive on time for appointments and to have all documents ready. If you arrive without all of the required documents, there is a chance you will need to reschedule.
For a checklist of what to bring to your appointment, instructions on how to fill out your on-line application and more, visit the official garrison website. Appointments can be made through the USAG Stuttgart App or at https:// stuttgartcitizen.com/ appointments/.
Panzer Kaserne, Bldg 2915, Room 314
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.,
1-4 p.m. (closed U.S. federal holidays)