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Dear Reader, The World Health Organization (WHO) named 2020 the International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife in recognition of Florence Nightingale’s 200th birthday. What an honor that the nursing profession received such distinction during a worldwide pandemic. As we reflect over this past year, it’s apparent that ensuring safety, quality, compassion and innovation in patient care never mattered more. As nursing leaders, we must be willing to step out on a ledge with our decision-making when the direction and outcomes are not always clear, and when we are dealing with higher levels of fear, confusion and anxiety. This was the case many times over the past year. Critical situations forced us to abandon our comfortable routines and take on tasks that were unfamiliar and far outside of our comfort zone. The famous leader Winston Churchill once stated, “We should never let a crisis go to waste.” This statement seems to ring true with our team, as evidenced by the many workarounds and ingenious adaptations for patient care that the AdventHealth nursing team has implemented over the past several months. This year’s Annual Nursing Report is one way we remember all of the great work completed by the AdventHealth Hendersonville nursing team in 2020. In the midst of the pandemic, our valued nursing colleagues and their clinical support partners continued to perform at extremely high levels of competency. Despite the disruption of COVID-19, patient and team safety remained a priority. As you read the following report, I hope you do so through eyes of understanding and amazement. This work was completed during a worldwide crisis. Team members accomplished incredible patient outcomes while being diligent with physical distancing, personal protective equipment, handwashing and isolation techniques – all while living our mission of Extending The Healing Ministry of Christ. I proudly present to you the 2020 Annual Nursing Report for AdventHealth Hendersonville.
Roland Joy, MSN, BSBA, RN
Vice President of Clinical Services Chief Nursing Officer

Table of Contents
2 Welcome 4 Florence Nightingale:
Angel in the Dark 5 2020 is the Year of Nurse 6 You’re Invited: Nurse Practice Council 7 Navigating a Public Health Crisis:
The Early Days of Managing an
Emergency with Incident Command 8 Clinical labor pool cross-trains staff to prepare for COVID-19 surge 8 Drive-thru COVID-19 Testing Site Serves
Hendersonville and Surrounding Regions 9 Team Members Receive Training for
Best Practice Care of COVID-19 Patients 9 Special Mock Code Training Readies
Team Members for Coronavirus Cases 10 Surge Training Prepares Nurses Across
Departments for Pandemic Response 11 Homemade PPE Factory 12 When Nurses Become Family 13 Baby Friendly Designation 14 Cardiac Rehabilitation 2020 15 Multidisciplinary Rounds Redesigned 16 Quality Improvements 2020 17 Acknowledging Unconcius Bias 18 Home Health Offers New Services 19 Wound Care and Hyperbaric Medicine
Team Improves Safety, Efficiency and
Standards of Care 20 New Programs to Improve
Behavioral Health Care in WNC 21 Oncology Social Workers
Go Above & Beyond 22 2020 Daisy Award Winners 23 Clinical Ladder Growth
One way we are attempting to commemorate the year 2020 is one of opportunity, rather than crisis.

The Chinese symbol for “crisis” contains two characters: one for danger, the other for opportunity.
John F. Kennedy once stated,
This thought was sent to team members at AdventHealth Hendersonville this year – both to nurses and to all ancillary team members – with the goal of helping them see not only the crisis, the pandemic, but also the opportunity, or positive potential, within it.