Annual Report 2009

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SANCTUARIES of Healing A d v e n t i s t

H e a l t h

S y s t e m

2 0 0 9

From the President

A particularly meaningful passage of scripture for me is found in Ephesians 4:1. The apostle Paul urges followers of Christ to live a life worthy of their calling. That is my prayer for Adventist Health System. Because I believe that the sacred work of Extending the Healing Ministry of Christ is a special calling—a calling to reach out, touch hearts and heal lives. Economic and political challenges matter little to a mother’s cry for a compassionate hand to ease her child’s raging fever. At those times, the work of dedicated leaders with a commitment to the careful stewardship of vital resources extends the reach of a healing touch. With so many hurting — physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially — the need has never been greater for the reassuring safety found within the Sanctuaries of Healing throughout Adventist Health System. My continued prayer for the many ministers who serve within these sanctuaries is that they sense the true nature of their calling as they work diligently and effectively to nurture and grow these environments in which their work of Extending the Healing Ministry of Christ is accomplished.

Donald L. Jernigan, Ph.D. President/CEO

His job is to tend the grounds. His ministry is to tend to hearts. 2


An ID band carefully confirmed.

A hand compassionately held. A patient put at ease as her doctor gently explains the needed procedure. Adventist Health System hospitals are unique places, driven by a unique mission—Extending the Healing Ministry of Christ. With this mission comes the honor and privilege of caring for God’s children at a time of abject indignity, vulnerability and fear. A hospital dedicated to the sacred work of caring for others is, by design, a place of safety, refuge and healing—a Sanctuary of Healing. Thousands of caregivers and support staff throughout Adventist Health System recognize their work not merely as an occupation, but as the highest calling—ambassadors of His touch. Their commitment to excellence, compassion and respect for others is what differentiates and defines these Sanctuaries of Healing.

On a crisp autumn day in Kansas, Pedro Perez works

diligently on the grounds of Shawnee Mission Medical Center. The noon sun hangs high in the sky. The children at the Child Care Center will be out for recess soon. Pedro quickly rakes together a heaping pile of brightly colored leaves. The sound of energetic chatter ripples through the air as children spill out of the Center. Their eyes light up at the sight of Pedro next to the towering pile, knowing it has been readied just for them. Within seconds,

the air fills with vivid shades of orange, red and yellow, and laughter—the children’s and Pedro’s. Since 1976, Pedro has served as a dedicated employee at Shawnee Mission Medical Center. His whole-hearted efforts to create and maintain the inspiring beauty of the hospital grounds is a blessing to both the hospital and community. “While Pedro’s job is to tend to the grounds, the gardens, the flowers and the trees,” says Peter Bath, D.Min., vice president of Spiritual Wellness and Human Development, “his ministry is to tend to the garden of the hearts of our visitors, patients and associates, by making this a place of beauty and inspiration.” Pedro is a minister within this Sanctuary of Healing. The staff at Shawnee Mission Medical Center is committed to providing “whole-person” care. From the beautifully landscaped environment to the personalized interaction held sacred with each patient, the physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of each patient motivates every thought and action. Integral to Adventist Health System’s focus and commitment to nurturing healing sanctuaries is an all-encompassing approach to health care—care that focuses on treating the whole person and keeps Christ at the center. The CREATION Health model inspires our patients and employees to take control of their personal health and wellness. It is a blueprint for living a healthy and happy life based on the original principles found in the Bible’s Creation story: Choice, Rest, Environment, Activity, Trust, Interpersonal relationships, Outlook, and Nutrition.




Hospital Celebration Health notice a difference on the unit floor when Dr. Fortune Alabi makes his patient rounds. He takes time to mentor staff members, to sit with patients and their families, and even draws pictures on whiteboards to help his patients gain a better understanding of their care plan. “Dr. Alabi offers a personal touch when providing patient care,” shares Yamile Der, director of Critical Care. “Not only does he provide safe, quality care, but he goes the extra mile to show his patients kindness and compassion.” “I studied in Nigeria where we didn’t have all of the latest gadgets at our fingertips,” Dr. Alabi explains. “Sometimes it took courage, compassion, and intelligence to improvise something out of basic, local, natural resources to save lives.” Dr. Alabi is committed to team building and teamwork. He values what each individual can bring to the team—their specialties and unique abilities to relate to a patient. He also includes the chaplain on his daily rounds. “A team is not just doctors and nurses,” says Dr. Alabi. “You also have the physical therapists, the nutritionists, the pharmacists, the chaplains and others. Chaplains help solidify the team by bringing an emotional and spiritual comfort to the patient and also the doctors.” By incorporating chaplains into his patient care, Dr. Alabi is facilitating the emotional and physical impact found in nurturing a patient’s spiritual well being. A growing body of research demonstrates that religious



to make a decision...

looking at the 6

The Critical Care nurses at Florida

whole picture.


and spiritual beliefs and practices have many health-related benefits. Patients who suffer from serious illness and seek a relationship with God and interact with clergy are less depressed and rate their quality of life as high despite the severity of their illness. An emphasis on whole-person care — just like Dr. Alabi offers — is part of providing safe, quality care. The Johns Hopkins Quality and Safety Research Group has partnered with Adventist Health System in a focused study to reduce Central-Line Associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSI). With every adult Intensive Care Unit (ICU) participating, Adventist Health System hospitals have made a significant contribution in critical medical research and evidencebased practice within the healthcare field. The CLABSI study and intervention reduced blood stream infections by an average of 80 percent in Adventist Health System adult ICUs. The efforts of Dr. Alabi, and countless physicians at Adventist Health System hospitals, are changing the lives of patients. Dr. Fortune Alabi is a minister in this Sanctuary of Healing. Adventist Health System hospitals are unwavering in their commitment to provide whole-person care. Dedication to the safest, highest quality care is central to this. But whole-person care also means listening to a lonely heart, mending a broken spirit, or offering a loving touch.



In her touch

Kathy Buckler into action. She darted down the hall of Florida Hospital DeLand’s MedSurg unit. As she reached the patient’s room, several nurses and doctors who had also responded to the call were scrambling to combat the critical situation. At the doorway, Kathy paused for a moment, absorbing the frantic scene. Her eyes fell upon the medical team, a young girl seizing violently, and a distraught woman clutching the side of her bed. Tears were streaming down the woman’s face. Her distress was palpable. She was the young girl’s mother. As the skilled medical team worked to stabilize the young girl, Kathy recognized that a different kind of care was also needed. Moving around the patient’s bed, Kathy reached out her arm and cradled the anguished mother. She placed her other hand lovingly on her daughter’s forehead. Kathy could feel the mother’s anxiety begin to calm. With her physical touch, she offered support, compassion and love. Healing was taking place—not only for the daughter in the bed, but for her mother as well. Touch can have a profound effect on people, both psychologically and physiologically. Recent studies demonstrate that touch can lower stress levels, boost the immune system and halt or slow the progress of disease. Moreover, touch has been found to decrease autoimmune disease symptoms, and improve immune systems in people with cancer.

she offered support,


and love.


The rapid response call jolted


Kathy saw an opportunity that others may have overlooked—a chance to extend the Healer’s touch in the touch of her own. “I truly do feel that I can be God’s hands in today’s hurting world,” Kathy says, filled with humble emotion. Kathy is a minister in this Sanctuary of Healing. As we commit to create Sanctuaries of Healing, others can be blessed through caregivers, like Kathy, who recognize their calling and extend a continued healing embrace. Compassionate care like this doesn’t just start at the bedside; it begins in the boardroom.


In the busy executive offices of


Adventist La Grange Memorial Hospital, heart-felt prayers are no less a part of the day’s work as are phone calls and emails. Frieda Bertello, in addition to assisting the CEO, Rick Wright, covers the hospital with spiritual support. Frieda is a prayer warrior. She prays while driving in her car, sitting at her desk, and connecting with others. “Popcorn prayers” are her specialty — short, spur-of-the-moment prayers — as she navigates the bustling hospital corridors. The time she spends speaking with the Lord nurtures the hospital’s spiritual and healing environment. Armed with her gifts of empathy, sensitivity and faith, Frieda has a powerful impact at Adventist La Grange Memorial Hospital. She takes time to show concern and listen to a fellow colleague in need or a visitor in pain, passing their inner sorrows to the Lord

It must put a smile in God’s heart when we care for those in need. 14


in her prayers. By incorporating prayer into her daily life, Frieda is helping fulfill the spiritual needs of those around her. Even medical science substantiates the power of prayer. A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine cites that intercessory prayer may indeed make a difference. Cardiac researcher, William Harris, concluded, “Prayer may be an effective adjunct to standard medical care.” The prayers that Frieda and other employees share are part of Adventist Health System’s healing ministry. “We become a reflection of Christ when we lend a listening ear and a compassionate heart to those in pain,” says Frieda. “It must put a smile in God’s heart.” Frieda Bertello is a minister within this Sanctuary of Healing.

No longer able to speak to her, or even say “I love you,” an

elderly man waited quietly beside his wife in the Speech Therapy department. A devastating stroke had left him unable to communicate. His speech was utterly unintelligible. Unable to express his thoughts to his wife and children, he became frustrated and afraid. Like so many stroke patients, he felt isolated from the world—alienated from those he loved. In fact this alienation, typical among stroke patients, can lead to an increased risk of suicide. The patient’s eyes glanced up as Joan Eaddy, his new speech therapist, entered the room and greeted them with a smile. Over the following weeks, Joan committed her time and expertise to her new patient. She guided him through speech exercises, taught him how to put sounds together and articulate information.

As he progressed, his demeanor visibly changed. Joan wasn’t just teaching her patient how to speak again; her actions were speaking volumes to his heart. The time she gave him expressed her sincere care. Her gentle patience demonstrated a genuine love. “Everybody wants to be efficient with their time,” Joan explains. “But a lot of times it takes more than a brief check on a patient. Sometimes they have a story that needs to get out too.” On Christmas morning, surrounded by his loved ones, Joan’s patient beamed as he slowly strung together a few simple sentences, telling his family how much he loved them. His family could understand him at last! Joan, like countless others throughout Adventist Health System, is passionately committed to her patients. She takes the time to personalize her approach to suit their individual needs, making time in her busy schedule to listen. “You have to think more than what the disorder is, what the illness is,” Joan explains. “You have to think how it impacts the patient, how it affects their whole life; not just when they are there at the hospital, but when they go home.” Sometimes patients may experience emotional stress as an aftereffect of their illness. As many as 60 percent of all stroke survivors experience some form of depression.



Patients have a story to tell. I’m here to listen.



Joan’s exceptional commitment to her patients is fostered by the culture at Huguley Memorial Medical Center. This 213-bed Sanctuary of Healing encourages interdepartmental coordination, whole-person care and a personal touch in patient interaction. The STAR program provides employees the tools to do just that. The principles of STAR — Stop, Turnaround, Ask, and Respond — have been designed to communicate to patients that the hospital staff is listening, and has time to help. “Listening to our patients is central to our care. It helps us to do so much more than treat diseases; it allows us to treat people,” reflects Joan. Joan is a minister in this Sanctuary of Healing.

When a patient is diagnosed with a chronic or terminal

disease, their life is often filled with uncertainty and fear. During these difficult times, patients need someone to turn to with an intimate understanding of the disease and the impact that this has on sufferers. Sean Reed, an advanced practice nurse in Palliative Care, provides a new-found hope to patients and their families by helping them find meaning in their lives. He does this by helping patients and families identify their wishes and goals—returning home, a peaceful death with the absence of pain, or making amends with people in their past. A recent article in The Journal of the American Medical Association recognizes the profound effect that hope has on the nervous system.

People who are hopeful sleep better, fear less and have less anxiety. Studies recognize hope as a key factor in creating the placebo effect—a physiological response linked to immune functioning and possibly the release of restorative hormones such as oxytocin. The Palliative Care program at Porter Adventist Hospital, in partnership with Centura Health at Home, is harnessing hope in the lives of their patients. Hope is central to helping patients reclaim meaning in their lives. Porter Adventist Hospital employees like Sean are changing the culture of terminally ill patients by reframing hope. They do this by helping a young mother facing critical family decisions, an estranged father yearning to mend broken relationships, or an elderly woman struggling to decide whether to return to her native homeland before she becomes too ill to travel. Sean’s passion for people and his creative approach to care is helping build Sanctuaries of Healing. “Palliative care focuses on pain and symptom management, psycho/ social issues and spiritual/cultural issues,” explains Sean. “This holistic approach allows the patient to begin their journey toward wholeness. When we are whole, healing begins.” Sean’s approach to care focuses not just on treating the disease, but the effects that the disease has on patients and their families—physically, mentally and spiritually. As terminally ill patients travel the journey



Palliative care helps patients on their journey to wholeness. That’s when healing begins. 22


of their disease, from diagnosis to death, they’re often unsure how to approach the limited time they have left. Sean helps them reframe and re-instill hope. “Hope no longer is focused on curing or fixing,” Sean explains, “rather, it is focused on wishes and goals such as getting home, to be free of symptoms that contribute to suffering, getting finances in order, or asking for forgiveness.” Sean Reed is a minister in this Sanctuary of Healing. Within a Sanctuary of Healing, caregivers and support staff dedicate themselves to patients and families alike. Providing hope for those preparing for their end, and for those they leave behind.

Seventeen-year old Jessie was fighting a losing battle. She

had been diagnosed with cancer more than a year earlier. Since then, she had been in and out of hospitals around the country. This time, at Park Ridge Hospital, it became clear to her physicians that her time was drawing to a premature end. The hospital staff surrounded Jessie and her family with friendship, emotional support and compassion. A separate hospital room next to Jessie’s served as mom and dad’s home away from home as they stayed near her side around the clock. Melissa Carvalho, a night nurse in the MedSurg unit, was assigned to care for Jessie during her last three nights. While caring for Jessie and making sure she was as comfortable as possible, she grew close to the young girl and her family. She listened to stories about her patient—her dreams, her likes and dislikes.

When Jessie passed away, her family, friends and hospital community were with her. Though Jessie’s parents knew their daughter was slipping away, it did nothing to ease the pain of losing their child. Melissa was also gripped with sadness over the loss of her young patient, and for the loss of this family. Despite the immense emotional strain, she committed herself to remain strong for the grieving family. By providing compassionate support, Melissa was helping hold the family together. The death of a child places an unparalleled emotional pressure on parents. Studies show that for years after the death of a child, the loss severely strains the relationship of the parents who try to cope by isolating themselves from friends, family and others. As Melissa prepared to bathe the young girl for the last time, Jessie’s mother asked if she could help. Together, the two women prepared Jessie for her rest— weeping together; praying together; mourning together the loss of a daughter. “The medicine is the easy part,” explains Melissa. “The more challenging part is helping families make difficult decisions, being a compassionate advocate for the patient and making sure everyone is on the same page—that’s the difficult part.” Months have passed since losing Jessie, but the hospital community has not forgotten her or her family. Nor have Jessie’s parents forgotten their family at Park Ridge.



“We have no doubt that our Lord knew He was ready to bring His courageous, faithful and loving warrior princess Home, and it was He that chose Park Ridge for her last days,” Jessie’s parents wrote in a letter. There comes a time in the lives of some of our patients when we have done everything humanly possible. A time when all we can do is treat a patient with the greatest love and respect in their final moments, and provide compassion to the loved ones they leave behind. A time when we have to recognize where our abilities end and the Healer’s begin. Providing patients with care, comfort and compassion is a privilege and a calling for the employees of Adventist Health System. Whether a caregiver or member of the support staff, whether praying for God’s guidance or helping a dying patient realize their dreams before they pass away, individuals throughout Adventist Health System are carrying out sacred work. This is only possible when we model our care on Christ and allow Him to use us as an extension of His healing ministry. When we allow Christ into our boardrooms, into our operating rooms and emergency departments, we provide Him with the opportunity to transform our hospitals into Sanctuaries of Healing. These Sanctuaries of Healing can only fulfill their mission if they remain financially stable, growing and meeting the needs of their communities.

We must


where our abilities end

and the





Our Commitment to Healing

Although economic times are turbulent and healthcare certainly is not insulated from the impact, Adventist Health System remains a consistently stable and vibrant organization. This stability has placed Adventist Health System in a strong position with access to capital, despite the lack of credit in the financial markets. The natural outgrowth of this is new opportunities and market expansion, ultimately providing us with the ability to successfully fulfill our mission of Extending the Healing Ministry of Christ. The prudent and effective management of our resources is central to our current and future success. We will continue providing safe and quality patient care, maintaining predictable financial earnings, and upholding consistent business discipline. Every decision we make plays a part in maintaining these principles. The long-term and lasting effect of each decision we face is carefully and prayerfully considered. Our mission and culture provides no room for the short-term “fix.” With the Lord’s blessing, we move forward committed to our operating principles, capital preservation and circumspective investment strategy. We move forward with a renewed commitment to keeping our Healer’s presence in every interaction, by every bedside, and within each Sanctuary of Healing.

Terry D. Shaw Chief Financial Officer

Community Benefit as of December 31, 2008 Adventist Health System organizations exist solely to improve and enhance our local communities that we serve. Our services and outreach are available to the whole community. The ways in which we measure the relevance of our mission and purpose are based on costs, and include: 1 Benefit to the UNDERPRIVILEGED, by offering our services free of charge or deeply discounted to those who cannot pay, and by supplementing the unreimbursed costs of the government’s Medicaid assistance program.


2 Benefit to the ELDERLY, as provided through governmental Medicare funding, by subsidizing the unreimbursed costs associated with this care.


3 Benefit to the COMMUNITY’S OVERALL HEALTH AND WELLNESS, through the cost of providing clinics and primary care services, health education and screenings, in-kind donations, extended education and research. 4 Benefit to the FAITH-BASED AND SPIRITUAL needs in the community, in accordance with our mission of Extending the Healing Ministry of Christ.






Adventist Health System organizations also provide benefits to the community’s infrastructure by investing in CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS to ensure the facilities and technology provide the best possible care to the community. The cost of capital improvements for the year ending December 31, 2008, was $603,931,205.

These Sanctuaries

environment continue to create challenges for health systems depending on their strength and credit rating. In the face of these challenges, Adventist Health System was able to achieve a positive net income in 2008 by adopting a defensive investment strategy: investing a large majority of funds in fixed income securities, purchasing high grade U.S. Treasury and agency securities over corporate bonds, investing in highly liquid index securities and purchasing insurance against loss. Sound leadership and managerial decision making, such as this, has put the organization in a strong position. Adventist Health System’s financial stability has provided the necessary capital to implement an integrated clinical information system at each acute care campus. This system provides a solid foundation for our patient safety and quality agenda. Adventist Health System has been recognized by national quality organizations such as the Agency for Healthcare Research (AHRQ), Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) and Johns Hopkins Quality and Safety Research Group, for its patient safety and quality efforts. Mortality rates continue to decline, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) bundle scores continue to improve and we remain committed to enhancing our patient loyalty scores. With the rapid growth in bad debt and self-pay accounts, Adventist Health System has been a leader in strengthening the revenue cycle.

of Healing can only fulfill their mission if they

remain financially 30

Trends in the current economic

stable, growing

and meeting the needs of their communities.

Optimizing payment is critical to optimizing a health system’s margin. Adventist Health System has effectively implemented key performance indicator dashboards. In addition, employing an effective organizational structure, hiring high performing leaders and enhancing workflow processes, both at the system and local hospital level, are important elements of achieving optimal payment. These revenue cycle initiatives, coupled with strong contracting and volume growth, have helped Adventist Health System achieve increased total operating revenue in 2008. The organization continues to carefully adhere to a balance sheet improvement model which it has successfully done for a number of years. Despite the tightening financial markets, Adventist Health System’s days cash on hand and long-term debt to capitalization remained stable in 2008. Our successful year can be attributed to reliability in patient care, predictable financial earnings, consistent business discipline, stable management and operations. These same principles will continue to aid Adventist Health System in the future as we remain committed to our operating principles, capital preservation investment strategy and a capital model so that we may continue to extend the healing ministry of Christ to the communities we serve.



Financial Report as of December 31, 2008 INCOME STATEMENT (in millions) 2005




We Received Net Revenue of:





We incurred expenses for: Employee Compensation










Professional Fees





Bad Debt Provision




























Total Expenses

Total Earnings after Expenses

Funds available for equipment, plant and property improvement, working capital needs, and repayment of long-term debt:










BALANCE SHEET (in millions)





Cash & Investments





Net PP&E





Total Assets





Long-term Debt





Total Equity





Days Cash on Hand





Debt to Capitalization





Licensed Beds Acute










Total Beds















ER Visits





Home Health Visits












Outpatient Visits Nursing Home Patients




Financial Trends as of December 31, 2008

5.0 4.4


5.2 4.6

























Total Operating Revenue/Expenses

Net Income

Days Cash on Hand

$ in millions

$ in billions






















2006 Assets





Total Assets/Equity $ in billions



Equity Equity

Debt to Capitalization

Hospital Admissions in thousands

Board Members

Executive Board

Board of Directors

Max A. Trevino, Chairman Mardian J. Blair Mike F. Cauley Kenneth A. Denslow Samuel L. Green Rodney A. Grove Elaine M. Hagele Leighton R. Holley Lars D. Houmann Roscoe J. Howard Donald L. Jernigan, Ph.D. J. Deryl Knutson Donald E. Livesay Gordon L. Retzer Randy Robinson Glynn C. W. Scott Ron C. Smith, D.Min., Ph.D. Thomas L. Werner

Max A. Trevino, Chairman Eric Anderson, Ph.D. Niels-Erik Andreasen, Ph.D. Delbert W. Baker, Ph.D. Gordon Bietz, D.Min. Neil Biloff Mardian J. Blair James L. Brauer Benjamin P. Browne Ron Carlson Mike F. Cauley RoseMarie E. Cazeau, Esq. Dean Coridan Donald W. Corkum James R. Davidson Jerome L. Davis Kenneth A. Denslow Marguerite A. Dixon, Ph.D. Charles W. Drake, III, Ph.D. Melvin K. Eisele Jay Gallimore Samuel L. Green Rodney A. Grove Elaine M. Hagele Richard R. Hallock Judith W. Hawkins, Esq. Sue Hayes Robert R. Henderschedt Leighton R. Holley

Lars D. Houmann Roscoe J. Howard Donald L. Jernigan, Ph.D. Mark Johnson, M.D. Sandra K. Johnson Lois C. Just, Ph.D. J. Deryl Knutson Thomas L. Lemon Donald E. Livesay Vanard J. Mendinghall Hubert Morel John Moyer Stephen Orian Monica P. Reed, M.D. Richard K. Reiner Gordon L. Retzer Randy Robinson Joan P. Salmons Glynn C. W. Scott Terry D. Shaw David C. Smith, Ph.D. Ron C. Smith, D.Min., Ph.D. Brent G. Snyder, Esq. James L. Stevens, D.Min. Gary F. Thurber Peter M. Weber Thomas L. Werner Bill E. Wright Edward E. Wright, D.Min.






































Leadership 1

Donald L. Jernigan, Ph.D., President/CEO


Lars D. Houmann, President/CEO, Florida Division | President/CEO, Florida Hospital


Richard K. Reiner, President/CEO, Multi-State Division


Terry D. Shaw, Chief Financial Officer


Brent G. Snyder, Esq., Chief Information Officer


Robert R. Henderschedt, Senior Vice President, Administration


John R. Brownlow, Senior Vice President, Managed Care


Loran D. Hauck, M.D., Senior Vice President, Office of Clinical Effectiveness | Chief Medical Officer


Carlene Jamerson, Senior Vice President | Chief Clinical Officer


Sandra K. Johnson, Senior Vice President, Business Development, Risk Management and Compliance


John W. McLendon, Senior Vice President/CIO, Information Services


Paul C. Rathbun, Senior Vice President, Finance | Senior Finance Officer


Lewis A. Seifert, Senior Vice President, Finance | Senior Finance Officer, Florida Hospital


Gary C. Skilton, Senior Vice President/Treasurer

15 Lynn

C. Addiscott, Vice President, Tax Services | Senior Tax Officer


Douglas L. Bechard, M.D., Vice President, Office of Clinical Effectiveness | Chief Quality Officer


Jimm A. Bunch, President/CEO, Appalachia Region | President/CEO, Park Ridge Hospital


David L. Crane, President/CEO, Midwest Region | President/CEO, Adventist Midwest Health


Des D. Cummings, Jr., Ph.D., Executive Vice President, Florida Division | Executive Vice President, Florida Hospital


Kenneth A. Finch, President/CEO, Southwest Region | President/CEO, Huguley Memorial Medical Center


Michelle R. Givens, President/CEO, Adventist Care Centers


Ted Hamilton, M.D., Vice President, Medical Mission

23 David

L. Huffman, Vice President, Finance


Donald G. Jones, Vice President, Human Resources


Richard Morrison, Vice President, Government Affairs


J. Brian Paradis, Executive Vice President/COO, Florida Hospital


Benjamin F. Reaves, D.Min., Vice President, Mission and Ministries


Womack H. Rucker, Jr., Vice President, Corporate Relations


Michael H. Schultz, Executive Vice President, Florida Division | President/CEO, Florida Region


David P. Singleton, Vice President, Investments | Chief Investment Officer

31 Philip

A. Smith, M.D., Vice President, Information Services | Chief Medical Information Officer


Eddie Soler, Executive Vice President/CFO, Florida Division


T. L. Trimble, Esq., Vice President, Legal Services


Samuel H. Turner, Sr., Esq., President/CEO, Mid-America Region | President/CEO, Shawnee Mission Medical Center

35 Celeste 36

M. West, Vice President, Supply Chain Management

Amy L. Zbaraschuk, Vice President/Controller, Finance

Hospitals Adventist Bolingbrook Hospital

Florida Hospital DeLand

500 Remington Blvd. Bolingbrook, IL 60440 630-312-5000

701 West Plymouth Ave. DeLand, FL 32720 386-943-4522

Adventist GlenOaks Hospital

Florida Hospital East Orlando

701 Winthrop Ave. Glendale Heights, IL 60139 630-545-8000

7727 Lake Underhill Rd. Orlando, FL 32822 407-303-8110

Adventist Hinsdale Hospital

Florida Hospital Fish Memorial

120 N. Oak St. Hinsdale, IL 60521 630-856-9000

1055 Saxon Blvd. Orange City, FL 32763 386-917-5000

Adventist La Grange Memorial Hospital

Florida Hospital Flagler

5101 S. Willow Springs Rd. La Grange, IL 60525 708-245-9000

60 Memorial Medical Pkwy. Palm Coast, FL 32164 386-586-2000

Avista Adventist Hospital

Florida Hospital Heartland Medical Center

100 Health Park Dr. Louisville, CO 80027 303-673-1000

Central Texas Medical Center 1301 Wonder World Dr. San Marcos, TX 78666 512-353-8979

Chippewa Valley Hospital 1220 Third Ave., W. Durand, WI 54736 715-672-4211

Emory-Adventist Hospital 3949 S. Cobb Dr. Smyrna, GA 30080 770-434-0710

Florida Hospital Altamonte 601 E. Altamonte Dr. Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 407-303-2200

Florida Hospital Apopka 201 N. Park Ave. Apopka, FL 32703 407-889-1000

Florida Hospital Celebration Health 400 Celebration Place Celebration, FL 34747 407-303-4000

4200 Sun ‘n Lake Blvd. Sebring, FL 33872 863-314-4466

Florida Hospital Kissimmee 2450 N. Orange Blossom Tr. Kissimmee, FL 34744 407-846-4343

Florida Hospital Lake Placid 1210 US Highway 27, N. Lake Placid, FL 33852 863-465-3777

Florida Hospital Oceanside 264 S. Atlantic Ave. Ormond Beach, FL 32176 386-672-4161

Florida Hospital Orlando 601 E. Rollins St. Orlando, FL 32803 407-303-6611

Florida Hospital Ormond Memorial 875 Sterthaus Ave. Ormond Beach, FL 32174 386-676-6000

Florida Hospital Waterman 1000 Waterman Way Tavares, FL 32778 352-253-3333

Florida Hospital Wauchula

Rollins Brook Community Hospital

533 W. Carlton St. Wauchula, FL 33873 863-773-3101

608 N. Key Ave. Lampasas, TX 76550 512-556-3682

Florida Hospital Zephyrhills

Shawnee Mission Medical Center

7050 Gall Blvd. Zephyrhills, FL 33541 813-788-0411

9100 W. 74th St. Shawnee Mission, KS 66204 913-676-2000

Gordon Hospital

Takoma Regional Hospital

1035 Red Bud Rd. Calhoun, GA 30701 706-629-2895

401 Takoma Ave. Greeneville, TN 37743 423-639-3151

Huguley Memorial Medical Center

Winter Park Memorial Hospital

11801 South Freeway Burleson, TX 76028 817-293-9110

(Division of Florida Hospital)

Jellico Community Hospital

200 N. Lakemont Ave. Winter Park, FL 32792 407-646-7000

188 Hospital Lane Jellico, TN 37762 423-784-7252

Littleton Adventist Hospital 7700 S. Broadway Littleton, CO 80122 303-730-8900

Manchester Memorial Hospital 210 Marie Langdon Dr. Manchester, KY 40962 606-598-5104

Metroplex Hospital 2201 S. Clear Creek Rd. Killeen, TX 76549 254-526-7523

Park Ridge Hospital 100 Hospital Dr. Hendersonville, NC 28792 828-684-8501

Parker Adventist Hospital 9395 Crown Crest Blvd. Parker, CO 80138 303-269-4000

Porter Adventist Hospital 2525 S. Downing St. Denver, CO 80210 303-778-1955

Adventist Health System (Corporate Office) 111 N. Orlando Ave. Winter Park, FL 32789 407-647-4400

Adventist Care Centers (Nursing Home Corporate Office)

602 Courtland St., Suite 200 Orlando, FL 32804 407-975-3000

AHS Information Services (Information Management)

1035 Greenwood Blvd., Suite 301 Lake Mary, FL 32746 407-942-1500

OUR VALUES Adventist Health System employees draw motivation and direction from six strongly held principles. These principles guide the manner in which we treat each other and those we serve.

Christian Mission

Focus on Community Wellness

We exist to serve the needs of our communities

We commit time, talent and financial support to

in harmony with Christ’s healing ministry and

educate our neighbors in the principles of illness

incorporate Christian values at every level of

prevention and healthful living.


High Ethical Standards

Quality and Service Excellence

We conduct our business with integrity, honesty

We strive to meet or exceed both the service

and fairness. As responsible stewards, we use our

standards of the health care industry and the

financial resources wisely by choosing business

expectations of the patients we serve and measure

practices which are cost-effective, productive and

our success through continuous surveying of

result in a fair return on investment.

patient satisfaction.

Cultural Diversity


We value the diversity of our patients, employees,

We are sensitive to the needs of the individuals

business colleagues and visitors and treat them

and families we serve and meet their needs with

with kindness and respect regardless of their

kindness and empathy.

background, race, religion or culture.

Complementing the art of healing, the inspiring art of architecture can be found throughout the Sanctuaries of Healing within Adventist Health System.

Florida Hospital Orlando

Adventist Bolingbrook Hospital

Park Ridge Hospital

Shawnee Mission Medical Center

Parker Adventist Hospital

Huguley Memorial Medical Center

Florida Hospital Celebration Health

Photography by Spencer Freeman


111 North Orlando Avenue, Winter Park, Florida 32789-3675 407-647-4400 |

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