20 minute read
May I Tell You a Story?
The village was small and poor, nestled between sugarcane fi elds high in the mountains of Honduras. A village overfl owing with bored children.
“Th is would be a perfect place for a Vacation Bible School [VBS],” the pastor said. “We have a small church and an open area where children can play games. Our children need to learn about God’s love. Could you come to our village?”
Th e mission trip VBS leader stood in the open area, imagining 50 kids playing Bible games and making crafts. Th e little adobe church would provide an ideal stage where her group of teenage volunteers could teach the kids songs and act out Bible stories.
“I think it will work,” she told the pastor. “See if your members like the idea, and tell us how many kids will come so we can plan for the crafts and gifts.” * * *
Th e leader had led scores of Vacation Bible Schools for thousands of children all around the world, and this VBS would be like the others, she thought. Th is was going to be a family mission trip, so it would be easy to recruit a dozen teenagers for fi ve days of VBS.
Th e pastor told her to expect 75 to 100 kids, so she began planning for 150.
Crayons, Popsicle sticks, craft paper, silver crowns, paper angels, paper cups, and plates. Bible costumes for the teenagers. Spanish song sheets for the teens. And hundreds of other things she knew they would need for the program to be a success.
“Don’t forget the gifts,” she kept telling herself, imagining the bags of goodies the teenagers would hand to each Honduran child on the last day of VBS. Giving those gifts away was always the highlight of the mission trip VBS programs. Special goodies for the girls would include a doll, a stuff ed animal, a Bible, a Spanish coloring book, and candy. Th e boys would get some of the same, but also a toy car or truck, a ball, a funny mask, and more candy. * * *
“God performed a miracle,” the VBS director told me as the crew drove up to the mountain village Sunday afternoon. “Th e customs offi cers asked why we were bringing so much stuff . When I explained about the VBS program and the gifts, they laughed and waved us through.”
Th e teenagers checked out the church acoustics and the outdoor playground, then distributed invitations to every house in the village. Everything was ready for Monday afternoon.
Th e VBS leader, and her 12 teenage assistants, were ready at 1:00 p.m. Music practiced. Bible costumes adjusted to fi t. Felt board ready.
Lemonade prepared. Then they joined hands in the church and prayed for the kids to come and the program to be wildly successful.
Only 25 kids came. The teens were disappointed, but played the music, put on the Bible story, and served the food with God-size smiles. As the kids ran home, the teens joined hands again, thanked God for a good Monday, and prayed for more kids to come on Tuesday. * * *
Tuesday there were 50 kids. Seventy came Wednesday and about 100 on Thursday.
“How do we plan for Friday?” one of the teens asked. “Let’s prepare 150 gift bags,” the leader said, “and see who God sends.”
Thursday night everyone on the mission trip spent a couple hours preparing gift bags. Seventy-five for boys and 75 for girls. Everything stuffed in carefully. Bibles on the bottom, cars and stuffed animals next, candy on top. “Might as well put the sweets right up top,” one of the teenagers said. “That will save them time digging through the rest.”
I joined the VBS on Friday, planning to photograph the music, crafts, and gift-giving party. There were more than 150 kids, and by the gift-giving time we counted 225 children. We were 75 gifts short!
“What shall we do? How do we decide who gets left out? Can we make more gift bags? Could we take some things out and start some new bags?” The teenagers were worried.
“Let’s go into the church and pray,” the leader said. We all followed her into the darkened sanctuary. Her prayer was simple and trusting. “Lord, we’ve prepared what we thought would be enough gift bags, but we’ll be short. Please stretch our supply.”
“Two lines,” the leader shouted to the kids. “Boys here, girls there.” The children lined up, faces eager with excitement. The teens began giving out the gifts.
I stood inside the church watching as the large cardboard boxes rapidly emptied. “Lord, please stretch our supply,” I echoed.
There was still a long line of kids when a teenage girl picked up the last batch of gift bags. That was it. The boxes were now empty.
* * *
“Here’s some more gift bags.” A young Honduran man handed the teenage girl a black plastic trash bag with a smile. She reached in, gathered an armload of boy and girl gift bags, and handed them to the waiting kids.
“And some more that were back here in the church.” The young man handed her two more large cardboard boxes, each filled with carefully wrapped gift bags.
Moments later the gift-giving was over. Two hundred twenty-five children sat outside the church playing with dollies and cars, eating candy, and laughing happily.
“There were just enough gift bags,” the leader said. “Where did the extra ones come from?”
“They were stacked in the corner of the church in large cardboard boxes,” a teenager answered.
“A young Honduran man brought them to us,” someone said. “He was standing right over there, with a big smile. Didn’t you see him?”
Then everyone went silent. We had seen him. We had noticed his smile. We had happily given away the gifts he gave us. But now he was gone, and we didn’t know who he was, or where he had gotten the gift bags.
Then suddenly we all knew.
The Adventist World, an international periodical of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The General Conference, Northern Asia-Pacific Division of Seventh-day Adventists®, is the publisher.
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E-mail: worldeditor@gc.adventist.org Web site: www.adventistworld.org Unless otherwise indicated, all Bible references are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Texts credited to NIV are from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Adventist World is published monthly and printed simultaneously in Korea, Brazil, Indonesia, Australia, Germany, Austria, Argentina, Mexico, South Africa, and the United States.
Vol. 17, No. 1
Dick Duerksen, a pastor and storyteller, lives in Portland, Oregon, United States.
Seven Things Dogs Teach Us About God
My two dogs—Brody, a 5-year-old golden retriever we’ve had since a puppy, and Coco, a rescued 4-year-old poodle mix— never fail to amaze me with their lessons from God. Here are a few of the things I’m learning:
Unconditional love. Dogs love and accept us as we are. They don’t care how intelligent we are or what we’re wearing or whether we messed up at school. They just look at us adoringly and plop down contentedly by our side. God tells us to love one another as He loves us. I think a close second would be to love one another as our dogs love us.
Total trust. My dogs don’t stress about where their next meal is coming from, or question whether I’ll be there to take care of them. Yes, I’m capable of not living up to their trust in me, but they don’t seem to realize that. My husband and I are the focus of their love, faith, and trust, and their trust in us is complete. It’s the type of trust we should have in God, who truly never fails us.
Find joy in simple things.
My golden retriever, Brody, loves nothing more than to play fetch. When I bring out a ball and begin throwing it for him, his joy knows no bounds. Going for walks, chasing a bird in a fi eld, sniffi ng myriad things along a trail—my dogs live such small moments to the full, with no thought of the stresses and worries of life. They truly refl ect Jesus’ words: “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself” (Matt. 6:34, NIV).
We’re not alone. If you have a dog, you never have to feel alone. Even when my husband has to travel for his job, I never have to return to an empty house. My dogs are always there, delighted to see me. Dogs are faithful companions for the years we’re privileged to have them with us, but God off ers us companionship for eternity.
Patience. My dogs spend a lot of time waiting for me. We go for daily walks, but our walking schedule is far from routine. They have to wait until I can fi t in the time each day amid my responsibilities. They don’t nag or harass me but wait patiently for when the time is right for me.
We, too, need to wait on God’s timing—but, sadly, I’m usually not as patient as my dogs.
Tolerance. I’m not as good of a person as my dogs think I am. I sometimes “lose my cool” or neglect to give them attention or overlook caring for some need they have—but it never seems to aff ect their love and devotion to me. They are unfailingly tolerant of my shortcomings and don’t hold grudges. If we could only be as tolerant with one another!
Overcome fear with love. My dog Coco was rescued from a hoarding situation and came to us full of fear and insecurity. I treated her gently and kindly, gave her lots of attention, and basically showed her love and care. In time, she responded to my eff orts. Even though she’s still nervous with strangers, her trust in and devotion to me eclipses that of many other dogs I’ve had. She reminds me that God is love, and love wins.
Sandra Blackmer is an assistant editor for Adventist World.
Obituaries ENDO, noticeboardfor her family until falling asleep in Jesus, now awaiting His return. Ross Craig and family; and stepdaughter Kay Irvine’s [deceased] family. Gloria worked as a secretary to the Director of Nursing at the Sydney Hospital, Newcastle, NSW. On 21.11 1948 he married Betty Craig who predeceased him earlier in 2020. He is survived Jorge Osamu, for her family until falling asleep in Jesus, now awaiting His return. Ross Craig noticeboardand family; and stepdaughter Kay Irvine’s [deceased] family. Gloria worked as a secretary to the Director of Nursing at the Sydney Hospital, Newcastle, NSW. On 21.11 1948 he married Betty Craig who predeceased him earlier in 2020. He is survived Franjo (Frank), born born 27.12.1932 in Jakupec, Franjo (Frank), born Adventist Hospital for 32 years, Adventist Hospital for 32 years, by sons, Colville and Lea-Anne by sons, Colville and Lea-Anne 15.10.1934 in Croatia; died Santiago, Chile; died 15.10.1934 in Croatia; died and was known for her loving, and was known for her loving, (Cooranbong), Pastor Gordon (Cooranbong), Pastor Gordon 11.9.20 in Gold Coast, Qld. He 12.10.20 in Logan 11.9.20 in Gold Coast, Qld. He caring, and compassionate caring, and compassionate and Julia (Toronto), Warren and Julia (Toronto), Warren Hospital, Brisbane, Qld. On is survived by his wife, Bernardo service to others. is survived by his wife, Bernardo service to others. and Leonie (Eltham North, Vic) and Leonie (Eltham North, Vic) 20.1.1960 he married Maria del (Gold Coast); sons, Milan and (Gold Coast); sons, Milan and Bryan Craig Bryan Craig and Dr Adrian and Cindy (Port and Dr Adrian and Cindy (Port Carmen (nee Vazquez). Jorge is Ivica; daughter, Andjelka; and Ivica; daughter, Andjelka; and Macquarie, NSW); and daughter, Macquarie, NSW); and daughter, survived by his wife; children, SCHOLES, grandchildren, Jeremy and Tessa. grandchildren, Jeremy and Tessa. Doris Edna, born SCHOLES, Doris Edna, born Nerellie and Philip Hyland Nerellie and Philip Hyland Liliana and Jorge Muñoz Franjo was born the eldest child 29.6.1918 in Napier, NZ; died Franjo was born the eldest child 29.6.1918 in Napier, NZ; died (Croydon, Vic); 10 grandchildren; (Croydon, Vic); 10 grandchildren; 13.8.20 at Te Kauwhata, NZ. On and five great-grandchildren. (Melbourne) and Richard into a Seventh-day Adventist 13.8.20 at Te Kauwhata, NZ. On and five great-grandchildren. into a Seventh-day Adventist 16.10.1945 she married Norman, Having been born to missionary (Brisbane); grandchildren Maritza home in the town of Rogovac 16.10.1945 she married Norman, Having been born to missionary home in the town of Rogovac who predeceased her in 1974. She is survived by daughters, Lorraine and Ken Curtis (Te Kauwhata, NZ) and Jeanette and Andrew Johnson (Katherine, NT); son, Warren Scholes (Te Kauwhata, NZ); granddaughter, parents, Milton always was willing to serve in whatever capacity or place he was asked. He has served as Conference/Mission ABC manager, accountant, and secretary treasurer across much of the South Pacific Division. and Daniel Brunt and Roberto Muñoz; and great-grandchild Naomi. Jorge loved his family and being outdoors in nature. He was known for his strong faith, and his commitment and service to the many local churches he attended in Croatia and he remained a devoted member all his life. Franjo’s firm belief in Christ’s salvation and His second coming gave him ongoing strength and hope. Because of this hope, Franjo did not fear death and and family; and stepdaughter Kay Irvine’s [deceased] family. Gloria Hospital, Newcastle, NSW. On 21.11 1948 he married Betty Obituaries for her family until falling asleep in Jesus, now awaiting His return. who predeceased her in 1974. She is survived by daughters, Lorraine and Ken Curtis (Te Kauwhata, NZ) and Jeanette and Andrew Johnson (Katherine, NT); son, Warren Scholes (Te Kauwhata, NZ); granddaughter, parents, Milton always was willing to serve in whatever capacity or place he was asked. He has served as Conference/Mission ABC manager, accountant, and secretary treasurer across much of the South Pacific Division. in Croatia and he remained a devoted member all his life. Franjo’s firm belief in Christ’s salvation and His second coming gave him ongoing strength and hope. Because of this hope, Franjo did not fear death and over the years; he was one of the would often say: “Whether I’m Andrea and Trevor Campkin, would often say: “Whether I’m Andrea and Trevor Campkin, Serving God faithfully was his first Serving God faithfully was his first grandson, Maurice and Linda Curtis; and great-grandchildren, Aria, Elle and Evie. Doris joined priority, followed closely by caring for his family. Milton was a man of prayer, and will be rememfounding members of the Spanish church in Melbourne, and was later active at both Wantirna alive or dead I will still see Jesus’ return.” Franjo rests peacefully in the Alambe Gardens cemetery worked as a secretary to the Craig who predeceased him Ross Craiggrandson, Maurice and Linda Curtis; and great-grandchildren, Aria, Elle and Evie. Doris joined priority, followed closely by caring for his family. Milton was a man of prayer, and will be rememalive or dead I will still see Jesus’ return.” Franjo rests peacefully in the Alambe Gardens cemetery the Adventist church with her Mother in 1930. Doris trained as a nurse at the Sydney Adventist Hospital, nursed in Hamilton, NZ. bered by all who knew him, as a man of faith, and a kind, caring, sensitive gentleman. Jared Smith, Gordon Smith Adventist Church in Melbourne and Eight Mile Plains Adventist Church in Brisbane. His kindness, welcoming spirit and his ability to on the Gold Coast awaiting his Saviour’s return. David Riley Director of Nursing at the Sydney earlier in 2020. He is survived ENDO, Jorge Osamu, the Adventist church with her Mother in 1930. Doris trained as a nurse at the Sydney Adventist Hospital, nursed in Hamilton, NZ. bered by all who knew him, as a man of faith, and a kind, caring, sensitive gentleman. Jared Smith, Gordon Smith on the Gold Coast awaiting his David Riley during the war and was also a Matron at Longburn College. Her nursing skills resulted in her being the unofficial nurse in the farming make friends with anybody will be deeply missed, until Jesus comes back and we are reunited again. Miljan Popovic, David Gillespie KRANZ Gloria (nee Lawson), born 3.2.1924 in East Maitland, NSW; died Adventist Hospital for 32 years, born 27.12.1932 in Jakupec, Franjo (Frank), born during the war and was also a Matron at Longburn College. Her nursing skills resulted in her being the unofficial nurse in the farming ADVERTISING Gloria (nee Lawson), born 3.2.1924 in East Maitland, NSW; died ADVERTISINGby sons, Colville and Lea-Anne 28.3.20 in Cooranbong, NSW. In 28.3.20 in Cooranbong, NSW. In community in which she lived. community in which she lived. She was a keen supporter of the colporteur work and was noted for her hospitality. Owing to Endless Praise Music Group Entering into its 37th year of full-time music ministry in 2021, FRANKE, Lillian Alice (nee House), born 28.2.1941 in Margaret River, WA; died 5.11.20 in Manjimup. September 1951 she married Dolph Dawson who predeceased her in 1994. In October 1996 she and was known for her loving, (Cooranbong), Pastor Gordon Santiago, Chile; died 15.10.1934 in Croatia; died She was a keen supporter of the colporteur work and was noted for her hospitality. Owing to Endless Praise Music Group Entering into its 37th year of full-time music ministry in 2021, September 1951 she married Dolph Dawson who predeceased her in 1994. In October 1996 she COVID-19 restrictions, memorial auditions are now being accepted On 30.6.1958 she married Barry. married Pastor Russell Kranz who COVID-19 restrictions, memorial auditions are now being accepted married Pastor Russell Kranz who services were held in Manna Park church, November 8 and in Palmerston North church, November for singers, guitarists, keyboard players and a sound man. Consider a call to share Jesus Lil is survived by her children, Stephen (Manjimup), Greg (Donnybrook), Raylene Kanny predeceased her in October 2019. Gloria is survived by her daughters, Robyn Martin and caring, and compassionate and Julia (Toronto), Warren 12.10.20 in Logan 11.9.20 in Gold Coast, Qld. He services were held in Manna Park church, November 8 and in Palmerston North church, November for singers, guitarists, keyboard players and a sound man. Consider a call to share Jesus predeceased her in October 2019. Gloria is survived by her daughters, Robyn Martin and 10.She held her membership in to the world using your talents. (Manjimup) and Coralie Hiscox Carmen Keller-Ashcroft; three 10. She held her membership in to the world using your talents. Carmen Keller-Ashcroft; three Longburn and Palmerston North for 77 years. A faithful servant awaits the call of the Lifegiver. A life-changing experience. Call Sandra at the Endless Praise office on 0466727191 or email (Bunbury); 14 grandchildren and 30 great-grandchildren. She lived grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; stepson, Peter Kranz service to others. and Leonie (Eltham North, Vic) Hospital, Brisbane, Qld. On is survived by his wife, Bernardo Longburn and Palmerston North for 77 years. A faithful servant awaits the call of the Lifegiver. A life-changing experience. Call Sandra at the Endless Praise office on 0466727191 or email grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; stepson, Peter Kranz Ken Curtis, Anton van Wyk, Ken Curtis, Anton van Wyk, <ep@epraise.com.au>.<ep@epraise.com.au>. Justin Strause SMITH, Milton Roy, born 23.2.1925 Iririki Island, Vanuatu; died 12.11.20 in John Hunter NEXT ISSUE: ADVENTIST RECORD, JANUARY 23 SYSTEMS ENGINEER SOUTH PACIFIC DIVISION WAHROONGA NSW SPD Limited is seeking an experienced IT Systems Engineer to join its dynamic Adventist Technology team, providing expertise POSITIONS VACANT Bryan Craig and Dr Adrian and Cindy (Port Macquarie, NSW); and daughter, 20.1.1960 he married Maria del Carmen (nee Vazquez). Jorge is (Gold Coast); sons, Milan and Ivica; daughter, Andjelka; and Justin Strause SMITH, Milton Roy, born 23.2.1925 Iririki Island, Vanuatu; died 12.11.20 in John Hunter NEXT ISSUE: ADVENTIST RECORD, JANUARY 23 SPD Limited is seeking an experienced IT Systems Engineer to join its dynamic Adventist Technology team, providing expertise and support to the design and implementation of networked computer systems. This full-time 24 month contract role will be based at the Division head office in Wahroonga, NSW and be part of a team that services Seventh-day Adventist Church entities survived by his wife; children, grandchildren, Jeremy and Tessa. and support to the design and implementation of networked computer systems. This full-time 24 month contract role will be based at the Division head office in Wahroonga, NSW and be part of a team that services Seventh-day Adventist Church entities SCHOLES, Doris Edna, born Nerellie and Philip Hyland ranging from church administrative offices through to schools and aged care based in countries across the South Pacific. You will be working with cutting edge technologies on deployed cloud and Liliana and Jorge Muñoz Franjo was born the eldest child ranging from church administrative offices through to schools and aged care based in countries across the South Pacific. You will be working with cutting edge technologies on deployed cloud and 29.6.1918 in Napier, NZ; died (Croydon, Vic); 10 grandchildren; datacentre solutions through the full engineering lifecycle. For datacentre solutions through the full engineering lifecycle. For the job description and selection criteria please visit the SPD’s Adventist Employment website <www.adventistemployment.org. au>. To apply, please email a cover letter addressing the selection (Melbourne) and Richard into a Seventh-day Adventist the job description and selection criteria please visit the SPD’s Adventist Employment website <www.adventistemployment.org. au>. To apply, please email a cover letter addressing the selection 13.8.20 at Te Kauwhata, NZ. On and five great-grandchildren. Note: Neither the editor, Adventist Media, nor the Seventh-day Adventist Church is responsible for the quality of goods or services advertised. criteria, your CV, three work-related referees and the contact details of your Adventist Church Pastor, to <hr@adventist.org.au>. The appointing body reserves the right to fill this position at its 16.10.1945 she married Norman, Having been born to missionary (Brisbane); grandchildren Maritza home in the town of Rogovac Note: Neither the editor, Adventist Media, nor the Seventh-day Adventist Church is responsible for the quality of goods or services advertised. criteria, your CV, three work-related referees and the contact details of your Adventist Church Pastor, to <hr@adventist.org. au>. The appointing body reserves the right to fill this position at Publication does not indicate endorsement of a product or service. Classifieddiscretion and close applications early. Applications close January Publication does not indicate endorsement of a product or service. Classified Applications close 17 advertisements in Adventist Record are available to Seventh-day Adventist members, churches and institutions only. All advertisements, appreciation, anniversary, wedding and obituary notices may be submitted via <ads@ 17, 2021 who predeceased her in 1974. parents, Milton always was willing and Daniel Brunt and Roberto in Croatia and he remained a advertisements in Adventist Record are available to Seventh-day Adventist members, churches and institutions only. All advertisements, appreciation, anniversary, wedding and obituary notices may be submitted via <ads@ record.net.au> or online at <record.adventistchurch.com>. Notices will notFOR MORE AVAILABLE POSITIONS VISIT: record.net.au> or online at <record.adventistchurch.com>. Notices will not be reprinted unless there is an error of fact caused by Record staff.ADVENTISTEMPLOYMENT.ORG.AU /SDAJOBS She is survived by daughters, to serve in whatever capacity Muñoz; and great-grandchild devoted member all his life. be reprinted unless there is an error of fact caused by Record staff. January 9, 2021 | Adventist record 23January 9, 2021 | Adventist record 31AdventistWorld.org January 2021 23 Naomi. Jorge loved his family and Franjo’s firm belief in Christ’s Lorraine and Ken Curtis (Te or place he was asked. He has