2 minute read
Reversing The Ageing Process
Alarm Bells On Falling Vegetable Consumption

We know fruits and vegetables are essential for our health and wellbeing; however, statistics show that 91 per cent of Australians are not eating the recommended five-plus serves a day. More alarmingly, new studies have illustrated that 17 per cent of Australians eat fewer vegetables than pre-Covid, with one in four only eating one serve of veg or less a day. But it’s a new year! Let’s “try for five” each day, as the Nutrition Australia campaign would say.—Nutrition Australia
Dancing And Surfing For Better Mental Health
The National Health Service in Great Britain is doing trials to see if activities like surfing, gardening, rollerskating and dance classes can help people feel less anxious and depressed. In parts of England, 600 people aged 11 to 18 (all on waiting lists for care) are participating in these activities to see if they will improve their mental wellbeing. The activities were selected as they have been shown to increase a person’s social connectedness and enhanced confidence and self-esteem. The trial is trying to find non-medicalised ways of helping individuals find a way through the challenges they may be experiencing. However, they are not to be substituted for other types of support such as talk therapy.—The Guardian

Did you know when you peel vegetables like carrots, beets, potatoes and zucchinis, you’re missing out on a bunch of fibre, vitamins and minerals? Turns out the skin on these vegetables is loaded with good stuff. For example, 20 per cent of the nutrients like B vitamins and trace minerals are in the skins of potatoes. So give your vegetables a good scrub, but keep those skins on! You’ll save time and get more bang for your buck.—Healthline Media

In 2008, Wyss-Coray, a professor of neurology at Stanford University, and a group of researchers started giving young blood to old mice. Their experiments revealed that old mice that received young blood showed signs of regenerating the brain, muscle and other tissues and boosting cognitive and physical performance. After all these years, researchers are confident that their efforts will soon translate into new therapies to slow or reverse cognitive decline in humans.—Stanford University
No More Guinea Worm
A global Guinea worm eradication program led by the Carter Centre is close to being complete, with only nine cases of the disease remaining worldwide. If the program is successful, Guinea worm will be only the second human disease in history to be eradicated, after smallpox. The Carter Centre began eradicating the disease in 1986 after it had infected an estimated 3.5 million people across 21 African countries. That number has been reduced by more than 99.9 per cent. Today, the program wipes out disease, steadily reducing the number of cases, stopping transmission, and ensuring optimal surveillance and reporting.—The Carter Centre