1 minute read

Belief in Doctrines

As part of the 2017-2018 Global Church Member Survey, researchers asked the question: Do the Seventh-day Adventist fundamental beliefs as a whole reflect a loving and gracious character of God?

1% Strongly Disagree

1% Disagree

5% I am not sure

28% Agree

65% Strongly Agree

“It is so exciting to see all of our Australian conferences wanting to be a part of this Life Group ministry proposal as it rolls out over 2023/2024. All the conference administration teams see the need to move forward in this space and want to act fast to connect with both our own Adventist young adults and other university students that can be reached for Christ.

—Jeffrey Parker, Australian Union Conference (AUC) youth director, about a new initiative in Australia called Disciple Focused Life Group Leadership. This project aims to reach university students outside of the church and provide support for Adventist students within secular universities.


To of the Southeastern Asia Union Mission, about the health programs that took place at the Forward Venture Community Center in Hanoi, Vietnam. More than 40 attendees joined the mental health seminar.

—Ivelisse Herrera, Inter-American Division treasurer, after being invited to fill the treasurer’s position. Herrera is the first woman to currently hold the treasurer’s position among the 13 world divisions.

“Our students come from diverse backgrounds and remote communities with constant challenges, and for some, even just getting to the college is an ordeal. So it’s really encouraging to see those students completing the course.”

—David Garrard, principal of Mamarapha College in Western Australia, about the recent graduation held at the Livingston Adventist Church. The afternoon service saw 13 students receive a certificate, diploma, or advanced diploma, and 15 students received progression awards.

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The number of new believers from Bangladesh, Pakistan, the Philippines, Myanmar, Malaysia, and the Southeastern Asia Union Mission that joined the Adventist Church through the Voice of Youth (VOY) Expand initiative. Adventist Youth leaders in the Southern Asia-Pacific Division have helped equip 1,215 VOY teams with 32,326 young people to reach out to communities for Jesus.

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