1 minute read
Congratulations to you and the Adventist Record team on reaching the 125-year milestone.
Adventist Record is very much appreciated when it is printed each fortnight or so.
In respect to the 125-year anniversary—I have a query. On the information and contacts strip of the Adventist Record it says “vol 128”. That is, I assume volume 128. This number appears to increase each year. What does this number mean? I would have expected it to be vol 125 —being the 125th year. I am a little puzzled.
Anyway to you and your team keep up the excellent work you are doing.
Kevin, Vic
Editor's response: Thanks for your question, very observant. Over time, there have been a few errors in those numbers which meant that the volume actually changed during the year rather than staying the same. So while it should reflect 125, human error has pushed it to 128 (and we can’t go back—libraries are cataloguing the magazine and it would cause problems).
So as we’ve indicated on the cover, the year Record started was 1898. Interestingly, a paper was published for about two years before that called the Gleaner (a report on literature ministry), but that publication was merged into Record at a session and renamed.
Flesh foods: Egg
Re: "The ten: Always present potluck dishes" (December 22, 2022).
Thank you for this great article. It is a wonderful go-to. I am concerned about the mention of "egg" in the club sandwich. If I'm not mistaken, we've been counseled to abstain from the use of flesh in our diets, especially since the animal kingdom is diseased. Health reform is also one of the pillars of our faith which is never to be removed.
We have a duty to God and man to study God's counsels not only as it pertains to the moral law but also to the health laws as the health message is the right arm of the gospel.
May the Lord help us all to study the body and its needs. May we implement whatever changes are needed in our own diets and may we share these precious truths with others.
Joanne, via email