8 minute read
Mental health is being talked about more than ever before, but the stigma surrounding it still exists. This personal story helps break down misconceptions.

Iwas 18 years old the first time someone I knew committed suicide. She attended a neighbouring high school. We were both in Year 12, about to take our final HSC exams and she decided it was all too much. I remember going to her Facebook profile and scrolling through post after post dedicated to this seemingly happy, beautiful girl who was no longer with us. I was young and carefree. People my age weren’t supposed to die. The concept that someone would willingly choose to end their life was something I couldn’t fathom.
Until I found myself entertaining the same thoughts.
my personal journey
I’ve been clinically diagnosed with anxiety and depression for six years now. At the peak of my depression, I wished I could cease to exist. I never fell so deep into my depression to try to follow through on that desire, but I can certainly see how someone could.
The beginning of 2016 was smooth sailing, or so I thought. It seemed that my coping mechanism for dealing with my anxiety and panic attacks was working. But it wasn’t. I was just putting a Band-Aid on something that needed stitches. By the time I addressed it, I needed surgery.
Midway through the year I broke down. My mental health spiralled into depression. I became desperate for love, desperate to be told that my life was worth living, because I certainly didn’t feel that way. I had suicidal ideations. It was a painful time.
And that’s when I went to see a psychologist.
It was difficult at first. I desperately needed help but I felt that by asking for help I had failed, that I wasn’t strong enough to cope on my own. I quickly learned otherwise.
what is mental illness?
At this point, it may be beneficial to define mental illness. According to the Australian Department of Health, “Mental illness is a health problem that significantly affects how a person feels, thinks, behaves and interacts with other people. It is diagnosed according to standardised criteria. The term mental disorder is also used to refer to these health problems.”1
understanding mental illness
I understand why it is so difficult for people who do not have mental illness or a mental disorder to grasp the concept. The solutions to mental illness seem obvious and easy to someone who hasn’t experienced it. “Are you depressed? Do things that make you happy!” “Anxious? Just chill out, learn how to relax.” It’s easy to blame the person experiencing mental illness for their situation. Unlike physical illness where we can often see the cause of the injury, without a proper understanding of mental health disorders, we blame people for their mental illness.
“Why don’t they just snap out of it?” or “Stop being so negative” are sentiments shared by people who don’t understand mental illness. But just like physical illness can lead to death if untreated, so too can mental illness.
While suicide is a taboo topic for most, it is a very real problem. And while death of any kind is upsetting, the truly devastating part about suicide is that it is preventable.2
the impact of mental illness
More than three million Australians are living with anxiety or depression.3 Over 65,000 Australians make a suicide attempt each year.4 Nine Australians die every day by suicide–that’s more than double the road toll.5 Indeed, 75 per cent of people who take their own life are male.5 New Zealand has the highest rate of youth suicide in the world and data from the 2018/19 financial year shows 685 suspected suicides.6 But unlike car accidents, we have the power to change these overwhelming statistics.
It starts by acknowledging mental illness, understanding it and working to remove the debilitating stigma. So what can we do?
we need a culture shift
We need to start treating mental illness the same way we treat physical illness. Just like we visit the doctor when we have broken a bone, it is important to seek help when experiencing mental illness. But currently, there is a stigma attached to having a mental illness which makes people hesitant to speak up and seek help. People with mental health problems say that the social stigma attached to mental illness and the discrimination they experience can make their
To learn more about anxiety, depression and suicide, check out Beyond Blue at <beyondblue.org.au>. For crisis support or suicide prevention, please call Lifeline AU on 13 11 14 or Lifeline NZ 0800 543 354.

difficulties worse and make it harder to recover.7 Further, embarrassment associated with accessing mental health services is one of the many barriers that cause people to hide their symptoms and to prevent them from getting necessary treatment for their mental illness symptoms. Research suggests that only 20 per cent of adults living with mental illness see a mental health provider.4 We need to tear down the idea that asking for help is a sign of weakness. This is especially a barrier for men, who feel like they should be “tough enough” to get through. In reality, asking for help takes a world of courage. We need to acknowledge that mental illness is real, it exists and ignoring it doesn’t make it go away. Expecting anyone to shoulder that alone is destructive, and the price much too high.
Stop blaming those affected
The words anxiety, depression and psychologist should not make us cringe. In fact, seeing a psychologist was the best decision I made. She allowed me to see reason, to begin to think of my life as a work in progress rather than a failed finished product. I learned positive coping mechanisms so I could begin to re-train my brain. Crucially, I was prescribed antidepressants to help my brain when my best reasoning attempts weren’t cutting it.
Slowly, I began to love and accept myself. In the depths of my darkest hours, I promised myself that if I ever made it to a place where I could speak about my journey publicly, then I would.
Ever since, I have been sharing openly about my journey with mental health. It probably comes as no surprise that since then, 2020 challenged me most. I had to start taking my anti-depressants that I had previously tried to wean off, and my working from home productivity was shot to pieces. I was back seeing my psychologist regularly, trying to figure out why nothing was bringing me joy and I couldn’t stop crying (common depression symptoms). And I shared the whole journey on social media.
I didn’t do it for sympathy or accolades of “being brave”, but because it’s the sort of conversation I wish was commonplace. It’s the sort of conversation I wish I had seen happening around me the first time my mental health spiralled.
Mental illness is a health condition

that needs treatment in the same way that physical illness needs treatment. As such, mental health care in Australia has a framework: there are Medicare-subsidised services and subsidised mental health prescriptions under the PBS and Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.8
Fighting mental illness is not simply about willpower, strength or determination. The mentality that someone needs to “toughen up” is not constructive, productive or useful. Rather, we need to approach the illness and those affected by it with love, compassion, empathy and understanding.
R U OK? Day
September 9 is “R U OK?” Day in Australia. It’s a national day to remind us that every day is a good day to ask, “Are you OK?” Some people are very good at hiding what’s really going on, and many people won’t be inclined to offer up information. However, if asked, they may be more open to share their struggles.
I would encourage everyone to do their own mental health check and seek professional help if needed. And more than anything, I encourage you to be part of a culture shift. To start normalising conversations around mental health and checking in with those around you.

To see Signs “R U OK Day” video visit <signsofthetimes.org.au/r-u-ok-day-2021/>.
Ashley Stanton lives in Sydney, where she works for the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) in the communication and marketing team.
1. Australian Government Department of Health. (2007, May). What is mental illness? Retrieved May 16, 2021, from <health.gov.au/internet/publications/ publishing.nsf/Content/mental-pubs-w-whatmentoc~mental-pubs-w-whatmen-what>. 2. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2021, March 3). Deaths by suicide in Australia. Retrieved May 16, 2021, from <aihw.gov.au/ suicide-self-harm-monitoring/data/deaths-by-suicidein-australia>. 3. Beyond Blue. (2021). Beyond blue. Retrieved from <beyondblue.org.au/media/statistics>. 4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, National Association of County Behavioral Health & Developmental Disability Directors, National Institute of Mental Health, The Carter Center Mental Health Program. Attitudes Toward Mental Illness: Results from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Atlanta (GA); Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 2012 5. Lifeline. (n.d.). Data & statistics - Lifeline Australia. Retrieved May 16, 2021, from <lifeline.org. au/resources/data-and-statistics/>. 6. Mental health foundation of New Zealand, Suicide statistics: What’s behind the numbers? Retrieved from <mentalhealth.org.nz/suicide-prevention/ suicide-statistics>. 7. Mental Health Foundation. (2015, February 10). Stigma and discrimination. Retrieved May 16, 2021, from <mentalhealth.org.uk/a-to-z/s/stigma-and-discrimination>. 8. Parliament of Australia. (2019, February 14). Mental health in Australia: A quick guide. Retrieved May 16, 2021, from <aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/ Parliamentary_Departments/Parliamentary_Library/ pubs/rp/rp1819/Quick_Guides/MentalHealth>.