A Book Review: The Consecrated Way to Christian Perfection by A.T. Jones
Review by Dionne Sabbay Thompson January 17, 2011 (Revised)
At the commencement of the Latter rain movement in 1888, A.T. Jones gave memorable sermons regarding the well-needed subject of Righteousness by Faith, the Third Angel's message in verity – see Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel workers p. 91, Review and Herald April 1 1890, 1Selected Messages page 372. This phenomenal book written by A.T. Jones drives the key points related to Christ in the form of Son of God and Son of man. Its references are explosive, imparting knowledge to all who patiently take note to A.T. Jones’ repetitive writing style. It commences with a description of Christ in temporal, prophesied successive roles in relation to earth’s inhabitants: Prophet, Priest and King. However, its reference of Christ as High Priest was never intended to be understood regarding any earthly Priesthood. Jones draws a correlation to Christ as “Kingly Priest”, referencing the order of Melchisedec, the King of Salem, a King of peace (Hebrews 6:20). Praise Him! Let us praise our Redeemer for His excellent greatness, as He shakes the earth with His straight testimony Psa. 150:1-2, Isa. 2:19-21, Haggai 2:6-7, Heb. 12:26, Early Writings pages 269-271. "Sing unto God, ye kingdoms of the earth; O sing praises unto the Lord, to Him that rideth upon the heavens of heavens....Ascribe ye strength unto God: His excellency is over Israel, and His strength is in the heavens." Psalm 68:32-34 (Acts of the Apostles page 33).
2 Jones ties in the thought of a diadem in relationship to King David, identifying that the only King that was intended to be recognized was that of Christ and His righteous Kingship. All earthly kingdoms were never God’s will. “God and His protective hand watched over Israel, intending to prevent them from going into Babylonian captivity. Through the prophet Jeremiah, God warned Israel about their consequence of disobedience: potential enslavement. God never intended for Israel to have a king, however; Israel's very first King, Saul, would not obey the prophet of the Lord, Samuel. King Saul, King David, King Solomon and King Rehoboam were all disobedient. The consequence of not abiding with God’s directives is that by the third or fourth generation, judgment will visit the seed of those who continue in disobedience Exo. 20:5. Consequently, by the fourth king, Israel was judged and the monarchy was split into two, never to be reunified again. Israel was determined to have an earthly king and monarchy even with God's forewarning of its consequences. Similarly, within Adventism the 1859 onset of a Laodicean condition was as a result of disobedience and the rejection of the gospel empowered Latter rain messages delivered by Jones and Waggoner from 1888. Additionally, since the Fall of 1844, the Great Disappointment, Christ has bore long with His remnant church Early Writings pages 36-38, Testimonies for the Church Volume 1 page 186” A Soul Sealed at Character Perfection page 42. Christ will be returning as King of Kings and Lord of Lords: and, He will return to reap His subjects who will reign with Him eternally. Will you be among His remnant group? See Dan. 7:18, Mark 4:29, Rev. 14:14-16, 20:6, 22:5. Christ is the only begotten Son of God, and He is God; the express image of God, exalted in Heaven Heb. 1:1-8. The all-loving nature of Christ is the nature of God: and, while in heaven He was exalted above angels Heb. 1:4. Because of Adam’s sin, his reproductive-line became subjected to death, as the wages of sin is death Rom.6:23. Christ, knowing no sin, was made sin because He made Himself subject to death as the second and last Adam 1Cor. 15:45. He reconciled man from the sin issue, being born of a woman, made under the law: and, He is not ashamed to be called mankind’s Brethren Gal. 4:4, Col. 1:21, Rom. 5:10, 2Cor. 5:18-20. Offering mankind glorified positions through His redemptive reconciling act of benevolence, Christ bought His subjects back; a priceless redemptive act A.T. Jones page 17. As Son of God, Christ could not be tempted - James 1:13, however, as Son of man, He was tempted – Heb. 4:15. As Son of God, Christ was exalted higher than the angels and as Son of man He was made lower than the angels - Heb. 1 and 2. Hebrews 2 expounds on this fact that Yeshua met mankind right at the “sin problem”, becoming “Emmanuel” or “God with us” Matt. 1:23, Rom. 8:1-4, A Soul Sealed at Character Perfection page 101. Christ can sanctify and He became one with those that He sanctifies Eze. 20:12, Heb. 2:11. Fear is caused from the sin problem, and it can be seen in the act of Adam and Eve running and hiding their “nakedness” or “laodicean condition” Gen. 3:8, Rev. 3:14-18. 1
1 Thompson, D. A Soul Sealed at Character Perfection p. 59.
3 Jones highlights that Christ entered into an eternal covenant with Abraham, as a bloodbrother, redeeming His inheritance; an act that was more commonly practiced among Ancient Hebrews known as the “law of redemption to man and their inheritances” Gen. 15:8-18, Jer. 34:18-19, Ruth 2:20, 3:9, 12, 13, 4:14. Christ took on the seed of Abraham, confirming an everlasting covenant Gen. 15:18, Heb. 2:16. While on sinful—fallen planet earth, Christ (as the Son of man) took on the nature of fallen man bodily, feeling the pull of sin, and He was tempted just as fallen man is—a true risk was taken: and, He is able to relieve those that choose Him as a personal Redeemer and Savior. Christ was crucified yet His resurrection was sure because sin had no dominion over Him (because of His complete victory over sin), thus He was caught up to the throne of God 1Cor. 15:12, 2Cor. 12:2, 1Pet. 1:19, 2:22. Most important, Yeshua humbly covered His divinity with humanity one hundred percent, and He became weak just as we are, only able to overcome sin by way of God the Father who dwelled in Him and “doeth the works” John 14:10, Heb. 4:15. Therefore, mankind, (by way of Christ's righteous garments) must overcome sin today, as it is the only way to enter God's eternal kingdom: and, those who will be among the 144,000 will be granted privileged seats (above angels) at the Throne of God for eternity Eph. 2:8-10, Rev. 3:21.
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