The Gospel Vanquishes All Opposition The second angel’s message
n the book of Revelation the actions of evil powers are depicted as mimicking those of God. For instance, God has three angels proclaiming the gospel to the world (Rev. 14:6-12), and the dragon has three demonic spirits going to the kings of the earth to gather them for the final confrontation with the Lamb (Rev. 16:13, 14). The message of the second angel is based on this way of thinking. God has a city and the dragon creates his own city: Babylon. Babylon proclaims a message to humans that is the counterfeit of the eternal gospel, and as a result it will not prevail. BABYLON AND THE LAMB
The second angel proclaims good news: “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great, she who has made all the nations drink of the wine of the passion of her immorality” (Rev. 14:8).1 In the following we look in more detail at the key elements of this message. 12
November 2021
Photo: Katerina Holmes