Paddling & Fishing Guidelines for the East Lyn

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East Lyn A4 leaflet FINAL:Layout 1 08/06/2010 11:57 Page 1

Lynmouth Bay

Canoeing on the East Lyn River, Watersmeet, North Devon

Black Rocks


Porlock, Minehead

You are welcome to canoe on the East Lyn River from Watersmeet House downstream to Lynmouth between 1 October and 31 March if there is enough water.







Horner’s Neck Wood

st Lyn

Bonnicott Wood

Check the river level on the webcam (www. or the water level indicator on the bridge at Watersmeet House before you begin your journey.

Woodside Bridge

Wester Wood


ive r

Chiselcombe Bridge

Lyn Rock


If the level is in the red area, stop - there is not enough water for you to canoe and you may damage important sites for wildlife

Trilly Wood

If the level is on green, you are welcome to go ahead, but please:

Ash Bridge

 Consider your safety first. The East Lyn is one of the most difficult rivers to canoe in England (grade 5 in places) and should only be attempted by experienced canoeists


Watersmeet House


Wa ter



1 kilometre

Ho a

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey. © Crown Copyright and database right 2009. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey licence number AL 100018591


a ro

Riverside Gauge


Frogwell Wood

Barton Wood

yn East L

Map design: Mapping Company Ltd 01492 877960

Barton Wood


Wilsham Wood

Ri ve


Hillsford Bridge


Ford FB

23 B32

Birch Wood





This is a pilot project between the National Trust and the Environment Agency until October 2012, when it will be Combe reviewed by Natural England. Please help this Park project succeed by not canoeing outside the agreed period of 1 October – 31 March and taking note of points listed.

Mill Wood

Access point

 Get in at Watersmeet House or Lyn Rock and out at Woodside Bridge as indicated by the signs

 Please stay in groups of 6 or less  Avoid making contact with the river bed and banks to help protect important wildlife habitats.

Grafton Wood A road


More copies of this leaflet can be downloaded from

 Please take extra care not to disturb fish and river gravel Canoeing allowed Minor road / track Parking from October to March when Woodland Footpath salmon and trout are laying their eggs in gravel in the shallow, fast flowing parts of the river. It is an offence under the Salmon & Freshwater Fisheries Act 1975 to wilfully disturb these fish spawning areas.

Printed on waterproof paper

Thank you for respecting other people’s enjoyment of this river and its wildlife

Please report any incidents relating to pollution, illegal fishing or flood risk to the Environment Agency on 0800 807060 (free 24 hour incident hotline) or sightings of wildlife or litter pollution to National Trust wardens/rangers on 01598 763306.

Egress point

B Road



Canoeing above Watersmeet House on the East Lyn River or Hoaroak Water is not permitted Fishing arrangements detailed overleaf

East Lyn A4 leaflet FINAL:Layout 1 08/06/2010 11:57 Page 2

Lynmouth Bay

Watersmeet and Glenthorne Fisheries River Lyn, North Devon

Black Rocks


Porlock, Minehead Start of Fishery

A separate Environment Agency rod fishing licence is required

Horner’s Neck Wood

Trilly Furze Crook Pool Wood Pool Chiselcombe Bridge Horner Ash Bridge Pool


Overflow Pool

Ramsey Pool Upper Lyn Rock Pool Lower Lyn Rock Pool Wester Wood ive r FB

st Lyn

Woodside Bridge


Bonnicott Wood

No Fishing in shaded area PRIVATE


Vellacotts Pool Black Pool Peal Pool

Barton Wood

Lyn Rock Pool NORTH


Lower Stag Pool Dumbledon Pool

Watersmeet Bridge Pool Wa ter




Salmon Season: 1 March - 30 Sept (catch & release until 16 June). Sea Trout & Brown Trout: 15th March - 30th Sept (no worm or maggot before 1 June)



1 kilometre

Watersmeet Long Pool House

NATIONAL BYELAWS TO PROTECT SALMON STOCKS Catch and release of salmon is mandatory to 16 June. Anglers are still encouraged to fish catch and release after 16 June and especially to return any large red fish late in the season. Permitted baits are restricted Frogwell to artificial fly and artificial Wood End of lure until 16 June. Fishery

Ho a

yn East L

Upper Stag Pool Day and week Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey. © Crown Copyright and database right 2009. All rights reserved. ak Barton Ordnance Survey licence number AL 100018591 permits available ro Wood Wilsham Mill Brendon Ban on sale of rod-caught Wood Wood from: R Ashford Pool ive sea trout and salmon (New Brendon House Hotel, Brendon. r 9 A3 Barnstaple Tel: 01598 741206 Byelaw) - no person shall sell, offer or Ford Hillsford Rockford Inn, Brendon. expose for sale or have in possession for FB Rockford Bridge Tel: 01598 741214 sale any salmon or migratory trout which Fox Pool Combe Staghunters Inn, Brendon. Tel: 01598 741222 Park Buddle Pool has been taken by rod and line. Meadow Pool Birch Tourist Information Centre, Town Hall, Wood Grafton Wood Lynton. Tel: 0845 6603232 Please avoid making contact Fishing allowed A road Noticeboard Variety Sports, 23 Broad Street, Ilfracombe. with the river bed to help Tel: 01271 862039 FB Footbridge Fishing allowed (children) B Road protect important wildlife Taunton Angling Centre, 63 Station Road, Taunton. Tel: 01823 282518 No fishing (private fishery) Minor road / track Parking Porlock Visitor Centre, West End, High Street, Porlock. Tel: 01643 863150 habitats. Take extra care not to Woodland Footpath The National Trust, Watersmeet House, Lynmouth. Tel: 01598 752648 disturb fish and river gravel Environment Agency, Exminster House, Miller Way, Exminster EX6 8AS. Tel: 08708 506506 during March when salmon and trout are laying their eggs in gravel in the shallow, fast 3

2 B32

More copies of this leaflet can be downloaded from Printed on waterproof paper

flowing parts of the river. It is an offence under the Salmon & Freshwater Fisheries Act 1975 to wilfully disturb these fish spawning areas. Please report any incidents relating to pollution, illegal fishing or flood risk to the Environment Agency on 0800 807060 (free 24 hour incident hotline) or sightings of wildlife or litter pollution to National Trust wardens/rangers on 01598 763306. Canoeing arrangements detailed overleaf

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