3 minute read


Such Is War

by Marco Gliori


They came home to us like never before, the brave and the brash who marched off to war, wrapped up in a cliché, fearless and bold, fighting for freedom that you and I hold, close to our hearts on a day like today, acknowledging heroes, pausing to pray.

Just yesterday, War was hot on our heels, calling for soldiers in desperate appeals. They rallied in cities, down tracks to-boot, to back up their mates, to learn to salute. Though many could ride, and knew how to aim, a man in your sights was a whole new game. Overnight it all changed, kill, or be killed. On beaches, in trenches, our hospitals filled, with those who would never again come home, to someone they loved, except in a poem, where stories told and a writer’s romance get bogged in the mud on a field in France.

To those who weren’t there, it feels a bit rich, to contemplate life in some foreign ditch, whilst armed to the teeth, our hand on a glass, nodding esteem, as the uniforms pass, remembering those who dreamed for the days, when Wars lay dead in museum displays. In honouring them, we rise to reflect, then lay down our wreaths and offer respect. Poppies and daffodils proudly adorn, shirts filled with medals, now passed down and worn, by new generations joining the band, willing to sacrifice all for this land.

In future parades they’ll march with their mates, while we bow our heads on relevant dates, and rally once more as the Buglers call, such courage, the loss, and pain of it all. The battles, the toll, that knock on the door, when the message reads ‘grief’, and the author is ‘War’.

Funny Newspaper Headlines

Is There A Ring Of Debris Around Uranus?

Solution below 0408 457 496 BAD JOKE OF THE WEEK


ANSWER: Tasmania

Devil, 8. Island.

Cradle, 6. Flinders, 7.


Fred said his dog Fido could read. He proved it the other day when the dog walked up to a “Wet Paint” sign, inspected it carefully, then followed the instructions.


advises all fires greater than 2m2 require a Permit to Burn

Wardens issuing permits are:

Goomburra - Forest Springs Fire Warden District, East of New England Highway - Phone Fred McCann on Mobile 0427 663 263

Talgai - Victoria Hill Fire Warden District, West of New England Highway - Phone Mark Frizzell 4666 3792

If Fire Wardens are unavailable please ring Deputy Warden Don Burge on Mobile 0428 964 154

Massey - Hendon Rural Fire Brigade District Phone Paul Bradfield on Mobile 0428 674 783

Have your Bush Fire plan in place.

Fire permits for the Allora urban area need to be obtained through the Captain of Allora Auxiliary Fire Brigade, Ross Williams on 0427 890 089

Allora Men’s Shed is hosting Australia’s Biggest

Morning Tea

A fundraising event in aid of the Cancer Council.

Thursday 25th May commencing at 9.30am at the Allora Men’s Shed, 16 Jubb Street Allora. No booking is necessary, but if you would like to do so, contact 0458 038 257. All welcome. $10 Entry, which is donated to the Cancer Council.

Allora/Clifton Anglican Church

ALLORA - 10am Sunday & 10am Wednesday

CLIFTON - 8am Sunday.

5th Sunday, 9am Combined Service

Enquiries to Rev. Matt Skelton, phone 0447 728 227.

Scots Presbyterian Church - Allora

12 Jubb Street, Allora

Worship service each Sunday at 9.30am including online service

Bible Study (BACAD) 7pm Wednesdays online

MEN’S BREAKFAST held on the last Saturday of the month

Enquiries to Pastor Elton Wiltshire 4666 3743


Arch & Daph Chandler and family wish to Sincerely Thank Everyone for their Heartfelt Wishes for their 75th Wedding Anniversary and Arch’s 100th Birthday

A Big Thank You to the staff of the Allora Homestead and The Allora Advertiser for making these events such memorable occasions.

Uniting Church Allora


Enquiries phone 4666 3225. All welcome.

The Catholic Community of ST.


1st SUNDAY at 9.00am, 2nd & 3rd SUNDAYS at 5.30pm, EVERY TUESDAY, 9.30am.

LAYLED LITURGY, with Communion - 4th & 5th SUNDAYS at 9.00am.

For information on Baptism, Weddings, Funerals and other church enquiries, phone 4666 3377.

St Patrick’s Parish School (Prep - Yr. 6), enquiries 4666 3551.

Allora Tyre Service

Still at 47 Herbert Street, Allora

■ Huge range of Tyres and Batteries for passenger vehicles and farm machinery

■ Prompt on farm service with competitive rates.

Phone Jeff Norman on 4666 3455 or 0429 174 162 service.

Pty. Ltd.

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