2 minute read


We also so please contact Mark, our booking officer.

The mobile contact is 0431 014 618 for further details, inspections and future bookings.


You can also check out our website to see what facilities are available or you can send an email to hcsc8315@gmail.com

Discounts apply for financial members who hire the facility.

The tennis courts are available for hire.

The keys are available down at the Hodgson Vale shop.

Hire costs are $4 an hour for financial members and $8 an hour for non financial members, and lighting costs are $2 an hour at night.

Government Covid rules must be adhered to at all times while the tennis courts are being used.

The toilets at the sports club are also available for tennis hirers.

Memberships for 2022/23 financial year can now be paid and will cover the rest of this financial year if you are a new member.

The cost stays at $25 for the family and deposits can be made at the Westpac Bank or on line to our bank account BSB 034 142 Account number 158 247 or post to PO Box 8315 Toowoomba South 4350.

Financial members get discounts on tennis court hire and hire costs of the hall and go into the weekly members’ draw.

If you are hiring the hall please be conscious of the near neighbours and keep the noise levels down.


We believe every human has the inherent right to live a ‘normal’ and empowered life; to have ability and opportunity to make one’s own choices. We aim to empower people with mental health or with disability


- Ted Cavanagh, Secretary

MiChoice Disability Supports, offers a variety of services supporting you to take steps in accomplishing your goals; your ambitions; your targets. For some people, goals may be reached in a time that may be lengthy. This may take 6 months; this may take several years of challenges and barriers. That is when we are at our most creative and supportive and our ‘together-journey’ begins


MiChoice Disability Supports, offers a variety of services supporting you to take steps in accomplishing your goals; your ambitions; your targets. For some people, goals may be reached in a time that may be lengthy. This may take 6 months; this may take several years of challenges and barriers. That is when we are at our most creative and supportive and our ‘together-journey’ begins aimtoempowerpeople with mental health or withdisability.We believe every human has the inherent right to live a ‘normal’ and empowered life; to have ability and opportunity to make one’s own choices. We aim to empower people with mental health or with disability

§ Support you in your home, in the community, or at your workplace to build confidence to live an autonomous life.


§ Support you with making the right choice for you and your safety.


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