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Changes to right arrows in Toowoomba
Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) will continue moving towards fully controlled right turn movements at all of its signalised intersections.
In making the decision at the Ordinary Meeting of Council in February, TRC Infrastructure Committee Chair Cr Carol Taylor said, the safety of motorists was the most important factor for Council.
“Any life lost is unacceptable so anything we can do to reduce risk, we should be doing,” Cr Taylor said.
“While motorist convenience and network congestion should be taken into consideration, the safety of all road users should be given the highest priority.
“The Department of Transport and Main Roads recommends all signalised intersections to have controlled right turns as the default arrangement.
“Council has been progressively installing filter right turn movements at signalised intersections it owns and manages for more than 10 years and designing new intersections to ensure right turn movements are fully controlled, either with arrows or through split phasing options.
“This is consistent with the approach taken by other SouthEast Queensland Councils, and is based on a best practice, safe systems approach to road safety.”
Statistics show the main type of crash caused by allowing filter right turns are right-turning vehicles colliding with oncoming vehicles, which tend to become serious accidents.
Across the Toowoomba Region, right turn crashes make up 31 per cent of all crashes at Council-controlled signals.
Further data shows 39 per dent of fatal and serious injury crashes at signalised intersections are as a result of filter turns and controlling that movement has been shown to reduce those crashes by 60 per cent.
Between July 2017 and December 2022, 38 filter right turn crashes resulted in 60 casualties at 21 different Council-owned and managed signalised intersections.
Cr Taylor said in addition to the heartache and emotional trauma experienced when lives are lost, the monetary costs are quite significant and this is in turn borne by all.
“It’s about providing an alternative to this by giving motorists a more safe passage through controlled right turns, rather than leaving it up to motorists to find a gap in the traffic,” she said.
“Though we may judge ourselves as good drivers, we need to remember that not all motorists are of the same capability.”
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We believe every human has the inherent right to live a ‘normal’ and empowered life; to have ability and opportunity to make one’s own choices. We aim to empower people with mental health or with disability
MiChoice Disability Supports, offers a variety of services supporting you to take steps in accomplishing your goals; your ambitions; your targets. For some people, goals may be reached in a time that may be lengthy. This may take 6 months; this may take several years of challenges and barriers. That is when we are at our most creative and supportive and our ‘together-journey’ begins mental health or
MiChoice Disability Supports, offers a variety of services supporting you to take steps in accomplishing your goals; your ambitions; your targets. For some people, goals may be reached in a time that may be lengthy. This may take 6 months; this may take several years of challenges and barriers. That is when we are at our most creative and supportive and our ‘together-journey’ begins
We believe every human has the inherent right to live a ‘normal’ and empowered life; to have ability and opportunity to make one’s own choices. We aim to empower people with mental health or with disability
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MiChoice Disability Supports, offers a variety of services supporting you to take steps in accomplishing your goals; your ambitions; your targets. For some people, goals may be reached in a time that may be lengthy. This may take 6 months; this may take several years of challenges and barriers. That is when we are at our most creative and supportive and our ‘together-journey’ begins
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Support you with making the right choice for you and your safety. Support you with an improved living arrangement to feel at ease in your living environment
§ Support you in your home, in the community, or at your workplace to build confidence to live an autonomous life.
Support you with your household tasks to keep on top of hygiene and instil home-pride
§ Support you with making the right choice for you and your safety.
§ Support you with an improved living arrangement to feel at ease in your living environment
§ Support you with your household tasks to keep on top of hygiene and instil home-pride
Social and community participation helping you stay connected with your community.
§ Social and community participation helping you stay connected with your community.
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