1 minute read
Empower yourself by building
By Natasha Fujimoto
LIFE, at its best, is a hurly-burly of ups and downs full of trials and wins, challenges and aspirations. As we rush to face our lives head on, keeping pace with an ever-frenetic world, it is vital that we take the time to acknowledge the importance of home; that space we can uniquely call our own.
From galley kitchen with Mediterranean panache to the clean retro design of the Danish mid-century lounge, your home reflects not only your personality but your creative control, fostering psychological health and wellbeing.
The significance and enjoyment of home decorating, however, pales in comparison to the emotional rush one gets from building a new home; undoubtedly the ultimate act in self-expression. Building gives one a sense of control, which is seldom achieved elsewhere in life, providing endless options and choices to tailor both an aesthetically pleasing and functional home imbued with safety, warmth and security.
If you want a shelf in the kitchen at exactly the perfect height so you can reach your spice rack, you can build it just so and if you like to play the piano late at night and need soundproofing, you can also make that happen when you build.
Making innumerable decisions as you build not only increases a sense of personal efficacy, which is endlessly satisfying, it also provides a feeling of control which when utilised for the construction of your home, the starting place of love, family and dreams, then lasting pride can only be evoked.
Building your own home is an empowering and lasting act of creative control fostering not only self-expression but pride and wellbeing.