4 minute read
Catholic Education Sandhurst Limited
from The Adviser 1666
by The Adviser
Catholic Education Sandhurst Limited (CES Ltd) is seeking an Education Officer: Literacy to support Sandhurst schools across North East Victoria.
You will:
• Provide support to Sandhurst schools to optimise student achievement and student outcomes in Literacy.
• Assessment, interpretation, analysis and discussion of student data.
• Share best practice, current research and strategies to enhance effective teaching. Develop learning activities and resources around contemporary literary practice.
What CES Ltd can offer you:
• Opportunity to be based in Bendigo, Wangaratta or Tatura. Competitive remuneration package dependent upon experience. Provision of a motor vehicle.
If you are a qualified teacher with current VIT registration, along with specialised knowledge in literacy we would love to hear from you!
The Catholic Education Office Sandhurst (CEOS) Team comprises approximately 100 employees working across seven Functions, supporting over 56 schools within the Sandhurst Diocese and is based across Bendigo, Tatura, and Wangaratta. We are a supportive and friendly team who are committed to working collaboratively with our schools to achieve the best outcomes for our students.
Closing Date for Applications: 5.00 pm Friday 30 June 2023
For more details about the role please download the position description from www.ceosand.catholic.edu.au
SMALL dog kennel, plastic lid comes off for cleaning $120 new,
Public Notices Employment
Territory Manager
Stockfeed (Northern Victoria)
Rivalea is a leading integrated Australian agri-food company, with ex tensive agricultural, processing and marketing interests that support high quality pork production for Australian and export markets.
Previously known as Bunge and QAF, the business is over 50 years old. Now owned by global protein company JBS, Rivalea employs more than 1,000 people and of fers outstanding career opportunities. The company operates across a number of farming, processing and distribution sites in New South Wales and Victoria
About the Role
Due to the ongoing grow th of the Rivalea business, we are currently recruiting an experienced Territor y Manager to join our high performing Sales team Our feed mill (based in Corowa), supplies qualit y stockfeed throughout Northern Victoria and Southern NSW to dair y, sheep, beef and reseller markets. This is a full-time position covering Northern Victoria, and is responsible for building customer loyalty with prospective and existing feed customers.
•Deliver agreed budget sales of bulk and packaged stockfeed
•Provide strong customer service and education including problem solving
•Plan, develop, administer and report on an ef fective

About You

•Ter tiar y qualifications in Agricultural Science or related discipline

•Experience in the commercial agriculture sector
•Sound knowledge of ruminant nutrition
•Ability to develop strong relationships and foster positive interactions with farmers
Did you know?

The Adviser’s Editorial and Complaints policies are available on our website at: http://www.sheppadviser.com.au/ editorial-policy/

If you have any questions or would like to speak with someone about this, please
Territor y Action Plan
•Develop and implement strategies to at tract new customers

•Maintain technical and professional knowledge
•Demonstrated ability to succeed in an agricultural sales and advisory role

•High level communication skills, initiative and strong at tention to detail
•Intermediate computer skills
•Current driver’s licence
Interested? APPLY NOW! If you have any queries regarding this opportunity, or would like to review a more detailed position description, please email the JBS Group Talent Acquisition team at jobs@jbssa.com.au
For more information about JBS Australia, please visit our Career s Page: ht tps://career s.jbssa.com.au
Prize in the form of a GMCU debit card and 8 x $500 prizes Prizes will be drawn after the Grand prize from al the previous winning entries. Management and staf f of participating traders are not eligible to enter this competition at their own participating businesses Management and staf f of The Adviser are not eligible to enter this competition.
PRIZES: 6 x $500 prizes per week will be drawn on June 19th and 26th, July 3rd, 10th and 17th 2023 at 4:00pm digitally at The Adviser, 38-40 Welsford Street, Shepparton The Grand Prize of 1x $5,000 plus 8 x $500 consolation prizes will be drawn after the Grand prize from al the previous winning entries. This draw will be on Monday July 31st 2023 at 4:00pm digitally at The Adviser, 38-40 Welsford Street, Shepparton Prizes will be provided in the form of a Goulburn Murray Credit Union (GMCU) Gift Card, except for the employee winner s’ category In addition three x $500 will be awarded to the business for the most number of entries from participating businesses who employ 1-4 people 5-15 people and 16 or more employees These $500 x 3 prizes will be provided by The Adviser to the winning businesses in the form of a cheque
TOTAL PRIZE POOL: Tota prize pool is $25,500 and al of this must be won.
UNCL AIMED PRIZES:If a winner does not claim their prize by Thursday Augu st 31st 2023 the prize will be re -drawn at 9:00am on We dnesday, September 20th, 2023 at the of fices of “The Adviser” 38-40 Welsford Street, Shepparton, and the new winner will be notified in accordance with these conditions. Any unclaimed prizes will be published in “The AGE” newspaper on Wednesday September 13th, 2023
NOTIFICATION OF WINNERS: Winners will be contac ted by phone as soon as the prizes are drawn. Names of $500 draw winners will be published in “The Adviser” on Wednesday June 21st and 28th July 5th, 12th and 19th 2023
As part of the terms of accepting the prize, the winner has to agree to having their photo published in The Adviser. The name of the $5,000 GMCU debit card prize winner and 8 x $500 consolation prizes will be published in “The Adviser” on Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023 Winners of any unclaimed prizes will be published in “The Adviser” on Wednesday, August 16th, 2023 PRIVAC Y: Information collected on entry forms will only be used to compile statistics on tota value of purchases, tota number of entries, tota number of entrants and postcodes from various areas. No personal details will be recorded and al entry forms will be destroyed once statistics have been compiled and all prizes claimed.


B u y i n g y u r f i r s t h o m e is not impossible.
C o n t a c t y o u r l o c a l L o a n M a r ke t b r o ke r